Enjoy the world

Chapter 79 Movement and Stillness

Hua Zhenxing taught Manman how to cook today, so that she could master the use of spiritual consciousness in a natural way, not just limited to controlling water. Teaching Manman is different from teaching others. The so-called Yangyuan Technique is like a basic theory and popular education for her, which allows her to clearly review the cultivation process she has experienced.

On the day when Manman learned to talk about noodles, the new alliance also issued a notice. Mineral gold will be acquired for many years, but the acquisition address will be changed to the Fesuo Port Supply and Marketing Cooperative. Li Jingzhi not only notified everyone who came to the grocery store to sell mineral gold, but also sent patrols to take them to the new acquisition location.

The business premises on the first floor of Fesuogang Supply and Marketing Cooperative has not yet been renovated, but there is no problem in rushing to build a shop dedicated to purchasing mineral gold. At the same time, news came from within the new alliance that all the ore gold and refined pure gold in the alchemy factory would be transferred to another secret and safe location. From now on, as much ore gold as needed to be refined would be transported there every day.

The transfer of mineral gold was a sudden decision made by the New Alliance, and they must have heard some rumors. If the two criminal groups are not prepared, they may not have time to take action.

At noon the next day, Hua Zhenxing also received information about Wang Fengshou, and both groups would take action that night. This had been expected by Hua Zhenxing, and it could even be said to be the time arranged by Hua Zhenxing for them, because the new alliance decided to transfer the gold tomorrow.

"Rui Ningxuan" obtained the New Alliance's night patrol map of the alchemy factory through an insider bought with a lot of money, which provided guarantee for the raid. He will also personally lead the team organized by the D Trafficking Group. As for the arms group, they also bribed an insider and obtained another night patrol map.

Both pictures are real, but the patrol members who performed the mission did not know about it in advance. The leader instructed them to be vigilant and obey the command at any time.

The residents around the former Sharpshooter Gang's D-product processing plant had long been cleared away by the new alliance, leaving only a mess of houses. Li Jingzhi and Hua Zhenxing stood in an empty room on the periphery, looking in the direction of the "alchemy factory" through the hole in the wall without a window frame.

Hua Zhenxing's expression was solemn, and Li Jingzhi sighed and said: "This place has to be demolished and rebuilt anyway. It is like a scar in the Klin District. It's easier now."

This building is dilapidated and messy. It was deliberately built by the original Sharpshooter Gang for safety and concealment. After the gang of lawbreakers were expelled, it was no longer inhabited. It has little use value and is inconvenient for card inspection. The New Alliance has no plans to build any alchemy factory here, and the patrol team's energy cannot be wasted in this place for a long time.

Kelin District is located in the northeast corner of Feso Port, and this area is located exactly at the southwest edge of Kelin District. It is the central location connecting other areas of Feso Port and is very easy to be infiltrated by outside forces. Therefore, demolishing all the old buildings here and re-planning the construction of roads and inspection checkpoints is the best solution.

Hua Zhenxing asked: "Have all the useful things been moved?"

Li Jingzhi: "Basically everything that can be recycled has been dismantled, and the most valuable thing is the signal tower."

Not all parts of the city of Fisoport have mobile phone signals. The towers and 4G base stations were built with assistance from Dongguo. The signals cover areas that are connected or not intended to be connected. The most valuable facility in this area is a wireless base station, which has been demolished along with the tower by the New Alliance.

There is also a fixed telephone system in Fiso Port. It was first built by the country of Beli. It was severely damaged and later partially repaired. The telephone company is still controlled by the company of Beli.

However, the cost of using wired telephones in Fiso Port is too high. The laying of cable systems through various blocks and the daily repairs and maintenance are daunting or even impossible. Only a few people in some areas have installed them. The popularity is now far less than that of mobile phones that are more technologically advanced, easier to use, and more powerful.

Precisely because only a few people have access to a landline phone, in the eyes of many locals, it has become a higher-end thing than a mobile phone, and even a status symbol, which is quite funny when you think about it.

There are no phone lines in this area, and there is no mobile phone signal at this moment. Hua Zhenxing and Li Jingzhi both brought walkie-talkies and connected their headsets. The current call range of the wireless walkie-talkie is only a few kilometers, but it is enough.

It was raining lightly in the sky, and the "alchemy factory" seemed to be surrounded by dark monsters. From this angle, nothing could be seen, and the view was blocked by complex buildings. Hua Zhenxing closed his eyes and said, "Here we come, two groups of people are gathering from two directions. There are quite a few of them. The total number is almost 300."

"Cao Tema's great harvest!" Li Jingzhi couldn't help but curse. "Great Harvest" is Wang Fengshou's nickname in the Straw Shoe Gang, and then asked, "Where is the Golden Gang?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Don't you have news over there?"

Li Jingzhi: "I just want to confirm with you. Is there really no need to send people to intercept you?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Eighty-four people have come, all with guns. It can be said that all the main forces have been drawn over, and they are ambushing in the direction behind us. Don't pay attention to it for now. I have made arrangements and will send people later. past."

