Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1740: Fall of the Sun

Near the area where Jiuyang Holy Palace is located, Sister Yan appears.

At this moment they were saying goodbye to the two quasi-gods.

The two sides seemed easy, but they knew each other, and this time, I don't know how life and death.

On another Hida, four women and two men also stepped out.

There was a bit of sadness in their eyes when they looked at Mo Shibo.

"Take care!" Even with thousands of words, everyone finally uttered these two words.

"Take care!" Mo Zhengyang smiled arrogantly.

"Take care!" The man in black who is next to him is a stubborn face and a fist.

Subsequently, their flying magpies turned into Changhong, passing through the void, and headed towards the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

Until that flying eagle disappeared into the line of sight, Yan Shifei and other talents retracted her eyes.

"It's time to go after the sun's abyss!" Behind Princess Shiyan Yan, a beautiful woman in a palace dress said with a little calmness.

"Well!" Yan Shifei nodded.

Yan Shiyan next to her face was cold and glamorous, and couldn't see much mood swings.

"This time, we have a very small chance, and we may be killed by the people of Jiuyang Holy Palace. Do you think about it?" Seeing the two sisters nodding, the beautiful woman in a palace dress frowned slightly Wrinkled, she asked immediately, and in her heart, she felt a bit intolerable, because the sisters were too young, and there was great hope, and they should not be buried here.

Although they have been planning for a long time!

The two people, Mo Zhengyang and Onimusha, were in charge of a god-king ashamed respectively.

But the rich heritage of Jiuyang Holy Palace, can they both compete?

Especially now that the Son of God is born.

It was clear that the death was a death, but they still had to go.

Because in these two days will be the weakest seal of the Sundown Abyss.

At this point, there is still a chance to break the seal and rescue the Yu Tianjiao and Lan Xinyue!

If you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid it will be more difficult in the future.

"The Master has the gift of remaking for us. Even if I die this time, what's your complaint?" Yan Shifei said lightly on the forehead show.

The same is true of Yan Shiyan.

If they were not saved by the Master, how could they live to this day?

"It's so good." The woman nodded, and was very satisfied with the two sisters.

Such a heavy heart is worthy of her young lady's cultivation.

"It's a pity that I couldn't meet with one." Although there was no regret in her heart, there was regret in Yan Shifei's heart.

In her mind, Xiao Yun's figure emerged.

Originally, they were thinking of asking Xiao Yun to assist in this matter.

With the help of Xiao Yun, it is more certain to rescue her master.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yun is not in the sanctuary.

Moreover, the seal that chased the sun was too weak on this day, and they could not wait.

If you miss this opportunity, it will be even harder to rescue.

For this matter, these old friends of her Master did not know how long.

Due to affection, sisters Yan had to follow along to rescue them.

In the past few years, they have been retreating, just to prepare for this.

"So, let's go!" The woman began.

"Good!" Sister Yan nodded.

call out!

Subsequently, six flying puppets turned into Changhong and flew towards a distant void.

The Fall of the Sun ...

This is an ancient forbidden area.

According to legend, this is a round of nine-day sun from ancient times that fell to the ground and turned into an abyss.

In the end, this abyss was moved into this sanctuary by a **** of the Nayang family in the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

In fact, many forbidden places in the sanctuary were moved in from outside.

Like Gu Mingshi, their ancestral land was not in the sanctuary, it was moved from the outside world, and it was embedded in the sanctuary.

The same is true of the ancestral land of many clans.

Before reaching the Abyss of the Falling Sun, I just saw the distant field rendered into red by the flames.

The whole world seemed to be shrouded in flames, and the hot breath followed in all directions.

Coming here, the degree of the six flying slugs slowed slightly.

"Is the fall of the sun coming?" Looking at the heaven and earth ahead, the sisters Yan Shifei and Yan Shiyan couldn't help narrowing their eyes, looking at the distant world.

It was from here that they got out of trouble.

The mind was released. After confirming that there were no people in the Jiuyang Holy Palace in front, Yan Shifei and they flew forward.

As they continued to move forward, the Hida was finally completely shrouded in Cabernet.

The hot air engulfed them like a stormy sea.

The sky in front of the sky was full of clouds, and the flames rolled like a sea of ​​fire.

This is the fire of the sun. Under this kind of flame, it can be described as hundreds of thousands of miles in red ground, and a barren area nearby.

After the sea of ​​fire, you can see a huge abyss.

This abyss is completely shrouded in flames, and if you look closely, you can feel the perfusion of Shinto.

This is the fall of the sun.

Looking at the abyss in front of them, Yan Shifei and Yan Shiyan showed their faces completely.

When they came out there, they were almost burned to nothing by the fire of the sun.

It was also when they left that they were wrapped in an ice crystal soldier to resist that power.

The same is true. No one at the Jiuyang Holy Palace was stationed here, so the sisters of the Yan family left safely.

Because the average emperor can't bear the power of the sun that pervades the fall of the sun.

When they were born, there were very few demigods, even if they were, they were not here.

