Enjoy the world

Chapter 45 You are not the only lucky one

The art of body shaping requires the movement of spirit energy based on inner vision, and self-viewing with mental imagery, so that one can clearly sense the position and changes of one's own skin, subcutaneous tissue, bones and muscles, and even every blood vessel and nerve. Shaping can fine-tune the face, but it cannot be adjusted randomly. It must be within the limit allowed by your own situation. It is not possible to tweak it however you want.

The slight movement of the body tissue will create different facial contours. This displacement should be close to nature, as if it is re-growing. Ke Fuzi pinched it for about an hour and a half, and also explained it for that long.

Although Hua Zhenxing had his eyes closed, he could still see that his face in the mirror gradually coincided with the slightly unfamiliar outline. When he heard Master Ke say: "Okay, you can open your eyes now." He quickly opened his eyes, only to find that the mouse pad had been put back at some point.

Hua Zhenxing took out his phone but found that the screen could not be turned on, indicating that facial recognition failed, and he had to enter the password again before success. How should I put it, his appearance at this moment is very similar to his original self, but he has become a lot more mature, just like his long-lost brother. Ke Fuzi asked again: "Does it feel more upright? I can only try my best to shape my appearance to this extent."

In fact, Hua Zhenxing felt a bit awkward. He had to absorb his consciousness at all times to maintain this face, which continuously consumed physical strength and energy. However, this consumption was very weak, and it would be no problem even if it lasted for most of the day. But as soon as he collects his consciousness, and with the natural flow of Qi and blood, his face will slowly return to its original appearance.

Hua Zhenxing praised sincerely: "Thank you for teaching me your unique skills! You are really amazing!"

Ke Mengchao waved his hand: "It's just a little trick! Because today is your first time to reshape your face, I personally helped you adjust it, and it took me so long. You have to remember every step I just took, and you can reshape your face by yourself in the future. Do it quickly and naturally. You must also keep in mind the precautions I just mentioned."

There are limits to plastic surgery, and adjustments are made based on a person's innate conditions, so the range cannot be very large. For example, Hua Zhenxing can shape his face into what he looks like now, but it is absolutely impossible to make his face look like Ciel's.

Plastic surgery only changes the appearance, and can even fool facial recognition software, but it is impossible for the user to truly become another person, and there is also other information such as voice and body shape that can be identified.

And it also has a subtle influence. If you use and maintain the same plastic image for a long time, and you become accustomed to it over time, and this is the face in your self-awareness, then the original face will gradually grow into the one after plastic surgery. If you don't want to do this, don't use it regularly, just use it as a temporary means.

Another limitation of plastic surgery is that you must remember all the subtle steps to adjust a certain face, otherwise the face may look different next time and you will not be able to adjust it in place in a hurry.

Hua Zhenxing nodded and said, "I have remembered it all. Thank you, Master! This skill can gradually transform a person's original appearance into the appearance after plastic surgery. If it is used for plastic surgery, it is the most advanced surgery."

But Ke Mengchao shook his head and said: "You take it for granted. The so-called plastic surgery is not that I perform the surgery for you, but actually you perform it yourself! If you were an ordinary person, would you be as capable as you are now?"

Hua Zhenxing: "It seems like I don't have it, I have to practice!"

Ke Mengchao: "This is exactly what I want to warn you. You must remember the next words clearly."

Hua Zhenxing: "You said it, I'm listening."

Ke Mengchao: "You just realized the mental image of the soul. If I didn't tell you, would you be able to realize it yourself?"

Hua Zhenxing thought about it seriously, then nodded and said: "Yes, I think it will be possible after cultivating to this point!"

Ke Mengchao: "This is the natural state of the third level of Yangyuan Technique. No matter what secret method is practiced, as long as the Yuan Shen is cultivated, it will be a similar physical and mental state. In ancient times, it was also called the three realms. But the plastic surgery technique just now, if I If you don’t teach me, how can you do it yourself?”

This issue needs to be carefully considered. Hua Zhenxing has been learned now, but it still needs some proficiency to master it. Face shaping is just a seemingly simple technique. He only needs to know the principles and be familiar with each step. It only took Ke Fuzi an hour and a half to teach him. But if Master Ke doesn't teach him, can he learn by himself?

Once you have cultivated the third level of Yangyuan Technique, you will know your mental image. In theory, you already have the basis for mastering the Shaping Technique, but the Shaping Technique still needs to be taught by someone. This is a bit like the secret realm that Hua Zhenxing just saw. There are no buildings in the secret realm. If someone had taught the residents there to build buildings, they should have been able to learn it.

Hua Zhenxing thought more deeply. If he had never learned the art of plastic surgery and one day suddenly thought of fine-tuning his face and then changed his identity, would he be able to succeed? He may need to ponder for a long time and try step by step to find a truly effective method, and many mistakes are inevitable in the process.

