Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 544: Flowers and Tour Guide

Does this mean that blessed people don’t have to be busy?

Speaking of which, Xu Qing is quite a blessed person. Whether he is on the crew or working on a show, he can always meet people who help him at the right time.

No, after meeting Sister Kelly, she didn't have to look for her at all.

Xu Qing's face beamed with joy and she said: "This relationship is great. I'm just thinking about how to find a classroom. I made a cake today and will ask Sister Kelly to try it later."

The two of them went to the classroom together. Time passed by minute by minute, and by this time, almost everyone in the classroom had expired.

Basically, everyone is here, which means someone didn't come. Among the seven people, Fan Binbin didn't come.

At this time, Ye Ming looked at everyone who was bored. Ten minutes had passed. This one should be here, right?

Xu Qing said with some confusion: "Ye Ming, didn't you say there were seven people going together? There are only six people now, and the remaining one hasn't come yet. And you, as a tour guide, are you here? What’s it like to serve everyone and always ask everyone to do errands?”

Although Xu Qing didn't run too many errands to find a classroom regarding this matter, Xu Qing was a little dissatisfied that Ye Ming was not waiting downstairs.

At this moment, Xu Qing's words really ignited everyone's anger. Except for Wang Baoqiang, the rest were very dissatisfied with Ye Ming's performance.

Sister Peipei also said about this: "Ye Ming, I'm not talking about you. This is in China, so forget it if you do this. If it's abroad, then at this time, we are all counting on you as a tour guide. , if your hand disappears again, what do you want us to do? Do you think so?"

Sister Kelly and Zhao Wei also unanimously condemned Ye Ming.

Ye Ming said helplessly: "This is not what I want to do like this, but the needs of the show, the effect of the show, and the arrangement of the crew. Therefore, even if I came earlier than you, then this When the time comes, I have no choice but to wait here."

Sister Kelly said: "Aren't you a brilliant boss? Isn't this your show? You are the one who is in charge. Don't shirk the responsibility to others. The tour guide should be responsible for it, so then The tour guide is in charge.”

Ye Ming said helplessly: "You really guessed this wrong. The program team is not from Brilliant, but from Mango Channel. Therefore, they may not listen to my words. After all, this is a variety show. If I am If you are a director and also an actor, there will be no program effect.

Therefore, I specially asked the director of Ouyang TV Station to send over the director team of Mango Channel. They will be responsible for future filming, and when we go abroad, we will naturally stand on the same stance.

Flowers and Boys, this reality variety show, the real highlight is the competition between the actors and crew, and the unfamiliar environment. "

This kind of explanation finally made everyone a little satisfied, and they stopped pestering Ye Ming on this matter. Things quickly moved on to other things, and at this time, there was still a member of the crew who had not arrived. This was one of the reasons for everyone's speculation.

Zhao Wei thought about this oversight and said first: "Yi Zi, I think it would be better for you not to wait here with us. Girl Binbin, forget it if others don't know, but you should be very clear that she is What kind of person is she? She is a total idiot. You expect her to be able to find a classroom smoothly. If she is or can find Smith English School smoothly, that is already a pretty remarkable achievement."

Since she is Zhao Wei's friend, she naturally understands what kind of person Fan Binbin is.

Fan Binbin didn't find anything normal in school.

Regarding such a matter, Ye Ming couldn't sit still. After Zhao Wei reminded him, he finally thought of where his mistake was. His mistake was actually treating Fan Bingbing at this time. The sense of direction is so confident.

Therefore, under such a situation, Ye Ming immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Fan Binbin's number. Sure enough, this matter was really confirmed by Zhao Wei.

Fan Binbin didn't mean to come on time. In fact, she came out earlier than Sister Peipei, but. Please forgive me for my sense of direction. at this time. Fan Binbin is wandering around Smith School.

Hearing Ye Ming's call, Fan Binbin decisively asked the crew to come to greet him.

As for letting Fan Binbin find someone to ask for directions, Ye Ming now feels that this test is of little use to Fan Binbin and Lai Jiang.

In fact, no matter how you say it, nature is difficult to change.

Ye Ming put down the phone and said, "Fan Binbin is walking nearby. Baoqiang, go to the Scottish Cafe and pick up Fan Binbin for me."

