Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 183 Panic

The three brothers quickly buried the fire, ran back with the bamboo rat, and ran back to the bottom of the big tree, only to see that the bottom was empty and there was no one.

The three brothers of the Zhou family looked at each other and shuddered. This is in the mountains!

With a pale face, Thursday Lang put the bamboo rat in the hands of Saturday Lang, and said, "Run home immediately. If you meet Man Bao on the way, bring her back. If you don't meet her, go home and call the big brother and the others to find her."

Thursday Lang and Friday Lang said, "We're looking for them separately. She can't sprint fast, so if you find someone, bring her back here."

Both Friday Lang and Saturday Lang responded and ran away.

Thursul Lang first looked around, and when he saw the extinguished fire in the bamboo bush, his eyes widened immediately. There was no such thing here before.

So someone has been here?

That full treasure...

Chu Lang's feet softened, and the first thing that came to mind was to shoot Hanako.

He was so excited that he didn't bother to look for it in the mountains, so he rushed down the mountain, wanting to follow the road to find someone.

While calling out Man Bao's voice, Thursday Lang went down the mountain road to find it, and Wu Zhou Lang was already roaring in the mountains.

He searched for a long time and didn't see anyone. He was anxious and angry, so he just stood still, and after getting angry in his dantian, he shouted to the sky: "Manbao—"

Tired of walking, Man Bao, who was squatting on the ground with a sad voice, heard a faint cry, and immediately jumped up from the ground. After listening for a while, he asked, "Keke, did you hear someone calling me?"

Keke was silent for a while and then said, "Yes, in the west of the host."

Man Bao turned around and asked, "Where is the West?"

Koko pointed her in a direction.

Man Bao ran over there, the bamboo rat tied by the rope could only roll on the ground and be dragged forward.

Man Bao ran for a while, and when he was too tired to walk, he shouted up to the sky, "I'm here—"

"Full treasure-"

"I'm here--"

When Wuwu Lang jumped and followed the sound to find him, Man Bao was already covered in mud on his body and face. There was nothing she could do. She dug a lot of mud for Keke. At that time, when she looked up and found that her brothers were gone, she didn't even bother to wipe her hands clean. , After this paragraph, I wiped some of my face and clothes.

Such a look is pitiful in Wuwu Lang's eyes.

Wu Lang ran up and hugged her, crying and laughing, "Where have you been, let's find out."

Man Bao Ze burst out crying and said angrily, "I've been under the tree all the time, and it's you who disappeared."

Wu Wulang was a little guilty. At that time, the bamboo rat ran past the bamboo bushes. They only saw the bamboo rat in their hearts, and they chased after them subconsciously. Where do they remember the little sister who was playing in the mud under the tree?

Wu Wulang quickly apologized, hugged her and said, "It's all our fault, don't cry, and you will beat us to vent your anger."

Man Bao cried a lot, gave him the bamboo rat tied to his hand, and asked, "Where are the fourth and sixth brothers?"

Friday Lang was a little surprised to see the bamboo rat, "Where did you come from?"

Hearing her question again, he shuddered and said with wide eyes, "It's over, the sixth will definitely tell his parents when he gets home."

Wu Lang didn't bother to ask any further questions, so he squatted down and put Man Bao on his back, carried the bamboo rat and ran down the mountain, calling fourth brother as he ran.

It's a pity that they couldn't hear Shirou's echo when he ran back under the big tree.

Wu Wulang felt that he couldn't sit still, so he wandered around anxiously, and said after a while: "Let's leave a letter to the fourth brother, and then go home first."

He rummaged through the bamboo, found a half-burned wooden stick, found a large leaf and wrote on it.

Man Bao looked at her with her mouth wide open, yes, why is she so stupid, she could have left a letter to them earlier, she can write, and the Zhou brothers are also literate.

Man Bao wiped his tears and blamed himself, "Keke, I'm so stupid."

Koko remained silent.

Wu Lang was anxious, and he had already written the letter sweating profusely. He pressed the big leaf under the tree, afraid that the fourth brother would not be able to see it. He also built a few stones beside him.

After doing all this, he carried Manbao and ran home.

Be sure to stop Lao Liu before he gets home, otherwise...

Thinking about it this way, Friday Lang spread his feet and ran very fast.

At the same time, there was also Saturday Lang running fast to the house, but he still remembered the words of the fourth brother, and he wanted to see if there were any treasures on both sides of the road.

So he ran and called Man Bao's name all the way. Occasionally, he had to stop and look for places where flowers and plants were lush, for fear of missing Man Bao.

It took a lot of time to stop for a while, but Wu Wulang caught up.

Wuwu Lang ran out of breath, his throat was smoking, and he had no strength to speak. From a distance, Man Bao saw Saturday Lang running forward on his back, and she immediately shouted: "Sixth brother, Brother Six—"

On Saturday, Lang was running forward with his head buried in his head, and when he heard the sound, he stopped in his footsteps, and turned back subconsciously, and saw that Man Bao was lying on the back of fifth brother and waving at him.

Saturday Lang's eyes brightened, he turned around and ran back. Finally, when the three brothers and sisters joined the division, Friday Lang sat down on the ground, only gasping for breath, and couldn't speak at all.

On Saturday, Lang quickly supported him, while he went to check whether Man Bao was injured, and asked anxiously, "Where did you go, we thought you were lost, it scared me to death."

Man Bao finds a mint for him to eat while giving Wu Lang Shun gas.

Friday Lang's mouth was dry, and the secretion of saliva accelerated after drinking sugar, which made him feel better. He waved his hand and said, "I found it in the mountains, she went to find us."

Both brothers had the feeling of the rest of their lives, sitting on the ground panting.

Saturday Lang also ran in a hurry, and his face turned pale. He reached out to Manbao, "I want to eat candy too."

Man Bao felt a little guilty, and felt that it was all because he was not smart enough to think of a way to leave a letter that made everyone so anxious.

So what the brothers said at this time was what she said, and she quickly took out another piece of candy from her pocket and gave it to him.

With sugar, the faces of the two brothers slowly improved, Wuwu Lang was out of breath, and then he had time to complain about Saturday Lang, "You are running too fast, don't you want to see both sides, in case the full treasure is there Where are you on both sides of the road?"

"I've seen it all. It's so dangerous in the mountains. If I don't run, I'll tell my family quickly. What if Man Baozhen is taken away by a wolf?"

The two brothers sat with each other and sighed, and Wu Zhou asked, "Where's the fourth brother?"

Saturday Lang waved his hand indifferently and said, "I'm still looking for him in the mountains. I didn't find him, but I left him a letter."

He said: "I'm afraid you go back and tell your parents, we will definitely be beaten by then."

Saturday Lang is also very fortunate, they are now at the entrance of the village, isn't it just a little bit?

It was only then that Saturday Lang realized that the fifth brother was still holding a rope in his hand, and then there was a fat bamboo rat tied to the rope. He suddenly widened his eyes and asked, "Where did this bamboo rat come from?"

Friday Lang looked at Man Bao, yes, where did this bamboo rat come from?

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