The six flying magpies are blooming with gods, carrying sisters Yan and others together.

At the same time, one of them was holding a red star disk, sensing the force of the seal in front.

The red star disk has pointers and is constantly rotating.

Finally, it stopped turning, pointing in one direction ahead.

That's the direction to the left.

"There is the weakest part of the power of the seal." Suddenly, the person's eyes lightened, and he drove the flying puppet towards it.

Yan Shifei and others followed.

The stronger the power of the sun in front, it is hard to resist.

Fortunately, they are all god-level, and can completely resist this power.

Soon, everyone came to the edge of the Sundown Abyss.

The fire waves in front of the sky, swept away by the Shinto pattern.

Some of these lines are released by seals, repelling others.

There is also the Shinto breath of the power of the sun, which is now released.

Upon arriving here, the old man began to look for the weakest point of the seal.

First, you have to touch the seal to know where the weak point of the seal is.

Then tear it up with the magic soldier.

In this way, Yu Tianjiao and Lan Xinyue in the fall of the sun can sense the seal, and break out.

Originally, all this was simple.

As long as you find the point in time and prepare a powerful soldier, you can break the seal.

In fact, everything is not so easy!

That is Jiuyang Holy Palace!

Once this seal is torn, people in Jiuyang Holy Palace can feel it.

At the beginning, Yan Shifei and the two were stunned, so that people in the Jiuyang Holy Palace sensed.

At that time, Yue Xianer came to investigate, and after deduction, it was not Yu Tianjiao and Lan Xinyue that came out, so she was relieved and did not try to pursue the sisters. However, she also sent someone to pursue It was just that after the sisters Yan left, they immediately used the amulet to leave the area.

After that, Xianer took care of the place even harder this month.

Near here, there are guards from Jiuyang Holy Palace.

In addition, there is a teleportation array in the Jiuyang Holy Palace. As long as it is turned on, you can come here in an instant.

In short, Yan Shifei and others did not dare to be taken lightly.


The old uncle's finger lightly emptied, and a fire pattern poured into it.

Suddenly, a fire pattern bloomed on the abyss in front, and a huge light curtain emerged.

There was a wrinkle of godliness on this light curtain, and an immense amount of Shinto power swept in all directions.


The power of the sun was like a dragon, and immediately swept towards the sisters Yan and others.

This is the repulsive force that comes with the seal.

Anyone who rashly touches the seal will cause exclusion.

If it is an ordinary practitioner, it will be burned into nothingness directly by the power of the sun.

Sisters of Yan's sisters and others were surrounded by gods in bloom.

In this way, they can resist the repulsive force.

Rao is so, the flying maggot was still set off and landed ten thousand meters away.

In Feiyu, Yan Shifei and others tried to stabilize it.


Hida stabilized, the air waves rolled ahead, making the void tremble.

The old uncle's body was also steadily stable.

This person has also reached the quasi-god state, and there is a Tianyang **** plate suspended in the air.

It was the same, and she stabilized her figure.

Immediately after stabilizing her figure, she deduced with the red star disk.

The star hand rotates, sensing the weakness of the seal in front.

Finally, the star pin locked an area.

"There!" Her eyes glowed fiercely, "form together, break the seal together!"

"Yes!" At present, the sisters Yan flew in haste.

The six flying slugs were stowed away, and the sisters Yan immediately walked away.

Nine people appeared beside them.

Seven of them were women and two were elderly.

Plus Sister Yan and the old man are twelve!

Most of these twelve people are their old friends of the year of the Master.

The twelve people came together immediately.

First of all, the old man urged God to hover in the air and keep them safe.

Then all the people formed.

"Now the formation method is touched, the people in Jiuyang Holy Palace must know this, and we have to break the formation." Said the old man.

The crowd nodded and all shot together.

The old man's palm flipped, and a sacred sword appeared.

This is a magic soldier named Yang Xujian!

This magic soldier is not only a weapon of the Yang Dao, but also a weapon that breaks the virtual weapon, and is the only magic weapon to break the battlefield.

Twelve men marched together, pulling their hands, the light pattern soared into the sky, turning into a cyclone.

The cyclone agitated, and various **** patterns were poured into the sword.

This is the power of all people, together to urge the **** pattern of Yangxu sword.

In order to wield the power of the divine soldiers, not only the cooperation of soldiers and spirits is required, but also sufficient divine power is needed.

These people are just quasi-gods, and it is obviously not enough to move the lines of the magic soldiers, so it is necessary to have twelve people together.

If the emperor is difficult to break from the outside.

In it, the formation is not exclusive, and breaking is slightly easier.

But it's hard outside ~ ~ Even the gods can't get close to this sunken abyss.

When the twelve people's divine power was injected into the Yangxian Sword, the scorching patterns on the sword were immediately stirred, and the vast Shinto power burst out.

This divine power is like a sword-mangling, tearing the void directly.

"It is worthy of the Yangxu Sword!"

At the same time, they booed in their hearts.

You know, in order to find this magic sword, they have spent countless hard work!

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