Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 221 Are you looking at me? [Part 1]

Wang Qi walked alone on the beach.

It was the beginning of the month, the moon was out, and the stars were shining brightly. The trade wind blew gently, ruffling the sea surface and crushing the stars of the day.

Wang Qi walked like this. His eyes seemed to be looking somewhere, but he didn't know where he was looking.

The seawater wetted a pair of boots under his feet, making him feel a chill.

——I feel the coolness of the sea water because it absorbs the heat from my skin. I did not interfere in this process...

——Heat can be transferred spontaneously from an object with a high temperature to an object with a low temperature, but it cannot be transferred spontaneously from an object with a low temperature to an object with a high temperature.

During the pill formation stage, his reaction was extremely sharp, and Wang Qi could directly feel the resistance of the air on his skin.

——The action of forces is mutual...

"Hey, kid!" Zhen Shanzi shouted from the ring: "You have been gone for more than two hours!"

——Two hours...the direction of time and the direction of entropy increase...No, no, this universe does not have this theory. In the presence of Reiki, entropy can be reduced.

"Hey! Boy, the sun has set. Why are you still hanging around here?"

——As the sun sets and the moon rises, the “movement” of this world is still within the scope of my understanding.


"That's enough." Wang Qi knocked on the ring: "I'm not deaf."

"You were crazy just now!" Zhen Shanzi yelled: "What's wrong with you? Ever since you read that letter, your expression has been wrong."

"Something's wrong? Maybe a little." Wang Qi sat on the beach. He grabbed a handful of sand with his left hand and lightly touched the sea water with his right hand.

--really weird……

"What are you thinking about?" Zhen Shanzi asked doubtfully, "Why are you silent?"

"I..." Wang Qi tilted his head: "It's hard to describe."

Hold the sand tightly in your hands.


"What spiritual message did that genius disciple send you?"

Wang Qi shook his head: "One of her doubts. Judging from our system, it has no value."

"Without value?" Zhen Shanzi was puzzled: "Without value, you are still here...thinking about it for so long?"

——It seems to have no value within the system. But how to get out of this system?

Wang Qi felt that this was exactly the same as the "self-referential problem" he mentioned before. his thoughts. He also belongs to "this system". How can he transcend this system and point out his own mistakes?

He couldn't help but think of Lu Xiaoqian's letter.

This is the seventh or eighth letter between him and Lu Xiaoqian. In the first few letters, they just exchanged their views on physics, exchanged ideas, and deepened their understanding of each other.

This time, the chief of Piaomiao Palace, whom he had never met before, probably felt that he and Wang Qi could have some in-depth exchanges. This time. She asked several questions that she had been wondering about for a long time.

certainly. The two of them haven't gotten along well enough to discuss anything, so the questions Lu Xiaoqian raised didn't touch her core thoughts.

However, one of the problems was like a bolt from the blue to Wang Qi.

"Junior Brother Wang Qi: It has been more than a month since I sent you a letter. There are several letters. I know your interests. You and I are very compatible in this matter. I am very happy to find out about this. ...There are several questions that have been lingering in my mind for a long time, but because they are too sharp, I don't know who to discuss them with... Here, I have a deviant guess, let me just say it, and if you don't like it, just listen to it. It’s just a lie from my senior sister.”

"Since the time of Master Yuanli, the current method of seeking Taoism has been to strip off the variable 'spiritual energy' first, and then discuss other things. First, satisfy the Yuanlingqi environment, and then promote it. But the deeper we go into the micro level, the more we feel that there is absolutely nothing here It's so simple. At the celestial level, spiritual energy is uniform and thin. But at the micro level, a little bit of spiritual energy will change the situation... I wonder whether the method of "prioritizing spiritual energy" is necessary at the micro level... …If other physical quantities are reduced to the amount of spiritual energy…”

This is a question raised by Lu Xiaoqian.

At the micro level, is it necessary to abide by this principle of "prioritizing spiritual energy stripping"?

For Lu Xiaoqian, this is actually a problem that is not difficult to solve - it may even be just a matter of complaining. If she really thinks this way, as long as she enters the Yuanshen stage and becomes independent, she can do whatever she wants.

However, this question shocked Wang Qi.

His knowledge is different from Lu Xiaoqian's. The knowledge of another universe still remains in his memory. Therefore, he suddenly discovered that he had ignored such a problem for a long time.

Why do you have to strip away the aura?

The so-called experiment is to "eliminate variables and actually verify the theory under ideal conditions." For this universe, "aura" is the largest and most significant variable and the most difficult to control condition, so it must be eliminated first.

Wang Qi never doubted that there was anything wrong with it.

However, when Lu Xiaoqian's words entered Wang Qi's thoughts, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong.

Is aura really an accessory attribute of matter?

