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Chapter 63 Pride and Prejudice

Locke narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you choking?"

Peng Kang: "It seems to be a bit reluctant. The guy who received the goods went out and made a phone call in the middle. He must have gone to raise funds temporarily."

Locke: "You have people at Dongguo Bank. Let's inquire about the account."

Peng Kang made a phone call and reported: "There were originally two million meters of gold in that account, and some of it was used to purchase mine gold in the past few days. When Shu Zhuzi went there, someone put another two million meters into it. Meijin should be borrowed temporarily."

Locke: "How much unprocessed gold do we still have in our library?"

Boris: “And more than 10,000 ounces.”

Locke: "What's the exact number?"

Peng Kang took out his calculator: "It has been weighed and packed, and there are still 322 boxes, totaling 16,100 ounces. I just counted them yesterday."

Locke stood up and said: "You can figure it out for yourself, and don't bother me anymore. This is actually a good thing, it's just a fool who sends money to your door."

After saying that, he left, and Kelly asked in surprise: "What on earth did Mr. Locke mean?"

Boris: "Organize the manpower tomorrow, dispatch a few police cars to escort, load all the mineral gold in stock, and send it in batches. Let's see how they buy it? The Gold Gang has always followed rules in doing business. If they can't collect it, Goods, then don’t open the door again.

Also notify those old customers and ask them to send people to see if a mere gangster can get involved in the mining business? They have been waiting for the past few days and their hearts are almost on fire. If they still want to do business in the future, they should know who has the final say here. "

Why haven't there been any other "big customers" going to the grocery store these days? It's because the Golden Gang has already greeted them one by one. Boris clearly discouraged and warned them that the old man's grocery store was confused this time and dared to interfere in the gold mining business. As long as everyone still wants to do this business in the future, then just wait a few days and the Gold Gang will solve the problem.

For the Golden Gang, Old Man's Grocery Store is a problem, but not necessarily for the middlemen. The big customers only worry about one thing, and that is whether they will be dealt with by the Gold Gang in the future. Jindianxing has been monopolizing the shipping channels for mining gold for seven or eight years. If the old grocery store only does one-time transactions, they will have to deal with Jindianxing in the future.

But Boris also knows that the effect of such dissuasion and warning will not last long. If the business of the grocery store continues, seeing that there is no money to be made, those customers will be unable to hold back sooner or later. It has been several days, and this farce should be over.

Kelly wondered: "We brought all the gold in stock, aren't we helping them do business? Even Jin Dianxing sold the gold to the old man's grocery store, will others listen to us?"

Boris frowned and said, "You bitch, why don't you know how to count?"

Pengkang explained: "No store in Fiso Port can take out so much cash at once, not even our Golden Dian Bank. Yesterday we took 5,000 ounces, and their funds have bottomed out. It's urgent." I raised and borrowed two million to barely have enough."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and pressed the calculator and said, "If we take another 16,000 ounces of gold, they will need to pay nearly 10 million meters of gold in cash. I can say that in the entire Fiso Port, if you want to borrow There’s nowhere to borrow it.”

Kelly: "They already have two million and borrowed another two million. How can they get so much money?"

Boris said bitterly: "I have already inquired about it. The shop has been open here for many years. The boss must have saved a lot of money, so he can use two million meters of gold to do this business. As for courage, of course It was given by the Big Head Gang, and the two million later should also be provided by the Big Head Gang."

Kelly: "I've heard about the Big Head Gang. When did they become so rich?"

Peng Kang: "The big head gang got a new one, named Charles. He came here with a follower a few days ago. He tried to sell the gold but didn't. I later realized that he was just here to explore the road. I had long made up my mind to grab business. The waiter who came that day was a Dongguo man, who was responsible for inspection and receipt of goods in the grocery store.

The Big Head Gang has been making a lot of noise recently, seizing the territory of seven or eight small gangs and driving away all the business people, making it clear that they want to monopolize it for themselves. I guess they made a fortune. Someone among those small gangs must have accumulated a lot of wealth, but in the end, they all took advantage of that Ciel.

