Enjoy the world

Chapter 81 Paper Plane

Wang Fengshou was only unconscious for less than a minute, and then he was forcibly awakened by Hua Zhenxing. As expected of a monk in the Four Realms, he did not lose his memory or enter a sleep-talking state, but was just a little dizzy. The emergency lights had gone out. When he raised his head, he first sensed the sleeping tree branch lying on the ground not far away, but his body had not sunk into the ground.

He turned over and sat up with his hands on the ground. He saw Li Jingzhi lighting a cigarette, and the faint red light flickered on and off. The other three people in the room just stared at him, and no one mentioned the use of Mystic Powder just now. Hua Zhenxing said, "Senior brother, don't you realize there is something wrong?"

Wang Fengshou: "There is a problem. There is a big problem with what I did! I was wrong, and I admit it!"

Hua Zhenxing: "It's not your problem, it's the Golden Gang's problem. Think of your wisdom elsewhere." As he spoke, he reached out and pulled him up.

Li Jingzhi also said: "If you make a mistake, you have to make up for it. The matter is not over yet."

Manman: "What are you talking about?"

Hua Zhenxing whispered: "We are talking about the Gunslinger. Since he has come to Fesuo Port, what is his purpose?"

Wang Fengshou shook, the mud and water on his body fell off, and his clothes and face became clean again. He also realized it, frowned and said: "What if the Gunslinger really returned to Fesuo Port and didn't show up tonight? has no meaning?"

Li Jingzhi: "Since you are so smart, who are you asking?"

Wang Fengshou suddenly slapped his thigh: "He is not here to deal with us, he was invited by Boris to deal with Locke!"

As if the words awakened the dreamer, Hua Zhenxing immediately reacted and said: "As long as Locke is killed, everything in the Golden Gang will belong to Boris."

Manman wondered: "You have defeated the Golden Gang."

Eighty-four members of the Golden Gang were captured alive today and all were disarmed. It can be said that the main force has been wiped out in one fell swoop. Although Boris and others are still there, judging from the results, the destruction of the Golden Gang is inevitable.

Li Jingzhi squinted his eyes and said: "Boris doesn't care about the Golden Gang at all. He only cares about what he can get after killing Locke. We all know that the Golden Gang's account has earned at least 13 million meters of gold in the past few days. !”

Wang Fengshou said in a very affirmative tone: "Yes, that is his real goal! With that money, he is still staying in Feso Port as the leader of the gold gang. Where can he not be cool?"

Li Jingzhi: "If he wants to take action against Locke, tonight is the best opportunity. After dawn, all the major forces in Fesuo Port will be in chaos, and I'm afraid no one will notice him."

Wang Fengshou: "Should we intercept him?"

Hua Zhenxing shook his head and said: "No, we have to find Locke quickly. We can't let the gun god kill him. If we can't integrate the Golden Gang and control the Klin District in the shortest time, we will be in big trouble. Saving Locke is the best option. Good idea."

Wang Fengshou: "Rescue Locke? Wouldn't it be better to let the Gunslinger kill him, and then we take care of the Gunslinger and Boris? In this way, the Golden Gang will be completely disintegrated!"

Hua Zhenxing turned around and left: "Quick, we have to rush there immediately! Mr. Li, please arrange for people to monitor over there. Tell them to pay attention to safety and stay away. Just monitor the movement and don't make any moves yourself."

Wang Fengshou wanted to say something else, but Li Jingzhi said decisively: "Listen to Xiaohua! Dafeng Harvest, from now on, don't make your own decisions."

Of course, Manman left with Hua Zhenxing. On the way, Li Jingzhi used the intercom to assign tasks and asked about the situation. He learned that Locke did not leave Jindianxing today and should be sleeping on the second floor.

There were people on night watch at Jindianxing, and the two night watchmen carried weapons and slept in the hall on the first floor. Manager Peng Kang also found a resting place for himself on the second floor, with a bedroom, a living room and a separate bathroom. It was like a very comfortable apartment, but he did not live here after it was completed.

