Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 546: Ice and Fire

After Ye Ming returned, he immediately announced the news: "Everyone, let me tell you some good news. Our first stop was originally going to Rome, Italy, but just now, Ms. Ai Qiuhua, the president of Time Warner Asia, came to me. It was said that [Harry Potter] was going to do an event and asked me to participate. Come to think of it, we happened to be going to Europe as well.

Therefore, the first stop, where we are going, is not Rome, but London. We will make our first stop a Harry Potter trip and see how the world's best-selling novel can be made into a movie. "

This thing is indeed very shocking. Harry Potter is known as the most profitable novel in the world and the largest-selling printed matter under the Bible. Time Warner has invested huge sums of money in carefully producing the fantasy film, which is claimed to be the only film in recent years that can compete with The Lord of the Rings.

You know, The Lord of the Rings is the originator of Western fantasy novels, and its status is similar to that of China's Journey to the West before our country. You can think about the impact this novel would have if it were made into a movie.

Therefore, even though the filming of Harry Potter has not been completed yet, it has attracted attention from all sides. From the fact that Time Warner actually persuaded the British government to amend the labor law in order to allow young actors to film smoothly, this is enough to prove that Time Warner attaches great importance to the film.

It also proves how high the British government's expectations for this film are.

The British government hopes to use Harry Potter as a business card for Britain.

That night, Wang Zhongjun personally called and said: "Mr. Ye, congratulations, you are going to participate in a Harry Potter promotional event. I heard that the British government attaches great importance to this event. It's amazing. , I wonder if you still have a spot in [Flowers and Boys], many of our artists hope to participate in your show."

Participating in [Flower Rain Youth], to be honest, at the beginning, basically no one would be optimistic about Ye Ming's reality show. Therefore, the reaction to this show was relatively dull, which seemed to mean that it was not popular at all. How to treat it as the same thing. It is even said that the major media have not reported much about it. Many media thought this was just a reason for Ye Ming to take a group of friends to relax.

Even the director of Ouyangyang would not have agreed to cooperate with Ye Ming if it weren't for Ye Ming's own promise that he would broadcast it first on Huihuang.com to test the audience's reaction.

But, at this time, everything became different. Wang Zhongjun called at this time and said that there were artists who wanted to participate. This was just to find an opportunity to participate in the Harry Potter event. This was a good opportunity to get in touch with Western Hollywood filmmakers.

Ye Ming said without hesitation: "Well, I'm really sorry, Mr. Wang, the staff has been decided. In fact, we have already started recording the domestic part, so it is impossible to add other actors. If there is a chance next time, it won’t be too late for us to contact you.”

This answer was actually expected by Wang Zhongjun. He put down the phone and said helplessly: "Ye Ming really didn't agree. I think he also felt the same way and missed a good opportunity.

Ge You, why don't you try it? If you try it, I think he will give you this face. "

Ge You is a good old man, especially among friends, Ge You's popularity is not mentioned, so Wang Zhongjun believes that if Ge You goes to Ye Ming, there may be this opportunity.

Ge You quickly waved his hand and said: "Mr. Wang, please spare me. I have no ambition to enter the international market. Being able to make a good movie in China and make the audience like it is already quite good. Besides, Yes, Ye Ming has to take a plane to go there. You don’t know my habits. It’s not my character to fly. I’m afraid of falling from the sky. "

Ge You can't fly. This is actually not a secret in the circle. The reason is actually quite simple, that is, he is afraid of falling from the plane.

Na Ying called and said directly: "Zi Zi, you are not kind. You didn't tell me about this matter."

Ye Ming quickly explained: "Sister, you have never really liked this kind of program. Didn't you say that you would rather travel with the princess than participate in these boring variety shows? Therefore, it is I didn’t notify you.”

Na Ying and Wang Fei are both diva-level existences. Therefore, Ye Ming also understands quite well that if they can be invited to participate in the call, it will be quite helpful for the promotion of the program.

However, Ye Ming also understands the characters of these two people. If they are invited to come, then this is impossible.

