Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1741: Yangdingtian

Just as Yan Shifei and others gradually inspired the sacred power of the Yangxian Sword, in the distant Jiuyang Sacred Palace, some people felt the fluctuation of matrix formation.

This is a suspended platform.

"Someone touched the formation of the Sundown Abyss!" In a splendid hall, the eyes of a man wearing gold light and a long beard flashed, as if the flames were burning, the hot eyes seemed to penetrate After the void, I saw the distant world.

His brows frowned.

"The formation has been touched again?" In this Accord next to it, a peerless woman wearing a gold silk shirt opened her narrow eyes, and the pig-pig island-fiction .. But I don't know what happened? "At the moment, she immediately took out a mirror that was glittering with gold light, and then immediately drew a trick and deduced it.

The light lines flickered on this mirror, and the lines flickered immediately.

Then, the flames rolled in the mirror, and a strange world evolved.

This world is exactly the same area as the Fall of the Falling Sun.

When this world evolved, the scene of the condensed array of Yan Shifei and others immediately emerged.

"Someone wants to break the battle!" The woman's eyes narrowed.

She continued her deduction, and the figure in the picture kept clearing.

"These are the old parts of those two bitches?" Suddenly, a murderous spirit permeated the woman.

This woman is the wife of the current palace master Yang Dingtian, named Yuexianer!

"I want to save them, no way!" After a cold hum, she immediately walked out of this attic.

Yuexianer strolled out, just to see the oncoming suntop sky.

"Damn, are you okay?" Yue Xianer's eyes were surprised.

"I already know about the fall of the sun," said Yang Dingtian, his eyes fixed.

"Then do you want to let those two come out, or ..." Yue Xianer said with a little coldness.

"Since they have been sealed there, it would be more trouble if they were allowed to come out," Yang Dingtian said.

Thinking of those two sisters, he could not help but sigh slightly.

After so many years, he can't forget the events of that year.

Now he is unwilling to face those things.

That being the case, it is obviously easier to keep them trapped.

"Well, let's stop them from breaking the battle!" Yue Xianer said.

"Well!" Yang Dingtian nodded and said, "I have let Ling Tian wait for someone to go out."

"Lingtian?" Yuexian Er nodded slightly, "So good!"

This Yang Lingtian has the Jiuyang Eucharist, which is strong and rare for the Holy Palace.

With his shot, you will naturally save your heart.

Then Yang Dingtian and the moon fairy walked towards the core of Jiuyang Holy Palace together.

In the holy palace, young people followed.

The geniuses of Yang Lingtian, Yang Linghai, and some seniors in Jiuyang Holy Palace were all dispatched.

A total of twenty quasi-gods!

"Relying on these people is enough to take them down." Seeing this, Yue Xianer's corner of his mouth evoked a cold arc.

The group flew together to the area where the teleportation array was located and prepared to leave the holy palace with the teleportation array and go to the sundown abyss.

Just at this moment, a shocking sound suddenly sounded outside the Jiuyang Holy Palace.


I can only see the huge sacred palace heaven and earth, there is a sudden light flickering on the sky, and the ancestral array of Jiuyang sacred palace is activated.

This is a peripheral array of gods, not a killing battle.

But such arrays are rarely activated.

Because the Jiuyang Holy Palace is a lord in the sanctuary, it has few powers to compare.

How many people dare to commit?

So this array is rarely activated.

But at this time, it was activated, and the dazzling light bloomed, like the veil of heaven, covering the mountains.

A divine power filled with it.

This surprised everyone.

"What happened?" When the large array was excited, Yang Dingtian's eyes were astonished.

"The formation method will not be triggered rashly, is someone coming to commit it?" Yang Lingtian and others beside him also frowned.

"I sue the lord, someone is coming!" Just then, a quasi-god came and reported to Yangding Tianyu.

"Someone is committing a crime?" Yang Dingtian's eyebrows were bent, his eyes were majestic, and he said, "Who is the criminal?

"Headed by Mo Zhengyang!" Said the reporter.

