Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3256 Close-up Magic

Team leader Zhang of the review team spoke at this time and said: "Old sir, this is a last resort. Don't think that the Spring Festival Gala does not allow magic shows. That is because there are no exciting magic shows.

Our Spring Festival Gala is a stage where talent has never been mentioned. As long as you have the ability, you can participate in any type of program. The key is the quality of the program itself. For magic programs, if there are suitable If it's on the Spring Festival Gala, that's fine. My personal opinion is that I'm not opposed to the magic show being on the Spring Festival Gala. However, it doesn't mean you can get on if I ask you to do it. You have to come up with a show to conquer us. OK.

If you are still doing the same old magic tricks, then it is our Spring Festival Gala that will get you scolded at this time. Although everyone now likes to scold the Spring Festival Gala, the quality of our programs is still guaranteed.

It is impossible for me to let an inappropriate program go on stage. For example, it is about defecating a living person. This is inappropriate.

In my memory, it seems that the most recent magic show was in the Year of the Dog. There was a Spring Festival Gala, which should have been performed by Chen Xiaoer and Lao Mao. Of course, the comedy sketches on that show had more elements like this, but they also contained a lot of magic elements.

But the performance of such a program is a bit nondescript. If you say it is a sketch comedy show, it is not a World of Warcraft program. It is not very similar and has funny elements, so I say this The show is not particularly classic.

You must know that these two people performed many classic skits on the Spring Festival Gala stage, but there is something different about this living defecating person.

Basically, the program of the Spring Festival Gala that year did not have much response. Compared with their previous classic sketches such as eating noodles, protagonists and supporting characters, etc., the gap is really big.

So that program was not very mature. It was indeed a fluke that it passed the review. Of course, it was also blessed by Chen Xiaoer and his star aura.

I was also a member of the review team for that show at the time. To be honest, if it weren’t for the fame of Jing’er and the others, I probably wouldn’t have been able to pass it.

And I think that was also the highlight moment of the magic show. Since then, there have been basically no magic shows that are particularly eye-catching on the Spring Festival Gala stage. I can’t help it because in the magic world, he himself is not special. Submit good programs.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the fact that the magic show can appear on the Spring Festival Gala cannot be blamed on our review team, but on your own lack of innovation in the show.

Chen Xiaoer and his group's transformation into a living being was actually the most glorious moment. Think about it, could he be successful in a magic show like this?

And those two are not magicians, they are comedians. To be honest, Mr. Dongfang actually asked two comedians to support your magic show. This really shows that the magic show should change. , sticking to the old rules will only make the Warcraft program more and more successful in the Spring Festival Gala.

If you understand this matter, you should think about why the magic show cannot be included in the Spring Festival Gala. "

At this time, Dongfang Tian also said with great emotion: "This is indeed a shortcoming of our industry itself, and Chen Xiaoer and his great defenders are not a real magic show at all, nor is it a recognized magic type among magicians. program.

Because there is a rule in our magician industry, that is, if it is not a life-and-death feud, you cannot casually decipher other people's magic programs.

You can crack other people's tricks through competition among peers, but you can't publish it, because we magicians rely on this magic technique to train. If you publish the magic techniques of all magic shows, then the magic It loses its sense of mystery. In the future, you will ask your fellow magicians how to perform the show. We all know the answer, how do we magicians perform on the stage? right?

So in the magician profession, the biggest taboo is not to be able to break up the show. You can't just crack the magic show and publish it to the audience, because then it will be boring for the audience to watch the show. , next time you will block the job of your colleague, and cutting off people's financial resources is like killing your parents.

If you ruin a magic show, it is equivalent to harming your colleagues. In Chen Xiaoer's performance of The Great Defender, there is a phenomenon of ruining the show, and more than one person was ruined. So, As for the show performed by Chen Xiaoer, it is not a magic show recognized by us magicians. We real magicians would not do that. Even if we know what this magician does on stage, I We won't say it in public, we can only communicate in private, because this is how we eat, this is our job, and you can't destroy your own job, right?

Therefore, the big show performed by Chen Xiaoer and the others is indeed not our magic show. As I asked you to say at the beginning, it is a comedy sketch, which at most contains magic elements.

Of course, we magicians lack innovation, and I agree with this. It's not easy to perform a magic show, it requires constant practice. It's even more difficult to innovate a magic show. So, more magic is that he likes to perform ready-made magic, and she doesn't want to Innovation.

Because if you innovate one thing, it may not be successful. Moreover, after you innovate, others will follow and enjoy the fruits of your trick. They will crack your trick and perform it the same way. You cannot say that you have created a magic trick and you cannot let other magicians perform it. We have no copyright awareness in this regard, and it seems that magic programs do not have copyright.

You can perform and others can perform. The key is that as long as you can crack his magic tricks, you can perform our magic programs. There is no copyright. Therefore, the program you create at this time is the same as others. That kind of performance doesn’t pay you a penny, you say.

This means there is no motivation for innovation. Who will innovate the program, right?

I have to say that this is a tragedy for our industry. "

Team leader Zhang nodded and said: "The leadership actually attaches great importance to the matter of Mr. Dongfang. This time, we contacted Rashid because we wanted to use his fame to revive the magician industry.

