Enjoy the world

Chapter 9 Get him a system

Hua Zhenxing turned around and was about to pick up the baggage. Mo Shangtong stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "Don't worry, we haven't finished eating yet. Sit down and have a good meal first. Dr. Luo is performing an operation at noon today. You can't contact him right now." Him. I heard from Lao Yang that you had a very interesting dream last night. Please tell me more about it. I’m also very interested."

Hua Zhenxing endured his meal and finished his meal while recounting the dream he had last night. Mo Shangtong was entranced by what he heard and remained silent for a long time, looking thoughtful. Old Man Yang said meaningfully: "When others recall their dreams, the longer the time lapses, the more blurry they become. This dream of yours is better. The more you explain it, the clearer it becomes, and the content and details become more and more substantial."

Hua Zhenxing smiled: "It's such a strange feeling. It's really like recalling an experience. The more carefully I think about it, the more I can remember... It's almost time. I have to pack up and go find Dr. Luo."

Mo Shangtong raised his head and said, "I have prepared a set of clothes for you, including pants and boots, which are bulletproof, but you can't take it lightly."

Old Man Yang added: "Don't get hit is the best bulletproof thing. The things Uncle Mo gives you have limited effects, so you can't rely on them."

Based on Charles's call, Hua Zhenxing concluded that Jin Datou had sent someone to stop Dr. Luo near the hospital. Although time was tight, Huazhenxing still made serious preparations. Mo Shangtong seemed to have considered all possibilities and brought a complete set of things.

While he was arranging the equipment upstairs, Mo Shangtong stared into Yang Tehong's eyes and said, "That was not a simple dream, but a deduction. Xiaohua himself cannot have that ability. Are you doing it secretly?" hands and feet?"

Yang Tehong replied with a smile: "This kid has been worried lately. He wants to learn everything and read everything. I also want to know what he is thinking about. Yesterday I found him leaning against the corner and dreaming when he came back, so I took advantage of the situation. He did some tricks, but I didn’t know he would have such a dream!”

Mo Shangtong said with a half-smile, "Fortunately, I didn't disappoint you, right?"

Yang Tehong smiled happily: "I was indeed not disappointed. In his dream, he actually deduced a world five hundred years later. If it were Charles who had this dream, he would probably have to replace Jin Datou. , and then became the biggest gang boss in Port Feso."

Mo Shangtong: "This kind of dream-derived inference state that he is not aware of is actually very dangerous. He may not wake up, and he may have mental problems when he wakes up. He will think that it is a prophecy of the future. Thinking of himself as a prophet can easily cause trouble, and many situations are beyond his imagination and beyond his knowledge.”

Yang Tehong: "I have a way to help him wake up safely, and there is no need to worry about other problems. What he dreams about is the world five hundred years from now, and in that world he is only a twenty-year-old college graduate. During the 480 years of his life, he did not exist.

In the dream, someone asked him if he believed in fate? In fact, he was just asking and answering himself, and the answer he gave was pretty good. Because of his longing for the future, he is more concerned about the current choices. In this case, there is no situation that you are worried about. Interesting? In fact, he never even went to elementary school.

People often think that they should not be like this, and want to change their situation to live a better life. Furthermore, they think that the world should not be like this. But, how should we be satisfied with the world? This is not one or two ideas, nor is it a wish for a few things, but the structure of the entire world.

I finally know what this kid has been thinking about in the past two years. He is thinking about what the world should be like. In any case, at least he has given a structure. He didn't know the realization process yet, so he gave the result directly, so it was held five hundred years later. "

Mo Shangtong frowned slightly: "Will it be like that in five hundred years? Why does it feel a bit familiar to me?"

Yang Tehong: "With his age and knowledge reserve, he has a pretty good dream. It's like deja vu, it's impossible to not know him at all. I grew up in Fesoport, and I'm used to seeing the ghosts here, but... And I can get to know people from all over the world. Nowadays, the Internet information is so developed that I can see the situation from all over the world.

Why is it like this here, why is it different there, what was it like in the past, what should it be like, everyone will tell him a few words. Even you, Lao Mo, don't you often tell him this? "

Mo Shangtong: "I think Master Ke's influence is very deep. He often talks to Xiaohua about the rule of 'Great Harmony', and Xiaohua always asks him a lot of questions."

Master Ke's name is Ke Mengchao, and he is also a friend of Old Man Yang and Uncle Mo. The three old men always quarreled when they were drinking together, but Mr. Ke was very eloquent and could often get the upper hand in one-on-one situations. Mr. Ke has been wandering somewhere recently. He is not in Fesuo Port, so he did not join us today.

Yang Tehong: "It's normal to have influence. They are all people with ideals. And I thought about it carefully, and it seems to be close to your ideal."

Mo Shangtong shook his head: "Plausible, there is still a difference."

While he was talking, Hua Zhenxing had already walked downstairs, carrying a long mountaineering bag, changed into a set of khaki long clothes and trousers, and thick-soled boots. Yang Tehong stared and asked, "Why is it so dark and numb?"

Hua Zhenxing's face and the surface of his skin exposed through clothes were covered with a layer of black sludge. At first glance, his skin tone looked similar to that of the locals. He replied: "Disguise!" and hurriedly left the grocery store.

Mo Shangtong shook his head again: "After all, he is a child. He is curious and impulsive. If he has some ability, he can't help himself."

Just now Yang Tehong said that Hua Zhenxing was still a child, and Mo Shangtong said that he was no longer a child in this place, but now he said the same thing again. Yang Tehong smacked her lips and said, "You've become an old man if you do everything securely. How can you understand things if you don't experience them?"

