Enjoy the world

Chapter 5 The Light of Darkness

Old Man Yang's grocery store has a two-story building in front, and a courtyard behind it. The courtyard wall is some distance away from the surrounding buildings. It covers an area of ​​almost 300 square meters. On weekdays, only two people, old and young, live there.

Fiso Port is not the Dongguo Port. The land is very cheap. It is hard to say how high the house price is for the locals, but it is definitely not high for Old Man Yang.

During the riot fifteen years ago, many buildings were abandoned. Old Man Yang could occupy as much space as he wanted, as long as he could hold it. But Old Man Yang did not take the opportunity to occupy the land. His grocery store was a two-story building with a backyard. Over the past decade or so, people have been pouring into the city from villages of various tribes, and Fiso Port has become crowded again.

In the impression of local people, although Old Man Yang is a Chinese from Dongguo, he came earlier than everyone else in this neighborhood. It seemed like he had been opening a grocery store here since the beginning of time.

Yes, this idiom has been used correctly throughout history. The average life span of the local people is only in their early thirties. There is an old saying in Dongguo that "seventy years of life are rare in ancient times." It is not uncommon to live to seventy years old in Dongguo today, but in Fesoport, this poem is particularly special. precise.

Old Man Yang has been running a grocery store here for at least thirty years. Why say at least, because the longest memory the locals have of this neighborhood is more than thirty years. Because of the war and turmoil, some people died and others left. Old Man Yang became the longest resident here. He and his grocery store were like a miracle or a historical relic.

The front door of the grocery store facing the street faces north, and there is a side door on the west side, which opens into the kitchen. The kitchen is very large, with a nine-burner stove. Hua Zhenxing passed through the kitchen, went up the stairs in the living room to the second floor, and entered his bedroom.

Many streets and lanes in Port Fiso are not equipped with street lights, and even where there are street lights, many light bulbs are broken. Some idle bad boys like to play the game of street lamps when they have nothing to do. If they want to break a street lamp, it is enough to throw a stone at it, but it will be difficult to wait for the maintenance personnel to repair it.

The curtains are open. Although there are no street lights outside, there is still a faint light coming in on a clear night. If your eyes have adapted to the dark environment, you can still vaguely distinguish the outlines of some objects in the house. Hua Zhenxing suddenly felt something was wrong. He narrowed his eyes but did not move his neck.

Someone was hiding in the bedroom, clinging to the side of the cabinet. Hua Zhenxing seemed to have no reaction, but his mind was spinning rapidly. It seemed that this was not a friendly visit. Could it be that what Charles said in the bar last night was heard by others, and the other party thought that he was also Charles' accomplice, so To deal with yourself?

Hua Zhenxing walked straight to the bed calmly, avoiding the bright light and closing the curtains. The curtains had a light-shielding layer, and when they were closed, the room became pitch black. He had already taken out the finger tiger and put it on his left hand.

From the lurker's perspective, they won't even realize they've been exposed. Old Man Yang has taught Hua Zhenxing a long time ago that if you find someone who wants to ambush you and thinks he is hiding well, your first reaction must be calm. It is best to let the other person not know that you have discovered him, and then try to counterattack suddenly.

This is to strive for the advantage of asymmetric information. If the other party hides and wants to sneak attack, if he knows you but you don't know him, he will have the advantage of information; but if you have discovered him but he does not know, you will also have the advantage of information, and you need to make good use of this advantage. Advantage.

The moment the curtains were closed, the other party could no longer see Hua Zhenxing, but Hua Zhenxing dodged and silently reached the other side of the cabinet, with the paratrooper knife already appearing in his right hand. There was a big cabinet between him and the lurker. Even if the lurker shot, he couldn't hit him. If he wanted to use the knife, he had to go around and know his location.

At this moment, he suddenly relaxed and said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, aren't you afraid that I will kill you with one shot?"

Mr. Yang is what he calls Old Man Yang on weekdays. The old man likes others to call him that. Old Man Yang's voice came from the other side of the cabinet: "You went out without a gun today. Did you touch the small pistol hidden behind the curtain just now?"

Hua Zhenxing had a pistol. It was very small and had a homemade silencer and voice changer. It was hidden behind the curtain. He just opened the curtain just to touch the gun, but he didn't touch it. It turned out that Old Man Yang had taken it away. Hua Zhenxing snorted and said, "So you're afraid too? I'm afraid I'll miss you if I get nervous and shoot you."

Old Man Yang: "I'm just testing your reaction to see if you'll be nervous when you find the gun is gone."

Hua Zhenxing: "How many times have you played this trick! Aren't you afraid that if I encounter danger in the future, I will think it's you who is testing me, and it will lead to something bad? Haven't you heard the story of 'The wolf is coming'?"

Hearing the sound, Old Man Yang had already walked out from behind the cabinet: "Being vigilant is actually a habit, as long as you learn to react correctly every time."

Hua Zhenxing put away his finger tiger and paratrooper knife, lifted two sandbags from his feet and hung them on a hook above his head. The room suddenly lit up, and at the same time there was a faint sound of mechanical rotation.

There is a device hanging on the wall, a disc the size of a bowl, with an LED light bulb the size of a grain of rice in the center of the disc, the kind used for mobile phone flashlights. A thin steel wire rope with a hook protrudes from under the disc. Hang up two heavy sandbags, slowly pull out the wire rope, and the little light bulb will light up.

The principle of this thing is actually not complicated, it is similar to a mechanical clock, but its power does not come from the spring spring, but the potential energy of the falling weight. The gear set drives not the dial but a micro motor, and the output power is less than One watt is enough to light up a small light bulb.

