Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 222 Are you looking at me? [Part 2]

Lu Xiaoqian never imagined that an idea she just mentioned casually would have such a huge impact on Wang Qi's heart and make Wang Qi think of so many things.

Actually. The so-called "view of the essence of aura" has also appeared briefly in China, but the two concepts of "aura" and "quality" are really far apart, far worse than the difference between "mass" and "electromagnetism".

In today's environment where the Dharma respects Master Yuanli, most of the systems regarding the essence of spiritual energy actually come to an end.

It has few followers and therefore has no future.

As for the mechanical outlook, there are many followers and everyone is setting the path together. It has already formed its own system. It has matured a long time ago and has gone very far.

Wang Qi fell on the beach, looked up at the stars, and thought about the two worlds.

"This universe is not at all a world where 'the physical laws are almost completely consistent with those of the Earth's universe', but a universe where 'the known parts of the physical laws overlap with those of the Earth's universe'."

In this world, why do scientists from other worlds exist?

Non-scientist peers from different worlds also seem to exist, but their role seems to be the background board for those scientists from different worlds, ensuring that those scientists from different worlds can grow...grow...

Why do scientists have such a special status?

Taking a file in TXT format as an example, there is no difference between a 13KB curse word and a 13KB physics formula in front of a computer.

before the universe. The information of scientists should also be no different from that of theologians, metaphysicians, liars, criminals, soldiers, and farmers.

Why do “scientists” gain a special status in this coping relationship?

Could it be that this universe is particularly suitable for scientists?

No, not necessarily.

This world is simply not the soil for the natural germination of earth and space science systems. The "eternal class" is the ironclad proof.

If there was a system like science that could work together and benefit everyone, the eternal class should not exist. Even if the picture of the universe is hopeless. It should also be in the form of "Dark Forest".

Maybe, many heroes in history are more suitable here.

Maybe those leaders will be born to be Shinto masters.

Why are there scientists from another world?

"Deliberate... too deliberate..."

If a computer wants to retrieve the difference between 13KB of swear words and 13KB of physics formulas, it must have a special program. Mechanisms written by humans.

Human intervention.

There is human interference in the relationship between the Earth and China.

Wang Qi hugged his arms.

Could this world be the creation of a certain supreme being or a short-term person?

He first communicated with the universe and the earth, and then chose to exert influence here.

It's not the so-called planet level. Even if it is a planet demon spirit. It is also impossible to have the power to communicate between two universes. Stars turn into monsters. It also seems inadequate - if purely based on Wang Qi's knowledge, he can't think of anything that can communicate between two universes with such huge differences in physical laws.

The presumed Nebula Immortal? Or is it the posture shown by the immortal dragon soul? That "river creature" level immortal?

Also, is this the power of the forty-nine paths? Are the forty-nine paths the ultimate truth of this universe?

The free monks of today's method all stopped at a similar height to their peers. Is it because they benefited from the cultivation of their peers and accepted the barriers to their knowledge and vision?

Are they... are they considered independent people? Are they spin-offs of the great scientists on Earth? Just the shadow of those people? The remnants of those people?

Also, what is this special individual like me? A "projection" of complete past life memories.

Also, is this universe real?

Who am I...what am I...

What is the meaning of my struggles, pains, sorrows, and joys in this life?

That little researcher in the previous life, what exactly...wait, little researcher?

Wang Qi stretched out his hand, pressed his nose, and forced out the tears of confusion.

"What have I been thinking about since just now?"

Think about it carefully, Wang Qi. The past life in your memory. In fact, he is a small researcher with a not too bright future, just a researcher. But what about you now?

Even if you exclude the parts you plagiarized, you can still be called a master in the field of mathematics.

Those proof processes were proposed by you alone after forgetting the theory.

Those theories are not even something you can understand in your "past life".

You have completely transcended your "previous life"!

In thought, in thinking. In terms of cognition, comprehensive transcendence.

If you think about it carefully, in fact, all the monks have far exceeded the heights their peers have ever reached.

That's right, it's transcendent.

The physical quantity of aura is not as simple as adding an exponent to the formula. It makes research exponentially more difficult.

Even the great scientists on Earth have to scratch their heads when faced with the results of their peers.

With longer lives and more powerful brainpower, all the free monks have actually left their peers on earth behind.

"Thinking about it this way, I have always regarded them as projections and accessories of the great scientists on the earth. It is really rude."

Wang Qi breathed a sigh of relief. This discovery gave him great comfort.

We are not the "projection" of a certain individual on Earth. We are... independent individuals, untimely seekers of the Way in this universe.

We have received gifts from the Earth, nothing more.

This universe is by no means false.

It also has events that do not exist in the Earth's universe.

The catastrophe that swept the universe 200 million years ago, the seven-degree civilization of Shenzhou, "aliens" like Mi, the magnificent life between the stars...

These places. There is no trace of deliberateness. They all exist in reality.

In addition, the theories sought by the modern method of immortality. Although these theories have the symptoms of "not adapting to the local environment", they still show that this is a complete universe.

This universe. After all, it is still real.

Wang Qi's life may be the result of deliberate manipulation by a certain powerful person, but he walked his own path and chose his own way. His life and soul are real.

Wang Qi suddenly felt relieved in his heart, as if he had removed the shackles that had been shackled for a long time.

