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Chapter 62 Straight Hook

Having too many people may not make things easier, and sometimes having too many hands and too many mouths can actually lead to internal friction. Real efficiency lies in a professional team with a common program and organizational discipline, and the new alliance is transforming towards this goal.

Four vice presidents of Huanxiang Industrial went to work as assistants to Charles and brought with them 200 new members, 150 of whom were incorporated into the patrol team by Li Jingzhi.

The patrol team is established as a strengthened company. In addition to patrolling, its daily tasks include training. The training is divided into military training, cultural training and ideological propaganda training. They are paid, and their life arrangements are extremely fulfilling. In short, they cannot be idle to cause trouble.

Hua Zhenxing asked Charles to do a favor and spread the news that the grocery store was purchasing mining gold at a high price. If this business really wanted to start, it would also need the new alliance and its subordinate patrols.

In fact, there is no need to let everyone in Fiso Port know the news. In a place where there is no native language and lack of modern media means, this is not possible in the short term. Charles only needs to contact those old customers who have a cooperative relationship with Jindianxing. Most of them are gang or tribal leaders who purchase and collect scattered gold mines.

The indigenous people used simple tools to find some gold, and it was impossible to directly take it to Jindian Bank for trading. These people bought or collected it from them. There are also connections between these people. As long as Charles contacts a few of them, it is equivalent to informing them all.

Charles used personal experience to testify that the purchase price of Laotou Grocery Store was twice as high as that of Jindianxing. He got a batch of mining gold and went to Jindian Bank to sell it. As a result, Jindian Bank's asking price was only three thousand meters of gold, and there was no room for negotiation at all. Birds were flying in the sky. Hearing that the old man’s grocery store also bought gold, he ran over and sold six thousand meters of gold!

Old Man Grocery Store is what the locals call the grocery store opened by Yang Tehong, because the owner is an old man. The average life span here is only in his early thirties, and old men themselves are rare, which is a very prominent feature. Its location was not originally within the territory of the Big Head Gang, but at the junction of the territories of two small gangs not far from the Big Head Gang.

Now, with the Big Head Gang reorganizing into the new alliance and quickly eradicating a number of surrounding small gangs, Lao Tou Grocery Store is already on the edge of the new alliance's territory.

Ciel also promised everyone that the new alliance would ensure everyone's safety if they came to the old man's grocery store to sell gold. If you can't find a place, just ask the patrol members. The patrol members will take the initiative to lead the way and act as temporary bodyguards. The first person to come to the door was not a gang leader but an elder of a tribe. He sold ten ounces of mine gold and, as Charles said, he got back six thousand meters of gold.

After a visit in the morning, the elder came again in the afternoon and brought more than two kilograms of mineral gold. Huazhenxing bought it all at the price.

Most of the local people actually belonged to one tribe. Later, the colonists artificially divided them into three tribes and instigated them behind the scenes, which led to a series of civil strife. As far as Hua Zhenxing knows, the so-called Guru, Vatu and Sita are actually the same language, but the pronunciation is slightly different, just like the dialects of different regions of the Eastern Kingdom.

The large tribe is divided into many small tribes based on blood, settlement area and the village to which they belonged before migration. This elder's name is Sanders. His tribe has several hundred people living by the Feso River in the southeast suburbs of the city. The young members of the tribe work on plantations on weekdays and pan for gold on the riverbed during the rainy season.

The amount of gold mined by each person was very small, often only a few grains, and they did not want to sell it to the middlemen who came to buy it, so as not to be exploited again for nothing, so they gathered together to save more than ten ounces, and then the clan leader took it. Go to Jindianxing to sell it. This is a very smart and organized approach.

Sanders is the most knowledgeable person in the entire tribe. At least he can speak English, knows how to use a check to go to the bank, and has even come to the grocery store to buy things. After hearing the latest news, he was the most motivated. He first took ten ounces to test, and then took all the gold collected in the tribe.

Sanders did not ask for all the rice gold. He asked for one-third of the rice gold and two-thirds of the kilograms.

Hua Zhenxing chatted with the forty-year-old elder for a long time and asked about a lot of information. In fact, the total amount of gold mined by this tribe every year is only seven or eight ounces, which is not enough to go directly to Jindian Bank for trading. However, they have been mining for more than ten years and have accumulated a lot. They use it every time they need money. Offer ten ounces to sell.

