Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 213 Qinggege’s first time

The cast of My Fair Princess, at this time, everyone in the cast stopped what they were doing. Everyone gathered together in twos and threes, talking about something in low voices. A young man with long hair who looked to be less than twenty years old said, "Second uncle, tell me, what happened to Qinggege."

A middle-aged man next to him took a puff of cigarette and said: "What's going on? You're in the show. Some people won't walk out casually after entering the show. Qinggege is such a person. By the way, you kid , your mother asked you to hang out with me on the set, not just for fun, so she quickly shaved my hair short. You think you are an artist, and you can't become Liu Huan even with such long hair."

The middle-aged man who taught his nephew a lesson knocked the boy, then looked up, quickly opened the box, and pretended to pack away the props inside.

The long-haired young man stared at the people passing by with wide eyes: "Ye Ming, it's actually Ye Ming. Second uncle Ye Ming is too young, right?"

The middle-aged man snorted and said, "You have just arrived. What does this mean? I heard that Fan Binbin is only seventeen years old. Work hard and you can take photos with celebrities if you find opportunities."

At this time, the young people's eyes showed a blazing light. Huanzhugege became popular all over the world. How many people wanted to take photos with the actors of Huanzhugege and ask for autographs.

The young man said anxiously: "Second uncle, what you said is true. Can I get the signatures of Ye Ming and Zhao Wei?"

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "What's the point? Just ask the people in the crew who didn't take photos with the stars and sign autographs. The stars of Huanzhugege are all very kind and don't delay their work. "

After Ye Ming came back, he went directly to the filming scene. He Xiuqiong, Sun Shupei and Li Ping were also on the scene at the same time. At this time, it was the highlight of the filming of Princess My Fair Princess about Qing Princess. It was about Lafayette and Qing Princess. Talking about Erkang, Lafayette actually wanted to marry Erkang and Qinggege for a long time, but he was delayed because of the incense offering. This time I came back to bring up old things again.

After Ye Ming walked in, the whole room was gloomy and the air was very solemn. He Xiuqiong also looked like he was sighing, two directors. Naturally, he is also the kind of person who has deep frowns and is helpless. Such a scene does have a rather surprising result.

Ye Ming coughed, which broke the silence of the room: "Director Sun, I also read the script for this scene when I went out. It is not an important scene. How could something go wrong in this matter? What’s up?”

Sun Shupei said with some difficulty at this moment: "I don't know about this either. Don't ask me. In fact, everything was very normal before the shooting. Even during the shooting, such a thing was abnormal." It's normal, we just got along with it. Is it too serious to get caught up in the drama?" When he said this, Sun Shupei was actually very depressed. He himself couldn't figure out what happened to cause this. As a result, after so many years as a director, is this the first time he has encountered something like this?

He Xiuqiong continued: "There was no problem at the time, but just when everyone was preparing to shoot the second scene, Zhao Wei discovered that something was wrong with Qing Gege. As a result, it became what it is now. I watched the actors who came into the scene. There have been many, but there seems to be only one person who has become so involved in drama."

Qing Gege laughed inexplicably. Basically, everyone present could tell that she was too involved in the drama. However, it is hard to explain why she was so involved in the drama that she couldn't get out. Zhao Wei came over at the scene, patted Ye Ming on the shoulder and said, "Before Qinggege started filming, you were the last actor I met. Then we started filming. I asked you here because I wanted to get to know you better. What exactly did you and Wang Yan say at that time? This will help us understand the development of the whole thing."

Ye Ming relaxed his shoulders and said, "I really don't know about this. At that time, I mean, Wang Yan was a little nervous when she formally faced the camera for the first time. Wang Yan nodded and said that she had just woken up in the morning. At that time, I felt like there was a little deer pounding in my heart, and I was really nervous. I told her that it was actually no big deal, it was just a play, and you should regard the characters in the play as you. You can do it by yourself, actually it’s all very simple.”

At this point, Ye Ming suddenly realized something. He seemed to have thought of something and said: "I understand, flowers are not flowers, and fog is not fog. It is true. People who act for the first time can easily end up in dead ends. She is He thought that he was Qinggege, so for a while, it was difficult to get out of the play and notify Wang Yan's family to pick him up. At this time, Qinggege's scene would be postponed for a few days. God, let’s wait until she can come out.”

