Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3254: A temporary magic show

The Spring Festival Gala program may not necessarily be the best, but it must be of very high quality.

Of course, it’s hard to say specific works, but like Rashid, as an internationally renowned magician, the quality of his magic shows is very high as you can imagine, which is of course the level of civilization in the world.

Therefore, the quality of Rashid's magic is also very high, and it is well known that he can win the Champions League. So if you want to replace Rashid in the Spring Festival Gala this time, then this magician must be of a high level.

Curly Hair came to Ye Ming at this time, hoping that Ye Ming could give an idea, or see if there were any recommended candidates from Ye Ming. Ye Ming said that he had prepared some more interesting programs. Curly Mao can't make the decision in this regard. Even though he is the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, Curly Mao himself is at best a butler at this time.

The real decision of whether to be included in the Spring Festival Gala is actually made by the review team. Only if the leader of the review team nods, can the program pass rehearsals and then enter the Spring Festival Gala stage.

Regarding magic, he didn’t have any particularly good magic during the Spring Festival Gala.

This guy Curly Hair doesn't even look at himself. He is the master of the family. He is the chief director, but he cannot be the master of the family.

So Curly Mao said: "I can't decide what kind of program I will do on this matter. I need the nod of the review team and the leader of the review team agrees. Then there will be no problem with this matter.

We can handle this matter specially. If a program can be included in the Spring Festival Gala, it needs to go through various procedures such as audition invitations, etc., and then it can enter the sight of the Spring Festival Gala review team.

It can be said that for the Spring Festival Gala program, if he can reach the capital and go to the national television station to be reviewed by the review team, then he will basically have an 80% chance of entering the Spring Festival Gala stage.

Of course, it is also allowed through certain means of competition. It depends on each person's ability.

Generally speaking, the Spring Festival Gala is like this.

There must be programs of a certain quality, and this is the case for every Spring Festival Gala.

But this time, I asked you to do something special, because we are also temporary and need such a program. This is also the result of the leadership designation. Rashid was not able to come to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, and we must find a replacement. He, if you are confident in the quality of your program, we can do something special. No invitations, auditions, etc. are needed.

We go directly to the review team and let the leader of the review team see how to do it better. If the quality of your program is good enough, you can go directly to the Spring Festival Gala without going through various complicated rehearsals. , but one thing is that the quality must be very high, preferably the kind that is both Eastern and Western.

Your magic can't just be Dongfeng's magic, because this time we need to face audiences all over the world.

The Spring Festival Gala cannot be for the Mainland, right? It must be open to the whole world, so when talking about this magic, it cannot just be about Eastern magic. If you simply do a pure Eastern magic like Three Immortals Returning to the Cave or something like that, it would not be appropriate. . Because it is an old show, it is not appropriate for everyone to be familiar with it.

I’m not saying that Eastern magic is not good, there have been quite a few Eastern magic shows in the Spring Festival Gala.

I mean this time is not for pure Eastern magic.

We need programming that meets needs.

I won’t look for you for purely oriental magic. If I look for you, then there is no need to go to the review team for review.

I have to make sure about this first. Your magic cannot be purely Eastern magic, and of course it is best not to be purely Western magic. After all, the Spring Festival Gala is our Eastern Spring Festival Gala, and the main thing is to face our Eastern people. So it can’t be purely Eastern, but it can’t be purely Western either. The best is the Eastern and Western kind. If you are sure of this, then there is nothing else. "

Ye Ming nodded and said, "This is no problem. When I was at Harvard University, the learning atmosphere there was relatively relaxed, because Harvard University is a kind of school that is easy on entry and strict on exit.

Compared with our country, Harvard is relatively easy to enter, but it is not particularly easy to graduate. Therefore, the learning atmosphere at Harvard is relatively good.

Relatively loose, of course I just mean relatively loose.

Anyway, whether you like to study or not, you will be able to graduate if you have enough credits. If you don’t have enough credits, you will not graduate. As rich as Bill Gates, the richest man in the world.

However, it is impossible for him to get a Harvard diploma from Harvard University, and it is impossible to give him a diploma just to curry favor with Bill Gates, the richest man, because Bill Gates has not completed his credits at Harvard University.

So, no matter what, it is impossible for Bill Gates to get a Harvard University diploma. Harvard University is quite insistent on this point, so the learning atmosphere there is relatively relaxed and the teachers don't care too much. However, the students work very hard in their studies.

Anyway, if you don’t learn enough credits, you won’t be able to graduate and if you learn enough credits, you can arrange the rest of your time as you please, so I have relatively more time there.

In this matter, I have a lot of free time to think about other things, such as magic.

Of course, the magic tricks I'm thinking about are basically Eastern and Western.

It can be reviewed. I think it is a very interesting magic trick. I hope it can be recognized by the review team.

But I have a small question, that is, if I perform two of his programs by myself, does this conform to the convention of the Spring Festival Gala? Generally speaking, it does not mean participating in the Spring Festival Gala. He just said that I can perform Is that the end of one show?

I still have singing here, and I can’t give up singing casually. After all, it is my job. But you want to say that if I pass the review of the review team, then I will have to perform a magic show. This is a bit inappropriate. It’s in line with the custom of the Spring Festival Gala.

When the time comes, do you think I should give up singing or magic? First of all, I have to make it clear that I am not hiding my secrets, but that as a magician, he will not easily tell others about his unique skills. It is the fruit of a magician's labor. If you, as a magician, tell others the fruits of your labor casually, then the fruits of your labor will be too cheap.