Locke is the oldest employee at Jindianxing, and he is also the backbone of the business who masters core technologies. He often works overtime until very late, so Pengkang "lent" the break room to him. Locke sometimes goes back to his apartment, and sometimes he spends the night at Jindian Bank. He has the greatest degree of freedom. After all, this pawn shop cannot function without him.

This is the information known to outsiders, but in fact it was Locke who asked Pengkang to get himself a place on the second floor of Jindianxing, where he would stay when he didn't want to go back to the apartment. Li Jingzhi already knew Locke's identity, so of course he would send people to monitor the surroundings, but he was unable to enter Jindianxing.

Locke seemed to hear the dull rolling thunder in his sleep. The sound was very far away and became unusually deep when it reached his ears. He woke up immediately, feeling palpitations for no reason. He got dressed and got out of bed and went to the living room outside. Without turning on the lights, he sat down in the dark, picked up a piece of paper and started folding the plane.

One of his hobbies is folding paper airplanes, which is a bit strange. He is such an adult and still likes children's toys. There is a stack of brand new A4 papers on the table. This is his habit. Whether it is in his apartment or on the workbench downstairs, he always puts a stack of A4 papers for easy access, but he is never there. Origami airplane in front of others.

There is a bookshelf behind Locke, which is filled with various paper airplanes, all of which were folded when he was alone. His life is very low-key, like a lone wolf hiding in a cave, with a kind of restraint and caution engraved in his bones. It's not that he doesn't know how to enjoy it. For example, he has "discovered" women like Kelly around him, but he Never sleep with them.

Sleeping and sleeping are two different concepts, and he never leaves anyone by his side for the night.

His movements were very fast, his fingers were extremely nimble and very stable, and he folded paper airplanes one after another in the dark. The paper airplanes he folded today all have pointed heads and slender shapes. With the steady movements and rhythm, his mood seemed to stabilize, dispelling the palpitating feeling just now.

Folding and folding, he couldn't help but think of her again. She should be living a good life now. It was she who taught him how to make origami airplanes. The two of them used paper airplanes, an ancient and childish method, to convey messages. Occasionally they would say a few words of love, which felt fun and happy... Later, it was the paper airplanes that told him to leave quickly, otherwise he would have suffered a long time ago. Poisonous hands.

His respected teachers and companions who were once so powerful were all killed, and he came alone to the most remote corner of the world. No one here knew about his past, and no one cared about his origins...

Locke has regained his composure and composure, but for some reason there is always a vague feeling of uneasiness. He picked up a paper airplane, breathed like a child into its pointed head, and threw it forward. The paper plane seemed to come to life, turning around in mid-air and flying towards the window.

The closed window automatically opened a small crack, just enough for the paper airplane to get out, and Locke closed his eyes in the darkness. The paper airplane was flying in the rainy night, swaying seemingly naturally with the wind, but it happened to circle outside and above Jindian Branch, and then landed lightly on the roof, being constantly wet by the rain, as if Lost the agility just now.

Locke did not take back the paper plane or control it anymore. He opened his eyes in the darkness and took out his mobile phone. He only heard Peng Kang's frustrated voice coming from the mobile phone: "Mr. Locke, I have something to report. Boris, Boris sent someone When he went to the Big Head Gang's territory, he sent out all the people he could.

He didn't know where he got the news. Someone was going to attack the Big Head Gang's alchemy factory tonight. He planned to wait for those people to have a scuffle and then try to take advantage of them. But I know that’s not what you ordered..."

Locke suddenly understood where the uneasiness just now came from, and immediately asked: "He really took action, where are you?"

Peng Kang: "I'll be at Jindianxing soon! It's absolutely true. The team set off two hours ago, and he didn't even tell me. Fortunately, Shuzhuzi was leading the team, and he communicated with me after receiving the order. ."

Locke: "Why are you reporting now?"

Peng Kang: "I fell asleep and didn't receive the call. Damn it! Boss, are you up?"

Locke: "Come up."

