Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 545: Flower and the Boy’s Trip to Harry Potter

With great power comes great responsibility.

I don't know why, but the first sentence that appeared in Xu Qing's mind was this sentence.

The tour guide controls the budget and itinerary, but is responsible for these.

Even in life, Xu Qing actually doesn't like people who worry about things. Most of the time Xu Qing just likes to let nature take its course.

Therefore, Xu Qing said without thinking: "Let's forget it. Being a tour guide is a lot of worries, and I don't want to play such a role. What I like is to have a romantic journey, and this is enough."

Sister Peipei also said that she is old and does not want to worry.

As for Sister Kaili, she was the kind of person who didn't really care about these things. She shook her head and said, "Forget it, Xu Qing is right. It's better to enjoy the journey. Ye Ming, I said, When the time comes, it won’t be the tour guide who has the final say on where to go during the trip, right?”

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "That's not necessary. The crew has the final say on this matter. The crew will naturally make arrangements for where to go. When we get there, what attractions to visit and how to get there are all our decisions. Forget it, as long as our funds are enough. As for how to travel, it is actually everyone who has the final say. This is a travel reality show after all. Everything is discussed by everyone. I am just overspending. I will take care of it if the situation arises.”

In this way, Ye Ming doesn't have many privileges, and he has to worry about arranging travel, so Sister Kaili doesn't care and is happy to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Zhao Wei didn't need to ask more about this matter. She came to this show to relax and not compete for the favor of a housekeeper.

As for Fan Binbin, this little girl, even if she said she wanted to be a tour guide, neither Ye Ming nor Zhao Wei would agree. Let Fan Binbin become a tour guide. If you want to go to Paris, she might take you to Berlin. Not necessarily.

Therefore, there was not much debate on this matter, and it was settled that Ye Ming became a tour guide.

The English teacher came, a foreign teacher from the UK, a rather stern little old man named Brown. It was said that he was still a university professor. After his retirement, he was invited by Smith English International School to be a teacher.

It can be said that Old Man Brown's education is still very strict. In less than half a day, Wang Baoqiang couldn't hold on anymore and said: "Boss, I think you should let me carry the luggage. I can't learn this thing."

Ye Ming said harshly: "You have to learn even if you don't know how to learn. Otherwise, what will you do if you get lost in a foreign country? You can't even use a mobile phone. Just wait and become a beggar in a foreign country."

In fact, among the seven people, the one who should learn from Wang Baoqiang the most is Wang Baoqiang. At this time, others don't have to worry much. After being coerced and induced by Ye Ming, Wang Baoqiang could only nodded and agreed to the matter.

After studying for three days, I actually learned just a few sentences. This made Old Man Brown unhappy. He believed that these people were not qualified to travel at all and did not even speak the language, especially those called Wang Baoqiang's boy is so stupid that he learned no more than ten sentences in three days.

But doing a program is all about this effect, and Ye Ming did not expect Wang Baoqiang to be a diplomat. On the third day, Sister Peipei asked with some concern: "Ye Ming, we have also been training. Where did you say we were going? We should have revealed it now, right?"

Ye Ming thought about this matter for a while and said: "It's no problem. The first stop is Rome, Rome, Italy."

Regarding this scenic spot, Xu Qing's eyes lit up. After all, she was a young woman with a literary style. Romance was an indispensable theme in Xu Qing's life.

Countless little stars flashed in her eyes and she said: "Rome, I like Rome very much. Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn are the birthplace of the classic Roman Holiday. I must go and take a good look at this place." A city full of artistic atmosphere and historical vicissitudes.”

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Actually, the Roman Holiday came first only in Rome, but it is indeed a city worth traveling to, full of countless surprises. All roads lead to Rome. If you don't go to Rome, you won't be there." Ending the history of Europe.”

In the afternoon, Ye Ming welcomed a special guest at Smith International School, a guest that he didn't even have to think about. Sister Fang Fang arrived with Ms. Ai Qiuhua, the president of Time Warner Asia.

Although you are the president of Time Warner Asia, Ms. Ai Qiuhua herself is not a big star. Therefore, Sister Peipei and others do not know who this foreign woman is.

