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Chapter 60 Monk

"I have taught you the method of refining the soul, but after so long, you still haven't understood the power of the soul to control objects. Do you have to be taught by someone else to learn it? When did you become so dull?" - Mo Shangtong

"Don't say that no one taught you. I have already demonstrated it myself. Didn't you see how the noodles flew from the sky that day? ...What? My old man said that. You are still far from good at it. I didn't say that. The problem is, you are still far behind, but it depends on who you compare with..." - Yang Tehong

This was the scolding Hua Zhenxing received that night after he recounted what happened during the day. It was Master Ke's good temper that interrupted Old Man Yang's endless lectures and explained -

"The situation you encountered today should be someone using the power of water-bending. The power of the soul to control objects, water-bending is the simplest, but it is also the most difficult to master. Water is invisible and can be decomposed at will. It is very slight, so it consumes very little spiritual energy. . But for the same reason, it takes a long time to repeatedly try to control it, and it is difficult to break it down to the subtleties..."

After listening for a long time, Hua Zhenxing finally understood what Ke Mengchao was talking about. At least he had some cultivation. The method of refining the soul that he has mastered seems to be more "high-end" than the so-called ability of the soul to control objects. Hua Zhenxing finally asked: "Master, you have said so much, but I still don't know how to control objects with my soul."

Ke Mengchao: "Try it yourself. Metal, wood, water, and earth are all acceptable. Pay attention to the dangers. Don't play with fire before reaching the four realms. Otherwise, you will accidentally light the house on fire, and even burn yourself to death. You encountered this today. Monk, Lao Yang has been teaching you practice all these years, but he hasn’t told you too many things. He just wants to let nature take its course...but there are some situations that you should be aware of now."

Yang Tehong said dissatisfied: "I see that Xiaohua is still young and hasn't practiced kung fu well enough. Besides, this place is also remote, so I don't bother to tell him so much. According to the old rules, if he is a master in the four realms, his cultivation skills When he reaches the fourth level of cultivation, I will naturally tell him these things. I didn’t expect that he would already run out and wander around before he reached the level..."

Master Ke: "Whether Xiaohua can go out to do things has nothing to do with whether he cultivates or not, but since he meets other monks, he should make it clear."

Mo Shangtong: "Xiaohua met Teacher Ding last time, and Teacher Ding didn't say anything."

Master Ke: "Teacher Ding is not an outsider, but he is not very serious either."

Yang Tehong: "Don't talk about Teacher Xiao Ding. Xiao Hua was taught by me. Let me tell him..."

The leader of the Golden Gang is called Boris, and his identity is not difficult to check. Boris also has two deputies named Kelly and Peng Kang, who are equivalent to the so-called deputy gang leaders. Among them, Kelly is his mistress, and Peng Kang is the manager of Jindian Bank that Charles met during the day. But few people know that the Golden Gang was not actually created by them, but that there was someone else behind the scenes.

There was a man named Locke who founded the Golden Gang, but he did not show up and just pushed Boris to the front desk. Locke, the actual controller of the Golden Gang, is very low-key. His usual identity is that of an "appraiser" hired by Jindian Bank. He never does "field work", but just sits in Jindian Bank to appraise some things.

As for how capable he is and what secret techniques he has learned, Old Man Yang did not say. According to his opinion, Hua Zhenxing should be allowed to handle it himself. Hua Zhenxing could infer from his tone that this person should be inferior to him, otherwise Old Man Yang would not be so arrogant.

The identity of the master who could manipulate moisture that Hua Zhenxing met later was easily guessed. He should be the "Poseidon" of the Poseidon Gang. The Poseidon Gang's territory is close to the international dock area, and its main members include many porters on the dock. The International Terminal needs to hire stevedores. There is no guild here. The Poseidon Gang is similar to this role in a sense.

Whenever a ship docks, it is often the Poseidon Gang who controls who to hire or not to hire. In fact, some people from Cao Xie Bang work at the International Terminal, but they are doing relatively high-end jobs, such as operating cranes and mechanical repair and maintenance. These jobs are not something that professionals can do.

