Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 919: Ye Ming’s crazy fan

Since it was Ye Ming who came forward for this matter, no extras will be reported to the media at this time. If it is spread, these extras will have to bear Ye Ming's anger. No actor is willing to face the anger of an emperor and superstar. Yes.

Moreover, even in the media, the lunch maker in this matter has been arrested by the police, and the matter has been settled, so naturally there is no news to write about.

The only thing that could possibly be said is that it attracted attention, which is probably why the extra act making lunch boxes did that. As a result, a reporter who was really busy checked out a result like this.

He really found out the results of the police interrogation. It turned out that the lunch maker himself made too much lunch at noon. In fact, if the leftover rice was placed in the refrigerator, it would be nothing. Heating it in the afternoon might not be unusable.

Anyway, as long as you can't kill people, group performances should be more difficult and simple. However, he really put the rice in the refrigerator this time. As a result, he went out to buy things and forgot to plug in the electricity.

That low-quality refrigerator couldn't last even half an hour after the power was cut off, and the rice became stale in the afternoon. But this person was reluctant to throw it away. It was so difficult to make money, so he mixed the rice into the rice cooked in the afternoon.

It turns out that the extras are not fools, and there is something wrong with eating them. In fact, this is not to say that only one crew of "Slumdog Millionaire" had this problem. Five other mainland crews and two Taiwanese crews all encountered this situation. As a result, the extra actor was fined. A bankrupt.

He didn't have anything to punish. He couldn't even pay a fine of 10,000 yuan and he went bankrupt. Anyway, he was detained for half a year. This is the longest detention period for a film crew.

In fact, to be honest, there is really nothing to write about and nothing to say about this matter. Reporters naturally have little interest in these things.

Such a turmoil on the crew actually passed away. Without Ye Ming's strong suppression, it is really not clear whether this matter would have developed into a group incident.

After Ye Ming went back, Andy said with some surprise: "Director Wang, you were the one who called the police just now, I'm surprised. As a director, you can't even tell the crew to order someone's lunch box yourself. Ask me, otherwise you need to be a stage manager or an executive director. You can't do everything yourself as a director, can you?"

This is indeed a fact. No matter how powerful a director is, under such a situation, it is impossible for him to take care of all the matters of the crew.

Therefore, regarding a question like this, Ye Ming actually knew who the person who made the lunch box was. The key was where the person who made the lunch box was. He knew very well that the police took him there within half an hour. I caught it. Such a speed is breathtaking. The key is that the information provided by Ye Ming is very accurate.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Of course I won't personally intervene in this matter, but when I was doing group performances, I encountered a collective food poisoning. At that time, it was because the crew was a public unit. This matter was suppressed forcefully, and the Internet at that time was not that developed, otherwise this matter would have really caused a stir.

Therefore, in such a situation, I became the director, and the person who made the lunch boxes did not dare to say that I had to check the eight generations of his ancestors. Anyway, I asked about the name, age, contact address, where his hometown was, and his hobbies. I will always arrange for someone to investigate thoroughly before ordering a box lunch. Once something goes wrong, in a situation like this, I can go to someone directly.

This time the person who made the lunch box was an alcoholic. After all, this guy usually went to a fixed place to drink after finishing his work, so naturally he was sure to catch him. "

In fact, the one who made the lunch never thought that he was just unwilling to throw away the spoiled rice, which resulted in such serious consequences. Although no one was poisoned and no big incident occurred, the key is that the impact was bad.

As a result, he was detained for half a year. This is also a warning for the relevant departments to scare the monkeys and those who are taking chances.

Ye Ming said it was easy. One reason was that Ye Ming was indeed well prepared, and the other reason was that Ye Ming was very angry. Many people were waiting to see his joke. Therefore, at this time, he was unwilling to show up. thing.

As a result, he didn't expect that he was well prepared internally, but something happened externally. This result made Ye Ming very angry. Good guy, isn't this bullying?

Therefore, Ye Ming directly used the Entertainment Empire system to locate the box lunch maker, and it was accurate to where he was sitting on the table in the stall drinking.

When the police had this information and the fact that it was not a film crew who complained, they naturally arrested the lunch maker quickly to quell the public outrage. The filming in Shanghai later became very smooth, and the custom-made lunch boxes were all made in regular hotels. In terms of safety, there wasn't much of a problem.

Under such a situation, those who were waiting to see Ye Ming's joke were quite anxious. That guy Sumazi sued Ye Ming, but Ye Ming basically didn't say anything in response.

The court naturally followed the procedures, but the speed made the media reporters and people from all walks of life very depressed. It's been two weeks and it hasn't started yet.

As a result, the court originally planned to open the case in half a year. This is basically a normal thing. It is very normal for a lawsuit to last for one and a half years.

Naturally, the media and those in the circle who were waiting to see Ye Ming's joke couldn't stand this issue.

At this time, someone actually said hello, and reporters also wrote news saying that extras were a vulnerable group. In such a situation, the court had to deal with special cases. In half a year, the crew was disbanded, so why should we file a lawsuit?

Therefore, the court actually said that it had changed its original decision and said that the case would be heard in three days.

On this point, the court is relatively flexible in how it handles matters. At this moment, the crew has returned to the capital. The scenes in Shanghai have been filmed, and the rest is the filming in the capital.

