Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1742: Grudge

"The lord of the palace!"

Inside Jiuyang Holy Palace, Yangdingtian strolled with a group of quasi-gods.

At this time, many people in the Jiuyang Holy Palace were shocked, and many strong men had already strolled towards it.

Yang Dingtian was wearing a golden robe, he wore a gold crown, his hair fluttered in the wind, and a vast momentum was raging toward the front like the sea of ​​Jin Yang.

Behind him, the dazzling Jinyang light blooms, as if it had evolved from the heaven and earth of Shenyang, and when the light ripples rise and fall, the sky and earth are floating.

Under such momentum, the guards such as Chu Can couldn't help breathing down.

"The lord of the palace!" Everyone saluted together to the suntop sky.

Yang Dingtian waved his hand, and the eye light condensed, like the same round of Jin Yang, tightly locking Mo Zhengyang in front.

"Master Zhengyang, you shouldn't be here." Yang Dingtian looked majestic, looking down at Mo Zhengyang like an emperor, and said in a loud voice.

"Hehe, younger brother?" Mo Zhengyang laughed. "A good younger brother, do you still remember this fellowship?"

In this smile, full of contempt.

"Things of the past have passed, why can't you let go?" Yang Dingtian's face sank. "Now the road of God will open. With your talent, as long as you cultivate well, you will become a god. You may be in the future. Sovereign, but if you care about the events of that year, you're afraid that you will be put in forever. "

The words were cold and threatening.

"Past?" Mo Zhengyang's eyes were cold, and Jin Yang was flickering, if there was a flame to spit out, "Jade Girl and Blue Girl are trapped in the fall of the sun, so they will pass? Huh, you are ruthless, but I Mo Zhengyang is not the same. In your heart, perhaps what Shinto is supreme, everything else can be abandoned. "

"But in my eyes, Mo Zhengyang, guarding the talents I want to protect is a lifelong pursuit. For the so-called Shinto, giving up the people I want to protect, I can't do it!"

Mo Zhengyang said loudly.

"It seems you really want to destroy yourself." Yang Dingtian's eyes were cold, and he strode forward.

The golden light on his body shone like a sharp blade fell forward.

"No more nonsense, today, you and I will fight!" Mo Zhengyang held the battle Ge, pointing at the Yangding heavenly way.

"Oh, do you want to hold me here? Let people go to the chasm of the sun to save people, but, by virtue of you being so kind and trying to save people, it's simply delusional." He stepped out, "Today you not only can't save people, I'm afraid you'll all be here."

When the words fell, his palm moved, and a golden spear appeared on the palm of his hand.

The vastness of the mighty power shook.

At the same time, there is a respectable **** behind him who also takes out the soldiers and is ready to shoot at any time.

Two of them have the king of soldiers.

These are also two guys!


As soon as Mo Zhengyang's eyes were condensed, the light on his body bloomed, and the power of the dazzling Shenyang burst out.

Behind him evolved a Shenyang heaven and earth.

He has the body of Shenyang!

In addition, the next Onimusha shot with all his strength.

He is also a personal masterpiece, but he has a mischief.

He is holding a machete.

This is the skeleton of the **** king.

When the yin is diffused on his body, the bone knife is wriggling with divine patterns, a ripple blooms, and a ghostly ghost evolves, and if the evil spirit is roaring, the horrible breath makes people feel disgusted. I was also afraid, because this is a **** king soldier, in which many god-level ghosts are refined, making this soldier infinitely powerful.

However, the people in Jiuyang Holy Palace shook their heads when they saw this.

Two quasi-gods, they killed the Jiuyang Holy Palace, which was like hitting a stone with a egg.

Soon, two people from Jiuyang Holy Palace killed the soldier with the King of Magic Soldiers.

The palm of a person's palm evolved into a plate of Shenyang.

This plate is like a sun, blooming with a vast array of **** patterns, carrying the strong power of Tianyang to suppress it.

Under the suppression of the power of this sun, the eerie ghostly world shook for it.


But the ghost warrior was not afraid, and there was a cry of ghosts in the spooky ghostly world. Vaguely, he could see the figure appearing and slamming directly towards the void sky?

This is the grieving spirit of the gods. It is extremely powerful and has been refined into the **** soldiers.


The other man was chopped over, holding the Jinyang sky knife.

The two shot together and were aggressive.

Onimusha tried his best to make one enemy and two, but he did not fall into the downwind.

But the two quasi-gods were not in a hurry, just so exhausting.

Because the mobilization of the magic soldiers will be extremely expensive.

If this continues, there will be no battle.

On the other side, Yang Dingtian fought with Mo Zhengyang.

"Oh, I haven't seen you for years, my brother has made some progress!" Yang Dingtian's spear burst and went away like a shock from Shenyang, with a strong momentum.

With one shot, he could break the stars and burn the heavens and the earth.

But Mo Zhengyang was not bad, and he was completely tied with him.

So he smiled slightly and said so.

It can be seen that his calm appearance also obviously has means, and self-sustainment will not be defeated.

"The elder brother's talent is different. He is the Jiuyang Eucharist. Zhengyang has to fight with you, but he has to practice hard." Mo Zhengyang said coldly.

He was expressionless, but just killed with a battlefield.

He was not in a hurry to try his best.

Because of his purpose this time, he just wanted to drag a few masters of Jiuyang Holy Palace.

