Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 223 The road to the future is right under your feet

"Abelian gauge theory can still be recognized, and there is not much difference from the earth... Non-Abelian gauge theory is difficult to recognize. If it is just an approximate equation, directly modifying the Yang-Mi equation of the earth can also be used, but... it may not be consistent."

"Symmetry spontaneously broken... lack of data. Doubtful. I have not paid attention to this field before, and I don't know if they have come into contact with "massless scalar particles."

"Higgs mechanism... after reducing physical quantities to spiritual energy, it is really a ghost who can recognize it."

Wang Qi looked at the words written on the manuscript in front of him, as if he saw a swarm of flies, which made people dizzy. Wang Qi shook his head and sighed: "It's true... I have never seen such an ugly theoretical model in my life."

Higgs mechanism, creation mechanism. This is a theory to explore "where does mass come from".

"The origin of mass", this is a question about the origin of the world. Why does matter exist? Why do elementary particles have mass? What gives it these masses?

The Higgs mechanism is trying to explain this problem.

In poetic terms, it explains where the mass of the world comes from.

This is an important mechanism for the creation of the universe.

After Wang Qi's rewrite, the mass was reduced. It should become "why does aura exist".

However, facing this mechanism, Wang Qi scratched his head again.

The original Higgs mechanism combines spontaneous symmetry breaking and non-Abelian gauge theory, and has an indescribable beauty in mathematics.

However. Wang Qi does not admit that this thing in front of him has any "beauty". He has never seen such a "deformed" mathematical model!

"It seems that what I said last night that this universe and the Earth's universe 'only have some known overlaps' was a bit biased. Their overlap rate is obviously very high! If the overlap rate of the two universes is not high, I will go crazy the first moment after 'crossing' because I can't understand this world... When I really touch the 'low overlap', I feel like my sanity has dropped."

"Well... of course. This possibility is not ruled out - I have actually been assimilated by the logic of this universe, and my mind also follows the logic of this universe. It's just that I haven't realized it yet, and I think I still follow the logic of the Earth."

"However, this kind of conjecture that can neither be proved nor disproved has no meaning to think about it now, so let's continue to do these meaningful things at hand."

Wang Qi fell to the ground and looked at the ceiling. I don't know what he was thinking.

After encountering Ai Changyuan who was also taking a walk. Wang Qi chatted with this young master who had a villa in Langde for a few words and then returned to his home. After that, he kept thinking and tried to rewrite the existing theory with the "view of the essence of spiritual energy".

Then, the result he actually came into contact with was...

"I have never seen such a distorted and deformed theoretical system!"

Wang Qi almost suspected that what he wrote was not a theoretical system, but the "Book of the Dead" and "Luo Yancheng Textbook" and other mental pollution that would reduce mental health value at a glance.

A theoretical system based on the Earth's theoretical system plus aura variables. There may be similarities in performance or results with the system based on aura, but the inherent logic is not exactly the same. For Wang Qi, who is used to the Earth system, this thing is no different from the forbidden book of Cthulhu.

"The overlap of the two worlds is indeed limited to the known field. Their inherent logic is not exactly the same. Relying on the logic of the Earth, it is impossible to fully describe the essence of this world."

"However, their differences are precisely in the unknown. If we don't reach a certain point, we won't even know where we are wrong."

What to do?

Call on everyone to change the theory immediately?

No, this is not good. The current Shenzhou Mathematics is a system that better matches the existing physical theory. If we use the current mathematical system to reduce all physical quantities in physical theory to spiritual energy, only some incomprehensible formulas will be generated.

Wait until the current method reaches a bottleneck before expanding the theoretical system of the spiritual energy essence?

The earth's theoretical system is far from reaching its end in this universe. Moreover, in this universe, the observation methods of the current method are far better than those of the earth. Therefore, the current path of the current method still has a long way to go.

However, Wang Qi does not think so.

"We must slowly change and change the way of thinking of the whole world."

In this small study in Langde, Wang Qi once again clarified his direction.

"The most important thing is the breakthrough in mathematics."

"The significance of the method of forcing lies in that it allows us to construct an axiom system that does not exist originally. In this way, it does not matter even if you establish an axiom system that one plus one does not equal two.

At this time, mathematics may have the possibility of surpassing the "intrinsic logic of nature" and reaching the field beyond the intrinsic logic of nature - of course, if you want to explain nature, it is better to use the current axiom system that is more in line with the intrinsic logic of nature.