Na Ying said with a smile: "Forget it, I won't argue with you about this. I heard that you are going to participate in the promotion of Harry Potter. Is it possible to bring Sun Nan with you? If it's difficult, then forget it. .”

Na Ying is such a person. If she has any questions, she can speak directly and will not embarrass her friends. A status like a mainland eldest sister is not something that can be obtained just by singing well. It also has a personality component. Inside.

Ye Ming hesitated for a moment and agreed. This was unlikely. After all, the number of people in the show was fixed. But if he didn't agree, it would hurt his feelings.

After thinking for a while, Ye Mingcai said: "If you participate in the show, this is unlikely. Because the show has already started recording. In fact, the domestic part of the show started recording three days ago, and this number of people is not easy to change, but if it is If you just want to follow the past, it’s no problem to follow the program team. Anyway, it’s okay to have one more person in the program team.”

This made Na Ying a little hesitant. Ye Ming was giving herself face, but it was not easy for her to make a decision on this matter.

So he immediately said, "Wait a moment."

He directly covered the phone receiver and said: "Sun Nan, Ye Ming also said that you should not even think about participating in the show, but if you want to follow the crew, there should be no problem."

This answer made Sun Nan hesitate: "Follow the crew, what can I do?"

Na Ying was actually not sure, so she thought for a while and said, "It's really hard to say, but if I'm guessing, I'm just a handyman or something. Is there no problem with moving luggage?"

Sun Nan was also a person of some status in the circle, so he asked him to do odd jobs. At this time, it was difficult for him to take over. After thinking about it, he still rejected the request. Na Ying directly told Ye Ming the result and said she would not go.

Mango Channel, at this time, in the Ouyang Balcony office, the head of Ouyang said with great sincerity: "He Jiong, Li Xiang, you two have heard clearly. You two are the hosts that our TV station highly recommends. Therefore, in The purpose of sending you to follow Ye Ming to a foreign country at this time is to learn advanced foreign work experience, not to let you travel. You must keep this in mind."

He Jiong said very confidently: "Don't worry, Mr. Ouyang Yang, this matter is handled by the two of us, and we will definitely study hard."

Li Xiang also vowed: "This time Harry Potter is an event with the TV station. Therefore, we will focus on learning from their experience on this matter to ensure that we return with a full load."

In fact, at the beginning, Mango Channel did not take this matter seriously. Even if Ye Ming asked Mango Channel to send a crew over, it was just a few people left by Ouyang Yang to deal with errands.

But after hearing that Ye Ming actually changed the opportunity and changed the first issue of Flowers and Boys into Harry Potter Tour, Mango Channel was also quite tempted. This is a very good opportunity. .

Mango Channel has always been a TV station that starts with innovation. How can we miss this great opportunity this time? Therefore, the station immediately decided to send people from the TV station headed by He Jiong and Li Xiang to follow Ye Ming to produce this program. .

But at this time, He Jiong thought for a while and said: "Director, if we are going, what kind of names are we using? TVTV's host, I heard that their program does not need a host. It’s always about being famous.”

There is no problem with studying, but how to study at this time is a very difficult problem.

Director Ouyang Yang did not take it too seriously and said: "Isn't this easy? You and Li Xiang didn't say that you only have the identity of host, you can go there as the director. TV programs always have to have a director. Yes, there is always someone on the crew who is responsible for liaison and so on. These are very important. How can we say there are no excuses. We are here for work, so we must have confidence."

He hasn't gone abroad yet, and he has so little confidence. This makes Mr. Ouyang somewhat worried.

In fact, at this time, not one person wanted to insert his own actor, but more people even said that they didn't even have a chance to find Ye Ming, and were directly blocked by Sister Fang Fang.

In terms of publicity, "Flowers and Boys", which was not very popular at the beginning, finally became popular at this moment.

Originally, Mango Channel paid attention to this program when it was in China, and the method of promoting the program also made more use of the Internet.

Brilliant Film and Television does its own promotion. But things are different now. Now there are at least 60 media outlets that want to interview the crew of Flowers and Boys.

This is a result that neither Sister Fang Fang nor Principal Ouyang expected. (To be continued)

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