Enjoy the world

Chapter 10 What the hell is this?

The Fiso Port International Hospital is the "safe zone" of the city, and not bringing conflicts to the International Hospital is an "clear rule" that all forces abide by. Officials have sent armed personnel to guard the hospital, and no one else is allowed to enter with weapons.

No one from the various parties can guarantee whether they will be injured or sick one day. At that time, they will need to be sent to the hospital for life-saving treatment. Ensuring the safety of the hospital means ensuring the safety of everyone. Although many local people believe in witchcraft, when even the witch doctor can't do anything, such as being injured and needing first aid, you still have to go to the hospital.

The block outside the back door of the hospital is relatively clean and the buildings are relatively tidy. There are many apartments for medical staff. Rozchild has another residence on the south coast, but he only goes there on vacation. He usually lives in an apartment here, which is convenient for commuting to work.

If you want to assassinate Rothchild, the road from the back door of the hospital to the apartment building is not the best place, at least not during the day, because there are also armed guards at the back door of the hospital who can see the front of the apartment building, but here is where to find and follow Dr. Luo The best place.

Hua Zhenxing didn't notice any snipers around, and the gangsters in Feso Port couldn't do such difficult technical work. They usually only shot at close range, otherwise only God knows where the bullets could hit. He called Dr. Luo several times, but never got through. Dr. Luo was probably still performing surgery, so he sat in the corner of the apartment building and waited quietly.

He was a little anxious all the way and his heart was beating a little faster. Hua Zhenxing adjusted his breathing and observed secretly. He inexplicably remembered the dream again. He couldn't help but feel a little dazed. A few lines of words suddenly appeared in front of his eyes...

To be precise, it is not any specific text, but a piece of information that appears in the senses. It can be heard, seen, or even similar to a dream, and is presented in the most familiar way in the consciousness. If it is represented by pictures and texts, it should be as follows——

Huanxiangguo mission system

Mission 1: Escort Dr. Rozchild to leave safely

Completion reward: A villa on the southern coast of Fiso Port

Task 2: Investigate the inside story of the Big Head Gang’s plan to kill Dr. Rozchild

Completion reward: 30,000 meters gold

There is a progress bar behind "Fantasy Country" and "Mission 2", and the progress currently displayed is zero percent.

Hua Zhenxing almost jumped up. Could it be that he was too affected by the dream and had an illusion? The perception of this piece of information disappears as soon as the mind is distracted, but it did exist in consciousness and is still clearly retained in the memory at this moment. Hua Zhenxing's first reaction was to think of a detail in his dream.

In his dream, five hundred years later, the so-called "system" no longer belongs to the mysterious side but to the application side. As long as the Yangyuan Technique breaks through to the third level, you can make your own "system" to play with. It is nothing more than a kind of consciousness. It’s just a level of psychological technology.

For example, for a certain goal, you can build a "system" for yourself in your consciousness, draw up a plan, and issue tasks step by step. The reward for each task is actually the result of completing the plan, or it can be something else you set yourself. Than treat yourself to a hot pot or something.

Doing this seems to be just for self-entertainment, but it has another meaning. Many instructors who teach Yangyuan Art also recommend that everyone choose a specific goal to try this. It can urge a person to gradually move towards the set goal, and can unlock a sense of achievement and satisfaction after the completion of each stage of the plan.

In this way, a quality can be cultivated, which is to match the behavior pattern with the thinking pattern. People not only live in the present, but more importantly, make choices in the present. Every choice determines the future. This seems to be the view of Feng Zibin, the founder of Huanxiangguo.

Someone once asked Feng Zibin a question: Does the ideal determine the current situation, or does the current situation determine the ideal? Feng Zibin replied that the ideals ten years ago determine the current situation today, and the ideals today determine the current situation ten years later. If you regard your ideal as a goal and put it into plans and actions, your ideal may not be fully realized, but your situation will definitely change as you wish...

etc! There is no such person as Feng Zibin in the world, it was just his dream. Hua Zhenxing thought about it carefully. The reason why he had these dreams was that the three old men who often debated in the grocery store told him similar views from different angles.

But what the hell is this “system”? Could it be the sequelae of that dream? In the dream, his Yuan Yuan Technique had exceeded the third level. Could it be that he had "system" abilities after waking up from the dream? This isn’t right, he didn’t create this system himself! And what about the "30,000 meters of gold" and "a villa"?

Hua Zhenxing's second reaction was to find out what was going on with the system. As the two old men speculated, Hua Zhenxing did not panic. He found that as long as he concentrated on calling, this "system" would appear very clearly in his consciousness. He tried it several times, but there was no change in the "system" and it was still the same content as before.

But he understood at least two things. One is that a so-called system appeared in his consciousness, and the authenticity of its information has yet to be confirmed; the other is that he has mastered how to "summon" this "system"... At this time, Dr. Luo called.

When he answered the phone, he heard Rozchild ask: "Hua, what's the emergency? I just finished the operation and saw several missed calls."

Doctor Luo spoke in English, but Hua Zhenxing spoke in plain English: "Doctor Luo, listen carefully! Someone wants to kill you, so he spent 30,000 meters to find Jin Datou and kill him. Fesoport is very dangerous, so I will Waiting by your apartment building to escort you out.”

The official language of Kilili Kingdom is Lanxi, because it was once a colony of Lanxi. Nowadays, English is more popular and has become a common language for international communication. Rozchild is a descendant of Banya Kingdom, so he can also speak Banya language. But almost none of the local people understand Banya language, so it is easier to keep secrets when speaking like this.