I was originally wondering why the Big Head Gang suddenly went crazy, but now I think about it. Someone must have secretly accumulated a lot of wealth, but that boy Charles found out. Maybe that's how Jin Big Head died. "

The difference in concepts is like an invisible gap. The Golden Gang never paid attention to the Big Head Gang, thinking that they were just orangutans in a poor and chaotic neighborhood. This indifference and contempt was engraved in their bones. When they need to understand the situation, they often come to self-righteous conclusions full of arrogance and prejudice.

The Golden Gang has gone to verify the identity of Charles in the past few days and confirmed that Charles is the new leader of the Big Head Gang. However, they did not realize at all that there is any real difference between the new alliance and the Big Head Gang, and what their recent transformation and changes mean. What? The name Boris and others still use is the Big Head Gang.

The new alliance's ban on guns, drugs, and gambling is also understood to mean that they want to monopolize these businesses and run them themselves, instead of controlling these transactions and taking a cut of the profits as in the past. The new alliance eradicated seven or eight surrounding small gangs, and Boris thought he had found a more important reason - he discovered that someone had secretly accumulated a large fortune.

In the view of Boris and others, greed and ambition have led to the expansion of the Big Head Gang. They think they have strength and capital, and they actually want to get involved in the mining business. The Big Head Gang couldn't find "high-end elites" like them to support their appearance, so they had to find a few Dongguo businessmen to come forward. This is how they understand the relationship between the grocery store and the Big Head Gang, just like the relationship between Jindianxing and the Golden Gang.

If Ciel knew that they thought this way, he might open his eyes in surprise. Could it be that these people are so ignorant? It's a pity that they are so ignorant!

Doesn’t the Golden Gang know how powerful Old Man Yang is? Really unclear. The Golden Gang doesn't understand and doesn't bother to understand the people and things in those low-rise neighborhoods - no matter how you survive, there are still people alive, right?

Even if you don't know how powerful Old Man Yang is, don't you still know his current identity? Director of Huanxiang Industrial! The Golden Gang really doesn’t know. They don’t even know that such a business group has been established in Fesoport.

After all, Huanxiang Industrial has not been widely publicized to the outside world, and only employees at the headquarters have met a few directors. Even if the Golden Gang knew about the existence of such a company, they would never imagine it had anything to do with the old man's grocery store.

They don't know about the newly established Huanxiang Industrial, haven't they heard of Straw Shoes Gang? The Golden Gang really didn't care about the Straw Shoes Gang, and even if they heard some rumors, they wouldn't take them seriously. The so-called straw shoe gangs are just poor people, vendors, and craftsmen emboldening each other in those neighborhoods with extremely harsh environments.

The difference in cognition is so absurd and paradoxical.

Although Boris and Pengkang have already given the answer, women see the problem more emotionally. Kelly asked again: "If they can really get more than 10 million meters of gold, what will we do?"

Both Boris and Peng Kang laughed: "How is that possible!"

Kelly: "I'm just saying what if!"

Peng Kang thought for a while: "Then we won't lose money, and we will make a lot of money. Boris, if Kelly hadn't asked, I really didn't think about it carefully. What if they took all the mine gold? But..." Then he lowered his head and pressed the calculator, "I made 6.5 million gold in just two days. I have never seen a business that makes money so fast!"

If you don't consider other factors, just talk about mining and gold trading. Jindianxing collects 300 meters of gold per ounce and sells it directly to the grocery store for 600 meters of gold per ounce without doing anything. Wouldn’t it be a huge profit?

Not counting fractions, 5,000 ounces have been sold today. If another 16,000 ounces are sold tomorrow, the total income will be 13 million meters of gold, half of which is net profit, which is 6.5 million. I got it in just two days. The Golden Gang has never done a big business that makes money so quickly!

Several people suddenly realized what a huge profit this was. They all took a breath and felt a little dizzy. They were looking forward to something inexplicably in their minds, and they didn't say anything for a while.

The most profitable business of the Golden Gang is Beiwan Casino and Jindian Bank. After operating for so many years, the main wealth accumulated by Jindian Bank is the batch of mine gold stored in Jindian Bank.

Of course, the mined gold is used to process pure gold. Jindianxing has a small alchemy workshop of its own, and the processing scale is limited. When a large amount of cash is needed, a batch of standard gold bars are rushed to be sold. When mining gold is purchased, it is stocked up first. It is an exclusive transaction anyway, and it will gradually turn into money in the future. Over the years, the inventory has become as large as it is now.

