Enjoy the world

Chapter 4 Dreams and Reality

Many children have asked adults - Where do I come from? "Picked from the trash" is always one of the answers from adults. For Huazhenxing, this is the standard answer.

It is completely different from the dream. In reality, there have always been various conflicts in the Black Wilderness Continent. In the country of Jili, the tribal conflict fifteen years ago was the most tragic riot in history, resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands of people. Spreading from cities further south to Port Feso, corpses were once everywhere.

At that time, in the streets filled with gunpowder smoke and flying bullets, Yang Tehong heard crying coming from a trash can on the roadside. He rescued a baby from inside. This child was Hua Zhenxing.

Yang Tehong is very special and hard to judge. He is very shrewd in business and even cares about everything. He likes to calculate all accounts clearly. He is never willing to give benefits that should not be given, and is unwilling to do things that are not beneficial to himself.

But on the other hand, he never does anything to benefit himself at the expense of others, and he never takes advantage that he shouldn't take. Even if it's a great benefit, as long as it's not what he deserves, Old Man Yang won't even raise his eyelids.

For example, if there is no one at home and a lot of cash is left, and you can take it away quietly without being discovered, then 99% of the people here will take it. If there is one person in Fesoport who doesn't know how to do that, then this person must be Old Man Yang.

Old Man Yang is not generous enough, and he is almost never involved in matters of charity and wealth, but it is not to say that he is stingy. He has a very easy-going personality and does not care about many things.

It is quite contradictory to say that a person who likes to care about everything in business gave Hua Zhenxing the impression of "not caring". It always felt weird, but it was perfectly unified in Old Man Yang.

There are often expired foods in grocery stores. In fact, the shelf life on many food packages has a margin, and it is not impossible to eat the food that has just expired. People here don't care, but Old Man Yang never gives alms to beggars.

There are many beggars in Fiso Port. They are not professional beggars, but they are used to asking for money and things. Whenever there are foreigners or outsiders who are relatively clean and neatly dressed on the street, no matter what they do, there will always be a group of children asking for money. Some adults will also ask for money. They are often not careful about what they have on them. It was stolen.

If local well-dressed big shots appear on the streets, people will crowd around them and ask for money. The crowd is often pushed away by the entourage around those big shots. It doesn't matter if you don't get it. If you get it, you'll make money. This is the simplest concept of the local people.

Old Man Yang has lived here for many years, but he never gives anything. Old Man Yang never sells expired items. He always asks Hua Zhenxing to take them out and throw them away.

Old Man Yang asked Hua Zhenxing to throw things far away, quietly, and in a different place each time, just like a thief. These things will definitely not go to waste, they will be picked up in the blink of an eye. But Old Man Yang doesn't care, as long as it doesn't have anything to do with his own grocery store.

Hua Zhenxing had no objection to Old Man Yang's approach. He knew very well what kind of place Fesuo Port was.

Last year, a star who had already immigrated overseas was interviewed and recalled his childhood experiences. He was born in Fiso Port. He remembers that when he was a teenager, he opened a burger restaurant there. There was a kind-hearted female clerk who often secretly gave the leftover hamburgers from the day's sale to these hungry children in the middle of the night. At night he always waits at the back door of some burger restaurant...

Many years have passed, and the former child has grown into an international superstar. He hopes to find the kind woman and repay her. After the news was broadcast, it caused a great sensation. Someone immediately claimed that he was the female clerk, but it was revealed that he was an imposter.

After all, the star never found a benefactor, and the burger restaurant had been closed for almost ten years. Hua Zhenxing had witnessed the whole process with his own eyes.

At the time, Hua Zhenxing was only five or six years old and could already remember things. At the same time, the country of Kilili was gradually recovering from the turmoil a few years ago, and the social order ushered in a rare period of stability. The economy has grown rapidly from the trough, and many countries and institutions have come here to invest, assist in construction, and do business. Many overseas people have poured into Port Aiso.

A Golden Milk Gate fast food restaurant opened not far from the grocery store. It is a global chain franchise store that has unified requirements for the management of the food it sells. If the burgers made the day before are not sold overnight, they will be thrown away as garbage.

