Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 612 Like Me

The imperial mausoleum is more than eighty miles away from Beijing, the funeral procession is mighty, and there is the heavy coffin of Emperor Zhengxuan, all the way forward slowly, coupled with a series of funeral ceremonies after arriving at the imperial mausoleum, by the time they return to the suburbs of Beijing, it is already half a year. months later. The funeral procession returned to the suburbs of Beijing, and King Liang saw Chu Yunpan and Doctor Luo leading the Jingwei forward from a distance.

Chu Yunpan and Doctor Luo got off their horses and knelt in front of King Liang: See the emperor.

King Liang sat on the imperial chariot and raised his hand: Get up.

But Chu Yun didn't get up: Damn me, I failed to escort the emperor to the imperial mausoleum.

Liang Wang waved his hand: You and I still pay attention to this? By the way, how is your wife?

Thanks to the emperor's blessing, the delivery has been successful. Chu Yunpan said.

Birth? Boy or girl?

It's a boy. Chu Yun panned.

Oh? King Liang laughed, Let's go, I'm going to see Chu San's son.

Chu Yunpan was startled, and said with a smile, Yes!

King Liang got off the chariot, and immediately a famous eunuch sent a horse. King Liang turned on the horse and shook the rein severely: Let's go!

The horse rushed out, and Chu Yunpan and others quickly caught up.

Your Majesty! Your Majesty— Liao Shoufu and others behind were startled, and they all rushed to chase after him.

Chu Yunpan's Zhuangzi is not far from here, and he will arrive in half a quarter of an hour.

Several people got off their horses at the vertical flower gate and walked straight inside.

Zhuangzi just entered the courtyard three times. After entering the vertical flower gate, it is the courtyard of the main house.

When you walk in, you can smell a strong smell of medicine.

Liang Wang frowned lightly: What's the matter?

Chu Yunpan said: Yao'er was born prematurely at seven months and is too weak. She had a few fevers a few days ago, but she is still not recovering.

The child has a fever and chokes on milk... There is not a day without worry. As Luo Yizheng said, it was too weak. The couple could not wait to stare at him all the time.

When King Liang turned his head, he saw that Chu Yunpan had lost a lot of weight, with a listless and haggard look.

Several people had already entered the room, and the servant girls were so frightened that they all knelt down to salute.

Your Majesty, please sit here. Chu Yunpan led Liang Wang, Liao Shoufu and others to Xici Room.

I'll call Tang'er. Chu Yunpan said.

Liang Wang waved his hand: She is still in confinement, let her rest well, and don't need to come out to see the ceremony.

Yes. Chu Yunpan agreed to go out.

Walking into the bedroom, she saw Ye Tangcai hugging the baby and coaxing her.

Chu Yunpan took the children: Let them see.

Ye Tangcai sighed softly: Still having a fever... His heart was in pain.

I'll be careful. Chu Yunpan wished he could take care of the sick child. Let the emperor take a look, and no one else is allowed to touch it.

Ye Tang nodded listlessly.

Chu Yunpan took the swaddle carefully and walked to Xici room.

King Liang immediately stood up and walked over, only to see a small palm-sized face embedded in the beautifully blooming tencel brocade clothes, flushed, sleeping soundly with eyes closed.

Liang Wang stretched out his hand to take it, and his hand was soft, and his heart was also soft.

It feels strange, but it makes people happy.

Liang Wang sat down with the child in his arms, and said with a smile, What's the name?

Chu Yao. Chu Yun climbed up.

Yao? Well, good name! Liang Wang chuckled.

The courtiers sitting in the room praised again and again: It means the light shines, what a good name!


Can there be words? Liang Wang said.

Not yet. Chu Yunpan said.

Liang Wang smiled slightly: The big name is Chu Yao, and the word is Zi Xiao.

Chu Yunpan was very happy to hear that he had bestowed the characters: Thank you, Your Majesty, for the characters.

Ah, that's a really good word. The ministers boasted in different ways again.

Hehe. Liang Wang looked at the baby in his arms, patted it lightly, and smiled faintly: Yaoer, Zixiao...

He whispered these two words, but King Liang's heart suddenly became violent. This word was originally given to his own child.

Have five kids? If it had been born, it would have been such a soft mass. At that time, he had thought of a name, but none came out.

Thinking about it, Liang Wang's mood sank, and his expression became gloomy.

The people around also noticed that he was suddenly unhappy, and couldn't help but look at him carefully. emperor?

Liang Wang chuckled: I had several children before, but none of them were alive.

The ministers all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Did King Liang have any children before?

In the past, Liang Wang competed with the deposed prince for the throne. They paid attention to the issue of Liang Wang's heirs.

Now that he is enthroned, some people still think of this aspect of him-he is twenty-six, and other children are seven or eight years old, but he doesn't even have a daughter!

There are a bunch of women in his backyard, and he is the one with the most concubines among all the princes.

The ministers were worried and thought he was barren. But at that time, Chu Yunpan violently pushed people to the throne without any discussion!

Even those who had doubts in this regard did not dare to say more.

Now that he suddenly said this, the courtiers were stunned, regardless of whether it was true or not, they only felt that he said this deliberately to show that there was no problem with his health.

The courtiers quickly echoed: In the past...that was not fate, but in the future there will be.

Yes. The new empress will give birth to the eldest son for the emperor.

Liang Wang's expression still couldn't calm down, and his heart was tangled up.

Looking down at Chu Yao, he smiled and said, I don't have a son, but I have a grandson. His hand stroked Chu Yao's tender face.

The corners of the courtiers' mouths twitched.

Chu Yunpan's face froze.

Hmm... this child... Liang Wang narrowed his eyes, Looks like me.

Pfft! Liao Shoufusheng, who was drinking tea, spat out a mouthful of tea and jumped up suddenly: Your Majesty...

The courtiers were all frightened and froze in place, crazy! crazy! The emperor lost his mind!

Chu Yunpanjun's face darkened, he was really annoyed: Your Majesty, Yao'er looks like me.

Liang Wang chuckled: Chu San looks like me!

Everyone present froze, not knowing what to say.

Chu Yunpan's whole body was not well, and he was speechless for a while. Because Liang Wang always said that he was his son, and called Ye Tang Cai's daughter-in-law.

Now sometimes he says that Yao'er is like him, and sometimes he says that he is like him. In fact, he means that he is his son and Yao'er is his grandson?

I like this child very much, and I want to take him back to the palace to raise him. King Liang said.

Liang Wang became the emperor, but it was strange to change his name, so I kept calling him Liang Wang ≥﹏≤

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