This kind of entering into a play is really difficult to explain clearly. It cannot be explained clearly in a few words. For actors, the most difficult thing is to enter into the play. Only when you enter into the play can you make a role come alive, but The easiest thing is to get into the play. The important thing is to be attentive and really want to perform the play well. In fact, getting into the play is very easy. And in such a process, the hardest thing to get out of is actually to get into the drama. If there are such stubborn people, once they are into the drama, it is not easy to get out of it. of. very

Obviously, Wang Yan is one of them, the kind of person who is stubborn. Fan Binbin saw Wang Yan being picked up by a Land Rover luxury car and said enviously: "You are so rich. Wang Yan's family actually has such a luxury car. Even in the capital, there are not many Land Rover." See the luxury cars.”

Wang Yan's family is rich. Everyone on the crew knows this. From the diamond ring she lost, it can be seen that she is a rich person. However, the diamond ring is actually not a big deal. The problem is, the shock of this thing is far less than that of a luxury car driving directly in front of you. It simply blinded the eyes of many people on the crew.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Don't envy her. In fact, one day, you will also have a luxury car like this. Believe me, you can also live a wealthy life. The key is that you have a wealthy heart." Heart."

At this time, Fan Binbin said without any confidence: "Is it true, I can become a wealthy family myself?" Ye Ming nodded very definitely and said: "That's right, you can also become a wealthy family yourself. The key is, If you have a wealthy heart, and if you yourself don’t believe that you can become a wealthy family, then in such a situation, it is actually impossible for others to believe that you can become a wealthy family. If you have faith, you will have hope."

The flower of hope is like a miracle that blooms in the long river of life. It only belongs to those who believe in themselves. The passage of time is not the passing of time, but a firm belief can turn the glory of that moment into reality. , becomes an eternity. What is indelible is the dream of youth, the faith of youth, and the heart that never admits defeat.

Fan Binbin left with satisfaction, and seemed to be much happier.

At this time, Zhang Tielin came over and said: "You, you have started to fool Fan Binbin again. This girl is also real. She just likes to listen to you. It's no wonder. Sometimes, I, an old actor, listen to your words, then There is a feeling of excitement, which seems to mean that under such a situation, I also have the idea of ​​​​wanting to be twenty years younger and fight hard again."

Ye Ming looked at Fan Binbin's back and said, "Actually, it's always good to have faith, isn't it? Binbin is too young and a bit precocious. In fact, in a situation like this, it's always good to encourage her more. She came to ask me because she believed me. I can’t say how dark the reality is in this circle. Although she will be exposed to it one day, I hope she will be exposed to this reality. In reality, I have become strong enough. Teacher Zhang, not everyone is like you. I have been in the entertainment industry for so many years, but I have never seen you disappointed. My heart has long been as solid as a rock. Bar?"

Zhang Tielin laughed loudly and said: "Without a rock-solid heart, it would be difficult for me to hold on to feelings. There is no way, it's all because of the pressing situation. We can't shoot today, so what? I'll look for Yanzi tonight. How about they go out for a drink?"

A few people were drinking. At this time, it was no longer the same as before where they could just find a street stall and have a big meal. When filming the first part of My Fair Princess, none of them were very famous. Except for Su Youpeng, the rest were the kind of actors that not many people might recognize standing on the street. But things are different now. A few actors from My Fair Princess may cause traffic jams just by standing on the street. Therefore, when they get together at this time, they have a fixed box.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "There's no problem with this. We're going to move to location soon. It won't be easy to find opportunities to have a big meal in the future. Let's go to my place this time. Kadokawa has already said that he would give me the key to the courtyard." I sent it over and the procedures have been completed. From now on, it is my yard."

Zhang Tielin said with a smile: "Siheyuan, I really didn't know that you had such a place, but I wanted to go and have a look. That's it. I'll inform Yanzi and the others to go eat at a big restaurant to celebrate you." Happy housewarming." (To be continued)

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