"Artificial mathematics" draws the nutrients needed for growth from "natural mathematics" and will eventually surpass this "nature".

Learn from nature, and finally surpass nature and freely construct a system. This is the highest realm of "Tao follows nature".

The method of forcing will be the introduction and prelude to this "transcendence".

"In addition, there is string theory." When he mentioned string theory, Wang Qi showed an inexplicable expression of pain.

In Wang Qi's era, if a physics student said that he believed in superstrings, he would be rejected by his classmates...well, it wasn't that serious. However, superstrings are not so popular now, also because "the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

String theory was once considered the most promising theoretical model to approach the "ultimate theory". However, in the end, it was reduced to a purely mathematical game, considered a theoretical system with little hope of confirmation.

Because it is very likely to be the sum of 10 to the 500th power of different ultimate theories of the universe.

What is the concept of 10 raised to the power of 500? Earth scientists have calculated that the number of atoms in the universe is only about 10 to the 80th power.

In other words, the number of string landscape universes far exceeds the total number of atoms in the universe. Even if the total number of atoms in the universe is squared or cubed, there is still a hundred orders of magnitude difference in the possibility of chord landscapes.

Each of these 10 to the power of 500 universes has different macroscopic dimensions, and even different physical laws and cosmological constants. It is almost impossible to determine which "universe the earth is in" from here.

This is even more difficult than finding one that has been labeled as a "winner" among the atoms in the universe.

At least according to the short lifespan of earth scientists, Witten, the "Pope of String Theory" who led two superstring revolutions, will not live to prove it.

the more you hope, the harder you fall.

But now, this picture of the "string landscape multiverse", which is regarded as a huge disaster by earth scientists, gives Wang Qi hope.

"Superstring theory can accommodate physical laws that do not belong to the earth's universe. Perhaps, the physical laws of China are also included in the string landscape!"

Mathematics and physics work together to find a way out of the earth's theoretical system.

Use theories beyond "one universe" to analyze one universe!

"The method of force must be proved. The significance of this is too great. Without this method of force, perhaps I would never be able to escape the influence of the logic of the earth and the universe."

"If the forcing method exists, I can even get rid of the limitations of 'mortal thinking' and get rid of the limitations of Gödel's incompleteness theorem on my cognition!"

"And superstrings... Although I didn't particularly like superstrings in my previous life, surprisingly, I actually hold the key to string theory in this life."

Wang Qi sat up from the ground and found a book that was gathering dust on the bookshelf.

"This is the result of when I incited the Songting School to establish the Bourbaki School. At that time, I didn't think this was very important. But now, I feel that it is impossible without this." Wang Qi's face showed a feeling of both laughter and laughter.

The Bourbaki school eventually returned to Alexander Grothendieck, the "Pope of Mathematics who seemed to come from the void" and occupied half of modern mathematics. The mathematical tools used in superstring theory are related to this peerless genius of the Bourbaki school.

There is not even a Bourbaki school in this world, let alone a peer of Grothendieck.

Wang Qi has to do this himself.

However, the Bourbaki school covers too many areas, too wide and too deep. It is difficult to accomplish it by just one person. Wang Qi must use more power.

"Should I rely on Teacher Feng to transform the Goting School and let those who are at the top do what the Bourbaki school should do, or should I share this core idea with other geniuses and then establish my own school?"

Articles have a style of writing, and the school's theories also contain a certain "style." The Goting School has always been a compact school with geniuses as its core, which is completely different from the Bourbaki School. Wang Qi was a little worried that the Geting School's way of thinking was not suitable for this.

I don’t know how long it will take to achieve the necessary prerequisite “K theory” for superstrings.

After thinking for a long time, Wang Qi suddenly shook his head: "What the hell am I thinking? It's something that hasn't even been written yet. If you want to implement your own ideas in China, you must first achieve results. No matter what, you must first use your strength to It can’t be solved.”

"By the way, the Higgs mechanism is also very important... How are the spontaneous symmetry breaking and non-Abelian gauge theories doing now? Ah, just right, ask Lu Xiaoqian."

Once your reputation spreads and you have a wide network of contacts, things will become easier to do!

Wang Qi thought so and wrote a letter.

That night, Lu Xiaoqian, who had just come out of a secret realm for empirical research, looked tired and looked like she had seen a ghost when she saw Wang Qi's letter.

"'Searching for massless scalar particles'? How did he know about this topic? Did I reveal the secrets of the sect?" (To be continued ~^~)

PS: There are too many theoretical parts, which makes Kavin even more powerful...

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