Rothchild on the other side of the phone was silent for several seconds, and his breathing was a little heavy and chaotic for a while. When he spoke again, he had basically regained his composure, and he said in plain language: "Hua, thank you! I know what to do, I will." If you find someone to help, you will leave Fiso Port today. Go back quickly and don’t let the Big Head Gang discover you."

After Dr. Luo finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Hua Zhenxing had a feeling that Dr. Luo should know why Jin Datou wanted to kill him and who was offering the reward, otherwise he wouldn't have asked more questions.

Of course Hua Zhenxing would not leave, especially after the "mission system" appeared inexplicably, it was even more impossible for him to leave. There is no airport in Fiso Port. The nearest international airport is 200 kilometers away in Mowang, the capital of Kilili Country. You can only leave Fiso Port by sea or land. No matter which way you go, you have to start from the hospital first.

The news of Dr. Luo's arrival was unexpected. Before he could get ready, his car was parked behind the apartment building. Hua Zhenxing waited for a while, but Dr. Luo came again without calling. He said in a hurry: "Hua, are you familiar with the road to Fesuo Port? Can you do me a favor and find a safe route without being caught?" The guys from the Big Head Gang found out and sent me to the International Terminal."

Hua Zhenxing: "I am familiar with the road to Feisuo Port, but if you go to the dock now, you are seeking death. In short, you should pack up quickly and I will escort you away." Although neither Old Man Yang nor Uncle Mo warned him of the dangers of taking the sea route, Hua Zhenxing Zhenxing thought of it himself.

There was not much time, and Dr. Luo came in a hurry. If he hadn't called beforehand, he might not have recognized Hua Zhenxing squatting in the corner. After saying hello, Dr. Luo went upstairs to get some things, and the two of them went to the back of the building to get the car. The parking place is next to another street, with a row of apartment buildings separated from the back door of the hospital.

Just as Dr. Luo opened the car door, someone rushed out from behind the corner of a house opposite and raised a gun, and then the gun went off.

The sound of the gunshot was very strange, like breaking a glass bottle. It was Hua Zhenxing's gunshot. The small pistol he usually hid behind the curtain was now on his body. It had been modified with silencer and had an effective range of only forty meters, but such a short distance was enough.

Hua Zhenxing fired decisively and hit the man in the head with his hand. There is no mercy when faced with a gun, and there is no time to hesitate, otherwise it will be Dr. Luo or himself who will be shot at the next moment.

Dr. Luo was startled. Hua Zhenxing had already taken off his backpack and threw it on the passenger seat. He took the keys and said, "Sit in the back and lie down.

The car started and rushed into the street. Hua Zhenxing held the steering wheel with one hand and pointed the gun out the window. At this time, there was another gunshot. But it wasn't Hua Zhenxing who fired the gun. Between two other houses, another person was shot and fell. Hua Zhenxing saw Charles who fired.

Sure enough, Ciel came too. Jin Datou sent a total of three gunmen. When Charles saw Hua Zhenxing shoot down one, he actually shot and killed another accomplice. The reason why Hua Zhenxing did not fire was that he saw Charles aiming at his accomplices from behind instead of pointing the gun at the car.

Hua Zhenxing put away his gun and drove through the alley, while Charles pretended to chase him, fired a few shots at both sides at random, then turned around and ran away. Hua Zhenxing was surprised that Charles would do this. He must have told Jin Datou that it was Dr. Luo who shot and killed two people when he escaped, and Dr. Luo was accompanied by bodyguards.

It was safe for the time being. Doctor Luo stuck his head out of the back seat and said, "How long will it take to get to the international terminal?"

Hua Zhenxing: "We can't go to the port area now. As soon as you get close to it, you will be exposed. Even if you can get on the ship, you won't be able to leave. Doctor Luo, how did you originally plan to leave?"

Rothchild: "I plan to take a boat. I have a friend who can help me, but I couldn't get in touch just now, so I have to go to the International Terminal to find a way."

Hua Zhenxing: "Let's drive directly across the border to Miri City, Tema Country, and then walk from the airport. It's only 150 kilometers away. I know the way, so it's safer. You can use your Mijian Country passport to buy an outbound ticket there. You don't need to They don’t care about entry records.”

Perhaps no one would have thought that when Hua Zhenxing took Rochaide to the airport by land, the destination was not Mowang City, the capital of the Kingdom of Gilly, but Miri City, the capital of the neighboring country Tema to the north, because it was closer and also had an international airport. Airport.

The chaotic streets forced Hua Zhenxing to frequently slow down and press the horn, trying to find a smooth route through Feso Port towards the northern suburbs. He also hurriedly stopped to buy two large barrels of mineral water on the way, and finally arrived in the wilderness half an hour later. superior.

The distance was only 150 kilometers, so why didn't Rozchild originally plan to take the road? Because from Fiso Port to Miri City, there are no roads at all or there are roads everywhere, and people who are not familiar with the terrain can easily get lost.

North of Fiso Port are rolling hills and large expanses of wilderness, with grasslands and sparse jungles scattered throughout. There are various wild animals but few people, and there are almost no signs to identify. When we got here, Hua Zhenxing already regretted it. He should have driven out Old Yang's off-road vehicle, but it seemed that he still didn't think carefully.

Dr. Luo's truck is a pickup truck. In Dongguo, this kind of truck is nicknamed Banjiimei. It has two rows of seats in the front and a cargo compartment in the back. Dr. Luo's car is made in America. It is very spacious and its off-road performance is much better than ordinary cars. However, it is a bit old and obviously cannot run very fast in this kind of terrain. Hua Zhenxing was regretting it when he suddenly slowed down and said, "Doctor Luo, get out of the car!"

Rothchild: "What's wrong?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Someone is catching up with us, we can't get rid of him!"

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