Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 920: The crew’s counterattack

Ye Ming can be said to be the most popular actor in China recently, and his new movie Slumdog Millionaire is also very eye-catching. With so many stars joining in, this movie attracted almost everyone's attention from the beginning. Therefore, any slightest news about this movie will arouse everyone's attention.

This time is no exception. Someone sued the crew, which naturally became a feast for the entertainment industry.

At this time, everyone was expressing one idea, that is, whether this guy was really deceiving people. To deceive extras is to bully a vulnerable group. Such a crime will have a huge impact on a star.

But this time, Ye Ming didn't respond at all. He didn't give any answers to reporters' questions about how to make a movie.

Originally, everyone thought that with Ye Ming's temper, a young and high-spirited person, if he was framed, would he be able to let it go easily?

This thing is simply impossible.

Young people who are not full of blood. But Ye Ming didn't say anything and waited directly until the court heard the case.

At this time, Su Mazi and everyone sat directly at the door of the court waiting for the hearing to begin. Several extras expressed their opposition to Su Mazi.

A relatively young-looking young man said: "Lao Su, I think what you did in this matter is a bit unreliable. Can you just litigate casually? Didn't it be agreed at the beginning, scare you, and then reconcile directly later? Is it over? If this is the case, so many reporters, whether we win or lose, will offend Huihuang Film and Television. How can we hang around in the 49th City of Beijing in the future? "

This question is rather strange. Indeed, if we look at it under such a situation, no matter whether they win or lose, these extras will never be able to hang out in the capital.

Ye Ming will never let them go.

Big stars will not casually suppress group performers or lower their scores.

But the premise is that you don't seek death and don't provoke those big stars. Otherwise, on such an issue, you will be kicked out of the circle.

A circle has its own unspoken rules. Don't mess with people you can't mess with. It's an unwritten rule in the entertainment industry, and for Su Mazi and the others, Ye Ming is someone they can't mess with.

With a gap of twenty yuan, no one expected that Sumazi would actually file a lawsuit. Now it's hard to get off the horse. Even if they don't want to go to court, this matter is out of their control.

Sumazi also said angrily: "Do you think I want to litigate? In fact, I don't want to litigate in a situation like this. Reconciliation is the best for us, and maybe the best for both parties, but The problem is that if Ye Ming and the others don't accept the settlement, they will definitely start a lawsuit. What can I do? If we don't sue now, it will be even more embarrassing.

Do you think they will let us go if we don't sue? "

Yes, things have reached such a stage now that even if Su Mazi and the others don't sue, it is estimated that Huihuang Film and Television will not let it go.

Therefore, this lawsuit must be fought hard.

Regarding a problem like this, no matter what it is, this problem is indeed beyond the control of a few extras.

In fact, the extras didn't see the cunning look in Su Mazi's eyes. The leader of the group is the leader of the group. Without two brushes, would he dare to be the leader of the group in the capital?

That's impossible. Even if Su Mazi's acting skills are not as good as those of second-tier actors, there is no problem with third-tier actors. It would be extremely easy to fool his subordinates and other extras.

At this time, Sumazi had already received enough benefits from Time Warner. He also bought a house and two shops in his hometown. Anyway, even if he went home and paid rent, he would spend the rest of his life. Eat and drink without worries.

Regarding such an issue, no matter what it is, Su Mazi can advance and retreat freely. If it is blocked, the worst he can do is go home to see his grandson.

As for the remaining extras? Sumazi couldn't control them anymore.

Ye Ming will naturally not come, and Su Mazi will not sue Ye Ming directly. It is simply impossible. Now Ye Ming is also protected by the relevant departments, let alone Su Mazi suing and Ye Ming. There is no direct relationship with Ye Ming. Even if there is some relationship with Ye Ming, the relevant departments will directly suppress such a matter.

Because Ye Ming is still one of the image ambassadors for the Olympic bid, this is the most critical time for Beijing to bid for the Olympic Games. If Ye Ming has some problems on such an issue, it is not Ye Ming who is embarrassed, but the entire Olympic bid committee.

Therefore, even if Ye Ming is in trouble, the relevant departments will directly suppress it. What's more, a small salary dispute has no direct relationship with Ye Ming.

Even if he sued Ye Ming, the court would not accept it.

People at Time Warner also know very well that on an issue like this, it would be most appropriate to sue the Slumdog Millionaire crew at this time.

This time, it was lawyer Ouyang who came to respond to Su Mazi's lawsuit. When Lawyer Ouyang appeared in suits and ties, the reporters went crazy and came up one after another to ask Lawyer Ouyang for his views on this matter.

As expected, Mr. Ouyang has the air of a general. When faced with questions from many reporters, he showed no stage fright at all. If a person with this kind of psychological quality becomes an actor, at least a second-rate actor will have no problem. If there is a suitable opportunity, a first-rate actor will not have no chance. Lawyer Ouyang only answered all reporters' questions in four words, "We'll see." Let everyone wait and see the outcome of this matter. Then Lawyer Ouyang entered the court directly.

After all, unrelated people are not allowed to enter the court at will. Except for a few media outlets, such as Tianchao TV, other reporters are directly blocked.

Lao Bai even said to Yu Guo directly: "Director Yu, tell me, what is Ye Ming's chance of winning on this issue? This is completely different from Ye Ming's previous character. There has been a lot of commotion on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Well, in such a situation, Ye Ming refused to respond at all. Could it be that Ye Ming was confident? "

Because Lao Bai also went to Hong Kong City to make a living, so everyone just smiled and put aside some of their grievances with Yu Guo, and did not regard some past things as the same thing at all.

