Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 224 The old man with the ring finally comes in handy

On the night when Lu Xiaoqian read Wang Qi's letter, she did nothing else the whole night, just reading the letter she had sent to Wang Qi.

"Don't let me write so freely that I accidentally write out the secrets of the sect!"

Some ideas can be shared with others, but some can't.

The project that Lu Xiaoqian is working on is not hers alone! It includes the participation of countless predecessors. At present, these ideas are only spread in the core of Piaomiao Palace and are secrets of the sect.

How did Wang Qi know this unverified conjecture that should only be known by the core layer of Piaomiao Palace?

Not to mention how confused Lu Xiaoqian was, Wang Qi was looking forward to the reply from the senior sister of Piaomiao Palace.

There is a very important principle in the empirical evidence of Shenzhou. Any phenomenon sensed by the cultivator himself can only be used as a supplement, not as decisive evidence.

This is to avoid the interference of the anthropic principle with the results, and to avoid the influence of inherent ideas, so that the new theory will never come to the fore.

Immortals who believe in the "long river of time" can really manifest an illusory spiritual power river, use the heavy power to wash and change the flow of time, but this does not mean that the "long river of time" really exists.

The same is true for gravitational waves. Ai Changyuan can disturb gravity to create a gravitational wave blade, but this does not mean that gravitational waves really exist in the universe. According to Jin Faxiu's thinking, this spell can only prove that "this universe allows gravitational waves to exist." They must use instruments to observe natural gravitational waves.

Some high-precision evidence is even more so.

And because of the concept of "eliminating spiritual energy interference". The cost of building a laboratory in Shenzhou is far greater than the cost of building a laboratory of the same specifications on Earth.

Wang Qi wants to do experiments in the microscopic field, which is currently unrealistic.

He can only rely on Lu Xiaoqian to obtain some information.

He decided to use the Higgs mechanism as the first "attempt" of his new idea.

Study "where does mass come from" and "why does spiritual energy exist."

Because before crossing, the Higgs mechanism is still an incomplete and flawed mechanism. So Wang Qi expected that he might struggle for a long time.

But for a seeker of the truth, is there anything better than "seeking the truth"?

After sending the letter, Wang Qi returned to his own pace with a refreshed spirit. He spent half of his time every day conquering the force-forcing method. For Wang Qi, this "force-forcing method" is the foundation of his success. Whether it is to gain reputation or develop mathematical tools for the essential physics of spiritual energy. Force-forcing method is necessary.

If this force-forcing method does not exist. Many of his subsequent plans cannot be carried out.

In addition, he also has to spend half a day to deduce his own cultivation method. Cultivation is the basis of immortality. He must ensure that he can live to witness the day of the "ultimate theory".

In addition, his schedule has also added a new daily task.

Learn the swordsmanship of Luochen Sword Palace.

Moreover, he cannot use his existing methods.

"Hah!" Lian Xinjie shouted, and the long sword in his hand turned into a lonely star, with a bright edge at the tip of the sword. Covering the frosty blade across the sky and hiding his own murderous intent. The sound of several sword blades cutting through the air overlapped, almost like the buzzing of a bee.

Wang Qi was not afraid at all. He turned his wrist, and the three-foot-long green sword in his hand dimmed, but turned freely in space, always picking up Lian Xinjie's long sword when he was sure to save him. It was as if there was an invisible wall in front of Wang Qi, firmly blocking the flying star-like sword light.

The two sides were deadlocked for a cup of tea. Lian Xinjie suddenly took a step back and said, "Friend Wang, you are wrong again."

"Wrong again? What the hell?" Wang Qi was confused: "My moves this time. But I followed the sword manual of your Luochen Sword Palace!"

"The defensive move just now does have the meaning of the "Snow Unstained Sword Manual" in the "Dust-Removing Sword Manual". However, none of us will use the "Six Out of Snow" move in this way."

"Why? This is basically a variation of the Six Out of Snow?"

Zhen Chanzi sighed: "You ask... The ancient method cultivators will not use the sword in this way because they can't. This sword manual of the Luochen Sword Palace, the ultimate realm is to condense six cold dragons with sword energy, six dragons control objects, and fly with the sword. Real and fake, attack the enemy's must-see in the impossible, and lock the enemy's actions. Masters use this A move, that is to attack and defend at the same time, not just a pure defense move like you do. "

Wang Qi was not convinced: "This defensive move is itself a variant of the six snowflakes. After so many years in Luochen Sword Palace, no one would have thought of it, right?"

Lian Xinjie hesitated: "It's not that I didn't think of it, but... using it this way is generally used by seniors with high cultivation to teach juniors."

Wang Qi frowned: "Just say I am a swordsmanship genius, okay?"

"It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't. If you can't keep up with the response, everything is in vain." Zhen Chanzi said: "Don't think that everyone has such a strong response ability as you, and you can follow me. If the response ability can't keep up with the same level, the skill can't be used as a defensive move. This move, innately can't keep up with the speed of the same level cultivators."

