Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 311 Wu Yushen VS Hou Xiaoxian

She has seen "Crazy Stone" and knows the potential of this movie. Once it goes to the Golden Horse Awards, there will be too many uncontrollable factors. Therefore, at this time, Wu Yushen actually just said that he wanted to invite Ye Ming to participate in the Golden Horse Awards, but not to participate in any competition unit.

Wu Yushen originally thought that at this time, Ye Ming was a young man who became famous at a young age and did not have much experience. Therefore, as long as he fooled him a little, there would be no problem. However, he never expected that Ye Ming He was so cunning, he actually said he heard the trap.

At this time, in the coffee shop, Feng Xiaogang originally wanted to say something, but he glanced at the door, his face changed, and he stood up with a very respectful expression: "Director Zhang, I didn't expect you to come back here. Do you think the three of you are going to sit together?"

Gathering in private is also a way to communicate feelings. In fact, relationships just happen. Even if they are friends, if they don't contact each other every three years, they may not have much friendship. And having regular gatherings naturally means that camaraderie will develop.

Especially for a great director like Zhang Yimou, he doesn't have many friends, and even his enemies don't have many. When he reaches the level of a great director like Zhang Yimou, his only enemy is himself. .

Therefore, it was rare for a director of the same level to come over. Feng Xiaogang thought that Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige must have promised to host a banquet for Wu Yushen. But he never expected that Zhang Yimou would come here, and he had a calm expression. Looking at Ye Ming's expression, Feng Xiaogang thought that he could see some clues about B from Ye Ming's face, but From Zhang Yimou's unwavering face, as firm as a rock, no change in emotion can be seen. It is always a face full of bitterness and hatred, but it hides countless stories of vicissitudes of life.

What Zhang Yimou is best at is taking other people's stories and adding life insights through his own lens to touch countless audiences and conquer their hearts and souls. Even the Project Hope movie "No One Less" uses non-professional actors, but Zhang Yimou is able to produce beautiful scenes. This is the ability of a great international director. No wonder Feng Xiaogang was so polite. Zhang Yimou waved his hand and said: "We have different paths and we don't conspire against each other. I also came out to get some air. I happened to see Ye Ming enter the coffee shop. I didn't expect you two to be here."

Sit down, all sit down. "At this time, Feng Xiao sat down very politely after Zhang Yimou sat down.

At this time, Zhang Yimou glanced at Ye Ming and said: "Ye Ming, I heard that you are filming the second part of My Fair Princess, but don't delay the filming of my movie. If you don't arrange the schedule, then I won't let it go." It's your fault." This is already a rare joke for Zhang Yimou. Although this cold joke is not funny at all, it can be seen that Zhang Yimou values ​​​​Ye Ming.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Director Zhang, look at what you said, how dare I delay your movie? I have already made an agreement with the crew of Huanzhugege. When will you start it? In such a big place, At a certain time, I can go there immediately. If one month is not enough, I can extend it by one month. See if this time is enough."

Zhang Yimou nodded with satisfaction and said: "You're smart, actually it's almost a month. The male protagonist doesn't have a lot of roles, so one month is enough. The key is to see when it snows in that place, I guess. It’s almost the New Year’s Eve time, and it’s too early to capture any artistic conception. I’ll let you know when the time comes.”

After talking about the schedule, Ye Ming asked curiously: "Director Zhang, this is Wu Yushen. I am here to seek support. Filmmakers in Baodao are rarely so enthusiastic. I think he must be polite and ask for something, but I don’t know what he means by asking for you.”

Zhang Yimou smiled and said: "You kid, you are a little too well-informed. It's true that Wu Yushen came with a purpose, but I don't care what his purpose is. The reform of the Golden Horse Awards this time , it is a big improvement for the Chinese film industry. If it were not said that "No one is less" is not suitable to participate in the Golden Horse Awards, I would also like to support it, but not to support Wu Yushen, but to support the reform of the Golden Horse Awards. . In fact, Lao Wu is too utilitarian, and he is eager for success in some things. I heard about the reform of the Golden Horse Awards as early as two years ago, but it has not been really brought out until now. And now, internally, they There is still no unified opinion. I really don’t know what kind of lively scene this year’s Golden Horse Awards will be.”

After all, Zhang Yimou is still well-informed, so in this situation, he actually knows more inside information.

At this time, Ye Ming looked like he suddenly understood and said: "No wonder it is like this. I said that a director of his level would not easily pay attention to a fledgling director like me. It turns out that this is the case. Look. There are rumors from outside that there is internal discord at the Golden Horse Awards, and it is indeed true. This Wu Yushen should be the representative of the film producers. When he comes here, he should represent the interests of the film producers."