Speaking of which, there was actually no need to call anymore. Peng Kang had already rushed to Jindianxing, opened the door and went to the second floor. Locke unlocked the door and sat back at the table, then turned on the light. At this time, there was a knock on the door, and he replied calmly: "Come in."

Peng Kang pushed the door open and said anxiously: "Boss, what should we do now? Do we want to notify Boris to withdraw the people?"

Locke put down the cell phone he just picked up and said, "Can you contact Boris?"

Peng Kang: "I can't contact you. I'm afraid it's too late. I just heard gunshots, and there seemed to be an explosion. It should have come from the Big Head Gang's alchemy factory." As he spoke, he walked to the window and opened it. window, pointing in a certain direction.

Locke walked over expressionlessly. Pengkang stepped aside and muttered in a low voice: "Boss, I think you are too low-key. No one in the organization knows who is the real boss. They usually just Listen to Boris..."

Before he finished speaking, Locke suddenly interrupted: "Why are you wearing a body armor?"

Peng Kang: "I -" He only had time to say half a word before Locke suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled him in front of him. There was a snap sound almost at the same time, and a bullet flew into the open window, penetrated the bullet-proof suit on Peng Kang's chest, passed through his body, and entered the inlay of the bullet-proof suit on his back.

Locke, who had escaped the disaster, dodged away, sat back behind the desk, and turned off the light. The raindrops were swept along by the wind along the window, and the street lights outside also shone in.

The street lights outside are bright all night long, which is a rare sight in Fiso Port and seems to give people a sense of security. Peng Kang could be vaguely seen lying on his back and twitching. He seemed to want to say something, but blood overflowed from his mouth and nose, and there was no movement soon.

Locke remained silent, sitting in the dark as if he had turned into a shadow. After a long time, he suddenly said: "Ryan, why did you come back now that you left? There is no conflict between us, right?" Ryan is the name of the gun god, In Port Fiso, people almost only know him as the Gun God.

A voice came, with a very frivolous tone, but it was difficult to distinguish the speaker's position: "Locke, your name is Locke, and you actually know my name. It seems that you are the boss behind the Golden Gang. There is indeed nothing between us. Grudge, I didn't even notice you before.

Congratulations. It seems that someone doesn't want you to continue to take care of things behind the scenes, so they paid me a lot of money to kill you. You are lucky to have dodged my first shot. I haven't missed it for a long time. I hope you will have such good luck in the future. "

For some reason, Locke seemed relieved when he heard these words, and asked again: "Is it Pengkang? He is dead. No matter what conditions he promised you, it will never be fulfilled again, and we can still have a good talk. ."

Today is the Chinese Valentine's Day, and I would like to express my best wishes and thanks to all book friends, especially the operation and management team of the book friend circle!

On behalf of Feng Junzi, I also want to thank everyone for the old spring yellow!

I wish you, who are not yet single, may meet a unique love!


Ze Feng, Chan Juan;

Four waters, quiet;

Tiger cub, baby baby;

Xiao Yue, Xiao Jin;

Xiongxiong, Liangliang;

Autumn leaves., Mao Dudu

Xinxin, Momo;

Xiangjun, Jianhua;

Wu Wangsheng, Qin Wenzhi;

Lin Xiaoguo, Chen Zilu;

Zhao Tianhao, Zhang Xiaoxue;

Mu Qingyu, Lin Lan;

A Dong, A Hua;

Li Cunjing, Han Quwu;

Quan Zhuo, Mo Li;

Yuan Rong, Zhu Xia;

Xiao Yu, Taoyang;

Han Jiangxue, Zou Gongyu;

Gou Gou, Hu Miao;

Morning breeze, Xiaogui;

Qin Can, Shi Qiongru

Sprinkle, brew

Duguhe, Xiao Linglan

Zhang Nanxu, Li Beiting

Gu Tingfeng, Luo Ran

Liu Guang, Yi Cai

And book friends who already have a significant other

Love fills the world, true love remains unchanged!

Special blessings to Cheng Xinghua in the spring breeze of pot of wine and Luo Qingping in the light of night rain. No matter how far away the Milky Way is, my thoughts will not change.

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