In fact, mineral gold can also be circulated in the local area. Sometimes the mineral gold is paid for transactions between tribes, because this item can be exchanged for money at the Golden Code Bank at any time, which is equivalent to cash in a sense. I never expected that the existence of Jindianxing would become a credit endorsement for the circulation of private mining gold, but they kept the purchase price too low.

Although there are no accurate statistical data on the total annual local mining gold production, it is estimated that it will not exceed one ton. The inventory of Jindianhang should not exceed this amount, and these cannot meet the acquisition needs of Huazhenhang. However, according to the situation introduced by Sanders, it can be inferred that many local people still have a lot of mineral gold in their hands, and not all of it is sold to Jindianxing.

When the news of the grocery store spreads, these people will probably come to sell it, because the price is twice as high as usual, it is simply an opportunity to make money!

Huazhenxing also learned that every time Sanders went to Jindianxing to sell mineral gold, Jindianxing paid in the local currency of the country. If you think about it carefully, Jin Dianxing gave Charles some face last time. Judging from Charles's dress and speech and behavior, he should be a person with status. At least he can speak with confidence. If he wants Mijin, he will give it to Mijin.

After Sanders returned, people came to sell gold mines one after another, but they were basically small transactions. Some people only have dozens of grams or even a few grams in their hands, and they come to ask Huazhen Bank if they can accept it? Huazhenxing accepts all comers no matter how much. The electronic weighing scale can be accurate to 0.01 grams. Even if there are only a few grams of gold, it will not hinder the transaction.

Jindianxing's asking price that day was US$3,000 for ten ounces of mine gold. One ounce was equivalent to 31.1 grams. Calculated based on a purity of 70%, the actual purchase price of pure gold was 13.8 meters of gold per gram.

Huazhenxing’s purchase price doubled, which converted into pure gold is 27.6 meters of gold per gram, multiplied by the purity of the mined gold. The purity of local mined gold is almost the same, around 70%. Huazhenxing’s purchase price per gram of mined gold is close to 20 meters of gold.

In order to maintain order and ensure safety, Li Jingzhi specially sent a platoon of patrols over. One class patrols the outside of this area, one class is responsible for guarding the neighborhoods around the grocery store, and the other class stands guard at the door of the grocery store. Hua Zhenxing was afraid that everyone would be tired, so he specially brought stools for them to sit on, prepared cigarettes and drinks, and held up two large umbrellas.

It was easiest to sit in front of the grocery store on duty, so Li Jingzhi decided to rotate three shifts. As for the platoon leader and deputy platoon leader, one leads patrols outside, and the other stands at the counter in the grocery store, always supervising the transaction process.

Hua Zhenxing doesn't actually need the protection of so many people, but it can't sway people's good intentions, and this is an opportunity to show the new alliance to the outside world. Let everyone see that this place is in order, safe and full of vitality. The new alliance has managed things in the territory well, has a new atmosphere, and also has strong strength.

On the third day of business, the place was already very lively. Li Jingzhi personally came to the counter to supervise. There was also an episode on this day. I don't know where the three black men came from, but they actually adulterated the mine gold. Hua Zhenxing saw it at a glance, and then gave a price based on the purity of the adulterated gold. As a result, these people were not satisfied and wanted to cause trouble.

Huazhenxing declared on the spot that the mined gold was adulterated, and pointed out how much was adulterated. He also told them that if they were not satisfied with the price offered, they could get it to Jindianxing to sell it. But these three big men did not walk out of the door. They were carried out by Li Jingzhi, and then dragged into the alley behind the grocery store. They made miserable screams.

Accompanied by screams one after another, Li Jingzhi greeted the customers in front of the door with a smile, telling everyone not to worry about it and to continue selling gold when it was time to sell it. He also explained the reason why those people were beaten. He took out the gold and shook it through a sieve in front of everyone, and it was obviously divided into two parts.

He took out some of the mined gold, put it in a tray, and burned it with a small spray gun. It was immediately obvious that it was fake. The onlookers all showed signs of indignation and expressed that it was a good beating... The transaction continued.

Hua Zhenxing was sitting at the counter but felt something was not right. The three boys behind him were screaming too much. The sound was too loud and lasted for too long. You and I were all out of tune. Could it be that they were asking for help? He spied on it specially and found that it was indeed a commission, and it should have been arranged by Li Jingzhi.