Hearing this, not only Feng Xiaogang and Sister Fang Fang were surprised, but even Zhang Yimou looked at Ye Ming curiously, as if he wanted to get to know Ye Ming again: "I didn't expect that. , your information is so well-informed, you are right, Lao Wu is the representative of the film studio, to be precise, he is the representative of the film company with foreign investment background in Baodao. Lao Wu is the first to stay on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It is normal for famous Chinese directors to represent the interests of Western capital. However, at this time, the local forces represented by Hou Xiaoxian were not very satisfied with Lao Wu. Therefore, at this time, the internal affairs of the Golden Horse Awards It's not very harmonious either. So Lao Wu said he thought of asking for help. And at a time like this, I think Hou Xiaoxian will definitely take action."

After all, it was Zhang Yimou who stood a little higher, so he could see further and deeply analyze the internal contradictions of the Golden Horse Awards Organizing Committee. At this time, Zhang Yimou, who always tells the truth, also said with emotion: "The Golden Horse Award has always been relatively fair. Compared with domestic awards, which are always double-yolked eggs, it can be said that the authority of the Golden Horse Award is still relatively recognized, but I didn’t expect that they actually had internal disagreements. It’s hard to talk about this matter, and there might be trouble. For this kind of film award, if there is a shady story, it will be a very severe blow to the film award itself.”

Ye Ming immediately said: "Director Zhang, you are trying to offend people. If others hear this, it might cause another mess. However, this is the truth. Any reform must come at a price. Jinma The reform of the award will inevitably touch the interests of some people. However, I think Hou Xiaoxian is not Wu Yushen's opponent, because he is not as bold and ruthless as Wu Yushen. Also, Wu Yushen represents the interests of film producers. , Therefore, in such a situation, Wu Yushen must win. He cannot and absolutely cannot lose to Hou Xiaoxian. The struggle of capitalists has always been bloody, and behind the movie is actually the struggle of capital." Because movies, to put it bluntly, are capital operations, which means that Wu Yushen will definitely win this power struggle.

Zhang Yimou is actually very artistic himself. He is an artistic young man at heart. It just means that many years of life in the film and television industry have smoothed Zhang Yimou's edges and corners. The once passionate young man has also begun to have crow's feet on his forehead. This is The vicissitudes of time prove that, especially the faint appearance of white hair, it also begins to indicate that Zhang Yimou has begun to mature, both in terms of art and age.

However, in fact, sometimes it is difficult to conceal his passionate youthful impulse. After all, he still has more elements of a literary youth in his heart. Of course, he also hopes that filmmakers represented by Hou Xiaoxian can win the final victory. This represents the triumph of art films.

At that moment, Zhang Yimou said: "This is actually not necessarily true. Hou Xiaoxian is not an ordinary person. He is a local representative and fights locally. He has greater advantages. He has his own persistence. Moreover, he The influence of the Golden Horse Awards may not be what Lao Wu could have imagined." At this time, Zhang Yimou also tried his best to show his support for Hou Xiaoxian.

But Ye Ming shook his head and said with great certainty: "It's impossible, Wu Yushen will not let him win. This time, Wu Yushen has decided to follow his own ideas in the reform of the Golden Horse Awards.

Actually, I wasn't so sure at the beginning, but from the moment he started inviting me to participate, well, not to compete, I knew that this year's Golden Horse Awards would definitely mean that Hu would become the most lively actor in recent years. The Golden Horse Awards. And the film producers in Baodao will not allow Hou Xiaoxian to win, because that is not in the interests of the film producers. Moreover, I heard that Wu Yushen still has his own trump card that he has not yet used. "

Wu Yushen still had a trump card that he had not used yet. Such news was surprising. Zhang Yimou himself thought that the news was relatively well-informed. However, Wu Yushen still had a trump card, which he did not listen to. Said.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yimou said: "Old Wu's trump card? Don't say it's Chen Kaige's [Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin]. Although Chen Kaige's movie failed at the box office, according to Chen Kaige's own insistence , he might not be willing to go to the Golden Horse Awards, especially if I didn’t go. According to my understanding of his arrogant character, he might not be willing to go."

Zhang Yimou thinks that he knows Chen Kaige very well. This guy has aristocratic blood in his bones. He thinks that he comes from a famous family, is superior to others, and is quite conceited. At this time, Zhang Yimou suddenly received a call, and after giving a knowing smile, he said: "I know Hou Xiaoxian can't bear it anymore. I said he will fight back, and he will definitely fight back.

Ye Ming, follow me to meet Director Hou Xiaoxian. "This time, Zhang Yimou didn't say anything to ask Feng Xiaogang to go with him, that is, not to take him to play. In fact, if [Party A and Party B] went to participate in the Golden Horse Awards, then Feng Xiaogang would be somewhat scrupulous. At the moment, Feng Xiaogang also said very wisely. : "My crew hasn't finished their work yet. Let's go ahead. Director Zhang, Ye Ming, see you later. "

Sister Fang Fang naturally said that she wanted to go there, but Zhang Yimou didn't mention taking Sister Fang Fang with him. He didn't dare to go there. After all, in such a situation, Zhang Yimou's majesty was ordinary. What is unbearable is that even a look in his eyes carries the powerful look of a superior. Naturally, Sister Fang Fang also knew what she should do.

