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Chapter 7 Straw Shoes Gang

The big man Heishiel was also an orphan left in the war fifteen years ago. Both his parents died in that turmoil. There are no fewer than 100,000 such orphans in Fiso Port and its surrounding areas. But in the eyes of local people, Charles is not completely an orphan, because there are two aunts who have raised him since he was a child.

There is an old saying in the Eastern Kingdom: "A child without a father is an orphan." If a child loses his father when he is a minor, he is still an orphan even if his mother is still there. Therefore, there is the idiom "an orphan and a widowed mother". But in the Black Wilderness Continent, if we follow this standard, there may be orphans everywhere. It is hard to say whether the fathers of many children are still alive, because they can't figure out who their fathers are.

Many local men can't control their belts at all, and the same goes for many women. They fall in love easily and often have children just like that. If you want to accuse those men of not admitting it when they put on their pants, many people may not understand it, because they have no concept of "account" at all, and it doesn't matter whether they admit it or not.

Of course there are families, but relatively stable families have become a minority phenomenon. Many men who originally lived a family life run away or disappear as soon as they say they are gone. In many cases, women are the same.

In a more turbulent environment, social relations become more chaotic. Especially in cities that have experienced several turmoils and have been impacted by foreign industrial civilization, the originally stable tribal structure has been broken, forming a unique phenomenon.

Yang Tehong has an old friend named Mo Shangtong, who often comes to drink with Old Man Yang and talk about the past and present. Once it was mentioned that many people in the academic world were still questioning whether matrilineal society really existed, Mo Shangtong said drunkenly: "Why don't you come to Fiso Port to take a look and analyze what kind of social form the neighborhoods here belong to?"

Charles's maternal grandmother gave birth to four children, one boy and three girls. Charles's parents died in the war, and he also had an uncle and two aunts. In the neighborhood tradition here, the children of the sisters were raised together. The three sisters had a total of eleven children, probably from six fathers, of whom five are still alive. Charles, the eldest, is twenty years old this year.

From the first three sisters to the later two sisters, it was certainly not easy to raise eleven children, as you can tell by looking at the infant mortality rate. Charles also had an uncle who was a gang member and died in a gunfight eight years ago. The leader of that gang was Jin Datou, so the locals called him the Datou Gang. It is said that Charles's uncle is Jin Datou's brother, and he also led Charles to join gangs since he was a child.

Perhaps because of his uncle's relationship, Jin Datou took good care of Charles and at least kept working for him. Not only did he have enough to eat, but he also earned money from time to time, allowing him to live in good health until now. Ciel is tall, dark and strong, with a very good physique. He looks like weeds in the desert and can thrive with just a little water.

Charles is also one of Hua Zhenxing's few local playmates, and they have known each other since childhood. Ciel often came to the grocery store to buy things, and sometimes he also shopped on behalf of the gang. The two local dialects of the Huazhen Guild were mainly learned from Ciel.

Compared with the construction aid workers sent by Dongguo, Charles is lazy and stupid, but compared with his local peers, he can be considered smart and capable, so Hua Zhenxing can talk with him.

The black lantern hanging in Hua Zhenxing's bedroom was sold by Heishaer in the grocery store. There were two of them at the time, and they were very shabby and seemed to be broken, but Huazhenxing checked them and charged them 20 yuan each in Dongguo currency. Then they disassembled, repaired, and remodeled them, and it became the one hanging in my bedroom.

Last night, Charles invited Hua Zhenxing to the Happy Bar for a drink, and begged him to go, saying that he had something to discuss. After he was almost drunk, Charles told him that it was Jin Datou who asked Charles to kill someone. Charles was very conflicted. He didn't want to kill this man, but he had to obey Jin Datou's order.

It can be seen that Charles is a little scared and wants to ask Hua Zhenxing for help. Of course Hua Zhenxing would not help him do such a thing, so he asked Jin Datou who he wanted to kill. Charles said that unless Hua Zhenxing agreed to help, he could not tell it because Jin Datou had repeatedly ordered it to be kept secret.

