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Chapter 80 Mystic Powder

The name of Muxian Powder sounds like a dirty drug in martial arts novels, but it is indeed a magical medicine. In ancient times, an expert wanted to refine an elixir and incense that had a soothing effect on the mind. However, he accidentally made a magical powder, which had a soothing effect, but the more obvious effect was that it had a sleeping effect.

Not to mention ordinary people, monks will also be attacked if they are not prepared, hence the name Mystic Powder. It is of course impossible to charm a real immortal, but many monks in ancient times were considered gods in the eyes of ordinary people.

This thing is a magical medicine that can only be used by monks, but if it is used to deal with other monks... what do you want to do? And as long as someone has used this kind of thing, or if people find it on someone, everyone will be on guard, and this person's reputation will be bad.

Moreover, if a monk is prepared, this item will be basically useless, and there are other ways to deal with ordinary people. Is it necessary to specially refine the elixir? How nice it would be to have this time to practice other elixirs to assist your cultivation!

Mi Xian Powder can also be used to deal with large beasts. Its effect directly affects the soul, making it much easier to use than ordinary anesthetics. Some beasts may appear to be very large, but in fact their consciousness is much weaker than that of humans. You can easily knock down a group of them with Mystic Powder. But why should the monks have trouble with the beasts? It's not worth refining the elixir specifically for this purpose.

Mystic powder has become a useless thing that is neither embarrassing nor embarrassing. It is usually only used in one situation, that is, when monks need to hide their behavior. Since ancient times, there has been a consensus that you should not cast magic spells in downtown areas to shock the world. If you have to do it, or if you have reasons to do it, then take a piece of magic powder.

Those whose souls have not yet become clear and whose cultivation has not reached the three realms will not be able to remember what happened within an hour before falling asleep when they wake up after being exposed to the Immortal Powder.

However, there are many ways for monks to avoid violating the precepts. The magic powder is still very taboo. Later, many sects simply banned its use to avoid being criticized.

Old Man Yang was not afraid of being criticized in Fesuogang. He actually gave Hua Zhenxing a bottle. I don't know if he made it himself or got it from somewhere.

Mi Xian Powder was originally refined as a kind of incense, but when used, it is not ignited with ordinary fire, but is stimulated by the method of refining spiritual consciousness, turning it into a colorless and odorless smell that spreads out. Wherever you go, people and animals will be confused. It can be regarded as a large-scale, indiscriminate mental attack spell cast with the help of elixir.

You have to be very careful when using this kind of thing. If you are not careful, you will even knock yourself down. Usually you need to have the four realms of cultivation to control it freely, but you must also use it with caution.

But Hua Zhenxing has another trick, because he knows Manman! When Old Man Yang introduced Mi Xian Powder, Hua Zhenxing specifically asked if this thing could be dissolved in water and made people drink it?

Old Man Yang scolded: "If you can put the poison in the water on the battlefield and drink it to your opponents temporarily, do you need to use other methods?" But he still told Hua Zhenxing another method, this thing Drinking it has no effect, but it is equally effective when dissolved in water and turned into mist and inhaled.

It is said that a person did a very boring experiment, pouring Mystic Powder into water to make soup. As a result, after the soup boiled, it emitted steam, which fascinated everyone in the kitchen and passing by outside. When the soup cools down, the person who drinks it will be fine. He didn't know who was so boring. Hua Zhenxing secretly guessed that it was probably Old Man Yang himself.

But if it is used in this way, the concealment of the Mystic Powder will be lost, and it will be no different from ordinary Mystic Powder. Think about that scene, take out the small bottle and pour the lavender powder into a glass of water, turning it into a colorless and odorless solution. Then the glass of water slowly turned into mist and floated out, drifting into a person's bad breath...

Not to mention that doing this is more laborious than using the Immortal Powder directly, and it is too weird. Even a fool can see that there is something wrong. I am afraid that he would have held his breath and ran away. I have never heard of any expert doing this. of.

But none of this is a problem for Manman. Her exquisite water control methods can ensure that the mist is delivered to everyone's mouth and nose. With the Golden Gang in the dark, no one will prevent themselves from inhaling the colorless and odorless water mist. In fact, it's no problem even during the day. Who cares about the occasional light mist?

The small bottle of Mystic Powder that Old Man Yang asked Wang Fengshou to bring to Hua Zhenxing was enough to knock down hundreds of people. After solving the ambush of the Golden Gang, there was still a layer of bottle bottom left.

According to Hua Zhenxing's original plan, the problem can be solved without any bloodshed, and then threats from other forces can be dealt with in batches. But who would have thought that Wang Fengshou planned such a scene, and everyone had to put so much effort into making such a big noise, killing more than 300 vicious criminals in one fell swoop.

After confirming that everything was done, Hua Zhenxing notified Li Jingzhi. Li Jingzhi informed the two patrols who had withdrawn to go separately to clean up the mess. Those people still have to sleep for a while, fully armed and hiding in the darkness, snoring one after another. When they wake up, they will know that they have become prisoners, but they will not remember what happened.

