Enjoy the world

Chapter 78 Too much nonsense

Hua Zhenxing did not discuss the issue of faith with Manman because it was a deep-rooted concept among the Poseidon people and there was no need to argue with her. But he wanted to "correct" Manman's "partial science", so he started with his own cultivation skills. If Manman could experience various realms on her own, then she would also have new understandings. Anyway, Hua Zhenxing is So planned.

At the same time, a man and a woman were chatting in a high-end apartment in the trade area. Locke leaned on a chair and tilted the back of the chair. Kelly sat behind him and reached out to touch his forehead and temples.

Locke closed his eyes, feeling very enjoying it. This kind of head massage was learned during the last inspection trip to the Eastern Continent of Sawa. The leader of the overseas inspection was of course Kelly, and Locke was nominally the subordinate accompanying her.

Kelly is very smart, easy to learn, and has high quality. She used to only know how to dance on a pole. Her style is very hot but also too rough. She went to Sawa country and learned a lot of gentleness under Locke's instruction. Locke is very satisfied with the graceful technique.

Kelly was first brought here by Boris. Locke is not a person who likes to make extraneous matters, and Ben is a little dissatisfied with this. But Boris insists that Kelly is very capable, but no one gave her a chance before, and it will definitely work here.

With the intention of letting Boris do things with his heart, Locke let him. It turned out that Boris was right! Locke even had a feeling that if the Golden Gang put Kelly in charge, they might be able to manage it better than Boris.

As for the personal relationship between Locke and Kelly, of course it has become very close... At this time Kelly was saying: "Boris has found the location of the alchemy factory and can act at any time. Why did you tell him not to move?"

Locke didn't even open his eyes when he spoke: "We don't need to take any action. Someone will destroy the alchemy factory. After this incident passes, the Golden Gang will still be the Golden Gang, and Jindian Bank will still be Jindian Bank. It will just be on the territory of the Big Head Gang." It’s time to replace someone.”

Kelly: "Who will help us? Did you pay for it?"

Locke: "In addition to using your hands, you must also learn to use your brain. As far as I know, there are two forces gathering people. What is their purpose? They are not to help us!"

Kelly: "It should also be an alchemy factory, but if we don't take action, the gold will be stolen by them."

Locke shook his head. In his current position, his head was arched in Kelly's chest: "We have sold the gold at a high price. No matter who robbed the gold, as long as the rules of Feso Port If it doesn’t change, it will still be sold back to us in the future, which means we have made 6.5 million gold in vain.”

Kelly: "What about the Big Head Gang, which is now the New Alliance?"

Locke: "I'm not interested in the ruined territory they occupy, but this group must be dealt with. Let others attack the alchemy factory first. They won't be able to defend it anyway, and the backbone of the army will be wiped out. Then Gold It will be easy for the gang to take action against the remaining people."

Kelly: "Why don't you take advantage of the fact that they are both injured and then take advantage of the situation to get the gold back?"

Locke: "Stupid! Our profits come from business. If we take back the things we sell in public, who will do business with us in the future?"

The Big Head Gang has no chance of winning this time. If we take action at that time, it will be equivalent to offending the entire criminal group in Fiso Port. Is it necessary? "

Why should we fight with a group of beggars, and we may not win? Even if we win, we will suffer heavy losses! What we need to consider is how to enjoy a more noble life, and you need to use more wisdom. "

Kelly: "Your wisdom is enough, and I am enjoying the fruits of your wisdom. Boss, since this is a place where beggars fight for rags, and you are so rich, why don't you just leave?"

Locke: "You have asked me more than once. It is impossible for you to understand with your wisdom. Enjoy your life and don't ask me this question again, and don't use your brain like this again."

Kelly: "But I still don't understand. Why do you think the Big Head Gang can't defend the alchemy factory? I think they have a lot of people and weapons, and they have been on guard for a long time."

Locke: "To tell you the truth, the person who came to see me that day was Rui from the Gunslinger Gang. I suspect that he was the Gunslinger back then! With him around, the Big Head Gang wouldn't be able to hold on. It depends on the casualties paid by both sides." It doesn’t matter how old you are, but the ultimate loser must be the Big Head Gang.”

Kelly stopped moving her hands, her surprised expression was obviously not fake, and she subconsciously exclaimed: "This is impossible!"

Locke snorted coldly: "There is nothing impossible. I am almost sure that he is the Gunslinger now. The last time he came to me was both a test and a warning, asking me not to interfere with the alchemy factory. Since he is willing to destroy the alchemy factory with his own hands , cripple the Big Head Gang, I am happy to give him this face."

Kelly: "I've seen the Gunslinger before, but he doesn't look like that. Besides, he's been gone for three years. That Rico has always been in Port Feso!"

Locke curled his lips: "Of course you can't tell. That Rui is very powerful, as powerful as the Gunslinger. He only joined the Gunslinger Gang after the Gunslinger left. Is there such a coincidence in the world? I am almost sure now. , he is the Gunslinger, and he has changed his identity and continues to stay in the Gunslingers Gang. As for why he looks different, there are many magical methods in this world that are beyond your imagination."