So Hua Zhenxing changed the question: "Why don't you want to kill this person? Are you unwilling or afraid?"

Charles rubbed his forehead and said: "I neither want to nor dare. He is not a bad person and has helped me. Moreover, his identity is relatively sensitive, and no one is willing to touch him, otherwise he will cause trouble. I asked Can Boss Jin not go? But Boss pointed a gun at me and yelled.

This is the gang's mission and must be completed. He has told me such an important and confidential matter, so I have to do it. The boss also said that I have been trained by him since I was a child, and now is the time to work for him. If I dare not do it or dare to tell the truth, my whole family will be in danger. "

How can an orphan have a whole family? But Ciel's concept is different. The whole family should refer to his two aunts and four other brothers and sisters. Hua Zhenxing asked again: "What else did Jin Datou say? Why did you want to come to me?"

Charles: "We are brothers, and you are good at kung fu and marksmanship! Boss Jin also said that I have a good relationship with you and can ask you for help. You can ask that person out, as long as you pass by a place where no one is around I can hide next to the place and finish it off with one shot..."

These words revealed a lot of important information, but Ciel never said who that person was. If in another situation it was just the two of them talking alone, Hua Zhenxing might have been able to figure out the answer slowly, but there were many people around in the bar at that time, so Hua Zhenxing had to be cautious.

Later, Charles obviously drank too much, and Hua Zhenxing came back on his own... This is what happened.

Hua Zhenxing finished. Looking at Old Man Yang's face, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. He squinted his eyes and said, "He knows the person Charles wants to kill, and you also know him, and that person obviously trusts you more. In Jin Datou's eyes, can you Trick him out without any defense! You must find out who this person is, Xiaohua, have you ever thought about it, what if that person is me? "

Hua Zhenxing: "No, it can't be you. You always think too much."

Old Man Yang: "I am sure that he is someone you are familiar with. As long as the identity has not been confirmed, we cannot rule out any possibility. Even if it is not me, what if it is Engineer Lei? What if it is you, Uncle Mo and Ke Fuzi, can you Have you ruled out all these possibilities?”

Hua Zhenxing: "It really can't be done. We have to find a way..."

Old Man Yang interrupted him and said: "Now I know why you dreamed about such things. You don't need to think of a solution. Now make me a midnight snack and go to bed after eating. I'll ask you, Uncle Mo, to find out. You cook some good dishes for lunch, and I’ll ask Lao Mo to come over for dinner.”

At noon the next day, Operation Huazhen used four of the nine alchemy furnaces, quickly prepared a table of dishes, and then sat down to eat with Old Man Yang and Uncle Mo.

Mo Shangtong is a friend of Old Man Yang, but their temperaments are very different. Old Man Yang has a ruddy complexion and thick gray hair, which is half-length but not short, with slightly curly ends. He looks stylish. Although his clothes are not luxurious, they are definitely decent and comfortable. Uncle Mo's face was dark, and at first glance he looked almost like a local aboriginal, with wrinkles all over his face like knife carvings.

But if we look closely at Mo Shangtong, he is tall but straight, with clear facial features and clear eyes with a sense of power. I can't tell how old Uncle Mo is. He came to Fesuo Port fifteen years ago, the same year that Old Yang picked up Huazhenxing, and now he is the leader of the local "Straw Shoe Gang".

The so-called "straw shoe gang" was just a joke made by Mr. Yang at first. Unexpectedly, after word spread, it became a common name recognized by the locals. In fact, Mo Shangtong is a craftsman. This old man seems to know everything. Uncle Mo taught Hua Zhenxing how to disassemble and assemble the Heihuang light lamp and understand the functions of each component.

