Enjoy the world

Chapter 8 This is a test

Hua Zhenxing was startled: "Dr. Luo Zhaide, why him? He and Jin Datou can't compete with each other, and he has not offended anyone!"

Mo Shangtong said calmly: "Nothing is impossible, many things are not as simple as you see."

Hua Zhenxing: "Fesuo Port is already a mess. It's not simple at all. People die almost every day. I've been used to it since I was a child."

Yang Tehong: "The ones you saw were simple and crude, not twists and turns. How many cases have the police here solved?"

Mo Shangtong added: "Someone asked Jin Datou to kill Dr. Luo and promised to give him 30,000 meters of gold when the job was done. This is what I heard about the situation. As for the specific inside story, you can ask Dr. Luo yourself."

Hua Zhenxing was slightly startled: "Shall I ask Dr. Luo myself?"

Mo Shangtong asked back: "Shouldn't it be right? Dr. Luo has helped many people here, is also very good to you, and always wants to help you. Now that you know that Jin Datou wants to kill him, you must at least remind him first. We should also find ways to help him get out of danger."

Old Man Yang coughed and said, "Xiaohua is still a child."

Uncle Mo glanced at him and said, "At his age and in a place like this, he can no longer be considered a child."

Old Man Yang: "It might be dangerous."

Mo Shangtong: "There is danger at any time in a place like this, so why not do anything? Tell me, should Xiaohua help Dr. Luo?"

Old Man Yang: "I remember that Dr. Luo also treated many people in the Straw Shoes Gang. What about your Straw Shoes Gang?"

Mo Shangtong: "I'm already sitting here, what am I here to do? I also remember you said many years ago, don't ask others why they do or don't do something, just ask yourself what to do. Didn't you teach me this way? Have you passed Xiaohua?"

Old Man Yang: "You got me involved."

Mo Shangtong: "You were trapped by yourself!"

Old Man Yang: "Xiaohua's abilities are limited..."

Mo Shangtong interrupted him and said: "It's just a big-headed gang. If we can't handle this, then you and I have taught Xiaohua all these years in vain. He can't be a child forever. Now that we meet him today, it will be a test."

Old Man Yang waved his hand and said: "Let's not argue. Xiaohua is neither you nor me. Ask him himself...Xiaohua, what do you think?"

Dr. Luo's surname is not Luo, his surname is Luo Childe. It is just Mo Shangtong's habit to call him this way. He is considered to be named after his surname. As for his name, the locals don't know his name. Rozchild came to Port Fiso a year and a half ago. He is a Doctors Without Borders and comes from the country of Mijan.

The infrastructure in Fiso Port is very poor, but there is a very large general hospital with nearly 2,000 beds that can treat patients from various disciplines. The hospital has very simple general wards and observation halls, as well as the most modern operating rooms, laboratories and intensive care units, as well as advanced medical equipment from all over the world.

It was originally a tent hospital established by the United Nations Refugee Agency fifteen years ago. It has not been dismantled since the war. It has also received donations from all over the world and has gradually developed into its current scale. The locals call it an international hospital. Rozchild is a volunteer with Doctors Without Borders and came to work here voluntarily.

Old Yang's grocery store has the most complicated purchasing channels in the area. It can buy many practical and unique things that are not available in the supermarkets in the city center. Rozchild also frequents it. He knows several languages, but neither the local dialect nor Dongguan. The language he knows is just right for Huazhen Xing, and the Huazhen Xing he doesn't know is also good at it.

Rothchild was surprised that there was such a young boy in the grocery store who cared deeply about Hua Zhenxing and even learned the local dialect from Hua Zhenxing. He even thought that Hua Zhenxing should not continue to stay in this place. He once specifically found Old Man Yang to contact Hua Zhenxing's adoptive family in Mi Jianguo, and wanted to send Hua Zhenxing to Mi Jianguo to study and live.

Of course Old Man Yang refused. He had rejected similar suggestions in his early years, but it could also be seen that Rothchild had good intentions. Although Rozchild is not a member of the Straw Shoes Gang, he has rescued many local people.

Last year, Charles's aunt and sister fell ill, suffering from pain and fever all over their bodies. Charles asked Huazhenxing for help in hiring Dr. Luo. Hua Zhenxing didn't ask them why they didn't go directly to the hospital and quickly invited Dr. Luo. The result was very uncertain. They had dengue fever. Dr. Luo urgently contacted the ward to send the two to the hospital, and then examined everyone else who had been in contact with them.

