Enjoy the world

Chapter 61 Guess what will happen

Any sect with an orderly inheritance often has strict internal rules, but these have nothing to do with outsiders. The so-called "sanxing precepts" are not the internal rules of each sect, but the rules that monks should abide by when walking outside, and there is no concept that those who do not know are not guilty. Regardless of whether you know the Sanxing Precept or not, you must not violate it. Why, it will be clear after looking at its content——

First, you must not pretend to be holy by manifesting spirits, and confuse the countryside.

Secondly, do not gain supernatural powers and forget the Dharma, thereby harming all sentient beings.

Thirdly, it is forbidden to use Taoism for sexual immorality and blackmail the people.

After the introduction, Yang Tehong asked again: "Xiaohua, what do you think?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Of course it is! It doesn't matter who is responsible for causing trouble in the countryside, killing all living beings, and extorting money from the people."

Yang Tehong nodded and said: "You are right, these things are not allowed anywhere. But why is there a Sanxing Precept? The key point is the first few sentences..."

Pretending to be a saint by pretending to have supernatural powers, forgetting the Dharma and using Taoist techniques for sexual immorality are not things that ordinary people can do. The Sanxing Precept is aimed at monks, because their supernatural powers are often very hidden, evil, and magical, cannot be guarded against or even imagined, and are very harmful.

There are also some methods that are difficult for ordinary people to detect, and even if they are discovered, it is difficult to find evidence, especially the evidence that can be obtained in modern courts, let alone ancient courts.

In order to reach this consensus, the price paid was also very high. If we do not establish the sanxing precepts, the quarrels among the monks will be unbridled, which will affect a large number of innocent people. For example, if two people are fighting in a busy city, who will be killed is another matter. Maybe they are both fine, but a large number of people around them may be dead.

Who is going to stop behavior like this? All major sects unite to stop it! The precepts for loose conduct are set in advance, and anyone who dares to violate the precepts will be punished, thereby intimidating and admonishing everyone to restrain themselves.

After hearing this, Hua Zhenxing frowned and said, "Assume a situation, if I want to kill a bad guy who has committed a heinous crime, but he runs into the downtown and threatens me, saying that if I dare to do anything, he will amplify his tactics and affect innocent people, what should I do? "

Yang Tehong smiled bitterly and said: "Isn't the person you are talking about a terrorist with a bomb strapped to him and taking hostages? It's just that his weapon was not a bomb. If you wanted to use a rat bomb on him at that time, you can do whatever the police do. But For monks, in addition to the three major precepts of practicing Buddhism, there is also a precept of sharing death...

Let me give you an analogy, if I am a bad old man with no skills, and you are a master with special skills. Someone wants to force you to do something, but there is nothing you can do. They say that if you don’t agree, they will find an opportunity to kill me. What should you do? "

Hua Zhenxing: "Then what is there to say? Just kill him on the spot! Even if he wants to escape, I will keep an eye on him and chase him to the end until I kill him. I can't give him a chance to kill you."

Yang Tehong smiled: "Yes, very good, he committed the common punishment! The monk himself has the ability, but many of his parents, wives, relatives, friends and family are ordinary people. Disputes between monks should not be based on the innocence of the other party. Using family members as threats is an extremely difficult and extremely harmful method. Later, the joint punishment was extended to use innocent people as threats, which is equivalent to this type of method.

For example, someone wants to blackmail you. If you don't agree to his conditions, he will declare that he will massacre the village and say that all those people will die because of you. Such an idiot has also violated the precept of sharing the punishment. If you encounter him, kill him if you have the ability. If you don't, ask helpers to kill him together. "

Hua Zhenxing: "Oh, I understand. The fight between two people may not be the business of the third party, but if one of them does it, it will endanger everyone. Mr. Yang, if someone hijacks someone one day Hostage, can I ask you to help kill him?"