Of course, if your magic is cracked by others, it is someone else's fault, but as a magician's own original magic program, he will not easily tell others the key tips.

So I will not easily tell others about my magic tricks. Of course, if I tell others, others will not be able to perform so skillfully and will not be able to perform on stage in the short term. So if I pass the review, then You said I was performing singing or performing magic, right?

I don’t want to see you give up singing. If you give up magic, it seems that our program team will not be able to find other people, so we must first explain this. Do I need to think clearly about how to do it? I have to listen to the arrangements of the Spring Festival Gala on this matter, right? "

Curly Mao said nonchalantly at this time: "It doesn't matter, right? Who said you can only perform one program during the Spring Festival Gala? During the first Spring Festival Gala, it was normal for an actor to perform six or seven programs. In the past, In some Spring Festival Galas, it’s not impossible for one actor to perform two programs, right?

The key is whether there are good and high-quality programs that actors can perform in. If there are high-quality programs that are recognized by the review team, there will be no problem for you to perform three programs. Anyway, if the leader says it is OK, it will be OK. If the leader says no, it will not be OK. The key point is That is to say, whether it has been approved by the leader.

If you perform two programs and get approval from the leader, then there is no problem and everything else is OK. Why does the leader agree? It is because your program meets the needs. If the program does not meet the needs, the leader will not agree.

If you don't meet the required consent, it's impossible for you to perform a show. So when it comes to the Spring Festival Gala, everything has the final say. Within the scope allowed by the leadership, everything else is fine.

Feel free to follow me to see the review team. If the leader of the review team agrees that you can perform two shows, and your magic can satisfy the leader of the team, then there will be no problem for you to perform two shows. Don't worry.

Who told you that every actor in the Spring Festival Gala performs automatically? That is what everyone takes for granted. In fact, it is the leader who has the final say on how many programs to perform. "

At this time, with these words from Director Curly Mao, Ye Ming felt relieved, nodded and said: "Okay, as long as the director says this, my heart will be in my stomach, and I can do it." Performed seriously."

Curly Mao was about to take Ye Ming to meet the leader of the review team. At this time, he suddenly thought of something and said: "One thing I want to tell you is that this time the review team was actually quite annoyed.

Rashid was beaten and taken to the hospital, so we were in a bit of trouble.

It is also very difficult for us to find magicians, so the leaders are also very dissatisfied.

This time, you can't just pretend to be false, you have to be very sure.

Let me tell you this time, we have invited national magicians to serve as referees. There are two national-level magicians. Not only are you the leaders of the review team, you must also conquer these two national-level magicians. Then what? Only then can I attend the Spring Festival Gala.

Otherwise, you have to give up. You must be mentally prepared for this. If you are very sure about your magic, no one will blame you if you don't get over it now if you are not sure.

But if you go there, you must produce high-quality programs. You must know this in your heart.

I'll give you one last chance. Are you willing to follow me at this time? "

Ye Ming said with great certainty: "There must be no problem. Don't worry, I must be so sure. As long as I say it, I will be sure of it."

At this time, Curly nodded and said: "There is no problem in doing this. I admire the fighting spirit of you young people the most. The Spring Festival Gala is not as good as every year. Do you know? Ordinary people don't like to watch it. Now. So, the leaders have very high requirements for the program materials of this Spring Festival Gala. You must know this in your heart. If I take you there and the quality of your program cannot satisfy the leaders, there will be You may offend the leader, and you may be in trouble at that time.”

At this time, Ye Ming was also very confident. He nodded and said: "There should be no problem. I know the director well. These magic tricks of mine are all original and highly watchable. Moreover, they are Very suitable for Spring Festival Gala performances.

I also know that the stage of the Spring Festival Gala also has certain limitations, so I will not prepare any large-scale magic tricks, because large-scale magic requires a very long time to prepare.

The largest module I know of took about 52 days and nearly two months to prepare for a large-scale magic. This is the longest preparation time I have seen for a large-scale magic show in the West. magic.

Of course, it is impossible to prepare such a program for the Spring Festival Gala. The Spring Festival Gala does not have such a big stage, and we do not have enough time.

So, what I prepared is a relatively small magic show suitable for performing on the stage. I believe that if the leaders see it, they will be very satisfied. As for the government’s magicians in our country?

First of all, I am a little worried. No matter how good my performance is, it is impossible for them not to agree. Jealousy among colleagues is the most terrifying thing.

So I have to make this clear first. It is impossible to say that those two national-level magicians criticized me with prejudice. If that's the case then don't play.

In this way, it is impossible for you to find a suitable program for the Spring Festival Gala. Director, you must pay attention to this. "

Going to the Spring Festival Gala is actually very important. It is related to the future of an artist. If we talk about the last Spring Festival Gala, it is possible to become famous. After all, it is officially recognized.

Therefore, the competition to appear on the Spring Festival Gala is very fierce. The competition for the last program was so fierce. If Ye Ming is participating in two programs this time, you can imagine how great the pressure is on Ye Ming. Sometimes, Ye Ming must be careful.

And Curly Mao, as the director of the Spring Festival Gala, he also has the right to recommend, so he must be aware of the benefits involved.

Ye Ming reminded Curly that it was for his own good, so as to save him from being arrogant, but it was better to involve Ye Ming and keep the ugly words to the end.

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