Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 611: Peace

Sitting on the bench in the corridor, Chu Yunpan heard the calls inside and the plates of blood brought out by Qingliu, his brain went blank.

Before he knew it, it was already dark, and when Yuyang brought food, Chu Yunpan couldn't take a bite.

He could hear the hissing sound inside change from loud to small, and then from small to loud.

It wasn't until half past five o'clock in the evening that there were bursts of exclamations from inside.

Tang'er! Tang'er! Chu Yunpan was startled and kept tapping on the door.

With a bang, the door was opened, and Qingliu's pale face was covered with sweat, but with a relieved expression: Congratulations to the third master, the third grandma... gave birth to a little boy.

Ah, she was born... where is Tang'er! Chu Yunpan breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried into the room.

As soon as I walked in, I was greeted with a bloody smell. Chu Yunpan's expression changed, he threw away the bead curtain between the outside room and the bedroom, and rushed in.

The midwife and Madam Du are picking up for Ye Tang.

Ye Tangcai's face was so pale that it was almost bloodless, embedded in the pillow, her eyes were tightly closed, her face was covered with sweat, and Nanny Du was wiping her sweat.

Huiran and Doctor Luo were bathing and wiping the baby behind a curtain, and there was a slight cry.

Tang'er... Chu Yunpan walked to the bed and gently stroked her little face.

Third Master, don't worry, the process needs to be dangerous, but the young master was finally born smoothly. Madam Du said.

Doctor Luo was speaking through the curtain: Madam fell into a coma due to collapse, she was born prematurely and her body was seriously injured, so she needs to take care of herself when she turns around.

Yeah. Chu Yunpan nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at Ye Tangcai.

Wow... wow... There was a burst of crying.

When Chu Yunpan heard this voice, his body stiffened for a while.

Huiran's side had already been washed and inspected, and she turned out from behind the curtain with a swaddling baby in her arms, and handed it to Chu Yunpan. Chu Yunpan was dumbfounded when he saw the little thing in the swaddling baby.

I saw a small ball embedded in the brand-new brocade swaddle, which was completely red. Very small, as big as a kitten. Weeping weakly, as if the next moment will die.

Chu Yunpan reached out to take the child, and the moment he hugged him into his arms, tears fell. The hand is so light, the child does not know if it weighs four catties.

Can such a small group survive?

Master Hou, the old man came to have a look at this child. Doctor Luo said righteously.

Okay. Chu Yunpan nodded. The child was still crying, screaming like a kitten.

Master Hou is going out with Doctor Luo first, we have to tidy up grandma. Madam Du said.

Chu Yunpan lowered his head and kissed Ye Tangcai lightly, then walked out of the bedroom with Doctor Luo in his arms, walked through the hall, and came to the Xici room.

Qingliu and Qi Min had already lit a fire cage between Xici. The room is warm and cozy.

Although it is now the end of April, the weather is warm, but for a newborn baby, the temperature is a bit low.

Chu Yunpan put the child on the couch covered with a light quilt, and Doctor Luo was carefully examining it.

Chu Yunpan said nervously: How? Is there any problem?

Doctor Luo shook his head: There's nothing wrong with it. It's just that she's too weak, and she needs to be taken care of carefully.

Chu Yunpan breathed a sigh of relief, looked down at the yawning little thing, and felt warm in his heart: My dear baby, I am your father.

Luo Yizheng explained one more thing, Hui Ran wrote it down one by one, and Luo Yizheng went out for dinner.

Chu Yunpan was unwilling to leave. Staying in the house, only drank a bowl of porridge, looked at Ye Tangcai for a while, and stared at the baby for a while, really reluctant to leave their mother and child.

After Ye Tangcai cleaned up, Chu Yunpan returned to her with the child in his arms.

But Ye Tangcai was still lethargic.

Chu Yunpan asked someone to move the couch into the bedroom and put the child on it. The house was also set on fire. Stayed like this all night.

Early the next morning, Ye Tangcai finally woke up.

Half asleep and half awake, when she moved her body, she felt that something was wrong. When she touched her stomach, it was deflated! Shocked: My child...

Here. Chu Yunpan walked over with the child in his arms.

Ye Tangcai was taken aback, and then remembered that she had already given birth.

Chu Yunpan put the child beside her, and Ye Tangcai looked sideways at the small ball, her eyes were red with joy and guilt: Baby... I'm sorry.