At that time, there was a dengue fever epidemic in the Fiso Port area, and many people died. Dr. Luo saved Charles's family. Charles was not familiar with him. He was invited by Hua Zhenxing to help.

Now Jin Datou wants to kill Dr. Luo, how can Hua Zhenxing ignore it. Hearing Old Man Yang ask him, Hua Zhenxing nodded quickly and said: "I must help Dr. Luo escape!" Then he sighed and said, "No wonder Charles doesn't want to take action. Why did Jin Datou want to kill Dr. Luo?"

Gang fights are common in Porto Fiso, and people die almost every day, but there are still rules. Doctors like Rozchild from an international rescue organization cannot act casually. If something happens to him, the police will definitely investigate. This kind of thing is equivalent to a major case locally.

Old Man Yang: "Thirty thousand meters of gold is enough to drive many people crazy here! Xiaohua, you have to be cautious about this matter. If you have to take action, you must be decisive and decisive."

Mo Shangtong said coldly: "That friend of yours, the big man Heishaer, may not have told you the truth. It's not that Jin Datou asked him to come to you, but that he wanted to find you himself, and he didn't want to kill Dr. Luo I don’t dare to disobey Jin Datou’s order, but I hope you can remind Dr. Luo. This person is not as honest as he seems.”

Hua Zhenxing: "He should have said Dr. Luo's name." His tone was full of disappointment.

Yang Tehong said unhurriedly: "It's possible that he hesitated again and again and finally didn't dare to say anything. There's another possibility. He didn't want to involve you and decided to help Dr. Luo himself. If that's not the case, , I think forget it about this friend, forget about this person... So many things are not as simple as they appear on the surface, and you need to figure it out."

Hua Zhenxing couldn't help but think of his schoolmate and colleague Zhu Meng in his dream, and his mood suddenly became very bad. Just at this moment, the phone rang. I took it out and found that the call was from an unfamiliar landline number. Then my eyes lit up as if I had guessed something. After the call was connected, I heard Charles's voice saying: "Hua, listen, don't say anything, Jin." The person I want to kill is Dr. Luo!

I wanted to tell you last night, but I never dared to. You have to think of a way to remind Dr. Luo, I know you will find a way! Don't tell anyone that I leaked the secret. Remember, I never made this call..."

Hua Zhenxing smiled, and his mood instantly became much more relaxed. He asked before the other party hung up, "What would you do if you met Dr. Luo, or if you met Dr. Luo and me together?"

Ciel: "I, I, my shooting skills are very poor! Just stop asking."

After hanging up the phone, Hua Zhenxing was still smiling. Old Man Yang snorted coldly: "Why are you so happy? Dr. Luo saved Charles's family. Charles should help Dr. Luo himself, but he didn't dare after all. He just told you secretly. I don't like this kind of person. In order to shirk your own responsibilities and drag innocent friends into the water, I actually let you take risks."

Hua Zhenxing put away his smile and said, "But after all, he said Dr. Luo's name."

Old Man Yang: "You are so easy to satisfy, and your requirements for people are too low! If he just called to remind him, wouldn't he call Dr. Luo directly? If he doesn't know the number, he can ask you. What you think is still too simple. Well, if Jin Datou knew that you intervened to save Dr. Luo, how could he let you go? And Jin Datou knew about your relationship with him, how could he let him go? "

Mo Shangtong interjected: "This person is not bad at all. Don't be too demanding in this place."

Old Man Yang narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm afraid he's not as stupid as he seems, and has another purpose."

Hua Zhenxing put away his cell phone and stood up and said, "I must help Dr. Luo. He doesn't know yet that Jin Datou wants to kill him. What should we do?"

The two old men looked at each other, and Yang Tehong was the first to speak: "It's your decision. We won't give you any advice. You can do whatever you think. I have taught you for so many years, so this time is a test." , the question I gave is - try to figure out all the inside information."

Mo Shangtong then said: "The question I asked is very simple. It is to ensure that Dr. Luo leaves here safely and prevents Jin Datou from succeeding. As for what to do, it is up to you." Then he pointed to a person by the door. The big baggage said, "You may need some things. I'll try my best to prepare them for you. You can choose them yourself."

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