Hua Zhenxing and Manman left quietly and met up with Li Jingzhi and Wang Fengshou. No one else knew they were here and what they did.

After entering the shabby house with no doors or windows, I looked out from the window and saw that the building in front of me had become flat ground. Even the smoke and dust from the explosion had settled in the rain, making it look particularly peaceful and strange. Li Jingzhi knew Manman and nodded with a smile. Wang Fengshou had also heard of Manman. Hua Zhenxing introduced him briefly, and he smiled and bowed to say hello.

Manman couldn't help but sigh that the friends she met in Huazhenxing, no matter what their status or age, were so gentle and polite!

Wang Fengshou turned on an emergency light, and there was a person lying at his feet. It was the tree branch led by the Golden Gang. The other eighty-three gang members had their own patrols to deal with them, but he acted quickly and had already brought the leader over.

Li Jingzhi said pleasantly: "Xiao Manman, do you know this person?"

Manman: "His name is Shuzhuzi, the little leader of the Golden Gang and Pengkang's confidant."

Hua Zhenxing: "I've seen him too. He came to the grocery store to sell mineral gold."

Wang Fengshou snapped his fingers coolly, but there was no response. He had to lean over and flick the tree branch again, causing his brain to break. Shuzhuzi trembled all over and opened his eyes in confusion, but he seemed to be unable to see the people in front of him and seemed to have lost consciousness.

Wang Fengshou asked: "Shuzhuzi, who asked you to come?" His voice was a little ethereal, as if it was going from the ear hole to the head, which was a bit uncomfortable to hear.

The tree branch replied in a sleepy voice: "Boss, Boss Boris."

Wang Fengshou: "How many people are here."

Shuzhuzi: "Everyone who can be mobilized is here, and the remaining people will look after the house and protect the boss."

Wang Fengshou: "Where's the Gunslinger?"

Shuzhuzi: "What kind of gun god?"

Wang Fengshou: "Where's Locke?"

Shuzhuzi: "Which Locke...what's wrong with Locke?"

Hua Zhenxing reminded in a low voice: "He doesn't know Locke's identity."

Wang Fengshou asked again: "Have any strangers come to Jin Dianxing recently?"

Shuzhuzi: “It happens all the time when I’m buying or pawning things, some people I know, some I don’t.”

Wang Fengshou: "Have there been any strangers following Locke or Boris recently?"

Shuzhuzi: "No."

People knocked down by the Immortal Powder can wake up naturally, but it is difficult to forcefully wake them up in a short period of time, unless special means are used to impact their spiritual consciousness. Ordinary people also have spiritual consciousness, but they are not allowed to express it. In the latter case, the person will still be in an unconscious trance state, feeling like a dream.

Shuzhuzi was in this state just now. When he fully regains consciousness, he will not remember this conversation. Wang Fengshou turned to Hua Zhenxing and asked, "Are you mistaken? There is no news about the Gunslinger in the Golden Gang."

Manman shook his head and said: "No, Zaxin has the best memory. He can see clearly that the Gun God is coming." The person who saw and recognized the Gun God at the International Pier was Zaxin, the old leader of the Poseidon Clan. .

Within two words, Shuzhuzi had fallen asleep again.

At this moment, Wang Fengshou suddenly raised his hand behind him, while Hua Zhenxing grabbed Manman's waist and stepped aside, taking her away from her original position. There was a sudden gunshot not far away, and Li Jingzhi had already kicked the emergency light to pieces. He turned around, knelt on one knee, took aim with his gun, and fired a shot in the direction of the gunshot, all in one movement.

The room was leaky on both sides, and there were only two holes left in the window and door. Looking from the direction of the door, there was a man on the top of a low wall about sixty meters away who had just set up a gun and was about to take aim here.

He was a patrol member under Li Jingzhi. He had withdrawn from the other direction of the explosion site and was rushing to the place where the Golden Gang members were sleeping. This would not have attracted attention, and he could not be seen from the position of Li Jingzhi and others.

But he suddenly stopped, ducked into a courtyard, and quietly raised his gun at the notch of the low wall. The emergency lights had just been turned on in the dilapidated house here. The lights were the best guide, and almost no one could detect him hiding in the darkness. The person he wanted to assassinate was Wang Fengshou. As long as he succeeded and left immediately under the cover of darkness, no one should be able to catch up or find him.

But he was discovered before he could take aim, and several people here reacted very quickly. As soon as the gun was placed on the wall, Wang Fengshou waved his hand back, and the barrel of the gun was lifted upward by a force. He was caught off guard and pulled the trigger, sending the bullet flying into the sky.

At the same time, the wet earth wall lying on my chest seemed to turn into swamp sand. The entire upper body and arms sank in at once, leaving only one head still sticking out of the wall. Then the earth wall was still an earth wall. , he was imprisoned and couldn't break free.

This was Wang Fengshou's supernatural power. He was worthy of being a monk in the Four Realms. He then shouted: "Don't shoot... Oh, let's stay alive!"

As soon as Wang Fengshou said the word "no", Li Jingzhi's gun went off. His marksmanship was so accurate that the man couldn't dodge and was killed instantly.