Mo Shangtong: "Do you think you are an old man? Why do I feel like you are an old monster?"

Yang Tehong chuckled: "I am just an old monster. According to Xiaohua's dream, I will have to wander for another five hundred years!"

Mo Shangtong: "You are really wild! The reason why you came to this place is to feel young, right? The world here is like the budding stage of civilization in many places."

Yang Tehong: "Aren't you and Ke Fuzi here too... Let's not talk about us. Xiaohua has already set off. It's almost time to go out with him after drinking."

Mo Shangtong: "Don't worry, Dr. Luo is still in the operating room... What do you think Xiaohua will do?"

Yang Tehong: "Didn't you see the big bag he was carrying? Of course he planned to escort Dr. Luo out of danger all the way. He brought dry food and a tent with him, so he should be ready to travel through the wilderness."

Mo Shangtong: "But you don't have to go through the wilderness to leave Fiso Port. You can also take the sea route. As far as I know, there is someone at the International Terminal who will pick up Dr. Luo and he can get a boat."

Yang Tehong shook his head and said: "It's too dangerous to take the sea route."

Mo Shangtong: "Dangerous to whom?"

Yang Tehong: "It's dangerous for Xiaohua, but it's even more dangerous for Dr. Luo!"

The dock area is the most chaotic place in Fiso Port. It is not only the distribution center for various illegal transactions, but also the stronghold of many gangs. The security situation at the International Terminal guarded by mercenaries is not bad, but the people there are also inextricably linked to the local gangs. As long as Dr. Luo approaches the port area, it is impossible not to be discovered. He is a big fat sheep worth 30,000 meters in gold.

Even if he can get a boat to leave, as soon as the boat leaves the harbor, the pursuer's speedboat will catch wind of it and arrive. The sea is vast and unobstructed, perfect for killing people and stealing goods. Doctor Luo can't run very far at all. "

Mo Shangtong: "That's right! If you just send Dr. Luo on the boat, it won't be much of a test. If you go on the boat with him, no matter how good your skills are on the sea, it will be of little use."

Yang Tehong: "Then find a way to prevent Dr. Luo from taking the sea route."

Mo Shangtong: "I will arrange this. As for Xiaohua... do you know what children nowadays like to watch?"

Yang Tehong: "I won't talk about the other children. As for Xiaohua, he likes to study the most. Learn all the things he is curious about, such as astronomy and geography, customs, mathematics, physics and chemistry, classics, history and philosophy, eighteen kinds of martial arts, etc. .”

Mo Shangtong: "I'm not talking about Xiaohua, I'm talking about today's children. Those children in Dongguo like to read novels on the Internet. Since Xiaohua has already dreamed, why not just get a system for him?"

Yang Tehong said in shock: "System, what system?"

Mo Shangtong: "Are you out of date? You don't even know this?"

Yang Tehong: "Of course I know, but what kind of system are you sure you want to give Xiaohua?"

Mo Shangtong: "Since he had that dream, just give him a mission system from Huanxiang Kingdom. The method is not complicated, it's just mental imaging. And you've taught him the art of cultivating the essence, so he should be able to get started. "

As he spoke, Mo Shangtong looked at the cup in his hand. The wine in the cup was spinning silently, and the swirling liquid surface gradually turned into a petal shape, and the combination changed into various patterns. A small glass of wine can change a lot, and if anyone else sees it, they will be stunned.

Old Man Yang lowered his voice and said, "Tell the truth, do you often play like this?"

Mo Shangtong smiled: "I have often made a task system for myself in the past few years. I find it interesting, but I have never done it for others. In terms of ability in this area, you should be the best."

Yang Tehong: "You just said that if I help him make deductions in his dreams, you are not afraid that he will have mental problems? Now you are asking me to create a system for him, so are you not afraid that he will go crazy?"

Mo Shangtong: "I thought about it carefully, he won't. Don't forget the environment in which he grew up. In fact, he hasn't grown up yet. What do you think?"

It is difficult to say what kind of education Hua Zhenxing received since he was a child, because he never went to school at all. The basic education textbooks that Old Man Yang found for him were a complete set of primary and secondary school textbooks and teaching aids from the 1980s and 1990s of Dongguo. The worldview was partly based on objective materialism, historical materialism, and scientific socialism.

But on the other hand, Hua Zhenxing grew up in Port Feso, and people here don't believe in these, or they believe in everything. Not long ago, many of the local residents were indigenous tribes in the wilderness. Various witchcrafts were popular, and people from all over the world held various religious beliefs. Hua Zhenxing had come into contact with everyone.

Some encounters may be scary to an adult because such a possibility does not exist in his cognition, but for many children they are only curious because they are in the process of exploring the world and witnessing various possibilities. .

Seeing that Yang Tehong was silent, Mo Shangtong added: "Since you are worried about something going wrong, don't let it go wrong. Besides, Xiaohua will ask you for advice. You can give him an explanation when the time comes. If it doesn't work, Let’s just tell him the truth.”

Yang Tehong looked at Mo Shang and said, "To be honest, I didn't know beforehand that he would have such a dream."

Mo Shangtong: "This does not prevent you from following the trend."

Yang Tehong stood up and said: "It's almost time, we should set off. Just put away the dishes and chopsticks. I'll close the shop. This trip may take several days."

Mo Shangtong: "No need to close the shop, I'll find someone to help you look after the shop."

I haven’t started a book at Qidian for three years, and I haven’t written a book for more than a year. I was feeling a little nervous at first. After the release of the new book, there were so many book friends who left messages, collected, voted, gave rewards, and joined the league... "Wonderful World" rushed to the top of the signed new book list on the first day of its release. I can't express my gratitude! Goodbye!

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