Li Jingzhi: "Is the harvest reliable? He said the Golden Gang would not interfere!"

Hua Zhenxing: "It's just what Locke told him. He also said that Locke's words may not be credible. Anyway, we have been on guard...Have all our people withdrawn?"

Li Jingzhi: "We have just withdrawn. One team is on guard in the northeast, and the other team is circling to our rear."

Hua Zhenxing: "Those people got in, let's wait for the gunfire... Wang Fengshou is too risky!"

Then neither of them spoke and waited quietly for a few minutes. Suddenly there was a gunshot that broke the calm of the rainy night, and then there was a loud gunshot, like a pot of popcorn exploding in a microwave next to their ears. Both of them were shocked. Invariably, they all started to look at the time.

"Two minutes are up! What happened to the great harvest?"

"Wait a moment, wait until he comes out, it should be fine!"

After a while, Wang Fengshou flashed into the house silently like a breeze, carrying mud and water all over his body. Li Jingzhi shouted: "What's the matter with you? We agreed to meet two minutes after the gunshot, and it's already two minutes and thirty seconds!"

Wang Fengshou: "I wasn't the one who fired the first shot. What a surprise! Wait until they all go in."

Hua Zhenxing: "Are you okay?"

Wang Fengshou: "Don't worry, you will be unscathed!"

Hua Zhenxing: "Mr. Wang, seize the opportunity. I will press it if you tell me to press it..." There was a push-type detonator at his feet, with wires buried in the ground leading to the outside. However, before he could take action, Li Jingzhi was killed. Stopped.

Li Jingzhi looked at Wang Fengshou and said in a tone that left no room for doubt: "You must do your own plan to wipe out your family!"

Wang Fengshou nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do it!"

Hua Zhenxing used his spiritual consciousness to transmit a message: "I'm going to see the situation over there with the Golden Gang. If I don't send a signal, don't interfere... Have you found him?"

Wang Fengshou: "No, he didn't come. Did you make a mistake?"

Li Jingzhi held up an assault rifle and said, "The people I arranged didn't notice it either."

Hua Zhenxing: "If you find a warning at any time, take action immediately if you can. Don't compete with him in a duel with him, and don't test his ability."

Hua Zhenxing turned around and left the room, walking quietly in the darkness. He didn't go far when he suddenly heard a muffled thunder behind him. The rolling echo carried a terrifying sense of oppression. The ground was shaking, making people almost unsteady. Then Everything fell silent, and the gunshots that had been lively a moment ago no longer sounded.

This was the final plan drawn up by Hua Zhenxing and others. Instead of letting the patrol members exchange fire with the two groups, they planted explosives in the area in advance. The layout of the Z drug is very particular. It was secretly planted by Li Jingzhi and Hua Zhenxing. It has a small yield, a large area, a dense lattice distribution, and is detonated sequentially with short intervals.

The purpose of this is to prevent anyone who enters this area from escaping, and at the same time, it does not spread to the surrounding areas, and the movement should not be too loud.

Hua Zhenxing couldn't see the explosion from his position, but he knew what happened and the result. All the buildings in that area have been "demolished", and the rain has gradually extinguished the remaining firelight...

Hua Zhenxing walked through the rain curtain in the darkness and met Manman in the distance. In the rain, Manman knew he was coming without even looking, and whispered: "What happened just now? I feel the ground..." There was also a hint of fear in her voice.

Hua Zhenxing: "They are taking action over there. They are dealing with the other two groups. Let's take action now!"

Manman was hiding in a dilapidated courtyard. The building in front of her was dotted with militants from the Golden Gang, a total of eighty-four people, led by Shu Zhuzi.

Hearing the sound of fierce gunfire near the alchemy factory, Shuzhuzi couldn't help but look happy, and his palms were sweating at the same time. Although various gunfights and conflicts often occur in Fiso Port, this was his first time to experience such a big scene, and the boss really knew what was happening!

But the rolling thunder that came immediately calmed everything down, and he didn't know what happened. Just when he was about to send someone to investigate the situation nearby, his body suddenly began to become weak, and he couldn't open his eyelids for some reason. It just happened so slowly. He sat down on the ground along the wall and then lay down softly.

He didn't fall suddenly, but the process of losing consciousness was irresistible, as if he fell asleep within a few seconds, and the same happened to everyone he brought with him.

Manman stood in the courtyard, holding the open small bottle with both hands. The bottle was filled with light purple powder. Raindrops kept flying into the bottle and then floating out. The powdery solution turned colorless and odorless, turned into mist and flew far away, undetectable in the rain. Then it was inhaled into the mouth and nose of every Golden Gang member, quietly knocking them all down.

Manman returned the empty bottle to Hua Zhenxing and said, "According to what you said, they are all asleep... Fortunately, everyone's positions are not too far apart, and they are not beyond my control."

Hua Zhenxing spread his consciousness and was always alert to his surroundings. He took the bottle and said, "Are Locke and Gunslinger in there?"

Manman shook his head: "They didn't come."

I wish you Mengzhiyu, the author of "Hogwarts on the Tip of the Tongue", a happy wedding!

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