Enjoy the world

Chapter 77 Have you ever heard of the art of nourishing energy?

Many people's impressions of the natives of the Black Waste Continent are that they have dark skin, thick turned lips, flat noses, and thin curly hair close to the scalp. In fact, this is not the case.

There have been many tribes on the Black Waste Continent since ancient times. The physical differences between them are very large. Some are even greater than the differences between the Dongguo people and the Luoba people. If they are all regarded as the same race, they should be considered one. kind of misunderstanding.

Manman's skin color is much lighter than that of the Gulu tribe here, but she is not a mixed race, but a standard Black Wasteland native. Their tribe has had this physical characteristic since ancient times, and they first lived in the north of Kilili Kingdom. Due to climate change and various wars and conflicts, the population of this tribe is now very small, with almost no fixed habitat.

The tribe to which Manman belongs migrated to Fiso Port twelve years ago, just in time for the recovery period after the riots in Fiso Port. They settled near the port. Some people make a living by fishing, while others Found a job at the docks. Now there are more than 900 old, weak, women and children in total, and they are very united.

Manman's identity is equivalent to the leader of this tribe, because she has received the "blessing of the sea god".

Hua Zhenxing pays attention to his speaking skills. For example, he followed the topic of that night and asked Manman: "You told me the other day that Poseidon said you can't take other people's things without reason. What's going on? Is Poseidon the god you believe in? He also What did you say?"

The earliest name of this tribe living in Fiso Port is unknown, but they now call themselves the Poseidon Tribe. It is unclear what language they used in ancient times, but now they use the local dialect, which has no written characters.

Therefore, although they believe in Poseidon, there are no ancient books in the clan, only the "Poseidon Theory" passed down orally -

1. Poseidon said that those who serve Poseidon with a pure heart will be blessed.

2. Poseidon said, "Don't create an image for me. That will make people forget the faith that I guide and only pray to my image."

3. Poseidon said, "You are not allowed to act in my name. Everyone must be responsible for their own choices."

4. Poseidon said, No work, no gain. Everyone must get paid for their work. They cannot be lazy or take other people's things without reason.

5. Poseidon said that only by uniting and caring for and helping each other can we face the test of suffering.

6. Poseidon said, Do not harm innocent people.

7. Poseidon said that when innocent tribesmen are harmed, they must be helped and those who have been harmed must be punished. Apologies that cannot make up for the harm are not accepted.

8. Poseidon said that harm is the prerequisite for punishment.

9. Poseidon said to be honest and not to frame others with lies.

10. Poseidon said that we must respect our neighbors as we respect ourselves.

Hua Zhenxing blinked when he heard this. He wanted to ask Manman if he had read the Bible and if he knew the "Ten Commandments" in it, but he still held back. The history of the Poseidon Clan is unknown, and it is unknown how many versions of various ancient myths have been circulated throughout history. It is uncertain who absorbs whom and who merges with whom.

The Poseidon tribe all believe in Poseidon, and everyone must memorize "Poseidon Theory" from the time they can speak. It is equivalent to the tribe's enlightenment education. None of them have seen the Poseidon, and of course they are unlikely to see it, but they firmly believe that "those who serve the Poseidon" can receive "the blessings of the Poseidon". There are real examples in the history of the tribe.

The Poseidon clan has a special name for this kind of people, which can barely be called priests, but in fact its meaning is more complicated and is not entirely the concept of priest in Dongguo language. In Hua Zhenxing's view, it can also be understood as a "water-based magician", or a monk with some unique inheritance.

Only priests can master this secret of inheritance. In the legends and collective memory of the tribe, such priests were once a group, passed down from generation to generation, and the tribe was also very powerful... But later due to various reasons, the powerful tribe fell apart. Already on the verge of extinction.

Their group of more than a thousand people gradually moved south along the coastline under the leadership of a priest. Their survival became increasingly difficult. With the passing of the last priest, they almost fell into despair. After the death of the priest, the leader of the tribe is the temporarily elected chief. Unlike the priest in the traditional sense, he does not have the ability to control water.

Before he died, the last old priest told the patriarch in detail how to receive the blessing of the sea god and awaken the power, how to practice each step after awakening the power, and what can be done, combined with his own personal experience, so that he could not miss a word. write it down.

The clan leader received a gift from the last priest, but no matter what he did, he failed to awaken the power, so he placed his hope on the children of the clan. He didn't know anything himself, so he just asked the children to do what the old priest told them. In the process, they migrated to Fiso Port. At that time, there were less than 700 people left.

Seven years ago, a child finally succeeded. According to the old priest's last words, she should have been blessed by Poseidon, passed Poseidon's test, and successfully awakened her power. This child was Manman. Manman was still young at that time, so her practice progressed very slowly. It was not until four years ago that she mastered water control, and then she showed great talent.

Since then, Manman has become the new priest of the tribe, but outsiders do not know her identity. She herself has never regarded herself as a sea god... The relatively closed neighborhood culture and the information environment without writing make it easy to spread rumors. , things turned out to be what Ciel had heard.

After listening to this history, Hua Zhenxing understood why Manman's methods were so unscientific. She couldn't do anything except controlling water, because she didn't know! The priestly inheritance of this tribe has actually been discontinued. The old patriarch who taught her just followed the old priest's last words mechanically, and he didn't even understand anything.

