Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 212: The Golden Horse Award caught in a tug-of-war

He, Chen Kaige, has won the Golden Lion Award, but Hou Xiaoxian is not bad at all. Therefore, after hearing that it was Chen Kaige, Hou Xiaoxian said with a smile: "If Old Chen comes over, it won't be a big deal. What's more, his movie [Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin], to be honest, let This guy Kadokawa also vomited blood due to the transfusion. He went there just as a spectator."

At this time, Hou Xiaoxian actually had enough confidence not to care about Chen Kaige. After all, even experts could see that "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin" is really a bad movie. He has not even made a comedy like "Crazy Stone". , it surprised people to beat more than a dozen streets at the box office, and the value of this movie can be imagined.

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "No, it's not Chen Kaige, but Chen Chong. The film "Tianba" shot by Chen Chong was also invited by Wu Yushen to support the scene. If my guess is correct, then in At a time like this, in order to combat local forces like Director Hou in Baodao, Wu Yushen will definitely make Tianyu the big winner of the 1998 Golden Horse Awards."

After talking about Chen Chong, Hou Xiaoxian also frowned at this time. If it were Chen Kaige, he would be easy to deal with. He knows himself and his enemy. He is a relatively familiar person and easy to deal with. However, if it comes to Chen Chong, it's hard to say. Born under the red flag, raised in the new society, educated and cultivated by the Party for many years, he became famous all over the world after starring in "Little Flower". However, he finally chose to go to Hollywood because he shot a movie with nudity scenes. At this time, he was very popular in China. There was some criticism, but in the end, Chen Chong insisted on becoming the first Chinese actress to star in the Oscar for Best Picture with "The Last Emperor", and she is one of the oriental faces active in the international film industry.

When it comes to this person, one can only use the word "difficult" to describe him. Few people can understand Chen Chong's character. The little flower under the dignified beauty cannot hide his wild and unruly heart. He is free, rebellious and goes his own way. She is a very talented woman.

Hou Xiaoxian was silent for a moment and said: "Chen Chong is more difficult to deal with. Although she is not as famous as Chen Kaige, she won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress in 1994 and won the Best Actress Award in any film festival. , I always prefer people I’ve known before. If it’s under the same conditions, it’s usually the familiar faces who get the advantage.”

This is also Hou Xiaoxian's years of experience. Even if he wins an Oscar, he cannot be exempted from this. If an Oscar-winning actor wants to get another actor's trophy, as long as his work is decent, it will always be much easier than those who have not won an Oscar-winning actor. What's more, this is just the Golden Horse Awards. Under the same conditions, I will naturally prefer Chen Chong's movies.

Zhang Yimou also smiled bitterly and said: "This guy is really capable of finding people. He actually said to pull Chen Chong over. Mr. Hou, you are in danger."

Hou Xiaoxian glanced at Zhang Yimou, and an eager look flashed in his eyes like a hunter who had seen his prey: "Director Zhang, everything is up to you. If you go over, then I think Chen Chong will be fine. I I think as long as you go, Chen Kaige will not be your opponent. Moreover, your "No one can be left behind" does not involve any political issues, and blood, violence, etc. have nothing to do with this movie.

I think if you participate in the Golden Horse Awards, you will definitely be able to sweep an issue like this. "

Zhang Yimou quickly waved his hand and said: "Forget it, I won't be involved in this matter anymore. That movie is a proposition composition. It's not like you don't know that. It's a bit inappropriate. However, if you want to gain something, , I recommend you Ye Ming’s [Crazy Stone], if there is this movie, you still have great hope.”

Hou Xiaoxian shook his head and said: "You still don't understand Wu Yushen. This time, he represents the interests of the film producers. Unless you go, there is no solution. He will definitely have a way to control this time." For the Golden Horse Award, although I still don’t know what method he used. But as long as he dares to make some moves, I can see it at this time. You really don’t think about it. For a moment?"

Zhang Yimou said very firmly: "I won't go, I really don't want to go. You should take Ye Ming with you." At this time, Hou Xiaoxian obviously felt some regret.