In many places overseas, this kind of garbage will be sorted and processed in a timely and specialized manner, but it is difficult to do so in Fiso Port. There was a female shop assistant who gave the leftover hamburgers to the children around her. The star was one of them. Soon after, he was selected by scouts and taken to the youth training camp of an overseas club. It is not clear what happened next.

Those children couldn't afford the burgers in the store, and some would take home the hamburgers given by the female clerk... Later, more and more children waited at the back door at midnight every day, and there were not enough hamburgers. Of course, some people couldn't get them. . The kind-hearted female clerk would explain apologetically that the burgers were all leftovers from the day's sale, and the store's business was very good today...

So I don’t know when, there have always been some idle adults and children disturbing customers in and outside the store. The social environment in Fiso Port was relatively stable at the time, but only relatively speaking. The troublemakers are all locals, and the police rarely pay attention to such things. I'm afraid they won't be able to control them even if they want to.

Some people don't have complex moral logic in their minds, and they often only think about the most direct cause and effect of profit. If the burgers in the store can't be sold, won't there be leftovers that day? The more leftover, the more they could get... Half a year later, the fast food restaurant closed... Many years later, the female clerk had disappeared.

This kind of thing may not happen in other places, but when it happened in Fiso Port, Hua Zhenxing was not surprised at all.

Hua Zhenxing also asked Old Man Yang, why did he save himself in the first place? Old Man Yang is a person who never looks for trouble, and Feisuo Port is a dangerous and chaotic place. As long as it didn't involve Old Man Yang himself, he would hardly interfere. He would avoid any troubles he encountered. Why would he brave a hail of bullets to pick up a child from the trash can?

At that time, Old Man Yang took a sip of wine, picked up his chopsticks and ate a few bites of side dishes, and then said slowly: "I won't suffer any loss in raising you. I have to take a long-term view, otherwise where can I find a smart and capable guy like you... Have you ever heard of child brides?”

Hua Zhenxing had actually heard of child brides. It was said to be a thing in the old society of the Eastern Kingdom. He couldn't laugh or cry: "If you have a daughter who doesn't want to get married, it would be understandable to accept me as a child bride."

Old Yang glared: "What nonsense are you talking about? That's called knocking in the door upside down! The written title is "brother-in-law", and I've never heard of someone who raised her from a young age... I just made an analogy. Your identity is that of a child-raised boy, and you have been trained to help me since you were a child. Live, so that I can enjoy life."

This is true. As long as Hua Zhenxing was able to do something at any age since he was a child, Old Man Yang would let him learn almost anything. Hua Zhenxing didn't go to school, but Old Man Yang got a complete set of textbooks and various teaching aids from Dongguo primary and secondary schools in the 1980s and 1990s. It is said that they are the most solid in terms of basic education.

Hua Zhenxing was taught literacy by Old Man Yang himself. When he was a child, the most enlightenment books he read were various recipes, including many printed and bound books with pictures and texts. Unfortunately, Hua Zhenxing at that time always thought they were comic books.

One of the reasons why Old Man Yang is not stingy is that he knows how to enjoy life. You can tell by looking at the recipes he collected, the focus of which is the major cuisines of Dongguo. Regarding the issue of eating, it can be sublimated from the most basic physiological needs to the most noble self-transcendence. Old Man Yang considers himself a very noble person.

Old Man Yang has a wide range of routes, and Fesuo Port is a cargo distribution center. He can always get various ingredients and seasonings from all over the world, especially from the East. Of course it wasn't enough if he wanted to open a restaurant, but it was more than enough for him and Hua Zhenxing to enjoy themselves. Since the age of ten, Hua Zhenxing has shouldered the heavy responsibility of cooking.

When he was twelve years old, Old Man Yang made a joke: "Now that you go to Dongguo, you can be rated as a special first-class chef. Your cooking skills are finally considered acceptable."

Huazhenxing didn’t know what the special level was, so he checked online. He had long been able to use the computer in Yang's store to surf the Internet. From that time on, he owned his first smartphone and received a formal salary every month. In the past, Old Yang would occasionally give him some pocket money. money.