Uncle Mo started out as a repairman, repairing everything from household appliances to cars and cannons. His repair scope also included mobile phones, computers, satellite phones and other electronic products. He also repaired houses, farm tools, and various engineering equipment. , and even the crafts such as mending pots, baking bowls, and hoops, which are almost extinct in the folk of the distant East, straddle tradition and modernity.

Such a person can live comfortably no matter where he is. Hua Zhenxing can't figure out why the old man would come to Fesoport after the war. Mo Shangtong initially opened a repair shop, helped many people, and taught many people various crafts, and then formed a mutual-help civil society.

Mo Shang Tong is very special here because the locals hardly know how to repair anything. If something is broken, they will replace it with a new one. Houses and other facilities rarely need to be renovated or maintained. Most of the people gathered around Mo Shangtong were craftsmen, such as those who made wine, made bread, repaired cars, and processed various agricultural tools and daily necessities.

Those who know how to repair can build. The things produced by these people may not be very advanced, but they are the most practical in the area. The Straw Shoe Gang is not loose, and has a very tight internal organization. If you join them, you are not allowed to fight among themselves, but you must also help each other. In the chaotic Feso Port, they have formed a middle- and lower-level force that cannot be ignored, with tens of thousands of members.

No one can tell how many gangs there are in Feiso Port, big and small, but the Straw Shoes Gang is probably the largest among them. The strange thing is that no gang seems to be really aware of this, and they don't even regard the Straw Shoes Gang as their opponents. Treat it as a nuisance at most.

Because the Straw Shoe Gang is not a gang, at least not the kind that occupies land, collects protection fees, and monopolizes illegal business. It seems to be just a guild of law-abiding craftsmen. The Straw Shoe Gang has no concept of competing for territory with anyone, but only promotes internal friendship, equality, mutual assistance and mutual benefit. But no one from the local gangs will easily provoke them. If you offend one of them, you will offend the entire Straw Shoes Gang.

There are many people who want to join the Straw Shoes Gang, but it is not easy to become a member. You must first give up all illegal profit-making activities and strictly abide by its rules. In the Straw Sandals Gang, we cannot just seek self-interest without helping others. If any member fails to participate in actions as required when other members are in need of help, they will be expelled.

Straw sandals got its name because Mo Shangtong sometimes wore straw sandals. Before Mo Shangtong came to Fiso Port, the locals had never seen anything like straw sandals. Mo Shangtong found a suitable straw-stem sandal, which once stunned everyone.

Most of the indigenous tribesmen in the wilderness do not wear shoes and have thick calluses on their feet, but they are easily injured. In a city like Fiso Port, where there are hot cement or asphalt roads in summer and various foreign objects that may prick your feet, it is even more necessary to wear shoes to protect your feet.

The three most common types of shoes in the area are flip-flops, sneakers and large leather shoes, but many people are still used to going barefoot. Mo Shangtong often wore straw sandals and taught others to wear straw sandals. When his group became popular, the straw sandals became a unique symbol, although the straw sandals gang did not stipulate what kind of shoes its members must wear.

In fact, Mo Shangtong named the first group he established "The Great Lover", which roughly means this in the local dialect. It can be called elegant and elegant, but it was defeated by the name "Straw Shoe Gang". . The locals called them Straw Shoe Gang, and in the end even Mo Shangtong himself called them that, so he had to follow the custom.

In a sense, the Straw Shoes Gang in Port Feso is like a primitive religious order, and Mo Shangtong is its leader. In life, this leader seems to be a minimalist pragmatist. He dresses very simply and sits at the table like an old peasant from the Eastern Kingdom.

After Hua Zhenxing sat down, he poured a glass of wine for both old men, and then asked: "Uncle Mo, have you heard about the situation? Who does Jin Datou want to kill?"

Mo Shangtong's wrinkled face showed no expression, and he replied in a deep voice: "The person you know, Dr. Luo."

Double update today, keep asking for votes, thank you for your support!

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