Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 921: The Troubles of Brother Huayi

The crew regained their composure, and the outcome of the incident was unexpected. Rodman was directly fired, and Ai Qiuhua was transferred back to Time Warner headquarters. It is estimated that he will also receive certain punishment by then.

Time Warner has not yet said who the new president of the Asia-Pacific region will be. But this time, it’s true that Time Warner has become a laughing stock in Hollywood.

The reason why it is said that it has become a joke for Time Warner, rather than that it has become a laughingstock, is that in such a situation, Time Warner still has Harry Potter in hand, as long as it has the right to adapt the novel into a movie , then Time Warner is the big winner in Hollywood. The box office of Harry Potter is very surprising.

Even the 007 Terminator series is not as profitable as this series. Of course, this time Time Warner and Ye Ming had such a quarrel, and everyone was speculating whether Ye Ming would directly take back the adaptation rights.

At this point, Fox and Paramount secretly sent people to make some contacts with Ye Ming and asked Ye Ming if he had any intention of changing hands on Harry Potter.

Of course, there are also rumors that Time Warner's Harry Potter will change hands in the next episode.

Under such a situation, Time Warner naturally began to repair the relationship with Ye Ming.

In addition to sending someone to explain that Ai Qiuhua had made the decision without permission, he also invited Ye Ming to attend the premiere of the Harry Potter series of movies, something that had never happened before.

It seems that Time Warner only asked Ye Ming to be a judge when filming the first Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It seems that after this, Harry Potter and Ye Ming have no direct relationship.

The key point is that Harry Potter is really profitable. It is not just ordinary money-making, it is simply a gold mine.

Therefore, the people at Time Warner initially thought of kicking Ye Ming away and enjoying themselves. But in the end, I didn't expect that my own president of the Asia-Pacific region would be involved.

However, Time Warner's decision to kill Ma Su in tears was quite straightforward. It directly took down Rodman and then transferred Ai Qiuhua away. The purpose was naturally to calm Ye Ming's anger. Inviting Ye Ming this time was also to repair the relationship with Ye Ming.

At this time, those who were fighting were waiting to see how Ye Ming would deal with this matter.

After Time Warner representatives arrived, they discussed with Ye Ming for some time and then left directly.

No one else knew what the outcome of the meeting was. Anyway, the Time Warner representative didn't say anything and went back directly.

And Ye Ming didn't comment on this matter at all.

But in the end, Ye Ming rejected invitations from companies such as Fox and Paramount. It was obvious that Ye Ming actually had no intention of directly turning the film adaptation rights of the Harry Potter novel into a cash cow for other companies.

Many people are speculating on what kind of bargaining chip Time Warner people used to persuade Ye Ming to agree to settle the case. This is one of the most difficult secrets in the entertainment industry to unlock.

Of course, there are other major events that affect the entertainment industry, such as Jackson's 20th anniversary concert. It seems that this is also related to Ye Ming.

In China, Ye Ming's case was not ended so easily. This matter involved the Huayi brothers. Although there was no direct evidence to prove that the Huayi brothers were involved in this matter, Ai Qiuhua meant a lot. Obviously, Brother Huayi is one of the accomplices.

If this were in the United States, it would not seem to be a big deal. Without direct evidence, even the President of the United States would not be able to do it.

But this is in China, and China has always relied on the leadership’s wishes. Whether Brother Huayi was involved in this matter this time, whether there is any evidence, this is not important. What is important is whether the leader believed this matter in such a situation. If it is said that the leader believed this matter, Then when it comes to something like this, it becomes more interesting.

No need for evidence at all, just deal with the Huayi brothers directly. In fact, this is also the case. Regarding such an issue, the Olympic bid is the most critical thing. Now Ye Ming is the Olympic bid ambassador. The people above have repeatedly told everyone not to provoke Ye Ming, but they did not expect Hua Yi. The brothers still used this method. This was definitely a show of opposition to the leader. As a result, this incident made the leader very angry.

What Brother Huayi did was a bit of a traitor. Therefore, the punishment for the Huayi brothers is also quite severe.

This time, Feng Xiaogang sat in the small conference room with a livid face. There were only four people in the conference room at this time. One was Wang Zhongjun who said nothing, one was Ge You who had nothing to do with him, and the other was Sister Wang Jinghua was a little anxious.

Feng Xiaogang's anger can be imagined. This time he patted the table bitterly and said: "It's better now, it's better now. This matter has become like this, and our company has suffered. Originally, this year I I planned to make a movie to participate in the Lunar New Year film competition, but this time my plan has to be completely revised. Our company's one-year shooting quota has been directly revoked. This is something that has never happened in the entertainment industry again."

When making a movie, naturally you need a filming permit.

Of course, there are hundreds of underground films produced across the country every year. These are all low-cost, so low that they have no hope of being released in China. Naturally, the underworld does not need a filming permit.

For example, the coal-mining film "Blind Shaft" in which Wang Baoqiang participated was an underground film. Later, Wang Baoqiang won the Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor because of this, and this is how Wang Baoqiang's grassroots counterattack happened.

But generally, regular domestic film companies have to send in the script, wait for it to be reviewed and approved, and then the General Administration will give the approval and start shooting.

This shooting quota is the lifeblood of the film company. Therefore, under such circumstances, the Huayi Brothers' one-year quota was cancelled. One direct result was that the mobile phone of the New Year movie that Feng Xiaogang was preparing was taken away. .

Originally, the script was sent over when it was lost. At this time, the General Administration called and said that your company's quota has been taken away. Now, there is no need to shoot with the mobile phone.

At least this year there is no possibility of filming. How could this not make Feng Xiaogang angry?