"What! It's him!" Yang Yan said with a look of surprise, but then he murmured, "It should be him."

"Mo Zhengyang!" Yue Xianyue next to her frowned.


At this moment, the world shook, the gods trembled, the light patterns trembled, and they looked like they were going to be shattered.

"Go, take a look." Yang Dingtian groaned a little and said immediately.

"But over the sun-falling field ..." Yue Xian'er frowned, said.

"You take some people over there," Yang Dingtian said.

Then he strode forward and headed forward.

Now that an enemy is coming, he must go to retreat.

Otherwise, the gods blame him, and he will have a hard time doing it.

After all, despite his extraordinary talents, he was inferior to those **** sons.

He still had to deal with these matters.

"Good!" Yue Xianer nodded, and then left Yang Lingtian and sixteen quasi-gods with a teleportation array.


Outside the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

Here are towering mountains.

At the same time, there is a **** tower array that goes straight into the sky.

This is used to watch the periphery and guard.

The formation is connected here to defend the enemy.

It's just that the light curtain in front of it is trembling, and it looks like it will be broken.

Several quasi-gods frowned on the tower.

"This Mo Zhengyang is so strong!"

"He was a hero of my Jiuyang Holy Palace, and his talent was only slightly inferior to the contemporary palace master."

A few people whispered.

These are the elderly who have lived for hundreds of years.

They recognized the offender at a glance.

Only some young demigods don't know who this Mo Zhengyang is.

"This person is my Jiuyang Holy Palace?" Several young demigod eyes were surprised.

At this time, they could clearly see the situation outside through the ancient mirror.

Where, a magnificent man with a gold crown is holding a battle go, beheading at this large array.

His battle was very strong, tearing the sky under one blow, and even the horrible divine power released by the Shen Zhen was resisted.

Such a mighty power, it seems that only the God King soldier can have.

The average practitioner cannot compete with it at all.

The **** array outside Jiuyang Holy Palace can't repel this person either.

"Yes, this Mo Zhengyang is indeed my Jiuyang Holy Palace!" Said one of the elders.

This is the captain of the guard.

"Then why did he come to commit crimes to my palace?" This made many newcomers miserable.

Sudden changes like today have led many people into the demigod from the royal road.

Many patrol guards at Jiuyang Holy Palace also have a state of demigod.

"Ah," one of the old men sighed, "This is the change that year, which caused him to leave my Jiuyang Holy Palace!"

Thinking of the accident that year, the old man was extremely sneered.

That change of life not only made Mo Zhengyang a person withdraw from the Jiuyang Holy Palace, but also made the two heavenly daughters of Jiuyang Holy Palace embarrassed.

Now thinking about it, the figures of the two peerless ladies could not help but appear in front of the old man.

How good are these two people?

Not only is it beautiful and glorious, but it is rare in the world, even the talents have forced the contemporaries of the Jiuyang Holy Palace, only worse than that of the palace.

But such a beauties, but because of that change was embarrassed.

"What happened?" This made those younger generations suspicious.

"This matter is forbidden to be discussed by the palace master, you still don't have to ask." The old man said, "Let's work together to control the formation to resist them."

When the words fell, he injected the divine power into the array in front of him.

Suddenly, the array of blooms of God pattern turned into a beam of light straight into the sky, into the entire array.


Within the array of light curtains, the **** pattern condensed and evolved into a Tianyang, when the air was suppressed toward Mo Zhengyang outside.


Outside, Mo Zhengyang held the battle Ge, tearing that day directly.

Then he stepped forward and kept approaching forward.

Beside him, the man in the black robe stretched out his big hand, a dark scimitar scimitar flickered with divine patterns, and was chopped forward.

The two shot together and soon appeared before the formation.


Daoman cracked, chopped on the array of light.

This caused the array light curtain to sag and cracks to appear.

The next moment, the battle of Mo Zhengyang was also cut on it.


A muffled noise came out, and finally the Shen Zhen light curtain cracked a hole.