Under such circumstances, when he returned to the capital, he unceremoniously asked his old acquaintance Yu Guo to answer such a question. After all, among the many reporters, Yu Guo has the best relationship with Huihuang Film and Television. If there must be some inside information, then it is estimated that only Yu Guo among all the reporters can get some information.

At this time, Yu Guo also said helplessly: "I don't know, Lao Bai, I won't hide it from you. This time, I really don't know. However, according to the feedback from the crew, it is impossible for Ye Ming to be unsure at all.

Look at the past, even on the Fengyun crew, if anyone wanted to punish Ye Ming, they were immediately dealt with by Ye Ming. This time, I think there will definitely be no problem facing a few extras. Ye Ming is unwilling to answer this question, which may mean that under such a situation, Ye Ming himself is unwilling to answer. If he answers, he will give everyone a chance. I guess he is waiting for a sharp counterattack from the court? "

Maybe other reporters may not agree with Guo's confidence in Ye Ming, but Lao Bai has suffered losses in Ye Ming's hands before, so for Guo's ambiguous answer, he nodded. : "Maybe. Judging from their lawyers, they seem to be full of confidence in this case. Let's wait and see. I dare say that these four words were said by Ye Ming. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a lawyer to say such things. That’s overbearing. Those extras are quite impressive. I heard that there are people behind them, otherwise they wouldn’t be so courageous to do this."

Yu Guo thought for a while and said: "This Su Mazi, I have interviewed him before. Once I was doing a news about group performances, and I interviewed this person, an old fox. He seems to have a close relationship with the Hua Yi brothers. Generally speaking, Hua Yi All of Yi Brothers’ movies feature him and several of his men.”

Lao Bai was rather surprised by such news. Several extras dared to sue Ye Ming's crew. Lao Bai and other old reporters knew this. There must be someone behind this Su Mazi, otherwise If so, then Sumazi doesn't have such a list at all. But not much is known about the person behind this.

After Yu Guo said this, Lao Bai thought for a while and said: "You mean, behind this deal with Ye Ming, are the shadows of the Hua Yi brothers? The relationship between Director Feng Xiaogang and Ye Ming is very good. In this case, Brother Hua Yi wanted to deal with Ye Ming when he was a child, is this possible?"

Yu Guo paused and said, "It's impossible that it was Director Feng Xiaogang's intention. Maybe it was Wang Zhongjun's intention. Otherwise, things might not be so complicated. Anyway, after two hours, the matter will almost come to an end."

When the time comes, we will know exactly what is going on inside. "

At this time, all reporters are paying attention to the proceedings in the court. The outcome of this matter is something that the entertainment industry will have to wait and see.

In court, Sumazi presented his own evidence, a contract signed with the crew of "Slumdog Millionaire". Although it was not formal and was handwritten, no matter what it was, it was still a contract. No, since there was a contract, and in accordance with the custom of taking proper care of the weak, the atmosphere in the court was more on Sumazi's side.

Of course, in a situation like this, the court will still ask Lawyer Ouyang if he has any new evidence to present.

This means the judgment is about to begin. We are relatively clear about this fact, and the social impact is also a relatively large matter. The court also has its own considerations and will make a ruling as quickly as possible.

Lawyer Ouyang said with great confidence: "Dear your honor, reporters from the media, and friends who are here to observe, we have a key piece of evidence here, which is that the plaintiff in this case had contact with an employee of Time Warner. Video, this video can directly prove why the plaintiff sued the defendant. It was because Time Warner was behind it. If no one was pushing it, then the defendant would not have the guts to sue with a contract full of loopholes. our."

The video is very clear, as clear as a movie. The proud look in Rodman's eyes was very clear.

And there was not only the transaction between Rodman and Mazi Sum, but also the conversation between Ai Qiuhua, the president of Time Warner Asia Pacific, and Rodman. This is explosive news, and ordinary people would never expect it. How does a mere group leader in the capital have anything to do with the eight major film and television giants in Hollywood?

But the reality is indeed like this, there is indeed a relationship, and it is not an ordinary relationship. Obviously, the video can clearly show that people from Time Warner were behind this.

Moreover, Ai Qiuhua also directly asked Rodman not to be directly involved in this matter and to remove Time Warner from it. Moreover, according to the meaning in the video, Huayi Brothers of China was also involved in this matter.

There is no doubt about this. All the audience at the scene were shocked. The same is true for reporters. It can be said that reporters are well-informed, but they did not expect that Ye Ming did not respond to this matter at all, but he was holding back in court and wanted to fight back. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. In fact, everyone was just waiting for Ye Ming to make a joke at this time.

Mazi Su was suing the crew of "Slumdog Millionaire", but in fact, everyone knew very well that the purpose behind this was to deal with Ye Ming.

Therefore, everyone is waiting to see how Ye Ming will respond to such a situation and whether he will compromise. Maybe everyone thinks that Ye Ming is most likely to compromise at this time. After all, all the evidence directly indicates that Ye Ming has no ability to fight back.

But in fact, Ye Ming has a trump card that surprises everyone. An astonishing killer.

Once this video is released, you can imagine what an astonishing reaction there will be.

It is simply explosive news, and it is truly surprising news that can make everyone in the entertainment industry dizzy.

Ye Ming didn't respond on the set. In fact, he didn't bother to respond because he was sure of winning. (To be continued)

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