Asking Wang Baoqiang to participate in this show naturally means that there will be one more coolie role.

At this time, Wang Baoqiang actually didn't think that picking up Fan Binbin was a hard job.

Not long after, Fan Binbin was still wearing the brown toad glasses and a big hat, which almost covered half of her face. A trot rushed in.

At this time, Wang Baoqiang walked in carrying a big bag filled with snacks.

Fan Binbin said to everyone very apologetically: "Sorry everyone, it was not even eight o'clock when I came here, but I couldn't find Smith English School.

I kept everyone waiting for a long time. "At this moment, Fan Binbin is not as domineering as Master Fan, but he is still very polite.

When the other camera stars saw that the last companion was Fan Binbin, they couldn't say anything more.

After all, she is a little girl. If you are the same as a little girl, it would be really meaningless.

Ye Ming told everyone: "Don't mind, as for Binbin, he lacks a sense of personal direction. Therefore, when it comes to making a show, no matter who of you is with Binbin, you can't take any path." Binbin’s opinion, otherwise you’ll fall into a ditch, don’t blame me for not saying it.”

What is this lack of sense of direction? In fact, to put it bluntly, this is a road fool.

Now everyone suddenly realized it. No wonder Fan Binbin said that he came very early, but failed to arrive in time.

But Ye Ming and Zhao Wei didn't look disbelieving at all. You know, if you are late and say you haven't found a place, this is a pretty lame excuse. However, if it were a road idiot, then this result would not be surprising at all.

Sister Kelly said with a smile: "Binbin, come here to the second sister. From now on, when you go abroad, you will follow the second sister. The second sister also has a very good sense of direction. Even when she goes abroad, she will know how to navigate." You brought it back safely."

At this time, before Fan Binbin came, they actors were not idle and directly assigned their positions. Needless to say, Sister Peipei is older and has senior qualifications. Therefore, she is the one who takes the lead, and Sister Kelly is naturally the second sister.

But at this time, Xu Qing was actually the third sister. And Zhao Wei became the fourth sister. Because Fan Binbin is the youngest, there are no younger flowers under her at this time, so she can only be called Fifth Sister.

And it was decided directly before Fifth Sister came. At this moment, Ye Ming introduced everyone emphatically: "This time, I will tell you some rules first. This time we are traveling abroad, each person only has three hundred euros per day, including meals, accommodation, transportation and horse expenses. Yes, it's 300 per person per day. It's up to everyone to decide how much it will cost. But if there is an argument, then you have to listen to the tour guide.

And Wang Baoqiang, this is our accountant and bag carrier. If someone has trouble carrying their luggage, you can ask Wang Baoqiang to help. "

The other things Ye Ming said at this time were nothing worth talking about.

But only Ye Ming said that we should not listen to the tour guide when arguing. This made everyone dissatisfied. Sister Peipei said: "Ye Ming, this matter should be discussed by everyone. Although it is said that it is possible for everyone to There is no room for debate, but everyone still understands that the minority obeys the majority. Therefore, in a situation like this, there is basically nothing that cannot be debated.

It is not good for a tour guide to have too much power. After all, the tour guide serves everyone, right? There is no way that the seven of us will get the same number of votes. Therefore, I think it is better for everyone to discuss it when the time comes. "

What Sister Peipei said is quite reasonable. Therefore, it is very possible to get strong support from Sister Kelly and Sister Xu Qing.

At this time, Ye Ming said without thinking: "Of course we can discuss it at that time, but as a tour guide, I am very familiar with the situation abroad. Therefore, in such a situation, my Decisions should be made in the best interest of everyone.”

Sister Kelly said: "You don't understand. The tour guide has too much power. This is very disadvantageous to us. Let's discuss it."

Ye Ming waved his hand and said: "Since everyone failed, let's talk about it later. I will talk about some other rules. I hope everyone can remember them firmly. The seven of us had three opportunities to ask the crew for help. When we encountered the problem If something cannot be solved, you can ask the crew to help solve it.

But we have three times in total, so we have to use it carefully. And as a tour guide, not only do you have great power, but you also have to worry about what transportation we use every day, where we stay at night, and asking for directions. These are all things a tour guide does. If anyone wants to switch tour guides with me, opportunity, then you can stand up. ” (To be continued)

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