"Oh, it's just that the gap between you and me is already doomed, can you make up for it through hard work?" Yang Dingtian smiled softly, and there was confidence in the smile, and there was a bit of contempt. His eyes flashed sharply, and the body surface was immediately blooming with golden lines.


The golden veins bloomed, soaring into the sky, the whole void shuddered.

Then behind this sun-top sky, nine rounds of sky-sun evolved.

Jiuyang appeared, a vast coercion immediately shrouded the void.

That coercion made the distant practitioners nervous.

This sundial sky impressively has the Jiuyang Eucharist.

Moreover, his Jiuyang Eucharist is even purer than Nayang Lingtian's.

It can be said that Yangdingtian is the most outstanding descendant of Yangsheng Palace for thousands of years.

Jiuyang evolved, making him more powerful.

Only to see him pulling with both hands, the power of Jiuyang constantly poured into the magic gun.

Even if the magic gun is activated, a powerful true element is needed.

Under the blessing of these nine suns, the momentum of the magic gun multiplied.


Only to see this sun-striding sky stride forward, a shot stabbed forward.

Above his head, the nine suns floated up and down, evolved a heaven and earth, suppressed with the power of Shinto.

Under this heavy attack, Mo Zhengyang felt great pressure.

But he was still fearless, and he also tried his best to run the power of Shenyang, cutting it with the battle Ge.


The two confronted each other, the power of Shenyang bloomed, and the void was collapsing. The power of Shenyang tumbled, and wherever it was, the mountain was divided into flowing magma.


At this time, Yan Shifei and others in the fall of the sun have begun to break.

In front of the old cricket, the Yangxian Divine Sword glowed with fiery light, and the power of cracking raged, causing the nearby void to be distorted.

"Break!" The old man pulled with both hands, and a flash of Yangxu Divine Sword was stabbing towards the weakest part of the array in front.


Yang Xu Shen flashed, and instantly penetrated the void.

The moment it appeared, it had already touched the weakness of that array.

Excalibur is stabbed firmly on top of the formation.


Suddenly, the array of light curtains sank and looked like they were going to be pierced.

But the same is true, the array is triggered, there is a divine pattern creeping, condensing strength, and fighting back.

Most of the formations have this kind of counterattack.

The formation method counterattacks on its own, to resist the Yangxian Sword.

Keyang Xuexian Sword is too strong, it is a sword dedicated to breaking arrays in the name of breaking Xuxu.

At this time, the magic sword light pattern bloomed, offsetting the power of the array.

The two sides are entangled and constantly fighting.

The formation of the Sundown Abyss is indeed very strong.

But it wasn't controlled by anyone, it was just an instinct to resist.

Therefore, its power is far from being exerted, so it cannot repel the Yangxu Sword.

The Yangxu Divine Sword is still breaking, and it is fighting with that blazing flame.

At this time, the divine rays of the entire array of Sundown Abyss, as they were ignited, released their vast divine power.


The flames were like a dragon, and like a stormy wave, they swept towards the sisters Yan.

This is the aftermath of the formation, which contains endless divine power.

Such momentum is enough to burn both demigods and quasi-gods into nothingness.

The old stunner's eyes were condensed and guided by his tactics, and the divine head above his head immediately bloomed a dazzling light.

This is a magic soldier with fire properties, like a blazing hood, protecting Yan Shifei and others.

The flames hit, but were resisted.

After all, it is the twelve quasi-gods that are spurring the soldiers to resist.

Just the aftermath, they cannot be wiped out.

Of course, this resistance is also extremely exhausting.

It is also that they have reached the quasi-god state, if the demigods cannot support it for how long.

"I do n’t know whether they have sensed fluctuations in the formation method." While resisting this aftermath, sisters Yan Shifei looked worried as they looked forward.

It was just that the flames rolled forward, and they could not see the situation of the falling sun.

Even the situation of that Yangxu sword can only be controlled by the old aunt.

They still control the formation at this time to resist the force of fire.

Within the fall of the sun!

There are thousands of miles here, a barren field, and some have only a few fire-type plants.

But there is also a Dongfu here.

The cave is covered with lines to resist the fire force.

At the same time, in Dongfu, there is a temple made by Hanjing.

At this point, the Dongfu light pattern flickered and two women came out.

These two women, one is as beautiful as a fairy, the other is as cold as a god.

These two people are truly Yu Tianjiao and Lan Xinyue.

"That array of light curtains is sunken, it seems that someone is breaking the array!" As the two stepped forward, they immediately discovered the change of the void array method in front.

Even, they can already see cracks in that light curtain.

"Is it Shi Fei them?" Yu Tianjiao frowned.

"Anyway ~ ~ This is an opportunity, we shot together, inside and outside should break this array." Lan Xinyue's eyes lightened.

Although they are trapped in a large array.

But they can also feel that the restraint of the rules of heaven and earth on Shinto is weakening.

Even, they set foot in the quasi-god realm.

"Good!" After hearing the words, Yu Tianjiao nodded, and then walked away.

Lan Xinyue took out a magic sword.

Yu Tianjiao is a guqin in the palm of his hand.

The two then shot together.

Lan Xinyue's long sword was cracked, and she wanted to penetrate the seal with her sword.

This Yu Tianjiao caressed the guqin.

Naqin sound bursts, immediately turned into invisible sharp blades, also raging towards the seal. Mobile users please visit mobile website

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