Li Jing straightened up and put away the gun, with a livid face and said, "What's going on?"

Hua Zhenxing also asked: "Is he the God of Guns?"

Wang Fengshou shook his head and said: "No, he is a patrol member of the new alliance. He was originally from the Straw Shoes Gang, named Tongshu."

Li Jing shouted straight into the walkie-talkie: "I fired the gun, it's okay! I found a remnant who was not killed, and it has been solved! You continue to act according to the plan, be careful to gather the team and don't get separated. If anyone is missing, report it immediately." Then. He turned around and asked, "Wang Fengshou, you knew beforehand that he had a problem, right?"

Just now, Wang Fengshou noticed the man's slightest movement. Not only did he stop him from shooting, but he also used his magical power to imprison him in an instant, indicating that Wang Fengshou should have been prepared. Wang Fengshou might be on guard against the Gunslinger, but judging from his reaction, it didn't look like it, so Li Jingzhi asked this question.

Wang Fengshou sighed and said: "Yes, but I didn't expect that he would dare to take action at this time! There are traitors in the patrol..."

Hua Zhenxing interrupted him and said, "It turns out there is really an insider! Is he the insider you bribed with a lot of money?"

Wang Fengshou nodded: "He thought he was bought by Beigang Freight. As Rui Ningxuan, I pulled the strings, and then contacted him in the name of the buyer. At first, I offered 10,000 meters of gold. , he was very hesitant when I asked him to provide the patrol and defense map here, then I raised the price to 50,000 meters of gold and added a condition, and he agreed."

The organization that controls the underground arms trade in Fiso Port is disguised as a freight company, namely Beigang Freight. Hua Zhenxing was surprised. He knew Wang Fengshou's secret plan, but thought that the so-called insider was just a fiction, or someone deliberately provided information to confuse his opponent. He didn't expect that the heavy bribery was actually true!

Hua Zhenxing asked: "What conditions?"

Wang Fengshou: "Let me kill one person and tell him that this person is the think tank of the new alliance and has planned all the actions behind the scenes."

Li Jingzhi: "Who?"

Wang Fengshou: "That's me, Wang Fengshou. A total of 50,000 yuan, 20,000 yuan for providing information, and another 30,000 yuan for killing 'Wang Fengshou'. He doesn't know that I am Wang Fengshou, everything is done according to the truth, so It is the most secure and will not expose any flaws.

Putting conditions like this is a technique. I want to find a reason to give him a large amount of money, enough money to make him tempted, and also to make him believe that what he is doing is really worth so much money. Give him 20,000 yuan to buy the defense map first, and he will feel relieved because there are still missions later..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Jing suddenly picked up the butt of his gun and threw it at him. After doing so, he yelled: "I'm going to fuck your grandma!"

Wang Fengshou stretched out his upper arm to hold the gun butt. It was like there was an invisible shield on his arm. There was a bang, which shocked Li Jingzhi and took a step back. Wang Fengshou was indeed a master. He was able to prevent such a close and sudden sneak attack, but he immediately let out a cry of pain.

It turned out that at the same time as Li Jingzhi struck, Hua Zhenxing also punched without saying a word. Now Wang Fengshou had no time to defend himself, and his fist hit him on the left cheek.

Although Manman didn't know why they were suddenly fighting, when she saw Hua Zhen taking action, she did not hesitate to help. She held her hands in the air, which was similar to the method Wang Fengshou had just used, except that the range was smaller and the distance was closer. The control is more subtle. Of course, this broken house was leaking, and the wet mud at Wang Fengshou's feet suddenly turned into mud, sinking his right foot into it.

Wang Fengshou immediately pulled out his right leg. The soil cracked and splashed, but he lost his center of gravity and was knocked down by Hua Zhenxing's punch. Before he could fall to the ground, he was kicked by Li Jingzhi who stepped forward.

That is to say, he is in good health, and the other two people did not kill him. If it were someone else, he would have confessed immediately. Wang Fengshou fell to the ground, Hua Zhenxing followed up and stomped his left shoulder, and Li Jingzhi also stomped his right shoulder heavily. Manman pressed harder, and the soil softened, burying most of his body from chest down.

Although Wang Fengshou was a monk of the Four Realms, at such a close distance, Li Jingzhi, Hua Zhenxing, and Manman launched a sneak attack together, but they were also kept in submission and received a solid beating.

Wang Fengshou did not struggle any more, nor did he make any unnecessary movements. He put his head in his hands and shouted: "I was wrong, I was wrong! Big tank, little junior brother, please be merciful..."

Datanzi is Li Jingzhi’s nickname in Cao Xie Gang, such as Dajinzi, Dakezi, Dafengharvest, etc. He shouted a few words and then his voice became weaker and weaker, as if he had fallen asleep inexplicably.

Manman's hands were really fast. He had already taken out the small bottle from Hua Zhenxing's pocket and used the old trick of Mystic Powder to make Wang Fengshou, the master, no longer able to resist. It also made Hua Zhenxing and Li Jingzhi was a little dumbfounded.

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