At that time, she really couldn't control her emotions. In addition to being frightened, this hurt the child and came to this world early.

So young... Ye Tangcai couldn't help crying. She had seen Ye Lingjiao's child before, he was a little chubby, thick and solid.

But her own child is not half the age of Ye Lingjiao's child. With red and thin skin, Ye Tangcai felt very distressed.

The doctor said it's not a problem, as long as you take care of it carefully, it will grow up slowly. Chu Yunpan said.

En. Ye Tangcai nodded. But this child is barely breathing... By the way, is it a boy or a girl?

It's a boy. Chu Yunpan lowered his head, looking at the child on the bed, his heart filled with warmth.

With a sore nose, Ye Tang tilted his head and kissed the child's forehead: Good baby...

There was a sound of footsteps outside, but Qi Min and Qing Liu walked in.

Qi Min saw the baby beside Ye Tangcai, and sighed slightly, this child... so small!

Although seven live and eight don't live, she also saw seven-month-term premature births in the village before, and very few survived!

However, the conditions in the village couldn't compare with Zhenxihou's Mansion, so the chances of surviving were still very high.

Congratulations, you are blessed with a son. Qi Min saluted the two of them.

Behind Qingliu, Madam Du, and the two maidservants of Zhuangzi also smiled and congratulated.

Grandma is really lucky to be a man in one fell swoop. Madam Du said with a smile.

There was a festive atmosphere in the house.

Reward! Chu Yunpan smiled lightly, Sixty-six taels per person. Taking the meaning of blessing.

Six, sixty-six taels? Madam Du and the two servant girls thought they heard it wrong, and gasped. With this amount, even if they worked here for six or seven years, they might not be able to save so much money.

Having received so many rewards at once, the three of them were so excited that they almost fainted.

Huiran and Qingliu had seen Chu Yunpan's generosity long ago. The last time they learned that Ye Tangcai was pregnant, the whole government rewarded each of them eight taels.

The corners of Chu Yunpan's lips curled up: Madam Du has contributed to helping Tang'er give birth, and I will reward another eighty-eight taels.

Ahh— Madam Du was so excited, This money is enough for me to redeem myself. No, no, how could I redeem myself...I want to serve grandma for the rest of my life. With such a master, it would be a lot of money. , who is willing to redeem himself.

Her excited words made everyone in the room laugh.

Qi Min stuck out his tongue: I have it too?

Yes. Chu Yunpan said.

Qi Min smiled and walked forward, What's the baby's name?

Chu Yao. Ye Tangcai caressed his red and tender face, There is a bright sun at sunrise, which means that the sun is rising and the light is shining.

At that time, a bunch of male and female names were chosen, and finally two were decided, one male and one female. Now that a male baby is born, it is called Chu Yao.

At this moment, Doctor Luo was coming in, checked the child again, took Ye Tangcai's pulse, and went outside to prescribe the medicine.

Chu Yunpan said: Doesn't the doctor have to catch up with the emperor and the others?

Doctor Luo smiled and said: No need. After Lord Hou left, the emperor asked me to follow your direction, otherwise how could I come here so quickly.

Chu Yunpan was startled, Ye Tangcai had dystocia yesterday, Yu Yang went out for a while, and then brought Dr. Luo over. It turned out that they were dragged halfway, no wonder it was so fast.

The emperor said that something happened to Madam, whether it's premature birth or something else, I'll let the old man take care of it here, and everything will be discussed after the emperor and the others return to Beijing. Doctor Luo was speaking, and his prescription had already been written, and he handed it to Chu Yunpan: Take these medicines first.

Chu Yunpan nodded: Thank you, Yizheng.

Chu Yunpan handed the prescription to Yu Yang and asked him to take the medicine.

He asked Yu Han to go back to the capital, leaving only Xiaoyue as the gatekeeper, and called all the maids and women in Ye Tangcai's room over. And the nanny who had been prepared long ago.

Fortunately, Zhuangzi's income is not high, but the advantage is that there are many houses, and people who come to a large house are enough to live.

Huiran went to the house, took the silver to thank the midwife, first gave Chu Yunpan the sixty-six taels of silver that was rewarded, and then gave the midwife's silver. Chu Yunpan was grateful to her for allowing the child to be born smoothly, and Ye Tangcai was safe and sound. When he was happy, he gave one hundred and eighty-eight taels of money for the delivery.

The midwife was overjoyed, she was overjoyed, and left gratefully.

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