The members of the Poseidon Gang call their leader Poseidon, and Poseidon's identity is very mysterious. Outsiders have never seen it. Even within the Poseidon Gang, only the core leaders know about it. It is said that Poseidon possesses magical witchcraft and protects the members of the Poseidon Gang. There are even exaggerated legends that Poseidon is the god of the sea and controls the power of the sea.

Over time, some people even thought that the Poseidon Gang was a gang that believed in Poseidon, so they would claim that their leader was Poseidon. Many local people really believe these myths! The people here have not received systematic atheist education since childhood, nor can they even be said to have received modern education. They believe in everything, and some tribes are still popular in witchcraft.

Old Man Yang once told Charles that "business" matters can be left to a few assistants. If there is any uncertainty, or the assistants can't make up their minds, Xiaohua can be consulted. Charles had heard about Poseidon and was also scared, so he approached Hua Zhenxing to discuss whether he would help deal with Poseidon if he dealt with the Poseidon Gang in the future.

As far as Old Man Yang knows, there is indeed a Poseidon in the Poseidon Gang. The so-called witchcraft is actually magical powers, and he should be good at controlling water. It is difficult to judge how deep the skill is. It is possible that he has studied and specialized in this skill. He can control the fine water mist in the air, which is considered to be extremely subtle.

What is he doing controlling the mist? It should be for observation. As long as the water mist is passing by, he can sense all movements in the dark. In terms of realm alone, this person is at least similar to Hua Zhenxing. Master Ke once told Hua Zhenxing that he was not the only lucky one, and it was confirmed so quickly.

With the help of Huanxiang Industrial, Charles led the new alliance and has now swept through the surrounding neighborhoods. In the planned Klin District, there are now only two hardest bones left, namely the Golden Gang and the Poseidon Gang. . Unexpectedly, there are experts behind these two tough guys, at least they are not ordinary people.

Old Man Yang must have known more detailed information, but this old scumbag just didn't say anything and just analyzed it based on what Hua Zhenxing saw. After introducing these situations, Yang Tehong asked with a smile: "Xiaohua, what do you think?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Low, it's too low!"

Yang Tehong smiled angrily and said: "They are much better than Jin Datou."

Hua Zhenxing: "Compared with Jin Datou, what is your future?"

Yang Tehong: "I heard that the inspector from the Golden Gang is from Lanxi, and he may have hidden secrets when he came here. This man is considered smart, and the so-called Golden Gang is just a place to live. As for the situation of Poseidon, you Find out for yourself. I won’t say whether it’s Low or not, but with one or two special abilities, what can you do? Is it to transform society or benefit mankind?”

Mo Shangtong interjected: "Locke is protecting himself, and Shenhai should be protecting a group of people. Being able to do this is already a bit difficult for them."

Why does Hua Zhenxing think those two people are low? Because in his opinion, with abilities that ordinary people don't have, they could have done more things, had greater rewards, and had greater ideals. It turned out that those two guys were just fine. They had just been gang leaders in these years, not much better than Jin Datou.

Ke Mengchao sighed: "Xiaohua, you are trying to judge others by yourself. They are not you, nor are they as lucky as you, nor are we teaching you all the time. They may know something, but they may not understand it yet. It is how it happened!"

Hua Zhenxing: "Then what's going on? I've only learned the art of Yang Yuan, and no one told me anything else. Apart from you, I've only come into contact with Teacher Ding. You said people with such abilities , are they considered peers or the same special group?"

Yang Tehong: "I was about to say this, but they interrupted again..."

No matter how compulsory education is implemented in Hua Zhenxing's dream five hundred years later, the Yangyuan technique taught to him by Old Man Yang is now a secret method, a secret method that aims to break through the physical and mental realm.

When the body and mind reach a certain state, they will naturally have some abilities that they did not have before. On this basis, supplemented by special exercises, they can also have more abilities or application skills. This kind of ability or skill that ordinary people do not possess is also called supernatural power in the traditional context of the Eastern Kingdom.