When the Poseidon clan first came to Port Feso, there were less than 700 people left. Now there are more than 900 clan members, which shows that their situation has relatively improved. This is also related to the "Poseidon Gang". After all, it is the second largest force in the Beiwan District after the Golden Gang.

In fact, the appearance of the Poseidon Gang was a misunderstanding, because the Poseidon clan is very united. A branch of a tribe with such a small number came to a strange place and was ostracized and discriminated against. It would be difficult for them to survive without unity.

Hua Zhenxing heard it right. The Poseidon tribe was indeed discriminated against and excluded. The main reason was that their appearance was different, especially their skin color was neither black nor that white, much like a mixed race in Nanjian continent. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. They have been a tribe in the Black Wasteland since ancient times, but even if it is not a misunderstanding, it cannot change the fact.

On the other hand, they were lucky enough to catch up with the construction and development period of the international terminal when they came to Fiso Port. They were more hard-working and hard-working than many local people. Most of the young people participated in the construction of the docks and later became dock workers.

Physical labor also has professional skills, and these skills require learning in practice and accumulating experience. Of course, the employers of international terminals are willing to hire hard-working and more efficient workers, so they have gradually become the core practitioners of this industry.

Some people have also mastered the operation methods of some simple machines, which has formed a technical barrier to advantage. If outsiders want to join this group, they must first gain their approval and work under their guidance.

So the Poseidon Gang appeared. It was not the name of the Poseidon clan at first, but the name given to the entire group by other gangs. The real person in charge of the Poseidon Clan is the old patriarch who "taught" Manman how to practice. Although he is said to be old, he is actually very young. He is only in his thirties this year.

Manman has a very special position in the Poseidon Clan. He has higher authority than the clan leader and is the true leader in the traditional and spiritual sense of the tribe. But Manman is still young, and she respects the old patriarch very much, so the old patriarch still manages daily affairs and does not interfere in normal times.

As for Manman's age, let alone herself, even the old patriarch can't remember it clearly. She was born on the road of tribal migration. She didn't know who her father was, and her mother died of illness soon after.

The tribal custom is to put young children together and be cared for by the women of the tribe. Children like Manman sometimes can't tell who is who, and they often have names only after they speak. Not only Manman, but also many of the tribesmen who were born before arriving at Fiso Port do not know their specific ages.

The Poseidon tribe came to Port Feso twelve years ago. By that time, Manman could already walk, talk and memorize the Poseidon theory. It can be inferred from this that she should be about the same age as Hua Zhenxing, maybe one or two years older or younger.

The new alliance is making big moves in the Beiwan District. If the Golden Gang is defeated, the next step may be to annex the Poseidon Gang's territory. This is the judgment of the old patriarch. The old patriarch also carefully investigated the situation of the new alliance and believed that he might be able to join the new alliance in the future, but the current situation is unclear and he cannot actively get involved in the conflict between the new alliance and the Golden Gang.

Of course the old patriarch would discuss such an important decision with Manman. Manman is also paying attention to the situation of the new alliance. She has noticed Hua Zhenxing from the beginning and believes that compared to Ciel, Hua Zhenxing is the one who really has the final say.

Although Old Man Yang said that this girl was a bit short-sighted, she was more capable and indeed had better eyesight. She had been secretly following Hua Zhenxing and helped him conveniently. Of course she hoped that the new alliance could kill the Golden Gang, so when she discovered any danger, she took the initiative to alert Hua Zhenxing, but she didn't expect that Hua Zhenxing would "find" him out and even invite him to her home.

After hearing this, Hua Zhenxing turned on his phone and asked, "Is this the old patriarch of the Poseidon clan? He was the one who came here to pick up your phone for you yesterday. What's his name?"

Manman nodded and said, "Yes, that's him! His name is Zha Xin. Why do you have Zha Xin's photo in your phone?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Give me your mobile phone. It has many functions besides making calls. I'll teach you how to use it... Let's use the Dongguan interface. Even if you don't know the words, you can remember how to operate it. "

Of course, the photo of Zaxin was secretly taken by Li Xiaoyang yesterday. This old patriarch is much darker than Manman. Therefore, Li Xiaoyang was also negligent and did not realize the difference between him and the local aborigines. Everyone's facial features are different. Maybe this person's appearance is not so popular.

Only now did Hua Zhenxing realize that the reason why Zaxin was so dark was simply because he was exposed to the sun on the dock. Didn't you see that Uncle Mo's skin was also quite dark? Many people in the Poseidon Gang are darker, so they should be tanned, but Manman seems a bit different.

After chatting about their historical background, the two began to study modern technology. Hua Zhenxing taught Manman how to unlock various functions of modern smartphones and helped her download several applications.

The two were originally sitting across from each other across the stone table, and there were stone piers on all sides of the stone table that served as seats. At this moment, Hua Zhenxing moved over and sat side by side with Manman. He moved the heavy stone pier over smoothly. .

While studying her cell phone, Manman accidentally asked: "Hua, who did you learn your witchcraft from?"

Hua Zhenxing: "That's not witchcraft, and I don't believe in Poseidon either."

Manman: "I know you are not from the Poseidon clan, so who gave you the power?"

Hua Zhenxing: "It's not the power that was given to me by anyone, it's the state that I cultivated myself...Have you ever heard of the art of nourishing energy?"

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