Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3255: The Current Situation of Magic Programs

Curly nodded and said: "Don't worry, there is definitely no problem with this matter. If I dare to come to you, I will definitely be sure. Those two magicians have not waited for anyone until now. It's just a matter of time to sort it out now." Even if you ask them to prepare a new program, they are not sure about it. They also know that the leader has already spoken.

As for this matter, the leaders are determined to change a new Warcraft program. They are not well prepared. If they dare to suppress others, then it will not be me who will be offended, but the leaders above. As a national-level magician, they It's still a matter of importance.

And they only mean to judge your magic show from a professional perspective, and those leaders are also very capable of artistic appreciation. Whether your magic show can pass the review of the leaders, not just those two Magicians, those two magicians only provide professional-level advice. Whether they can appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala or not is decided by the leader of the review team.

The leaders of the review team don’t know how many Spring Festival Gala programs they watch every year, so they must have an appreciation for art, and they are not ignorant, so you can rest assured, leader.

The leader will definitely judge your magic show according to the needs of the program, and will definitely not look at it with a colored eye. Now, everyone is doing everything for the Spring Festival Gala. The show is as big as the sky. If anyone dares to delay the Spring Festival Gala, I will make his life difficult. .

So don’t worry about this, as long as the quality of your programs is good enough, and as long as your programs are OK, then everything else will be fine. "

Of course Curly Mao wants such a guarantee. If he doesn't have any more skills from me, he won't be able to be the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala. There are still some people who are responsible for this.

What Curly Hair wants now is a good program, a high-quality program that is eye-catching. As long as there is such a program, even if this person is Ye Ming, he may push this program to the Spring Festival Gala stage.

Because if there is such a program that can replace Rashid's program, then he will be considered a meritorious director.

On the contrary, if such a person cannot be found to replace Rashid, then he may be troubled by the leadership. Therefore, if the director of the Spring Festival Gala is determined to protect a program, as long as it is the program The quality is not particularly bad. Generally speaking, the leader of the review team will still give it some face.

The problem is that the quality of the program must meet the needs. The Spring Festival Gala programs are all programs that meet the needs. They are not necessarily the best, but they must meet the needs.

Therefore, being admitted to the Spring Festival Gala does not necessarily mean that if the program is of high quality, it also depends on whether it meets the needs. Therefore, attending the Spring Festival Gala sometimes still involves a certain amount of luck.

In fact, the people on the review team are also very anxious, because they have to find a suitable program to be promoted. If they cannot be promoted, they will actually be in a lot of trouble.

The Spring Festival Gala has been held. Of course, hello, me and everyone. If it doesn’t go well, the review team actually has a certain responsibility. So the people in the review team are also quite anxious now. I heard that they found one this time, so The review process is of course very fast.

Generally speaking, when reviewing this matter, you have to wait until the review team has time, and then everyone will review it together at a specific time.

It's impossible to ask the review team to wait for you, but this time, just ask the review team to wait.

Moreover, the leader of the review team heard that a suitable candidate had been found, and he quickly agreed to the review.

This time the review team is not particularly complete, but there are still 5 people here. Five people have met the review conditions. Anyway, as long as the majority of people from the review team come, then this review will be considered qualified. .

After all, everyone is on the review team, basically at the same level, and they will definitely give face to each other, and the five people who came here indeed make up the majority.

Curly Hair, followed Ye Ming and explained: "This time, two leaders went to attend the meeting, so there was a conflict in the review time, so they didn't come, but you can rest assured that these five If the leader plus two professional magicians, then this review must be in compliance with the rules, as long as it can satisfy the production team and the two magicians, then in such a situation, you can easily get Qualify for the second performance in this Spring Festival Gala."

Why is Curly Hair so confident? That's because although two leaders said they didn't come during this review because they were in a meeting, they were the leaders of your group and were personally in charge.

Strictly speaking. This review was initiated by the leader of the review team himself.

Because the Spring Festival Gala is about to be held, as the leader of the review team, of course, there is a certain amount of pressure. Originally, several other leaders were wondering whether the time was too tight and they would be reviewed again soon?

In fact, the leader was quite busy before the Spring Festival. Going over for review now will definitely disrupt some of his work arrangements.

But the leader of the review team said, if you want to review, you should review it quickly. Don’t drag it out until tomorrow. What do you mean? It’s okay if the review is completed, but it’s not okay if it’s not done. Don’t delay things. The Spring Festival Gala is also in time. We can't afford the delay. The live broadcast will be held soon. At this time, the result of replacing Rashid has not yet been reviewed. Of course, it is a result that the leader of the review team does not want to see.

Therefore, I decided to start the review immediately instead of waiting until the next day. And this time, the leader of the review team didn't say anything. He looked at it and didn't say anything. Is this the actor you're looking for? I have the impression that I am the champion of a high school singing competition. Ye Ming Ye Ming, do you know magic? This is no joke, this is a program used by the Spring Festival Gala to save the day.

Among the two magicians, there was a gray-haired magician who looked to be in his 70s. Obviously, this magician should be the older one.

Ye Ming took a careful look at the white-haired magician Dongfang Tian.

The good guy is indeed very familiar. Dongfangtong is also a veteran who has been to the Spring Festival Gala more than once. He is a national first-class actor and enjoys special allowances.

This is officially certified, and it is a famous presence in the domestic magic circle.

It can be said that when it comes to Dongfang Tianna, basically half of the people in the domestic magician circle must have a direct or indirect relationship with him.

It can be seen that Dongfang Tian's status in the domestic magic world is very high. Moreover, this old gentleman is also the kind of person who prefers to support the younger generation. There has never been any news that he is relying on his elders to sell his elders. He really relies on his craftsmanship. He is able to gain a foothold in the circle and convince others with his craftsmanship.

