Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 181 Living Fossils

Man Bao had dug up the plant. She thought it would be troublesome to take it, so she pulled a large leaf and wrapped it, then tied it with a long grass, and hung it on her small satchel.

They don't know when the last plant disappeared, Shirou and the others, but the brothers are used to it.

When Man Bao was very young, he liked to pull all kinds of flowers and plants as soon as he ran steadily. At first, it was the weeds in the cracks in the stones in front of the door of the house.

When he was younger, because Man Bao likes to pull plants with flowers the most, Lao Zhoutou even showed off happily, believing that she was the reincarnation of the flower fairy.

But later, Man Bao pulled more flowers and plants, and after not letting go of the tree, the old Zhou Tou stopped talking about it, and the Zhou family had long been accustomed to Man Bao's behavior.

It was a rare trip to the mountain, so of course Man Bao didn't want to leave like this, so everyone went inside while talking, during which she tore off countless flowers and plants, and also grabbed a few ants with her bare hands, which she held happily in her palm.

Thursday Lang looked very worried. He felt that the family had to prepare some dowries for her, otherwise it might not be possible for her to get married in the future.

As he walked further and further in, the soil under his feet was both hard and soft. Man Bao looked at the soft ground with regret, "This is all fat."

She just started, and Thursday Lang immediately said: "It's impossible for me to come here to dig and carry the soil, it's so far away."

Man Bao said: "Then let's bring crops to plant here, the soil is very fertile."

"There are so many birds and animals in the mountains, and they can't eat enough of anything, so I don't bother."

Man Bao was thinking hard about what to plant that would not be eaten by the birds, but could also be harvested for them, when suddenly Keke's voice sounded in his mind, "Host, please take a walk inside."

Man Bao subconsciously took a step forward, stared at the ground in front of him, and asked Keke in his head, "Hey, is there no grass in front of you?"

"No grass, but trees."

Man Bao stared at the front, and after a while, blinked, blinked again, the big tree in front of him still didn't change.

"Yes, this is the tree."

Well, now Man Bao can't even pretend to be invisible, she said in her heart, "It's too big, I can't dig it out."

It's really big. The place in front of her is quite open, with only a few scattered trees, the largest one of which is the one designated by Keke.

The soil around here may be the accumulation and decay of fallen leaves, and the sunlight is good enough, so the soil in this area is much darker and softer than other places. When people step on it, the branches and leaves crunch. sound.

Man Bao ran over and hugged the tree, because it was too big, and she couldn't wrap her arms around it. She tried her best to look up and couldn't see the top of the tree.

Man Bao felt that she just had the ability to dig it out, and she was not able to complete the conditions of the "quiet income system" required by Keke.

So she simply gave up, and then looked left and right, trying to find if there was a smaller tree like it nearby.

But unfortunately, because of Keke's training, she is very good at identifying living things, especially plants. She just glanced at it and knew that there is no tree nearby that looks the same as this one, or even a similar tree. .

Keke has recovered from the shock, it said: "Don't dig."

This is a living fossil-level plant, not to mention that it is so huge, it is obviously a lot of years old. If it instigates the host to dig and record it, it can get a huge amount of points, but it will also be punished for violating the rules. The penalty points are all light. If it causes the death of the species, it may be sentenced to imprisonment. even formatting.

Keke said: "As long as the host takes photos and scans all aspects, the environment in which it lives can be recorded. It would be even better if its leaves, branches and fruits can be collected."

Hearing the excitement in its voice, Man Bao looked at the tree curiously and asked, "What kind of tree is this, is it amazing?"

Keke said: "Although it is not very sure, it should belong to the fir family. After scanning, I speculate that even now, it belongs to the relict species of the Metasequoia family."

Man Bao understood, that is to say, this tree, even now, belongs to the rare species series, which is very rare!

She looked up at it and said, "It's so pitiful, it's the only one left."

No relatives, or very few.

Standing behind her, Chuu Lang also looked up at the tree and nodded, "Yes, yes, this tree is thick and straight, and I can make a good bed for you in the future."

Wuwu Lang and Saturday Lang also saw it, and they gathered around to take a pat and kick, and they felt that they really got to know each other. Then they peeled off the bark and saw the color inside. I can make a box or something. Man Bao, when the fifth brother is an adult, I will go to my place to choose a good-looking tree for you, and make a few more boxes for you. "

Man Bao, who had been taught to protect rare species since he was a child, hugged the tree trunk and said, "No, this is a rare species, we have to protect it."

"Yeah, it is protected," said Thursday Lang, "I'll tell Dad when we come back, we'll make a mark on the tree when we come back, but we can't steal it and cut it when you say you want to kiss it."

Man Bao: "...The protection I'm talking about is to protect it from being cut, and to keep it alive."

"Then I can't guarantee it," said Thursday Lang, "I'm not a tree lady, how can I guarantee it will live forever? What if it is struck by lightning, what if it dies from drought, and what if it is struck by lightning? What if the insect bites to death? And the tree is used to make beams and furniture. After cutting it down and planting another tree, why should you protect it and keep it alive?"

Because it's a rare species?

But obviously, Thursday Lang couldn't understand this, but seeing Manbao's anxious face, he couldn't explain it clearly. He didn't argue, and responded with a helpless expression, but in his heart he decided to go back and tell his father that in the future, Man Bao's dowry bed had fallen.

Man Bao collected the bark that Wu Lang had just peeled off, picked up a lot of fallen leaves and twigs from the ground, and grabbed a handful of soil, all of which were recorded by Keke.

Thursday Lang and the others didn't notice it at all, because they found a few clumps of bamboo not far from the tree, and just now they saw a cumbersome bamboo rat burrowing into the bamboo clump.

Bamboo rat~~

Bamboo rats look similar to squirrels. They look good when they are fat, and the most important thing is that they are delicious.

So the three brothers of the Zhou family looked at each other, then left their younger sister, who was squatting on the ground trying to dig soil, and crept to the bamboo bushes.

When Man Bao finally put away everything Keke wanted, when he looked up, he found that all three brothers were gone, and she was the only one under the tree.

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