But on such a question, Ye Ming didn't say anything. After all, it was said that director Zhang Yimou's status as a national master was indeed what Ye Ming needed to look up to now.

Hou Xiaoxian's low regard for Ye Ming is actually reasonable and unexpected. At this time, Hou Xiaoxian said with regret: "Actually, under such a situation, if you don't go, we will almost certainly fail. When I came to the capital, I just wanted to find you?" Zhang Yimou He waved his hand and said: "I am also very busy. [My parents] are extremely busy with the preparatory work for this movie. Ye Ming, I promise you will have an unexpected surprise. Lao Hou Then you have to believe in my vision.”

At this time, Hou Xiaoxian still said regretfully: "That's it. It's such a pity. I have to let Ye Ming attend."

However, in such a situation, in fact, more generally speaking, he looked down on Ye Ming. It seemed that Ye Ming could also feel Hou Xiaoxian's distrustful eyes, so he immediately raised his Opinion: "Director Hou, you think too highly of me. Even Director Zhang didn't dare to go there. Do I dare to go there? I participated in the past without realizing it." Although it means that Ye Ming thought about the crazy stone again, in fact On such a question, Ye Ming did not immediately mention his shortcomings. Hou Xiaoxian laughed loudly and said: "Don't worry about this. Wu Yushen, in fact, in this situation, it means that you attract Wu Yushen's attention, and I will not let you participate in vain. Yes, I guarantee that you can compete for the position of Best Actor, one of the candidates for the Golden Horse Best Actor." Ye Ming was stunned for a moment and then said: "This, you have the final say, it does not mean that Wu Yushen has said that he will start to control the top management. You can influence Golden Horse Award?”

In fact, under such a situation, Ye Ming's worries are not unnecessary. Hou Xiaoxian is not the chairman after all. He is one of the vice-chairmen, and Wu Yushen is also the vice-chairman. Moreover, the people brought by Wu Yushen are all big names. ah. Therefore, in terms of quantity, when it comes to such an issue, Wu Yushen's international status is the best. Therefore, if he wants to take action, Hou Xiaoxian may not be able to resist it.

At this time, Hou Xiaoxian said with great certainty: "Actually, on this issue, even if I quit, I still have children and friends. As long as you cooperate with me, I guarantee that you will not What could be dangerous?

Wu Yushen, because he is determined to win, will not hold back. I can only stop him to stop him from being so arrogant. "

At this time, seeing Hou Xiaoxian's troubled expression, Ye Ming thought about it and said, "Director Hou, I have a method here, but is it true that it works?" It’s hard to say.”

At this time, Hou Xiaoxian was actually in a hurry and sought medical treatment. Zheng Zheng said that in such a situation, Hou Xiaoxian immediately said: "You can tell me what kind of method you can do. As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it." It is obligatory to do it.”

Ye Ming thought about it and said, "It's actually very simple. If Director Wu Yushen is looking for someone, you can also find someone, right?"

Hou Xiaoxian glanced at Zhang Yimou and said with some complaint: "Originally, if Lao Zhang could go, such a problem would not be easily solved, but he didn't go at all." He shook his head and said, "No. The director is Zhang Yimou, but Cheng Long, Cheng Long’s me is also qualified. If the director can invite his elder brother Cheng Long, then such a problem can actually be solved."

At this time, Hou Xiaoxian suddenly realized, and he immediately said: "This relationship is suitable, very suitable. I just said that from a director in the entertainment industry, I thought about such a thing. I didn't expect Cheng Long. Cheng Long Dragon’s movie, in this aspect, he is actually the most suitable.”

There’s no need to say more about Cheng Long’s name, right? plum

After Bruce Lee, the most successful Kung Fu superstar has a decisive appeal. This kind of appeal cannot be achieved overnight.

Hou Xiaoxian actually didn't stop for a moment, and immediately stood up and said: "Ye Ming, it's settled. Since it was Wu Yushen who broke the rules first, don't blame me for being rude. I want to let the film producers know that filmmakers Not that easy to bully.