He has performed abroad on behalf of his country many times, arousing applause from the audience. He is also an internationally renowned oriental magician who is world-renowned in the West. In fact, if you want to replace Rashid, Mr. Dongfangtian should be more suitable.

.However, Dongfang Tian is now over 70 years old, and his health is not particularly good. He suffers from various diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease, so it is difficult to say whether he can really continue to perform.

Therefore, the people in the Spring Festival Gala program did not dare to make fun of the old man's body.

You must know that if you want to go to the Spring Festival Gala, of course it is the ultimate goal in almost everyone's mind. After all, it is an honor. However, if you want to go to the Spring Festival Gala, in addition to being lucky and getting the works, there are also The point is that you must have a big heart and a very good psychological quality. Otherwise, if you face an audience of more than one billion across the country, my dear, if there is any performance accident on the stage, it will be inappropriate.

So, Spring Festival Gala actors must have a big heart and very good psychological quality. Performing works on the Spring Festival Gala stage brings a lot of pressure. This kind of pressure is definitely not something ordinary artists can bear.

So it is precisely because the pressure of going to the Spring Festival Gala is very high. The old man Dongfang Tian is so old and has various physical problems. Can he persevere on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at this time? Not only is Director Curly Hair And the leaders of the review team of the program also expressed a certain degree of doubt that no one would dare to take the risk. If something unexpected happened to Dongfang Tian during the performance, it would not be appropriate.

Although Mr. Dongfangtian cannot directly participate in the Spring Festival Gala, he can control the Spring Festival Gala's programs.

Especially for magic shows, this time the time is tight and the tasks are heavy, so the program team invited him over. He can't be on the stage, but it doesn't matter if he can be a consultant or something.

As for the fact that the magician working on the canopy of Dongda University is not very well-known, it can be ignored, because as long as Zhang Fangtian nods, the opinion of the extra who is sitting next to him is basically receiving a box lunch. It doesn't matter at all.

Dongfangtian has such great energy in the domestic magic world.

At this time, Dongfang Tian glanced at Ye Ming and said, "Director, we don't want to see if the young man is really capable, he has to show it off.

However, your courage is still worthy of recognition. You must know that performing one program in the Spring Festival Gala is already very stressful. You actually want to perform two programs. At least your courage is worthy of recognition. Now I have a question to ask you. Do you know why it is said that in the magic world, there is no such thing as suppressing people on the Spring Festival Gala? "

Is there such a phenomenon?

Ye Ming thought for a while, and it seemed that magic had a very awkward position in the Spring Festival Gala. People said that Peking Opera and other operas were relatively awkward in the Spring Festival Gala, but basically every Spring Festival Gala there would still be Peking Opera, Huangmei Opera, etc. The emergence of opera, no matter how long it takes, opera-type programs are definitely indispensable.

Opera, acrobatics, etc. are basically essential elements of the Spring Festival Gala. This is also to meet the needs, but it is hard to say about magic. It is said that Peking Opera is almost out of date now, but there are still some opera performers in the Spring Festival Gala every year. Bring you a more exciting performance.

But magic won't work. Peking Opera is the quintessence of China. Although the general public no longer likes to watch it, at least there will be no problem for some die-hard fans to continue to live. The economy in a small area is still very hot. This point There is no doubt about it.

It's a pity that magic is even cooler than Peking Opera. Look at how many times magic has participated in the Spring Festival Gala in the past two years. Therefore, magic is a more niche performance theme and has no status in the Spring Festival Gala.

Because I obviously think it may be because of this, so there is no suppression.

However, he couldn't say that, so Ye Ming could only shake his head and said: "Mr. Dongfang, I really don't know much about this kind of thing, because it seems that magic has not appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for many years. So I don’t know much about this, and I also studied abroad in the past few years, so I don’t know much about things in the domestic entertainment industry.”

Dongfang Tiantian nodded helplessly and said: "Actually, you have said it directly. Our magic is in an embarrassing situation now, because we can't go to the Spring Festival Gala. We compete with Peking Opera and other operas in the Spring Festival Gala." Programs like this have no status even more. Think about how embarrassing our situation is at this time.

Therefore, our magic program has no place at all in the Spring Festival Gala. Every Spring Festival Gala must have some opera elements, but have you ever seen every Spring Festival Gala with magic elements?

impossible things.

Therefore, we Warcraft actors don’t need to suppress us at all because there is no basis for suppression at all. Whether you suppress the Spring Festival Gala or not, we don’t really like to use magic actors.

So there is no point in suppressing it.

Therefore, as you said, there have been no magic shows on the Spring Festival Gala for many years. One reason may be that we are not innovative enough, but the current situation of magic is not particularly good. This is something that everyone must admit and cannot deny.

Therefore, there is no need for us in the magic world to suppress you. If you want me to suppress you, is this possible?

There is no way to impeach and suppress me. It’s not easy for me to go to the Spring Festival Gala now that I’m older. So, who will step up to the plate in the future? There’s never been a suitable person, so there’s no such thing as suppression at all.

Naked jealousy, mutual hostility among colleagues, it is because this industry is more prosperous and earns more money, so it is unpopular, so there will be mutual jealousy and other situations.

But because our magic has no special status at all in the Spring Festival Gala, or even no status at all, do you think it is necessary for everyone?

I wish that there would be a situation like this that suppresses magic dancers every year, but there is no such opportunity. This time is also a special situation, so we have this opportunity to perform magic at the Spring Festival Gala. If we in the World of Warcraft do not seize If we take advantage of this opportunity, we will probably be even more miserable in the future. "

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