Yang Tehong: "How come you kid can't understand clearly? The kind of thing you are talking about is a security case. Whether it is a free practice or a shared punishment, targeting the behavior and methods of monks is also a kind of self-protection... …”

In fact, things like causing trouble in the countryside, killing all living beings, and extorting people are happening every day in Fesoport. Whether they are done by monks or not, they are the norm here. It seems a bit boring to talk about Sanxing Precepts in this place, but Old Man Yang still talked about it today. Maybe for monks, the greater the ability, the greater the harm, so self-restraint within the group is needed.

"Don't interrupt, let's get to the point!" At this moment, Mo Shangtong interrupted, not knowing who he was talking about.

Yang Tehong waved his hand, and a lychee flew down from the tree. He peeled the skin, spit out the core, and ate it. Then he said slowly: "It's time to connect theory with practice! Whether it's Locke from the Golden Gang or Poseidon from the Poseidon Gang, strictly speaking In fact, none of them violated the precepts, so over the years I knew that these two were foreign monks, but I ignored them."

At this time, Ke Mengchao interjected: "Actually, we don't care about the Sanxing Precept, because we won't violate it at all. But Xiaohua, you should pay attention in the future, maybe someone will use this as an excuse to cause trouble for you ."

Hua Zhenxing wondered: "Why are you causing trouble for me?"

Yang Tehong said dissatisfied: "This is not my interruption!"

Ke Mengchao waved his hand: "Okay, you continue talking, I won't interrupt."

Yang Tehong: "The Sanxing Jie just introduced is the most accurate summary in the ancient classical Chinese of the Eastern Kingdom. However, the same sutra has different reading methods, and there are various understandings of the Sanxing Jie. Later, the most popular two vernacular , such as 'Don't cast spells in the city, it will shock the world', and 'Don't use magical powers in front of ordinary people', even if you have to use them, try to hide them."

Hua Zhenxing smiled: "Well, I have also read in magic novels that it is forbidden to perform magic in front of Muggles."

Yang Tehong: "You are still laughing! According to your dream, you will build a country of Huanxiang in the future and include the art of Yangyuan in compulsory education. Do you know what this means?"

Hua Zhenxing: "There's nothing wrong with this, right? Which of these three principles are violated by disrupting the countryside, harming all living beings, and extorting money from the people? I understand. We must punish the precepts together to talk about the causes, and spread the precepts to talk about the effects. But the promotion of Yangyuan Technique is all about this No involvement.

We are not allowed to cast spells in a busy city. We are not in a busy city either. We are all in the research room and processing center. It should not be shocking. If everyone knows what is going on, then there is nothing to be shocked about!

As for not being able to use magical powers in front of ordinary people, I would like to ask, uninitiated people are all ordinary people. If you don't use demonstrations, how can you teach people to learn? Unnecessary showing off in public is not worth advocating and violates study discipline. "

Mo Shangtong couldn't help but add another sentence: "What Xiaohua said is logically correct."

Yang Tehong glared at him, was too lazy to argue, and continued to ask: "What if someone learns the art of raising energy, I don't mean the basic method, but develops special abilities, and then uses them to commit crimes?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Is there any difference in legal consequences between hitting someone with a rocket launcher and hitting someone with a fireball? Just do whatever you want! I took a rifle and traveled back a thousand years ago, and shot a gun from 800 meters away It's really shocking to be able to beat people to death. But today, who can still regard a broken rifle as a magical weapon and can't figure out how it kills people?"

Mo Shangtong echoed in a low voice: "It makes sense!"

Yang Tehong: "Then how to trace it?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Now that Yangyuan Technique has been promoted publicly, everyone knows what those special abilities are, and of course the people investigating them also know. What is the difference between this and ordinary investigation? I am not against the Sanxing Precept, on the contrary. , I will also write the Sanxing Precepts into textbooks and the laws of Huanxiang Country, and set up a special agency to investigate such cases."

Yang Tehong: "Is it guaranteed to be found out?"

Hua Zhenxing: "The police cannot guarantee that they can solve the case 100%. I would like to ask, in the past, how were people who violated the Sanxing Precepts found out?"