"I am a cheap person... I feel relieved when I know that there is such a powerful person..." Wang Qi laughed twice. Reorganize your thoughts.

The logic of this universe overlaps with that of the previous universe.

The forty-nine ways, in the known part, conflict with this logic.

In other words, no matter what, the forty-nine ways cannot be the ultimate truth of this universe. It does not completely conform to the natural logic of this universe.

Of course, this may also be because Shenzhou is too deeply influenced by the earth, and Wang Qi actually follows the logic of the previous universe. Therefore, he made a wrong judgment. However, Shenzhou is not only the human race, and the universe is not only the planet Shenzhou.

The logic followed by the dragon race and the sea gods is exactly the same as that of the human race.

"The difference in the logic of the two universes is unknown to humans."

"At least in the observable universe, the way of the current law is basically established."

Wang Qi rubbed his head and continued to go deeper.

Then, it is the purpose...

Why did the unknown great power want to connect the two universes, let the information of the other universe enter this universe, and then affect this planet?

Wang Qi first thought of the ancient dragon emperor. However. Wang Qi finally rejected this conjecture. The Ancient Dragon Emperor may have the power to travel across the stars, but he is still not as good as the great power that penetrates the two universes.

For Shenzhou, the best guess is that "the root is in that universe". The super civilization chaos or experiments in the Earth universe opened up the two universes, resulting in information leakage.

However. This possibility may not be great. Wang Qi really can't think of what value it has for that super civilization to reproduce the history of the Earth in this universe.

The Earth universe has no spiritual energy, and its tolerance for technological black boxes is quite low. The higher the technology, the stronger the theory.

If it is said that a great power in this universe intercepted a piece of information from the alien universe, and then reproduced it out of curiosity... the possibility is much greater.

From Wang Qi's point of view, for the great power that can connect the two universes, the planet of Shenzhou, or even the sun, is nothing.

In order to create today's Jinfa Xiandao, they may have extinguished a hundred or a thousand suns. They don't need to plot against the sun of Shenzhou.

Is the gap so big? Instead, there is no need to worry about the other party's conspiracy. There is no need to even speculate whether the other party is kind or malicious.

Then, it is oneself.

Wang Qi can be sure that in the entire Shenzhou, he is the only special individual who has retained the memory of the previous life. Otherwise, many things in this world would not be like this.

For example, Gödel's incompleteness theorem. If the Xiaoyao of Wanfamen are all time travelers - who cares about incompleteness? They have all been impacted on the earth, okay?

If one's birth is an accident, a coincidence in probability, then it means that the great power is not an omnipotent god.

If one's birth is also within the plan of others, then that great power may not be so terrible. Playing the trick of "time traveler" on the scale of "the entire universe"? Too petty.

Wang Qi stood up again.

He looked at the starry sky, without a trace of fear in his eyes. The sky reflected in his eyes.

Is there an eye above the deep sky?

"Are you looking at me?"

Wang Qi stretched out a hand and stretched it to the sky.

"Are you looking at me?"

"Old Wang? What's wrong with you? Who's looking at you?" At this time, a familiar voice came. Ai Changyuan seemed to be walking along the path as well. He looked at Wang Qi with some surprise, "Are you... playing hide-and-seek?"

"Nothing." Wang Qi said nothing. Things like the eternal picture are enough to shake everyone's mind, not to mention the existence of the earth and the existence of a potential great power. This will definitely shake the foundation of the current law.

For Wang Qi, the current law of immortality must continue to exist.

Some things, he just knows enough.

In addition, the view of the essence of spiritual energy has no practical significance now. Perhaps, when the science from the earth has come to an end, or has reached its end, let it debut as a new idea?

In the observable universe, the road of the current law is still long.

Wang Qi suddenly asked Ai Changyuan a sentence without thinking: "Old Ai, let me ask you, have you ever thought about what you would do if there really is a Taoist master or a creator god in this universe?"

Ai Changyuan frowned: "Is this a weird question?"

Wang Qi laughed without waiting for Ai Changyuan's answer: "If there is really a creator who created me, then I will definitely tie it to my test bench one day!"

Ai Changyuan thought seriously: "It is worthy of being the shame of the Tao species. I don't know whether the creator is good or not, but I plan to dissect the other party..."

"Well, that's right. The creator sounds like a rare material that cannot be replicated in the entire universe, and it is not suitable for destructive research. Then catch it first and then raise it."

"Hey, isn't this bad?"

Wang Qi looked up at the sky again and laughed.

If there is really a mastermind behind the scenes, I will stand in front of you one day! (To be continued ~^~)

PS: How does it feel to want to strangle your past self?

It's the feeling now.

At first I just wanted to write a spoof story, but I ended up on the road of a serious drama and never looked back. When I wanted to write this work into a serious drama, I sadly discovered that 1. This is a spoof beginning; 2. I am not capable enough to control my setting.

When the "style of painting changed", I was thinking about this chapter. "The two cosmic physical laws only overlap in the known parts', I hope this can save my nonsense setting - at least it doesn't look like pure nonsense.

In addition, I hope Wang Qi's oath of "willing to dissect the creator" can give the scientists who were originally set up with a spoof mood a proper style.

By the way, please vote for the monthly ticket. Are you watching me?

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