King Liang's words made the whole room quiet again. Everyone looked at King Liang like a madman. That's Ke Zhenxihou's son!

The emperor actually said that he would take her away!

To put it bluntly, he likes children. Those who are suspicious may think that the emperor is a dead dog, and start to fear Zhenxihou. Is this going to use other people's children to be locked up in the palace as a hostage?

But even if you are really afraid now, it shouldn't be this time!

The dragon chair has not been seated yet! Zhenxihou is still holding a heavy army! Besides, the reputation is not good!

Your Majesty, no! Liao Shoufu and the others screamed out in shock. Lu Zhi held back his anger even more.

Liang Wang snorted coldly and looked at Chu Yunpan: Chu San, I really like this child. I will teach him to read and write in the future.

Chu Yunpan felt a shock in his heart, he also wanted to teach his children to read and write! Chu Yunpan said: Your Majesty—

Third grandma. The servant girl's exclamation suddenly sounded outside.

Chu Yunpan was startled and turned around.

King Liang raised his head, and saw Ye Tangcai wearing a big red satin cloak of green luan, with a pale face, walking in slowly holding the maid's hand, looking a little weak.

See the emperor. Ye Tang bowed gracefully.

Aren't you taking care of your body? Let's keep your body down. Liang Wang said lightly.

Knowing that she was worried about the child, Chu Yunpan gently took her into his arms: Tang'er.

Ye Tangcai coughed twice, and then said: The minister's wife came to thank the emperor for giving Yao'er a letter. There is one more thing... The emperor loves Yao'er, and the minister's wife is very honored. But Yao'er is not yet full moon, and the disease of insufficiency, a moment You can’t do without your parents.”

That's right. Liao Shoufu and others quickly agreed, and Chai Xuezhen gave Luo Yizheng a push: Yizheng said that, right?

Doctor Luo nodded: The child is too weak and needs to be taken care of by the birth mother in order to grow up healthily.

It means that the child should eat the milk of the biological mother. He was already weak, but now that he is cut off from his food, can he still live?

Chu Yunpan said: If the emperor likes Yao'er, when he recovers, I will let him come to the palace to see the emperor more often.

Liang Wang was unhappy, but thinking of losing his biological mother when he was three or four years old, the feeling was really uncomfortable, so he said coldly: Hehe, I was just joking.

Ye Tangcai and Chu Yunpan breathed a sigh of relief.

The courtiers also wiped a cold sweat.

Your Majesty, it's getting late, please return to Beijing as soon as possible! Chai Xuezhen said.

It is indeed getting late, if you hurry up, you will be able to enter the city gate before dark. If the King of Liang wanted to stay here overnight, it would be troublesome, and these courtiers didn't know whether to accompany him or not. After all, Zhuangzi is so big!

Then go back! King Liang snorted softly, looked up at Chu Yunpan: Chu San'er, let's go back together too!


Ye Tangcai is still in confinement. Generally, confinement children can't leave the house, and can't blow the wind. It is also okay to sit in confinement on Zhuangzi. But the child is too weak and always sick.

It's inconvenient to stay in Zhuangzi, if you get sick suddenly, you have to rush back to the capital to find Luo Yizheng. It was Liang Wang who asked Doctor Luo to stay here, but Doctor Luo is best at not treating children's illnesses, and it will be miserable if they can't be cured. Moreover, there are not many expensive medicinal materials here, and you have to run around if you need medicine urgently.

It's still the cheapest way to go back to Beijing.

Then let's go! Liang Wang got up and walked out.

The courtiers bowed their heads and followed him away.

Ye Tangcai turned her head and looked at King Liang's back, her heart couldn't help but tighten.

Seeing her listless expression, Chu Yunpan touched her small face.

Ye Tangcai said: Last were asked to collect her bones, but are you ready? She had never dared to ask about this matter, and whenever she was mentioned, Ye Tangcai felt uncomfortable.

Yeah. Chu Yunpan nodded, Let's wait for a while... When the child recovers, I will go and see her.

You go to the front! Ye Tang picked up a sore nose, and carried the child back to the room.

As for King Liang, she hated him so much!

Actually dropped Sakura to death.

She didn't believe it, he did it unintentionally! Even more unbelievable, he killed her out of desperation!

No matter how she tried to escape from the former Prince Liang's Mansion, she couldn't escape. Now that the security is so tight, can she leave the house under his nose?

If it was said that he had no intention, she would never believe it.

It's just... what makes her most uncomfortable is that she can't save her by herself!

Chu Yunpan went out to get ready, Ye Tangcai was sitting on the bed with the child in his arms, Qi Min was also feeling listless.

Huiran, Qingliu and Baishui were packing things aside.

Seeing that Ye Tangcai was in a bad mood, Bai Shui said, Third Grandma...don't think too much, and don't blame yourself. You have a deep affection for the princess...but we don't have a deep friendship with her, so we don't understand it. My It means...from a standpoint of righteousness, she must be this result.

With Zhao Yingqi's background, it is impossible to be a queen. Her results can only be neglected or dead. This is her ending that the world can accept, and they will not even blame Liang Wang.

And Bai Shui is such an ordinary person or one of the people in the world. Zhao Yingqi died there, only sighed, she would not blame Liang Wang too much, and would not feel that Liang Wang did something wrong. It even felt like it was a natural ending.

Because Zhao Yingqi was born to be the disgrace of King Liang, the world laughed, if she didn't die, it would be King Liang who was ridiculous.

The common people only look at things from the perspective of the overall situation. Empress Zheng and the crown prince are traitors who entrap King Liang and give him a pariah, a silly concubine to humiliate him. He also killed the king and seized the throne. In the end, King Liang succeeded in saving his father, and both Empress Zheng and the deposed prince were arrested and punished as they should. The shame of the stupid concubine was finally thrown back in front of the abolished prince, and the rebels were surprised and confused by the abolished prince, and instead took him into the army.

The world will only applaud! I think this twist is so beautiful!

In this scene, Zhao Yingqi is just an item labeled as shameful!

People are sympathetic, but more are indifference and selective neglect. What they want to see is this scene, so they don't have time to care about the mood of that shameful item. He would even automatically imagine that this disgrace is with the prince and others. He deserved what happened.

To outsiders, Zhao Yingqi is really nothing.

Third grandma... Bai Shui still wanted to say.

Enough, what are you talking about. Hui Ran glared at her. Go out!

Bai Shui immediately shut up, and went out with Qing Liu.

Ye Tangcai felt even more uncomfortable, because Zhao Yingqi died, and the world still couldn't get the sympathy of the world, and the world even applauded.

It's just... Bai Shui's words make some sense. Hui Ran said, It's only because the third mistress is close to the concubine, so I feel uncomfortable. But the third master... has always stood in the position of the emperor. For the third master, that is Existing like a master like a father, a brother and a friend. If the third mistress still wants to have a good time with the third master, the matter of Princess Liang... don't talk about it any more in the future.

Even ordinary people like Bai Shui think so, Chu Yunpan, who is obviously on the side of King Liang, may only sympathize with Ye Tangcai, but he can't bring up this topic again.

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