Enjoy the world

Chapter 6 There is a theory

When Old Yang's laughter stopped, Hua Zhenxing asked, "Mr. Yang, what's wrong with you? Is it that funny?"

Old Man Yang: "I'm so happy! It seems that I didn't raise you in vain. In your mind, I can still spend another five hundred years!"

Hua Zhenxing couldn't laugh or cry: "It's just a dream. In the dream, you are not 500 years old, but only 120 years old... Well, that's a long life."

Old Man Yang: "There is a theory that everything in your dream is actually something you have experienced, but it is presented in a different way... Although I can live for another five hundred years, you are a little disappointed. I practiced Yang Yuan Technique at the age of five, and only reached the third level at the age of twenty. Do you have so little confidence in yourself, or do you have no intention of working hard at all?"

Hua Zhenxing: "What are you talking about! What nourishing skills, what third level? Dreaming is just dreaming, how can it be such nonsense."

Old Man Yang: "Oh, is this really nonsense? In the dream, you were fifteen years old when you went to middle school and started practicing Yang Yuan Shu. You are now fifteen years old. What did I teach you to practice? You told the dream in such detail , then if you think about it carefully, you said you dreamed that I was practicing morning exercises, what posture was it in, and which set of kung fu did it come from?"

Hua Zhenxing suddenly reacted: "You taught me aerobics!"

Old Man Yang slapped his thigh: "Isn't that right!"

Hua Zhenxing: "But that's not the art of nourishing the essence, right?"

Old Man Yang: "Can't you just give it another name yourself? I don't object if you call it aerobics, and no one has any objection if you call it Yangyuan Technique. To tell you the truth, that is a combination of various methods since ancient times. It’s a simplified set of comprehensive and true-to-life methods for practicing Qi and guiding the essence.”

Hua Zhenxing: "The Yangyuan Technique I dreamed of was the aerobics you taught me. Five hundred years later, it will be practiced all over the world, even in schools! Do you think it can really produce the same results as in the dream? "

The corner of Old Man Yang's mouth slightly curled up: "It's just a dream anyway, so let's go big. As for what effect you can achieve, it depends on you. I didn't practice when I was a child. I don't know where to go. I'm still waiting. Tell me. You have been practicing for a few months, have you gained any skills?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I should have gotten started, I feel it."

Old Man Yang: "How does it feel?"

Hua Zhenxing "It's the feeling you said."

Old Man Yang said with a bad smile: "Isn't that what happened? Are you embarrassed to say it? No wonder I can't stay at home and learn to go to bars and drink. Now that you have feelings, you must remember the taboos I mentioned, especially It’s a ghost place like Fesuo Port, you must not mess around!”

Hua Zhenxing: "Am I the kind of person who messes around? Can you please stop talking about this!"

Various epidemic diseases are often prevalent in the Kingdom of Kilili and the Black Desert Continent. The government does not have much control over the grassroots, and it lacks emergency organization and mobilization capabilities. Medical and health conditions are extremely poor. There are not even statistical data on many epidemic outbreaks. It can only rely on post-event estimates, let alone real-time Prevention and control.

Old Man Yang once lamented that in the 21st century, this place is still like a melting pot of natural selection in a primitive environment. In the face of epidemics, many local people can only rely on their own immunity to resist, and those who cannot withstand it will die. Many people here are not smart enough in Hua Zhenxing's opinion, and their evolved skill points may have been added elsewhere.

One data is generally credible. The sampling statistics of the World Health Organization, a subsidiary of the United Nations, show that the HIV infection rate among residents of Guinea is as high as one-third, which is almost despairing. And in a place where life expectancy is only in their early thirties, many of them do not even survive the onset of AIDS before dying of other causes.

One of the largest assistance operations carried out by the World Health Organization in Fiso Port is to distribute and teach everyone to use condoms as much as possible. Discarded condoms can be seen everywhere in the streets here. In other places, it is said that children mistakenly blow up condoms as balloons as a joke, but the children here really use condoms as balloons.

Hua Zhenxing practiced the "aerobics" or "Yuanyuan Technique" taught by Old Man Yang, and he has already started to feel it. This feeling is that you are light, healthy and full of energy. Strong physiological functions and mental state will almost certainly lead to strong desires, and the exercise method itself also has the effect of stimulating desires, so Old Man Yang warned him not to mess around in this hellish place.

Seeing that he didn't want to talk about this topic, Old Man Yang said again: "Then let's talk about Feso Port in your dream. It is indeed a good place, but it doesn't feel cool enough, has no sense of science fiction, and is too simple.

But it’s hard for you, a child who grew up here, to dream of that kind of effect. I think it's not the Port of Feso five hundred years from now, but it looks a lot like Dongguo fifty years ago. Have you recently gone to Lao Lei again, drinking with him and listening to his nagging? "

Hua Zhenxing: "Listening to what you said, it's really a bit of a shadow, but the world I dreamed of was more advanced!"

Lao Lei's name is Lei Yunjin. He is a senior engineer of Dongguo China Construction Group and the on-site construction commander of an aid project of the group in Fiso Port. The first modern cooking utensils Hua Zhenxing saw was in the canteen of the project workers that Lao Lei was responsible for.

Huazhen Guild speaks several languages, but he usually speaks Chinese to Old Man Yang at home, which is also considered his mother tongue. Lei Yunjin came to the grocery store to buy things. When he saw Hua Zhenxing, who could speak fluent Chinese, he felt very friendly. After hearing about Hua Zhenxing's life experience, he was particularly concerned about him.

People on the construction site often came to buy groceries, and Huazhenxing often delivered things to the workers' dormitories. When Lao Lei saw him, he would always take him to his room and keep him for dinner. Lao Lei had a small stove, and Hua Zhenxing even cooked a few meals for him, so Lao Lei was more willing to keep the kid to eat with him.