"Aura" is an "index of energy", which actually reduces the concept of aura into a more basic concept.

The so-called "reduction" means "representing it by a more basic concept and omitting this concept in the theory."

From a phenomenal point of view, aura can be reduced. It is not the most basic concept.

When Wang Qi came into contact with the present law, he also accepted this concept and automatically reduced the concept of aura in his cognition.

After the concept of aura is "reduced", this world becomes a world where "except for aura, all physical laws are highly similar to the universe of the earth."

But if you abandon this concept and look at this universe again, you will find that the physical laws here are completely different from the universe of the earth.

In the universe of the earth. The physical strength spent on running ten kilometers and running one kilometer back and forth ten times is almost exactly the same. Considering the extra physical strength spent on speed change and turning, running back and forth ten times is probably more tiring.

However, in the Shenzhou universe, running back and forth for one kilometer is much easier than running straight for ten kilometers.

Because running back and forth for one kilometer. It is more "orderly" than running ten kilometers. This is such an absurd world.

Wang Qi pressed his forehead and thought in his mind.

"Think about it carefully, this alone is completely different from the universe of the earth!"

Wang Qi even faintly had such an idea.

"I have never thought about mathematics since I was born. Is it because the logic inherent in this universe is not exactly the same as that of the earth's universe?"

Mathematics is not purely created by humans. It is the logic inherent in the laws of the universe. For example, the simplest law of "one plus one equals two". The meaning it implies goes beyond human rational thinking. The definition of the number "one" cannot be changed by humans.

After Wang Qi was born, he had never thought about the mathematical laws of the two universes until Li Ziye came to the village and popularized the "modern method" to him. Then, he directly broke through the sky with the concept of mathematics and was promoted to Qi training.

At that time, his idea was-this universe. The mathematical laws and logic are consistent with the earth's universe.

But are they really consistent?

Will it be that only the "known parts" are consistent?

As Gödel's completeness theorem says, mathematics within the scope of human knowledge is complete. Incompleteness occurs in the unknown field.

The two universes may only be consistent in the "known parts", and the unknown parts may not be consistent.

He sensed this inconsistency through "intuition", so he avoided thinking about this problem?

Will it be like this?

This thought made Wang Qi shudder.

"If that's the case... In this universe, wouldn't it be easier to reduce other physical quantities to aura?"

Wang Qi felt like he had opened the door to a new world.

During the heyday of classical physics, the most important dispute was the "route struggle" between the "mechanical view" and the "electromagnetic view". The famous "wave-particle war" was actually just a part of the struggle between the two routes, the tip of the iceberg.

The mechanical physics concept believes that "mass" is an irreducible concept. This is also a concept that has existed since Isaac Newton.

The electromagnetic school, with electromagnetic theory as the core, reduces "mass" to another concept - electromagnetism.

This is the conflict between the two ideas.

However, whether it is the mechanical view or the electromagnetic view, they are just copying the laws of the universe from different angles. Except for conflicts on some key issues. It doesn't make much sense. It's just a change of expression.

Wang Qi has not yet thought of any physical problem that can be solved by the "aura view", so he said that Lu Xiaoqian's problem "has no meaning".

However, Wang Qi also discovered that if spiritual energy can also be reduced to other concepts, it seems... it seems... it is not impossible?

Apart from other things, in this case, the theoretical system of Jinfa will be greatly changed. At least the thermodynamic score will be chopped off, and mechanics will become something that Wang Qi cannot understand.

If this practice of "reducing other physical quantities to spiritual energy" becomes the cornerstone of Shenzhou Jinfa Xiandao, then a geoscientist will definitely not recognize the theoretical system of this planet after crossing over.



"In this universe with spiritual energy, this should be more natural, right? At least in this way, we can directly ignore the almost incomprehensible aggregation characteristics of spiritual energy and treat it as a physical quantity that is completely unknown on Earth... No, no, no. In this case, concepts such as 'energy' and 'mass' may be completely different from those on Earth... or even do not exist at all..."

-The entire physical system will become something that a geophysicist cannot understand at all.

Wang Qi looked at the sky, puzzled.

He took out a book called "The Principle of the Great Dao", the foundation of modern law, from his storage bag and flipped through it.

"It's exactly the same."

It's exactly the same as "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" on Earth.

What is the relationship between Shenzhou and Earth?

It can be said that this planet must have been influenced by the Earth, which gave birth to the "modern law" system, which is strange in ancient times. The idea of ​​modern law is even closer to that auraless universe.

It seems...

"It seems that it is for the things on Earth to settle down here."

"Newton, the master of Yuanli, and Isaac Newton, two individuals, used almost the same idea to solve the most basic problem of a system. Then, all the things that followed can be similar in a 'natural' way." (To be continued ~^~)

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