The child care clerk is also a clerk. Old Yang is not only responsible for food and accommodation, but also pays wages. Hua Zhenxing, who has read recipes as comic books since he was a child, has a broad and profound foundation in the major cuisines of the Eastern Kingdom. Not to mention places like Fesoport, even the so-called various delicacies in the entire Black Continent are the same in his eyes. Pig food is almost the same.

But Hua Zhenxing does not discriminate against pig food, he is also very tolerant of hardship. Not all of the recipes that Old Man Yang showed him were from Dongguo. Some of them might have been written by the old man himself. There were even hand-drawn books, and the materials in them were all-inclusive.

The above not only introduces what can and cannot be eaten, but also includes what special functions they have, how to handle them, and what occasions they can be used in.

Old Man Yang also took Hua Zhenxing to the wild many times to teach him to identify, collect and process various materials on the spot. Hua Zhenxing probably didn’t even know it himself, but by the time he was a teenager, he had almost become a wild survival expert as well as an expert on animals and plants.

The most irritating thing is that Old Man Yang not only made Hua Zhenxing read the recipes like a comic book, but also made him cook with a Dan stove all the time. It was a very simple alchemy furnace with a furnace below and a semicircular or square pot on top. There were nine pots in total, with different shapes, and I don't know what materials they were made of. Use these nine pots for frying, stir-frying, cooking, deep-frying, steaming, boiling, stewing and stewing.

As long as you pay attention to the heat and technique when frying things in a Dan stove, it is difficult but not impossible. But how do you steam things? Huazhenxing will find the materials to process the grates by itself. Some pots come with heavy lids, and some require Huazhenxing to find materials to make a suitable new lid.

Although the Dan stove is cumbersome and difficult to operate, compared with simple cooking utensils such as earthen pots and stoves used by local residents, it seems very high-end. As for higher-end modern cooking utensils, Huazhenxing had no access to them when he was a child.

He has always regarded these alchemy stoves as cooking stoves! It wasn't until he was thirteen years old that he had the opportunity to go to the workers' dormitory of the Dongguo Aid Project and saw those modern cooking utensils that were really useful. After trying them, he realized that cooking with his own pots and stoves was simply a waste of time in comparison. Hell difficulty. Then he searched the Internet for images and found out that those were not pots and stoves at all, but ancient Dan furnaces from the Eastern Kingdom.

Those nine alchemy furnaces are antiques from the Eastern Kingdom collected by Yang Tehong. This old man is so bad!

Hua Zhenxing was raised by Old Man Yang, but their relationship didn't feel like that of a father and son, or even that of a grandson. Hua Zhenxing was named by Old Man Yang, but his surname was not Yang. As for why he was surnamed Hua, it was because he was from the Chinese ethnic group in Dongguo. In fact, people from many countries in the East look similar, and I don’t know why Old Man Yang immediately determined that the baby was Chinese...

Thinking of this, Hua Zhenxing suddenly realized that there was something wrong with his state. He stayed away from home in the middle of the night and actually leaned against the wall of the alley to recall the past. The contrast between dreams and reality had such a huge impact on him that he felt inexplicably in a trance.

When he looked up, there was no cloud in the sky. The stars were very bright, as if giving people the illusion that he could pick one just by standing on the roof and reaching out. This was indeed the place where he had lived since he was a child.

By the same token, as long as you know the exact location, you can tell the time through the stars... It's about three o'clock in the morning now. There is wind, and the intermittent whine in the distance is like the roar of wild dogs on the grassland, and when it blows closer, it sounds like the sharp thorns on a porcupine's body are rubbing.

Hua Zhenxing heard movement not far away again, and smelled a faint smell of urine in the wind. Someone was passing by late at night and was looking for a corner. Then he heard a gunshot, the echo was a little vague, and it should be far away.

It was time to go home. Hua Zhenxing stood up and moved his hands and feet. His somewhat stiff body gradually became soft and flexible, and then he quietly left along the wall.

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