The key is that some actors, such as Zhang Guoli, have been informed. They have given themselves a schedule. This time, you said that your movie can no longer be filmed because of their schedule. What kind of thing is this?

No wonder Feng Xiaogang would get angry in such a situation.

In fact, Wang Jinghua did not expect that such a thing would have such a result.

Ye Ming is more difficult to deal with, but with Time Warner supporting him at this time, Wang Jinghua believes that even if Ye Ming is not brought down, it will still make Ye Ming more troublesome at this time. If it can cause trouble to Ye Ming, then Wang Jinghua will be very satisfied with such a problem.

Unexpectedly, Ye Ming actually fought back. How could he have those videos? Did he really have the support of the country behind him and be able to get any information he wanted? What is the difference between this and James Bond? ah.

If what Ye Ming is really standing behind is the power of the country, then what else is there to do? Just surrender directly.

Even if it is surrender this time, it is estimated that others may not agree to it. Wang Zhongjun finally said: "Xiaogang, tell me, if such a thing means that we surrender and have a good relationship with Ye Ming, then is there any room for maneuver in such a thing?"

The key now is how to deal with the aftermath. Time Warner can leave, but it is impossible for the Huayi brothers to leave China.

Therefore, how to deal with the aftermath has become the biggest problem for the Huayi brothers. If it is impossible to reach a reconciliation with Ye Ming at this time, then on such an issue, the matter will definitely not end easily.

Feng Xiaogang thought for a while and said: "It's not easy. Ye Ming, this kid, holds a grudge. Even though he was not very famous back then, he was not willing to suffer at all when facing a big star like Zheng Yijian.

Why did the Fengyun crew not ask Ye Ming to go to the premiere that year? It was because the relationship between Ye Ming and Zheng Yijian was not good enough. In order to take care of Zheng Yijian's mood, the director did not invite Ye Ming to come over. Think about it, what we want to plot against is the copyright of Harry Potter in Ye Ming's hands. Is this hatred small? "

Indeed, the copyright of Harry Potter is a gold mine. If you directly calculate Ye Ming's gold mine, this will not end casually.

Wang Jinghua thought for a while and said: "But it was Time Warner who directly took action on this matter. Moreover, the matter between Time Warner and Ye Ming was originally said to be more hostile than us. They can both reconcile, and both of them can reconcile. If Time Warner can make peace, I think we can do it as well."

Feng Xiaogang said angrily: "The reconciliation between Ye Ming and Time Warner is temporary. I dare say that the relationship between them will not end so easily. Moreover, the calculation formula hi says that they have temporarily reconciled."

But at this time, what price did Time Warner pay to reconcile with Ye Ming? Is it possible for our Huayi brothers to pay such a price? Have you thought about this? "

Among the Huayi brothers, the Wang brothers are actually at the top and the boss. The two major groups below them are the local faction headed by Feng Xiaogang and Gen Hongmiaozheng. Another one is Wang Jinghua’s group. Wang Jinghua’s group has just come to Huayi Brothers and they haven’t had much time.

But Wang Jinghua's methods are amazing. Therefore, in such a situation, Wang Jinghua has the power to compete with Huayi brothers and Feng Xiaogang.

But in this company, if there is only one pillar, it is considered a good one. If it is said that there are two, it must actually mean that there will be a certain contradiction.

Therefore, when it comes to an issue like this, some things cannot be settled so easily. Moreover, on such an issue, the conflict between Feng Xiaogang and Wang Jinghua's quality inspection documents has almost become public.

Wang Jinghua once again pulled her people away. The reason was actually because she had conflicts with Feng Xiaogang in the company.

Feng Xiaogang's outburst this time was just an excuse for a conflict accumulated in the past. There always has to be a reason for the outburst, right? In such a situation, Feng Xiaogang obviously seized such an opportunity with ease.

Therefore, he was not polite to Wang Jinghua at all. This time Wang Jinghua's eloquence was of no use.

That's the way it is. Whatever conditions Ye Ming wants, Time Warner people can afford them, but Huayi Brothers may not necessarily be able to afford them.

It is impossible for Wang Zhongjun to look at Wang Jinghua at such a time and not be able to fight back at all.

In such a situation, Wang Zhongjun finally spoke up himself: "It's true that Ye Ming is a grudge-bearing person, but he is also an emotional person. Let's talk to Fan Binbin, Su Youpeng and Lin Xinru. Let's talk about it. Then you can see if there is a possibility of success. Or do you have any good ideas? Arguing now will not make any sense. The solution to the problem is the most important to the company.

Xiaogang, you and Ye Ming have a good relationship. Why don't you and Ge You go there once to see what Ye Ming thinks? We can always have a good idea. "

Although Feng Xiaogang said he wanted to get angry, he knew that in such a situation, Wang Zhongjun was still the boss. Wang Zhongjun obviously didn't want Wang Jinghua to fall like that, so he was biased towards Wang Jinghua in such a matter. The boss is the boss. Since the boss has spoken, in such a situation, how to solve such a problem is very important.

He can lose his temper, but he still has to do how to solve the problem.

Therefore, when Feng Xiaogang heard Wang Zhongjun's words, he nodded and said: "There is no way around this. There is no problem. Youzi and I will go to Ye Ming's place first to see what's going on, but I can't guarantee it. We will definitely gain something this time."

After all, Ye Ming was offended this time. If he came to visit him at this time, it must be a bit embarrassing. Whether Ye Ming would give him face or not, Feng Xiaogang had no idea.

After all, the Hua Yi brothers went to deal with Ye Ming. Although Feng Xiaogang said he was not involved, he did not report the news to Ye Ming.

Therefore, Feng Xiaogang really has no idea what the outcome will be at this time. (To be continued)

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