"Go!" When this mouth appeared, Mo Zhengyang stepped straight through the mouth and entered the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

The ghostly warrior, who was wearing a black robe and had a dark atmosphere, followed suit.

At this point, the two men seemed to be aggressive, but they were like a dragon in a tiger's hole in Longtan, and they would die for a lifetime.

"They came in!" When this Mo Zhengyang stepped into the formation, the demigods on the tower were all showing fear.

With their strength, it is obviously impossible to compete with this person.

"This guy actually came in, it's really reckless!" The old Zhunshen frowned, his eyes showing surprise.

But he knew the foundation of Jiuyang Holy Palace.

It's nothing if the surrounding matrix is ​​broken.

Because this is just an ordinary **** array.

Moreover, it is their ordinary guards who preside over this formation.

If the true heroes opened the ancestral formation of the Jiuyang Holy Palace, how many people could leave alive?

There is still a chance for Mo Zhengyang to leave.

But as soon as it enters the formation, it will be difficult to escape.

This entry means nine lives!

"Yangdingtian, come out for me!"

After settling here, Mo Zhengyang's eyes were bright and light, and the low voice sounded when he took the big step.

The purpose of his visit to Jiuyang Holy Palace is to make things bigger, so that the people of Jiuyang Holy Palace have no time to go to the chase of the sun, so as to gain time for Sister Yan.

Even if this is still not guaranteed, the two sisters Yu Tianjiao and Lan Xinyue can be rescued.

But he has no complaints!

Some things, no matter what the outcome, must be done!

"Brother Zhengyang, since you have already withdrawn from the Holy Palace, why are you here?"

When Mo Zhengyang strolled, the guarding old quasi-god stepped forward.

He looked at the man ahead and sighed.

This Mo Zhengyang was one of the heroes he admired.

But goodbye now, but his heart only booed.

"Are you Chu Can?" Mo Zhengyang frowned.

"Oh, it's rare that you remember me." The Chu-quasi-god smiled bitterly.

There is joy in this smile.

Fortunately, this genius still remembers his ordinary disciple.

But he wasn't happy inside.

Because they were their contemporaries at the time, and they once fought together and became friends.

Only in the end Mo Zhengyang rode into the dust and became a hero.

But they are old friends after all.

He also didn't want to see this person buried here.

"While the palace masters haven't come yet, you leave!" Said Chu Chan with a sigh.

"Leave?" Mo Zhengyang laughed and said, "Oh, I'm here this time, Mo Zhengyang has no plans to leave."

"You ..." Chu Chan sighed and wanted to persuade.

But before he said more, the silhouette in the back flickered, and a powerful coercion fell down.

This made him frown ~ ~ and quickly looked over his head.

"The lord of the palace!" He turned back, but his face immediately became ugly.

Behind that, Yangdingtian led some quasi-gods from Jiuyang Holy Palace to stroll.

"Now the palace master appears, I'm afraid it's not easy for Mo Zhengyang to leave."

This Chu Chan shook her head, and her sadness appeared between her brows.

"Three arrived, asking for a monthly ticket. The old demon is now in the hospital. My dad suddenly felt dizzy and was weak all over yesterday. Then, I went with him to the hospital and had to be hospitalized for observation. Today I will go to the photo. I have to have a colonoscopy and a gastroscopy. , Check it thoroughly, [If you add my personal prestige, you can see the news of my circle of friends yesterday afternoon] In this case, I have to take leave because it is estimated that I will live for a few days, it is still in good condition Under the circumstances, life is impermanent and many things are unpredictable. It was just yesterday that many friends had already added old demon prestige and gave the old demon a red envelope, which in turn gave hundreds of them. Yuwei's business book lover gave one hundred first, and then gave After five hundred, you can change your monthly ticket for 120 chapters. I also promised him to renew it. But who knows that this kind of thing will happen, I am helpless, but since I promised, in the past few days, I will take time for the mobile phone code. Words, try to update as much as possible, hey, life is impermanent, everyone cherish the front, take care of your body. "

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