Don't worry, I guarantee that you will be successfully shortlisted for the competition unit, just wait for the notification. Moreover, I guarantee that you will be indispensable for at least one movie actor title. I will not let representatives of film companies like Wu Yushen control the Golden Horse Awards.

At worst, I can just get a group of people to do it alone. "

Seeing Ye Ming hesitate for a moment, Hou Xiaoxian walked to the door and said: "Ye Ming, don't worry, Lao Zhang knows me best. I keep my word. Even if I am not in the Golden Horse Awards, relying on my relationship in the Golden Horse Awards , it is not difficult for you to become an actor."

Bullish, Hou Xiaoxian is so bullish, one of the representatives of local filmmakers. This representative figure is naturally not just a boast, but a real influence. It's like saying Zhang Yimou is in the mainland.

Even if Zhang Yimou repeatedly tried to persuade him to stay, it was of no use. Cheng Long was not that easy to invite. If there was no sufficient reason to have no acquaintance, there was no need to think about it.

After Hou Xiaoxian left, standing by the road, Zhang Yimou looked at Ye Ming with a smile and said, "What kind of intentions do you have in doing that? Are you sure that Cheng Long will definitely go? This guy Hou, and Cheng Long Our relationship can only be said to be average, not really good friends. What if Cheng Long doesn't come?" Ye Ming thought for a while, and then said: "What I can guarantee is that this time, I will win the Golden Horse Award. There is Cheng Long's [Who am I], but I don't know much about who invited him here.

Maybe it was Cheng Long who was invited by Wu Yushen, not sure. "

Ye Ming knew that Cheng Long's "Who Am I" later participated in the Golden Horse Awards, but in such a situation, Ye Ming did not really study carefully who invited it.

This explanation is actually very reluctant, but after all, Zhang Yimou is not the kind of person who wants to get to the bottom of things, that is, he doesn't have anything in mind.

When I returned to the company, I didn't expect that someone would still come to see Ye Ming. This time it wasn't someone else, Dai Chunrong, who played the role of the queen. Moreover, seeing Dai Chunrong's appearance, he must have been waiting for a long time when he was like this.

After seeing Ye Ming come back, Dai Chunrong immediately stood up and said anxiously: "Ye Ming, you came just in time. I have something to ask you. I didn't expect that you didn't come back after being out for a long time. And your mobile phone can't get through. of."

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Teacher Dai, don't worry, why do you have time to come to my company? Come into the office to talk, I still have the high-quality Biluochun? My mobile phone seems to be out of battery, so you can't get through. , but when I came out, was it approved by manager He and the director?"

Although Ye Ming is an A-list star and the biggest name in the cast of My Fair Princess, he is sometimes cautious in his words and deeds and refuses to be easily caught by others.

In a situation like this, you have to ask for leave to work on the set. Normally, there is nothing the director can do if Ye Ming doesn't ask for leave. However, he still asked for leave according to the rules. Anyway, when he asks for leave, he is usually approved. Asking for leave is more like a formality. At this time, Dai Chunrong was sweating anxiously and said: "It's not your fault, it's something happened to the crew. I came here to find you, Qinggege Wang Yan. She has some minor problems. I think you should go over and have a look." "

Something happened to Qinggege? This immediately made Ye Ming feel dazed for a while. Something happened to Qing Gege, which seemed to be a bit surprising. At that moment, Ye Ming said: "Qinggege, when I came out, I met Wang Yan. She was very happy at the time. She was also wearing a cheongsam. She looked so dressed up. It didn't look like something was wrong. .”

Dai Chunrong sighed and said, "Things are not as simple as you think. If it was just a small matter, I wouldn't come over to you in a hurry." Obviously, Dai Chunrong thought that what happened to Qinggege Wang Yan , Ye Ming should have some kind of solution to the problem. After hearing this, Ye Ming waved his hand decisively and said: "Then let's go back and take a look first." (To be continued)

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