At this moment, Sister Fang Fang took the record and said: "Boss, the trial is going to be held tomorrow. Should we submit the evidence now, or let Lawyer Ouyang submit the evidence after the trial."

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Hype, since it is hype, then in such a situation, we naturally have to suppress this easter egg until the end before letting everyone know it. If it is said that we have rashly disclosed the evidence now If it is submitted, it will not be explosive at this time. Let Lawyer Ouyang be prepared to directly submit the evidence in court.

By the way, although this bastard Sumazi stabbed us in the back, don't kill them all in the end, otherwise the media will say that we are not allowed in Delhi. The key is Time Warner. The bastard actually said that for the copyright of Harry Potter, I am playing dirty tricks, this is absolutely unforgivable. "

He is not alone waiting to see Ye Ming's jokes, but Su Mazi is just a chess piece. Ye Ming is a better chess player. Su Mazi is not a threat at all. Therefore, there is no need to kill them all. In such a situation, his biggest The enemy is Time Warner, so these people are the ones who have no priority to deal with.

At this moment, those who are most concerned about Ye Ming's case are naturally the three swordsmen of the Ye family, Wawa, Miaomiao, and the small landowner of the village. These three beautiful girls had already arrived in the capital early. They even clamored to find a team of lawyers to help Ye Ming fight the lawsuit, but in the end they were directly rejected by Ye Ming.

Ye Ming needs to train his company's lawyers to do this. After all, Lawyer Ouyang will face many similar cases in the entertainment industry in the future. It's always good to gain more experience.

At this moment, Wawa gritted his teeth in a private club and said: "Our family controls three media companies. We must keep up with the publicity. We also need people to help write soft articles in newspapers. In this case, at least we can guide Everyone knows what the truth is. Meow, have you contacted the media in Hong Kong City?"

Miaomiao said with great certainty: "No problem, I have asked my elder brother to greet the reporters, and even wrote a press release to them personally. In this case, we will be able to report the results as soon as they appear. .

As for the wireless station, we don't need to worry about it at all. We can just let Ye Ming's agent handle it. The relationship between ATV and Ye Ming is very strong and they will help. The media in Hong Kong City will definitely stand by Ye Ming. "

As a result, what the three of them need is the result. As long as the trial result of the case comes out, then in such a situation, at this time, there will be a storm of news on the Internet to clear Ye Ming's name.

Because Ye Ming said that he would definitely win, because Ye Ming had ironclad evidence in his own hands. On such an issue, as Ye Ming's die-hard fans, they believe Ye Ming's words without reservation.

What is a die-hard fan? A die-hard fan is a fan who believes without reservation that his idol is right. Even if the idol is wrong, at this time, others are also wrong.

Wawa and the three Musketeers of the Ye Family Army are die-hard fans of Ye Ming. No matter how they say it, they all believe that Ye Ming is right. There is no doubt about it.

Therefore, the three of them came to the capital just to wait for a result.

In their opinion, since Ye Ming said there was no problem, there must be no problem.

This time, most of the domestic media have learned the lesson.

Although Wang Zhongjun also used part of his power to let some media blackmail Ye Ming, was Ye Ming so easily hacked?

History has proven that the consequences of black leaves often end in tragedy. Therefore, those who only said that they did some negative reports about Ye Ming for the sake of sales and to attract readers' attention. They are all small local newspapers and the like.

As long as it is a slightly larger newspaper, it will not express its opinions casually.

In such a situation, they all sit back and watch, waiting for the court's decision.

Therefore, even if Wang Zhongjun said hello, they would just shirk it. It was really hard to shirk it, so they would just say a few words of comfort from the perspective of the overall situation.

On the contrary, some media in Baodao Harbor City are on the weaker side and condemn Ye Ming. Some foreign media are even paying attention to the progress of this matter. After all, Ye Ming is the Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars. , the emperor superstar of the Asia-Pacific region, is also considered a small influence in the world, so it is normal for him to receive attention.

But foreign media are not so polite. The media in Baodao and Hong Kong City also took into account Ye Ming's reputation and had some different voices, but they definitely did not offend Ye Ming to death, so even black Ye Ming has a limit.

But those foreign media are controlled by people from Time Warner, so in such a situation, it is perfectly normal for them to side with a vulnerable group like Sumazi.

If Ye Ming was not discredited, it would be impossible for the people at Time Warner to acquire the copyright of Harry Potter in an open and honest manner.

You know, almost everyone knows that Ye Ming is the owner of the copyright of Harry Potter. If it is not obtained through legal means, Time Warner's reputation will be damaged. This is a film company The most undesirable situation.

Therefore, under such a situation, Time Warner must use such a method to reasonably and legally obtain the copyright of Harry Potter.

And it would be extremely easy to discredit Ye Ming. As long as Ye Ming's reputation is ruined, it is only normal for Time Warner to take the opportunity to acquire the copyright of Harry Potter at a time like this.

Overseas, Time Warner is playing at home, and it is not easy for Ye Ming to intervene.

Of course, at this time, foreign media are also waiting for the court's decision. If the verdict is that Ye Ming loses, even if there is no result in this trial, this will be very detrimental to Ye Ming.

If Ye Ming wants to turn around in such a situation, then in such a situation, he must win this court hearing.

And it is said that a clean victory can reverse the current situation that is unfavorable to oneself. (To be continued)

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