After getting in the car, Zhang Yimou said happily: "Ye Ming, your agent is interesting. Not everyone can accept my look calmly, but as an agent, she can Feng Qingyun Looking at each other calmly, this is not something ordinary agents can do." Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "Sister Fang Fang is an agent from Hong Kong City, so I think everyone's philosophy is not Is it the same?"

Zhang Yimou glanced at the distance and said: "In Hong Kong City, in that place, the system of ascending to the throne in the film and television industry is more strict. It is not as simple as you think. A small agent will not have that kind of momentum. Although he has given up. She retreated, but I could feel that her gaze was one of perseverance and one that would never admit defeat."

It has been said that Zhang Yimou has not seen this kind of thing for a long time. He just said that he has seen this kind of look in Gong Li's eyes. There is also Zhang Ziyi. The looks of these two people make Zhang Yimou choose the two of them as his own. The main character of the movie.

At this time, Zhang Yimou thought for a while and said: "If [my parents] hadn't already decided on Zhang Ziyi, I think your agent would be a good choice for the heroine."

This is a very high praise for Zhang Yimou, which shows that he admires the Chinese sister Fang very much.

The car arrived at Media Hotel, close to Tianchao Terrace. Although it is not the most luxurious hotel in a place like this, it is also a famous hotel in the circle. Hou Xiaoxian seems to be a very kind person, as if he would never see this person angry. Sitting there, he is as unpretentious as a gatekeeper. He is like Zhang Yimou squatting in a movie studio. At the door, there is absolutely no need for makeup, and the look is similar to that of an extra.

However, this man is a great international director. The Tragedy Trilogy established his international status and he is one of the few internationally renowned directors in Baodao. The film "Sad City" is one of the "Sad City" trilogy and won the Golden Lion Award at the 46th Venice Film Festival. Hou Xiaoxian and Zhang Yimou have a good relationship. Both of them are good at making movies with a hint of suffering and sadness.

I saw Zhang Yimou coming. At this time, Hou Xiaoxian actually stood up and welcomed him out, all the way to the door.

Zhang Yimou also said politely: "Lao Hou, you are too polite. You didn't call me until three days later. You don't treat me as a friend. It's true."

Hou Xiaoxian frowned and said, "I'm very busy. I just had free time, so I contacted you right away. Let me think about it, that guy Wu Yushen must be looking for you, right?"

This is absolutely certain. Hou Xiaoxian is still very clear about Wu Yushen's purpose of coming here. In fact, he came here for the same purpose. He just said that he was troubled by some things and had just free time.

At this time, Zhang Yimou said with a smile: "If nothing else, let me introduce you first, Ye Ming, the singer of [Legend] and the director of [Crazy Stone], a young man with considerable potential. "

After the introduction, Ye Ming also said hello very politely. Hou Xiaoxian did not put on the airs of a senior, but said with a smile: "Sit down, everyone, sit down." Zhang Yimou sat down directly and said: "Lao Hou, Chen Kai Ge has promised you that Lao Wu will come to support you. Your form is not good." Hou Xiaoxian laughed and said, "I originally wanted to bring Chen Kaige with me, but it seems that there is no need. According to Chen Kaige's character, He shouldn't have agreed so quickly. I thought he was an arrogant person."

However, Ye Ming's words were like a knife stabbed in: "Conceited, in fact, in a situation like this, even if you say conceited, it depends on time. Many people just said Yes, Wu Yushen represents the interests of Baodao film producers.

Director Zhang, if according to your understanding of Chen Kaige, Wu Yushen paid for the distribution rights of "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin" in Baodao, does that mean that he can invite Chen Kaige there? "

At this point, Zhang Yimou fell silent. Yes, what if Wu Yushen really meant using such conditions as bait? Zhang Yimou answered with great difficulty: "Maybe, after all, the box office of the movie [Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin] is really difficult to see. Chen Kaige's face is somewhat unworthy, so under such circumstances, Wu Yu If Shen was offered good terms, he would really agree. However, Chen Kaige's film itself is indeed a flaw. If he is said to be a killer, it is somewhat unconvincing. ."

Zhang Yimou actually considered this issue from an artistic perspective. If he were a judge of the Golden Horse Awards, he would never give a bad movie like "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin" a chance.

Therefore, at this time, Zhang Yimou does not believe that Chen Kaige is Wu Yushen's trump card. If it were replaced by "Farewell My Concubine" a few years ago, it would be almost the same. (To be continued)

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