Its official name is Black Desolation Lighting, and it has a famous origin. It is a charity aid project. It is a livelihood resource provided by a well-known international charity fund of Mi Jianguo to the Black Wasteland through the United Nations Rescue Organization. There are many places in the Black Wilderness Continent that do not yet have electricity, and this thing can illuminate them at night.

Although the LED lights used in mobile phones have low power, they are not low in brightness. They can make people see things around them clearly in a small area. If they are closer, they can even read the text in books, but it is a bit hard on the eyes.

This kind of passive lighting is actually ordered in Yiwu City, Dongguo. The ex-factory price is Dongguo yuan 80 yuan. For large quantities, it can be reduced to 60 yuan. It has the brands of Mi Jianguo and the United Nations Rescue Organization. The charitable fund's project expenditures include two hundred meters of gold each. It claims to have donated half a million gold to Guinea and surrounding areas, and has also donated money to the Port of Aiso.

The one hanging in Huazhen's house was taken from the store for fun. It has been disassembled and refitted. The hanging object is divided into two sandbags, each weighing thirty kilograms. It falls from a height of more than two meters to the ground, and the lamp can be lit. It stays on for about ten minutes. What to do after ten minutes? You can retract the wire rope and continue to hang the sandbags to light it again.

There is electricity supply in Fiso Port, but there are frequent power outages. It would be more convenient to hang something like this in the house. The grocery store does not receive international aid. These are used by local people to exchange money for shopping. The retail price for takeout in the grocery store is NT$80, and the wholesale price is NT$60.

The light bulbs the size of rice grains dispersed the darkness and illuminated the entire room. There is a cabinet against the wall. Hua Zhenxing is standing next to the cabinet on the side opposite the door. On the other side of the room is a window in the middle, and there is a bed on the left side of the window.

Hua Zhenxing's pistol was originally hidden behind the curtain at the head of the bed, but now it has been placed on the table. The table is to the right of the window, and there is only one chair in front of it. Old Man Yang turned his chair around and sat facing Hua Zhenxing. He crossed his legs and asked, "What are you doing? Are you sneaking around like a thief when you get home?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I said hello to you before going out, and I went to the Happy Bar with the big guy Heishaer."

Old Man Yang: "You didn't learn to chew chacao or smoke leaves from them, did you?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Of course not! I don't touch those things, I just drink."

Old Man Yang curled his lips and said: "Erguotou mixed banana wine, put it in a footbath, and a bunch of people gathered around and drank it from straw stems..."

Hua Zhenxing quickly interrupted: "Stop talking, it sounds disgusting."

The local specialty "cocktail" is to use local banana wine mixed with some strong liquors such as whiskey and vodka, but now it is basically Erguotou made in Dongguo, because it is high quality, cheap and powerful enough.

After the wine is mixed, some sugar is added to it. The taste is very strange and unpleasant, but it is very popular among the locals. They have a very popular way of drinking, which is to put the wine in a wooden basin, and then sit in a circle, each holding a long grass stem to drink. Their expressions look like they are enjoying themselves like gods. While drinking, they talk loudly, and often Sing.

The Erguotou used to mix "cocktails" in Happy Bar is bought from the grocery store. There is even Maotai in the grocery store. If Hua Zhenxing wants to drink, there is no need to go there to taste such a bad drink. But the atmosphere there is different. It's completely different from the feeling of drinking wine at home. It's easy to get high while drinking, and everyone in the circle will be very excited.

But according to what Old Man Yang said, the wooden basin for holding wine was indeed the same style as the footbath he used at home, and he probably bought it from a grocery store. Although it was not used for washing feet, it seemed to be dirty and sticky... I don’t know how I was still drunk at that time.

Old Man Yang smiled: "You have to endure the nausea! Who's young man is not ridiculous? When you grow up, you also learn to go to bars. But how much alcohol do you have until now?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Actually, I came back before midnight, but when I was almost home, I got drunk for some reason and fell asleep against the wall."

Old Man Yang: "You are really big-hearted. Please remember the lesson in the future. You haven't lost anything, right? Do you still have your virginity?"

Old man Yang often spoke in a vague way. Hua Zhenxing replied: "I haven't lost anything, I just had a dream. What a strange dream! I actually dreamed of the world five hundred years from now. I originally planned to have a good chat with you tomorrow." Chatting.”

Old Man Yang: "Oh, what dream? Tell me now."

At this time, Hua Zhenxing felt that he had completely sobered up from the wine, and he was still very energetic and not at all sleepy, so he sat down and recounted the dream he had just had.

That dream didn't feel like a dream at all. It was like a time-travel experience. It felt like he really had that kind of identity, witnessed that kind of world, and even lived that kind of life.

He really hopes that he is the person in the dream and lives in such a world. The dream seems absurd, but the reality of Fiso Port is even more absurd. With this feeling, Hua Zhenxing ended his story.

Old Man Yang: "Are you done?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Now that I've finished talking, I can't remember many places clearly."

Old Man Yang: "I can't say so much if I can't remember clearly?"

Hua Zhenxing said a little embarrassedly: "I made up a lot of the details in my head. Even with my imagination, I think that's probably what happened."

Old man Yang suddenly burst out laughing, making Hua Zhenxing puzzled.

The new book was released on the first day, so nine chapters were updated in order to fully describe Hua Zhenxing’s dream. My old book friends over the years know my writing rhythm very well. If I don’t write fast, I basically write one chapter a day, occasionally double updates, and I also go out to drink and take time off from time to time. New books basically still follow this update rhythm, and the update time is basically at noon.

I haven’t published a book on Qidian for three years. I don’t quite understand many of the new rules and new gameplay, and I’m still learning and adapting. The new book is on the list. I ask for your support. I don’t know much about the current rules. In short, I will ask you for any votes you have. Thank you very much!

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