This rich and powerful man, a retired officer of the former Eastern Kingdom, actually had such cunning methods, and he didn't tell Hua Zhenxing in advance. This may be called a soldier who never tires of deceit.

The scene in the first three days seemed lively, but in fact the harvest was not great. A total of more than 50 kilograms of mine gold was collected, which was far from the expected goal of Huazhenxing. He wants to refine pure gold that is the same size as himself, weighing more than 1.3 tons. Converted into unrefined ore gold, it would take almost two tons.

The biggest customer so far is Elder Sanders who came to the door on the first day. And I learned from Elder Sanders that there is still a lot of mineral gold stored in the hands of various people in Port Feso, and it will definitely not be possible to only receive a few dozen kilograms in a few days.

People who have a large amount of inventory in their hands are waiting and watching. They are all old customers who have cooperated with Jindianxing. And Hua Zhenxing is also waiting. He believes that he is definitely not the one who lost his temper first. On the fourth day, the sign he was waiting for finally appeared. A local aborigine with two bodyguards came to sell ten ounces of gold.

Hua Zhenxing knew something was wrong with these three people at a glance. First of all, the boss didn't look like a boss at all. His eyes flickered and his breath was empty. He seemed to be very unsure and scared, but he pretended to be nonchalant. If this man is just here to sell gold, he shouldn't be afraid of the patrols around him, so what does he feel guilty about?

As for the two bodyguards who stayed outside the door, something was even more wrong. Normally, bodyguards should focus on the boss at all times, but these two people had no such awareness at all. They seemed to be more interested in the grocery store and the surrounding environment.

If you want to sell something, just sell something. The person still asked here and there for a long time, and finally asked what currency Huazhen Bank can give and what kind of check it can write? Huazhenxing told him that rice gold, Dongguo currency, and several miles of currency were all acceptable, and he could just write a check from the local Dongguo Bank. After getting the check, the man was not happy about making a fortune. He also asked whether the check was genuine and whether it could be redeemed.

Huazhenxing told him that each party could send one person to go to the bank to cash the check, and the gold would be deposited on the counter first. It turned out that the person actually sent a bodyguard to the bank with the check, and the platoon leader here also went with him, and only completed the transaction after confirming that it was correct.

In the afternoon, another big customer with yellow hair and fair skin came, driving a jeep with four bodyguards. The car did not reach the door of the grocery store, but was stopped by a patrol on duty outside the street. They brought a total of 5,000 ounces of mined gold, equivalent to more than 300 kilograms, which was too much for one person to carry. They were divided into 100 boxes and packed in ten suitcases.

This is an astonishingly large deal, at least in the local area, no one has ever seen such a large amount of gold traded at one time. According to Huazhenxing's purchase price, the transaction volume was almost three million meters. This big customer had a proud look on his face and always looked at Huazhenxing with a critical eye, as if he thought he couldn't afford it, but also seemed to think that this grocery store was not worthy of doing this kind of business.

Hua Zhenxing was secretly happy, but looked embarrassed. He said sorry and wanted to make a call, then went to the backyard to make a call. He didn't know who he chatted with for a long time before returning to the counter. The customers were impatient to wait. Then the goods were weighed and inspected in batches. Such a large quantity was very time-consuming. By the end, Huazhenxing was sweating and took a towel to wipe it off.

At this time, he answered another call. He didn't know what the other party said. After hanging up, he seemed to finally breathe a sigh of relief. After the weighing and inspection was completed, he wrote a check to the long-awaited customer, watched him leave with a fearful expression, and bowed deeply behind the counter.

When Hua Zhenxing raised his head again, although he didn't laugh out loud, his teeth were almost exposed in a grin. The mine gold that the man sent was exactly five thousand ounces, no more, no less. It had been accurately weighed and packed into boxes of fifty ounces. This in itself was abnormal. The only one in the entire Feso Port that can take out so much gold in stock at once is Jindian Bank.

At the same time, in the back room of Jindian Branch, four people were sitting there drinking. The position of the gang leader Boris and his deputies Kelly and Peng Kang seemed a bit wrong. It was obvious that the usually inconspicuous inspector Locke was at the center. . Peng Kang, the manager of Jindianxing, answered the phone and said in a reporting tone: "Sir, Shuzhuzi has returned, and the other party has eaten all the five thousand ounces."

Shuzhuzi is the person they sent to do the transaction. That's what his name means, or it's called Zhizhi, but it's not a deliberately derogatory name.

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