Now, Lian Xinjie is also a friendly party. Zhen Chanzi did not hide his existence. However, Wang Qi did not completely trust Lian Xinjie, so he said a "remnant soul of an ancient master" and did not reveal Zhen Chanzi's true identity.

After seeing Wang Qi listen to his opinion, Lian Xinjie nodded and returned to the edge of the field to rest. This is the underground martial arts arena of the Langde branch of the Immortal League. It is isolated from the inside and outside atmosphere, and no other people can come in. It can save the trouble caused by the status of Lian Xinjie and Lian Xinjie's ancient Dharma cultivators.

After Lian Xinjie walked away, Zhen Shanzi secretly said to Wang Qi through spiritual sound transmission: "Boy, remember, don't forget the tactics of guarding the moves just now. You can use some 'Critical moment', pretending to be a 'last resort' and resorting to this trick."

Wang Qi said calmly: "Explain it."

"That offensive and defensive method greatly violates the sword intent of all the sword canons of Luochen Sword Palace. However, if this move is viewed from the perspective of the Luotian Jiuxuan Sword Canon of Luofu Xuanqing Palace, it is a brilliant move."

"That's it..." Wang Qi nodded, feeling reassured.

Wang Qi does not practice the true meaning of martial arts, and his way of understanding swordsmanship is completely different from that of ancient martial arts. He really couldn't see this change.

What he wants to pretend to be is "the descendant of Luofu Xuanqing Palace disguised as a disciple of Luochen Sword Palace". Naturally, his apparent identity of "disciple of Luochen Sword Palace" cannot have too many flaws, otherwise as long as the Holy Emperor is not stupid, he will Suspicion is a tactic. It would be best for him to achieve this level of identity with only a little doubt.

At this time, the role of Zhen Shanzi finally came to the fore. This useless ring grandfather who has been working for almost ten years played his role as a professional in ancient law cultivation and perfected the "dual forged identity" for Wang Qi.

On this day, Grandpa Ring, who had been useless for almost ten years, almost burst into tears.

After two more sword fights with Lian Xinxin, Wang Qi suddenly discovered a doubt. He asked Zhen Shanzi privately through spiritual consciousness: "Speaking of which, old man, you are a little too familiar with the methods of Luochen Sword Palace, aren't you? Did you, did you have a concubine who was an elder in Luochen Sword Palace before? "

"Bah!" Zhen Shanzi scolded with a smile: "Where do you think the countless classics in Luofu Xuanqing Palace came from?"

"According to the logic of our conversation just now, should I guess... **** is here?"

"Snatched it." Zhen Shanzi said calmly: "I counted five generations up, and there was an ancestor. He saw the swordsmanship of Luochen Sword Palace was amazing, so he snatched it."

Wang Qi suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked a question: "Let me tell you, old man... among the ancient magic sects overseas, how many of them are there that your Luofu Xuanqing Palace has not robbed?"

"There are a lot of them. Our Luofu Xuanqing Palace did not rob every time. In most cases, we just wanted it."

"I want it directly..." Wang Qi closed his eyes: "In other words, how many of the sects who are following the Holy Emperor now have not been bullied by Luofu Xuanqing Palace?"

"There is definitely no Tianshu Tower. Their approach is the same as that of Luofu Xuanqing Palace, but the level of cultivation is far inferior to that of Luofu Xuanqing Palace, so we are too lazy to grab it. As for the others... let me think about it..."

"You still want to think about this?" Wang Qi suddenly felt that there was a huge loophole in his plan: "I always feel that I will be tricked to death by my identity as the heir of Luofu Xuanqing Palace..."

"Not necessarily. Luofu Xuanqing Palace took over the world by force, and that was more than 10,000 years ago. After so many years, even if there is a grudge, it should be put aside. Now the ancient magic sect is about to overthrow, it is definitely It’s more about profit. As long as you don’t have the idea of ​​re-establishing Luofu Xuanqing Palace, and you are even willing to contribute to cultivating the law, even Huangji Split Heavenly Dao will be willing to accept you.” Zhen Shanzi pointed out: “I don’t need to say more about what happens next. Right? Doing tricks in exercises seems to be what you are best at, right?

Doing tricks in the exercises...

Wang Qi had a flash of inspiration: "That's right. When the identity of the 'Luochen Sword Palace disciple' is revealed and the identity of the 'Luofu Xuanqing Palace' disciple is exposed, I can directly contribute a large amount of Luofu Xuanqing Palace cultivation methods to win the trust of others, and even You can take the initiative to hand over the 'cultivation method obtained by chance'..."

Since the creation of the Wanxiang hexagram, the seniors no longer have to worry about me not being able to make up the exercises!

As long as those ancient practitioners accept Wang Qi's skills, it means that their lives can only be controlled by Wang Qi!

"It looks like we need to spend some time studying how to add ingredients and what ingredients to add to the practice at Luofu Xuanqing Palace!"

Now, Wang Qi had one more thing to do. (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Monthly pass...monthly pass...

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