Kelly: "But why? If he was the Gunslinger, why did he do this? The Gunslingers Gang has lost a lot of territory and business over the years, and was recently wiped out by the Big Head Gang. How do you explain this?"

Locke: "You won't understand what a real master would think. The Gunslinger used to be too sharp and cruel. He killed many people and made a lot of enemies, so he simply lied about leaving, but changed his identity to stay. I would rather give up some benefits than be exposed. This is the most perfect disguise.

After this incident, there will no longer be a Gunslinger Gang, and there will no longer be a Gunslinger, there will only be Rui, and Rui will seize the territory of the Big Head Gang. This is the truth, but it has nothing to do with us... Why do I feel that you are shaking? Is this fear or excitement? I am willing to share such a secret with you. Now that you know this secret, only I can guarantee your safety. "

Kelly was neither scared nor excited, she was confused. She would be just as confused if Wang Fengshou were here. Everyone is like an island of information and cognition. Locke is not unintelligent, and his inferences are not unreasonable, but he inexplicably came up with such a big drama.

You could feel the soft heartbeat speeding up on the back of your head. Locke finally opened his eyes, grabbed one of Kelly's hands and pulled it forward. Kelly exclaimed, her whole body was lifted up by an invisible force, she turned somersault and sat on Locke...

Old Man Yang has been living in the manor these days. Hua Zhenxing asked Wang Fengshou not to make any unnecessary moves and wait for news at any time. Manman has become a frequent visitor to the grocery store these days. Lychees were delicious and a bit addictive, which made her feel embarrassed. Hua Zhenxing also felt that some should be reserved for a few old men, so she controlled it a little and picked one plate a day.

Manman's visit was not in vain. She brought big lobsters on the second day and big crabs on the third day. Not only did she learn the magical nourishing skills, but she also experienced even more magical cooking skills. It turns out that the locals are not very good at eating them. Things can also be transformed into unimaginable deliciousness! This day she carried another big fish over one meter long, which had just landed.

This time Hua Zhenxing did not stay at the grocery store to cook and eat by himself. He asked Li Jingzhi to take it away while it was fresh and send it to the canteen at the supply and marketing cooperative headquarters. The Fesuo Port Supply and Marketing Cooperative has been established. The office is located at the former headquarters of the Big Head Gang. The staff is already in place. Of course, a canteen has also been set up. The conditions are not as good as the Palm Manor, but the advantage is convenience.

Seeing that the fish was sent away, Manman asked: "What did you eat for lunch today?"

Hua Zhenxing laughed and said, "Tear the noodles with oil."

Manman didn't understand: "What did you say?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Just follow along and you will definitely learn it. Remember every step and then repeat it."

What Huazhenxing makes is not cassava noodles, but wheat noodles with a small amount of buckwheat noodles. First, knead the dough into pancakes, and then pull them into long strips as wide as the waistband. After cooking, pick them up, sprinkle with seasonings, and then use hot oil. After a splash, there was finally a topping made of mutton, and some green vegetables... Manman's eyes widened.

Hua Zhenxing handed the fragrant bowl of noodles to Manman and said, "You can eat it first and get familiar with how to use chopsticks."

Manman: "What about you?"

Hua Zhenxing: "You saw everything clearly just now. There are no complicated techniques. I have prepared an extra portion of all the ingredients. As a monk in the Third Realm, I should be able to repeat this process perfectly. When you finish eating this bowl , make me another bowl."

This bowl of noodles was so delicious that Manman felt like she almost had to swallow her tongue. She also learned a few Dongguo dialects and praised while eating: "Noodles are so good! Hua, you are so good at talking." !”

After finishing this bowl, Manman made the same bowl again. If it were another person, he would never be able to learn it after watching it once, and he might not even be able to pass the test of kneading dough. But Manman is different. She is a monk in the third realm, and she observes very carefully. She even uses her spiritual consciousness to understand the subtle changes in each step and various materials. She can compare and adjust at any time when doing it by herself.

As for putting the pot in and taking it out, that is the simplest task, even if you use a pill furnace. It took her a little longer, and she spent most of her time on kneading and pulling the dough. In the end, the texture of the resulting bowl of noodles was almost the same.

Hua Zhenxing ate very happily, sighing in his heart while eating. Old Man Yang taught him how to cook since he was a child, and then it was his turn to cook every day. Today, he finally taught others how to cook for himself, and Manman was so happy doing it!

"Hua, I know what to say. Isn't this the most beautiful food in the East?"

"What's going on here? It's just a simple fast food. Dongguo's cooking skills are profound and profound. I can teach you slowly when I have the opportunity... But the day after tomorrow, you have to do me a favor."

Manman watched Hua Zhenxing eating noodles and felt like she was drooling again. She nodded quickly and said, "What do you want me to do?"

Hua Zhenxing took out a jade vial and said: "The things in this must be used in the way you are best at. I believe you will be able to do your best..."

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