But I didn't expect that something like this would happen to Rashid, which was unexpected. So, now we need someone to take over, we need a new magic to take over. Anyway, we must find a 10-minute magic program that cannot be long or short, so that it can be compared with other magic shows. The program handover was seamless.

It won't work if it's too long, because the city management doesn't have that long, and it won't work if it's too short. There's no way to fill up the empty time. So, the key to our problem now is to find a 10-minute magic show.

Ye Ming, how long does a program like yours last? Can you sustain it for 10 minutes? "

At this time, Ye Ming had not yet answered, but Dongfang Tian said from the side: "Team Leader Zhang, if this is a matter, we must take it very seriously. It is not easy. Because magic programs are different from other programs such as language programs." program, it is a program format that is different from cross talk sketches, and the actors’ skills are slightly deeper.

Even if he plays it casually and lasts for one or two minutes, there is no big problem. Therefore, it is normal for a language program to last 10 minutes and 8 minutes, but if it is a magic program, it is actually difficult to sustain 10 minutes. A magic show that lasts only 10 minutes is basically presented to everyone.

Its highlight moment is just a few dozen seconds, and the rest is basically the preliminary work, or the finishing work in the later period. For such an ordinary magic program that can be broadcast on TV, it is basically Generally speaking, two or three minutes is considered a relatively long magic show.

Of course, what I am talking about is that it can be performed on the stage. If it is a large-scale magic, then of course it will take a longer time, but it seems unlikely that a large-scale magic show will be performed on the Spring Festival Gala stage, so in In such a situation, if it takes 10 minutes, a magic show, anyway, I feel that it is difficult to achieve this point if you want to hold on to a magic show for 10 minutes on stage.

Even if it was performed by Chen Xiaoer back then, it was still a comedy sketch. It relied on Chen Xiaoer and the two of them to make jokes, and then it lasted for more than 10 minutes, so it was not a pure magic show. , which is a comedy magic show. "

At this time, Ye Ming also nodded in agreement with this point of view, and he immediately said: "Team Leader Zhang, I am indeed in a dilemma about Mr. Dongfang.

I have considered this matter. In fact, when the director told me this matter, I thought about how to fill these 10 minutes. A magic show, as Mr. Dongfang said, has a highlight moment of about 8, 9, 10 seconds, so it is impossible for a magic show to sustain that much time.

What I think of is to perform 4 magic shows, perform a magic show that interacts with the audience, stimulate the atmosphere of the scene, let everyone appreciate the wonderful magic show, mobilize the emotions of the audience, and let the audience pay attention. All the performances are based on my stage performance techniques.

This is considered a warm-up for the magic show. This is the first magic show that is not considered formal, it is just a small magic trick to arouse everyone's emotions.

Then, I will perform 3 small close-up magic tricks on the stage. It is not easy to perform large-scale magic tricks on the stage, so close-up magic is the most suitable.

But for close-up magic, the duration of a magic show is only one or two minutes. I try my best to hold it up for more than two minutes. In this case, three shows plus a magic show where I interact with the audience below the stage, basically 10 minutes is OK and you can persevere.

If this were not the case, I would find it difficult to hold on to a magic show for at least 10 minutes, unless I was asked to perform a large-scale magic show like the one performed by Rashid and the others. But during the entire Spring Festival Gala, I also watched It is very difficult for a small temple to perform a large-scale magic show. Many places need to be modified, so it is not easy to modify the stage now.

Therefore, we don’t have a professionally modified team. Rashid definitely does, but he won’t be able to come this time, and his team will definitely not come either, so that’s it. The problem that needs to be faced is that it cannot perform large-scale magic shows.

We perform close-up magic. I think that if a warm-up close-up magic show is added to three official close-up magic shows, it can last for 10 minutes. One program will definitely not be able to achieve such an effect, but with 4 programs, I think there shouldn’t be any big problem. "

The Spring Festival Gala has very strict time requirements for a program. It can be said that you must meet the time requirements of the Spring Festival Gala, otherwise it can only be compressed or directly brushed off. But for this magic show, it is not a question of whether to brush it off or not. .

There must be someone who can take over the Warcraft show. Therefore, there is no way to cancel this magic show. Maybe the key is to see who joins it. However, since you can't go on and off a show like this for 10 minutes, you have to stick to it. Both Dongfangtian and Ye Ming believe that it is almost impossible to produce a 10-minute program at this time.

Especially for magic shows suitable for performances on stage, it is almost an impossible task for a magician to perform a show for 10 minutes, so at this time, Ye Ming can actually do it a long time ago .

Four programs have been formed to promote a magic series. If it can be done, there should be no problem. Of course, there are successful examples. In the parallel world, Liu Miracle has done this.

Now is the time to witness a miracle. This sentence also became a popular slogan that year with her performance on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

So, since there is a successful precedent for this kind of thing, Ye Ming certainly has nothing to worry about.

He directly gave the answers to the four magic tricks because now, Ye Ming is confident and can definitely win this qualification. The Spring Festival Gala needs programs that meet the needs, and what he is preparing to show now is the program that meets the needs.

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