It is possible that supernatural powers are innate, but we will not discuss this situation for now. People like Hua Zhenxing have been called monks in the Eastern Kingdom since ancient times. If there are similar people in other parts of the world, they are also called monks in the Eastern context, no matter how they call themselves.

A monk can be simply understood as a cultivator. To practice, you must have secret methods. For example, Hua Zhenxing's Yangyuan Technique is the foundation. The art of nourishing the essence itself is not a magical power, but the shaping of the face, the refining of spiritual consciousness, the induction of the soul...even the bare-handed alchemy, the flying noodle technique, etc. based on its corresponding realm are the magical powers.

In Hua Zhenxing's dream, the art of cultivating the essence was divided into nine levels. In fact, it was what Old Man Yang told him in reality, which represented the nine stages of realm achievement. Each secret method has different names for different realms. In the ancient times of the Eastern Kingdom, the simple names were realms one to nine. Hua Zhenxing is now considered a monk in the three realms.

The boss behind the scenes of the Golden Gang may have just reached the third level, while the Poseidon from the Poseidon Gang should be at least the third level. The three realms are also different from each other. It depends on what secret method they practice and what methods they are good at or prefer. That Poseidon is obviously good at controlling water. If we change the cultural context, he might be called a water magician.

Old Man Yang had never talked about any sect before, but Hua Zhenxing later met Ding Qi. The secret method practiced by Teacher Ding was obviously another method. But Ding Qi admired Hua Zhenxing's cultivation skills and was also very interested in his dreams.

It is said that the unique secret method is the secret of each sect and is not spread to outsiders. However, Old Man Yang has never told Hua Zhenxing this before, so Hua Zhenxing has no concept of it at all. He also plans to promote Yangyuan Technique to the whole society.

So which sect’s secret method is Yangyuan Technique? Nothing counts! Which direction does it focus on? There is no direction! There is no need to believe in any religion, no need to worship any god, no need to join any organization or observe any discipline. It's just that the art of nourishing energy itself also has various details, which are called precautions when practicing.

The cultivation of Yangyuan Technique is a person's own physical and mental state. Even if Hua Zhenxing cannot control water like the Poseidon, from his perspective, he feels that the Poseidon's path seems to be a bit off.

Poseidon may be particularly good at controlling water, and can even use his soul to condense moisture in the air to sense things outside himself. But isn't it possible to directly use spiritual consciousness to sense it? Do we have to use water as eyes? After Hua Zhenxing realized that he had confused Yuan Shen's induction with ordinary facial features, he immediately paid attention to distinguishing between them, but this person was going further and further on the road of confusion.

Of course, meeting this kind of person can be regarded as gaining knowledge, otherwise Hua Zhenxing wouldn't know that water can be played like that, and the three old men didn't teach him. In this case, the Poseidon can control water, resist water, and must have other ways to play, so be careful when encountering him.

Thinking of this, Hua Zhenxing asked again: "So there really is a sect. I thought those novels were all fabricated. I have read a lot of martial arts and fairy novels, and there are decent sects, evil sects, and Xuanmen authentic sects. There are evil spirits, heretics and so on... Are these all true?"

He originally wanted to make a joke, but Old Man Yang nodded seriously and said: "It's true, there are evil ways and there are demons."

Hua Zhenxing: "How to tell the difference?"

Yang Tehong: "Look at a person's behavior and the way to practice the law. For example, the art of cultivating vitality is based on the inner vitality. If someone steals the vitality of others to practice, it will be a demonic way, and what he practices is an evil method. If you If you do this, then you are an evil spirit, and if we encounter you, we will eradicate you without saying a word."

Hua Zhenxing: "How can I know it? You haven't taught me..." Before he could finish his words, Old Man Yang slapped him in the face. He was very cooperative and followed the force of the slap and turned somersaults.

Master Ke: "Don't mess around with the kids, be serious."

Yang Tehong: "I originally planned to wait until Xiaohua became a monk before talking about the precepts. You won't find anyone meddling in this place, and Xiaohua is not the kind of person who would violate the precepts..."

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