Yang Tehong: "Of course it was the sect monks who found out."

Hua Zhenxing spread his hands: "Isn't that great! You can regard Huanxiang Country and even the whole world as one big sect."

Old Man Yang sighed: "What you are talking about is an ideal state, but there is still a process between reality and ideals. After you start doing this, you will inevitably encounter resistance. If you can promote the art of nourishing energy, if you can really do it like Success like your dream will also make many sects lose their appeal and even lose the value and foundation for their continued existence.

You can't control everything so perfectly. Various problems will inevitably arise, and even troubles may arise. Any trouble you can think of now may happen in the future. Some people stop you not necessarily because of interests but because of ideals, not necessarily because of selfish desires but because of public motives. Such situations are the most troublesome. I hope you can remember what I said today. "

Hua Zhenxing lowered his head and said, "I remember it. In fact, I also dreamed about it. I will try my best to pay attention to it."

Ke Mengchao finally said: "If something really happened, let's discuss it later. Xiaohua, don't be afraid. If someone really takes this to make trouble, I will be responsible for reasoning with them. My old man's principle of reasoning, even if you don't want to. Reason, I have to ask you to be reasonable. Lao Yang, don’t you always like to brag about one of us and beat us two? When the time comes, you will be responsible for the fight."

Before Yang Tehong could answer, Mo Shangtong gave a high-five and said, "That's it, I'll be responsible for helping you with things! Xiaohua, do you have anything else to do?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Can you advance a sum of money? I want to purchase gold." He explained his plan and purchased the scattered gold from local people at a price twice as high as that of Jindianxing.

Yang Tehong shook his head and said: "Your plan is not long-term enough, and it is not well thought out... I mean, when do you want to collect gold in the grocery store? Isn't it annoying that there are people coming and going every day? Are you going to kill me? And once you do this business, do you have time for anything else?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I also have a long-term plan! We will set up a wholly-owned subsidiary under the name of Huanxiang Industrial to operate mining. The gold deposits we discovered will not be mined for now, but will be processed and refined at the moment. We will wait for the opening of the Fesuogang Supply and Marketing Cooperative. Once it is formally established, the business of acquiring mineral gold can be handed over to them in the future.”

His idea is quite good. It currently costs almost zero to set up a mining company, except for the registration fee. Even if someone were to investigate in the future, they would only find that the mining company had set up a collection point in the grocery store, and Huazhenxing was just a boy hired by the purchase point. The source of acquisition funds is directly from the mining company's account, and it is convenient to write a check.

Mo Shangtong nodded with interest and asked, "Do you know why no one invests in this?"

Huazhenxing: "The environment is too bad. There are so many industries that no one invests in here! As for gold mining processing, it is not only because of Jindianxing's monopoly, but also because it is not cost-effective. But we have no problem. For the time being, I can slowly refine it myself." , No need to work hard, Uncle Mo, you can help me mine anymore.

And now that the mining company has been registered, it will be logical to develop gold mines in the future..."

Why has no one thought of setting up a company here to refine and process gold? Because it is unprofitable, not to mention other disadvantages, even the minimum mass production scale is out of the question! There are no large-scale gold mines in the Fiso Port area. Local residents make scattered gold mining gains during the rainy season every year, and the total mined gold output does not exceed one ton.

The supply of goods is scattered and the public security is chaotic. These mineral gold are collected into the hands of various small bosses, and then the final delivery channel is monopolized by Jindianxing. If a pawn shop can take it all, why should a mining company come to grab this business? But Huazhenxing is now trying to steal business.

Yang Tehong mused again: "You can register a company, and there is no problem with the acquisition funds. It is impossible to lose money in this transaction, and gold itself is hard currency. But I have a suggestion, don't do it in the name of Huanxiang Industrial for the time being, that is, do it in the name of Huanxiang Industrial Purchasing mining gold in the name of a grocery store...guess what will happen? I mean business, not killing."

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