Lei Yunjin is 60 years old this year and has reached the age of retirement. However, the construction here has not yet been completed, and the group's construction assistance projects are also short of people. Secondly, he wants to save a few more years, so he continues to work. . When people are old and in a foreign country, they like to reminisce about the past after drinking a little wine, and they like to make various comparisons.

The conditions of Fiso Port are simply incomparable with today's Dongguo in all aspects, but another topic that Lao Lei talks about the most is his own childhood and the various situations of his father's generation, and then compares it with today's younger generation.

Lao Lei has a son who is in his early thirties and works in Pingjing City, the capital of the Eastern Kingdom. Pingjing is very large. It is expanding in circles around the ancient imperial city. The second ring road, the third ring road... and now it has been built to the sixth ring road. Talents and capital from all over Dongguo are gathered there, and housing prices are very high. Xiaolei's workplace is outside the West Second Ring Road, and the house he will buy will be in the South Sixth Ring Road.

The traffic in Pingjing City during peak hours is very congested. It takes Xiaolei at least an hour and a half to get to his work every day. Even if he leaves home very early and has planned the best route, it is almost the same after get off work, and it is already very late when he gets home. For a while after giving birth to the child, his wife quit her job to take care of the child at home, but soon she continued to go to work.

Although Xiaolei's income is acceptable, at least above the average, it is obviously difficult for him to pay off the mortgage, raise children, and support a family of three on his own salary. So Lao Lei's wife went to her son's house to take care of her grandson, while Lao Lei went to Fiso Port to continue working to earn money. It was pointless to be alone anyway. Earning more money could help support his children and grandchildren.

Lao Lei does not criticize the present, because today's Dongguo has indeed developed greatly compared with a few decades ago, but this does not prevent him from recalling the past. According to Lao Lei, when he was a child, both his parents worked for the same company and lived in the courtyard of the company's living area. The house was also allocated by the public.

The workplace has a nursery, and the kindergarten is not far from the house. Although the conditions are not comparable to those now, it is much more convenient. The couple picks up and drops off the children every day after get off work and before work. When Lao Lei was a child, he did not have any grandparents or grandparents to take care of him, because his parents had many brothers and sisters, and it was impossible to rely on the elderly to take care of the children. This is how he grew up.

Lao Lei often laments that although today's society is developed, it may not be advanced in all aspects, at least it is not so friendly to ordinary people and ordinary families. For example, he talked about the problem of traffic congestion. Of course, there are factors such as urban expansion, vehicle growth, and the flow of people, but there are also reasons for urban planning that have existed from the beginning.

For some reasons, the regional functions of many modern cities have been cut off. When Lao Lei was a child, his parents could walk to work. The family compound and the work place of the company were very close, so he only rode bicycles when going out.

The current urban development roadmap artificially separates work areas, commercial areas, leisure areas, and daily living areas farther and farther apart, causing many people to complete a migratory round trip every day, which is a huge waste of various resources. consumption...

Lao Lei's point of view may not be completely correct. In addition to urban planning, these situations are also the result of capital promotion and class differentiation. But Hua Zhenxing found it very interesting. There are not many such problems in Fiso Port today, but what about the future? If Fiso Port becomes as advanced and developed as Dongguo City, can similar problems be avoided as much as possible?

Lao Lei actually discussed this with Xiao Hua, so in Xiao Hua's dream, the "future" Fesuo Port looked like that. After hearing Old Man Yang's reminder, Hua Zhenxing also realized that this might be the reason.

The old man Yang waved his hand again and said: "Don't talk about whether you are advanced or not in your dream. What did you do before you dreamed? The university alumnus in your dream is very interesting. You also talked about the principle of repaying kindness. I told you that." Bar?"

Hua Zhenxing nodded and said, "Yes, that's what you always told me. I didn't remember it in my dream, but now I remember it."

Old man Yang frowned and said, "This is a bit strange. How could you dream of such a thing? What did that silly boy Charles do to you last night? It was probably a shameful thing, right?" Seeing Hua Zhenxing's hesitant look, he He emphasized again, "Some children think they have grown up and want to make their own decisions about everything without telling adults, but they often don't understand how serious the consequences are!"

Hua Zhenxing finally said: "I wanted to tell you. Jin Datou asked Charles to kill someone. Charles was a little entangled. He didn't want to do it, but he didn't dare to disobey Da Jintou."

Old Man Yang asked in a deep voice: "Who does Jin Datou want to kill?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I asked all night but couldn't find out. He said he couldn't tell unless I agreed to help. Later he drank too much and I came back."

Old Man Yang stood up and said sternly: "Do you still want your help? If you go out and fool around, you will get into trouble if you drink! Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Didn't I tell you this as soon as I came back?"

Old Man Yang: "Then why didn't you say anything just now?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I was talking about that dream just now."

Old Man Yang: "Stop talking about dreams. Tell me why he asked you for help?"

Hua Zhenxing: "It should be because I have good skills and accurate marksmanship."

Old Man Yang: "Fart! I even claimed to be a peerless master after drinking. I haven't seen anyone ask me to do bad things. With just your two brushes, do you think you can hit ten with one? What you usually come into contact with are either beasts or beasts." Trash, if you meet a real professional soldier or professional bodyguard, it will be very dangerous!"

Hua Zhenxing: "I didn't agree either."

Old Man Yang: "If someone comes to you to do this kind of thing, it means there is something wrong with you. Where is the Happy Bar? The two of you drink around the footbath, and others can't hear what you say? So many people see him coming to see him Damn it, you've already got it! Tell me carefully what's going on."

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