Jindianxing is a company registered in accordance with formal procedures. It has assets and liabilities, as well as various expenditure items. The total net assets on its books are several million meters in gold, which is quite astonishing in Fiso Port. But it is impossible for them to come up with tens of millions of cash at once, even with the help of short-term financing, and it is even more impossible for grocery stores to do it.

The income of 13 million meters of gold in two days included a net profit of 6.5 million meters of gold, which was even beyond imagination in Fiso Port.

After a long time, Kelly murmured to herself: "It would be great if they were all ours!"

Boris quickly glared at her: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Peng Kang took a deep breath and said, "If I really have such a big sum of money, why would I still be here?"

They are nominally the leaders of the Golden Gang, but the actual person in charge of the Golden Gang is Locke behind the scenes. Locke was very low-key, even so low-key that they couldn't understand him.

Locke’s name cannot be seen among the shareholders of Golden Code Bank and North Bay Casino. If Locke needs it, he can call on various resources of the Golden Gang at any time, but outsiders don't know. Over the years, Locke's net worth has reached several million dollars, and now it will skyrocket again.

A man as rich as him, with the power of the Golden Gang, could live a very comfortable, chic and even unbridled life, but he chose such an unobtrusive lifestyle. If it were Boris and others, what would they be doing in Fiso Port? They would have gone overseas to enjoy themselves.

Some things are inappropriate to say, at least not to Mr. Locke's ear. By this time Boris had regained consciousness, shook his head and said: "Stop dreaming! There are only a few hundred thousand meters of gold left in the grocery store's account, and they can be bankrupted tomorrow. We don't have to do anything by then to find trouble for them. There are plenty of them.”

The next morning, a convoy drove from the trading area to the block where the grocery store was located. The Golden Gang gathered all the members they could spare, a total of more than 60 people, and drove a dozen vehicles, all secretly armed. In addition, the North Bay District police also mobilized in large numbers, with a total of six police cars and more than 20 police officers accompanying them.

Of course, the Gold Gang is not here to grab territory. They are here to sell mineral gold in the name of Jindianxing. For the transportation and transaction of such a large amount of valuables, we applied for local police escort protection.

The Golden Gang has a close relationship with the North Bay Police Department. Ordinary police officers are almost all recruited from the trade area, and many of them are former members of the Golden Gang. Among the members of the Golden Gang, there are also many former police officers who have resigned due to various reasons.

The police usually do not patrol the neighborhoods outside the trading area because it is chaotic and dangerous, and locals do not welcome police intervention if anything happens. But there are exceptions. For example, if a major incident occurs that must be dealt with, the police will still intervene, either by putting pressure on the bosses of each gang, or by gathering a large team of people for action.

As for this time, the police's actions were openly to maintain order. After all, this is also the jurisdiction of the North Bay Police Department.

Twenty cars parked at pre-selected locations outside the street intersections on both sides. Two teams of police officers were temporarily on duty and patrolling at the intersection and the street, attracting many people to watch the excitement.

Many people watching the excitement brought some mining gold, and they were also the back-up people arranged by the Gold Gang. If the grocery store announces that it will not buy it, these people will take the opportunity to cause trouble and cause trouble, and they all have their own forces behind them.

At that time, the Golden Gang will not have to take action, and will even help to dissuade those who make trouble. After all, the police will maintain order. The Golden Gang will issue conditions and set rules on the spot, requiring the grocery store and the Big Head Gang to abandon this business and not to interfere in the future.

As for the ore gold collected by the Big Head Gang at a high price, if they don’t want to lose it, sooner or later it will flow back to the Gold Gang at a low price directly or indirectly through various methods. In short, the Big Head Gang cannot be allowed to refine it into pure gold and sell it themselves. Opportunities...these are the next steps.

The patrol team of the new alliance continued to perform its tasks as yesterday, but Li Jingzhi secretly transferred another platoon to lurk in the surrounding houses just in case. The nearby residents have all been cleared away as much as possible. The New Alliance is in charge of the food today. If you really don't want to listen and want to stay and watch the excitement, don't force it. Anyway, you will be responsible for the consequences, and it is estimated that there will be no conflicts on the spot today.

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