At that time, everyone was taking the last class, but obviously depending on the situation now, it is impossible to take the last class. Ye Ming knew that Ms. Ai Qiuhua came to him, and it was estimated that there would be something important. Maybe it meant that there had been some changes on Harry Potter's side. This matter made him feel uneasy in his heart.

After going out, Sister Kelly said: "Who is this person who came just now? He looks quite impressive. He can't be a big Hollywood star, right?"

At this time, Zhao Wei continued: "I have seen this person once before. In fact, I saw it with Ye Zi. She is not a Hollywood star, but if our Asian stars want to go to Hollywood, this person It is a very good choice. She is Ms. Ai Qiuhua, the president of Time Warner Asia."

Sister Kelly said in surprise: "The president of Time Warner Asia, he is a pretty awesome person, right? This person came to Ye Ming, what's the matter?" Hollywood, this is quite far away from Sister Kelly's imagination. She was so far away that she never expected to see such a powerful figure in Hollywood. In fact, the same goes for everyone else. At this time, Ye Ming suddenly became mysterious in everyone's hearts.

Zhao Wei thought for a while and said: "This, maybe, is about the Harry Potter movie. Ye Zi owns the copyright of the Harry Potter novels. Don't forget that when Harry Potter selected actors, Ye Ming was also one of the top five One of the judges."

How can everyone forget this? To be honest, this may be a landmark event for Chinese filmmakers to truly participate in mainstream Western movies.

After coming out, Ye Ming said without thinking: "Ms. Ai Qiuhua, I don't know why you came here this time. Did something happen to the Harry Potter movie? Don't tell me that the filming of this movie is completed. ”

The filming of Harry Potter has always been going very smoothly, so this is not something Ye Ming cares about.

It's not that he doesn't pay attention to it. In fact, until the premiere next year, basically this movie series, which is called the most profitable, does not need any attention.

Of course, this is not very good. Even if the shooting is completed, the post-production will take a long time to complete.

Ai Qiuhua smiled very gracefully and said: "Mr. Ye is indeed very smart. I knew something was wrong as soon as I arrived. Of course, Harry Potter is being intensely filmed, but this time there is a small event, Director Columbus hopes you will attend.”

As the copyright owner of Harry Potter, Ye Ming is qualified enough to participate in this movie, but in fact, Ai Qiuhua himself feels that Ye Ming does not seem to care much about the movie. Ah, this matter makes Ai Qiuhua quite confused. Why does this happen? According to the Chinese character, Ye Ming should be staring at Harry Potter all day long.

Ye Ming was suddenly stunned: "There is an event that I hope I can participate in. What kind of event is it? Warner said that it can't find a representative to participate in these events, right?"

Ms. Ai Qiuhua said: "Actually, it's not that there is no such representative, but that people are unwilling to participate. You also know that sometimes, those at Time Warner are unwilling to show up. Of course, the key point is that this is At an event in the UK, how should I put it, during the filming of the Harry Potter movie, due to some friction with the British director team, the relationship between the two was not as good as it seemed on the surface. At this time, if Time Warner executives went , it is easy to cause misunderstanding. But if you are a person from a third-party country, there is nothing to say. To be honest, Director Columbus is just out of anger."

This matter is actually related to the Child Labor Act. Because the young actors in Harry Potter are all British, therefore, due to the British Child Labor Act, there are relatively large restrictions on filming.

I don’t know what method they used, but people from Time Warner actually asked the government to amend the child labor bill through connections. This made Director Columbus very unhappy. He believed that children should have their own rest time and should not become filming machines.

Therefore, Director Columbus was not very happy with Time Warner at this time.

Therefore, there was such an event during this filming, which was to invite Time Warner's executives there. Director Columbus, a very characterful director, actually did not give face to Time Warner's senior management. This is really acceptable. Two words are not enough to describe Director Columbus' behavior this time. But this is also a very talented director, there is no doubt about this.

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "No problem, just in time, I'm doing a variety show here. I plan to go abroad, so I happened to go there by the way. I had originally planned to go to Rome, but I changed the itinerary, I don't think so. What's the problem?" It's not just going there. It's also very memorable to participate in a Harry Potter event. (To be continued)

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