For example, my face was pinched badly, I didn’t know many precautions in advance, and the face I pinched was different every time. Even if all the steps were successful, no one told him the details, and the original appearance gradually changed into the appearance after plastic surgery... If he had to figure it out by himself, there would be too many detours to take and too many experiences to learn.

After a long time, Hua Zhenxing replied: "Maybe I never thought that I could play like this. Even if I thought of it, I probably wouldn't be able to figure it out. Even if I figured it out, it would be difficult to achieve such perfection. There are many details that I don't know clearly.

There are many things, no matter how you try, you will only know the consequences after you make a mistake, but reality will not give you so many opportunities to make mistakes. We now know the correct result because predecessors have paid the price. "

Ke Mengchao: "This is exactly what I want to tell you! In your dream, I have no objection to incorporating Yang Yuan Shu into compulsory education and promoting it to the whole society. Although it is named after a skill, it is actually a set of fundamental techniques. It is intended to train the physical and mental realm. However, plastic surgery is a real art. It cannot be taught like this, let alone taught easily. There must be restrictions."

Hua Zhenxing nodded and said: "You said it and I remembered it again. In my dream, Yang Yuan Shu is a compulsory education, but the various special abilities that rely on the realm of Yang Yuan Shu are specially trained. Learning those abilities requires signing confidentiality clauses, prohibitive regulations, and registration and supervision.”

Ke Mengchao: "Well, the derivation is quite detailed! Lao Yang should have told you that the great road will come naturally to you, and the small skills will be cautious." He glanced downstairs, "Lawyer Dong is here, I will give you some advice first. Take a photo of your ID."

Taking an ID photo is easy. Just hang a pure blue bed sheet on the wall as the background. Old Yang used a digital camera to take several photos. Then Hua Zhenxing put away his spiritual control and started to rub his face. He was neither used to it nor skilled at the first plastic surgery. It took him an hour and a half to get his face done, and it would take at least ten minutes to restore his original appearance, otherwise It will hurt your face.

While he was rubbing his face, Ke Mengchao warned again: "Lawyer Dong doesn't know that you are Feng Zibin. If you don't want him to know, you don't have to let him know. Call him here to go through the procedures for acquiring the land. A series of companies also need to be registered locally and overseas.

You need to understand the procedures for these transactional things and not be fooled by others, but you don’t have to do them all yourself. There are various professionals in the world. But if you have any requirements or ideas, just put them forward or speak out. Professionals will try to meet these requirements. "

Hua Zhenxing: "I understand, do you have any other orders?"

Ke Mengchao: "Do you think you are a master?"

Hua Zhenxing: "How can I be called a master in front of your boss?"

Ke Mengchao said with a straight face: "Don't just say what you say to please me, what if you don't do it in front of me?"

Hua Zhenxing said a little shyly: "Well, then he can be considered a master, a little master."

Ke Mengchao: "You have indeed been able to do what ordinary people cannot, but one thing must be kept in mind, you are not the only lucky one. So never take it lightly at any time, and don't think that your abilities are not available to others. For example, Teacher Ding Well, you didn't know him before, and if you met him, you wouldn't expect him to be such an expert."

Hua Zhenxing: "You mean that there are many strange people and strangers in Fesuo Port?"

Ke Mengchao: "The world is huge and there are many people. Sometimes even if I meet you, I don't know or even think about it."

Hua Zhenxing: "I will pay attention, what else?"

Ke Fuzi asked himself and answered: "There is one final explanation. Do you think that you have mastered the art of cultivating energy and have special abilities, and can you solve all problems with these? No! No matter what kind of magic you have, it can't replace it. Righteousness in the world.

Take Fiso Port for example. Even if you can take out an endless supply of loaves and fish from a bag, you can't change the people here, let alone make the world what you want. "

Hua Zhenxing nodded seriously and said, "Yes, I have learned a lesson!"

After taking the photos and taking fingerprints for later use, Ke Mengchao opened the file bag containing the estate transfer procedures and said: "Sign all the places that need to be signed. When signing in English, just use Feng Zibin's Dongguo Pinyin... Use your left hand, Can you remember the handwriting you are using now?"

Hua Zhenxing: "If I didn't change it deliberately, this would be the handwriting on my left hand."

Hua Zhenxing can write with his left hand, but he is not left-handed. This is something that Old Man Yang has asked him to practice since he was a child. It was enough to use his left hand to wield a knife and shoot a gun with his left hand. Hua Zhenxing couldn't figure out why he had to learn how to use chopsticks and stick with his left hand, but now he happened to be able to use it.

When Hua Zhenxing rubbed his face and went downstairs with Ke Fuzi, he had returned to his original appearance, but his face was still a little numb and his expression was a little unnatural. When Lawyer Dong saw Hua Zhenxing, he smiled and nodded and said hello, but Hua Zhenxing felt that Lawyer Dong's expression was even more unnatural, and he looked like a tool man in most situations.

It’s rare to see people wearing suits in this kind of weather here, but Lawyer Dong was wearing a dark suit, looking very dignified and energetic, and very much like a professional elite. But he was not wearing a tie, and the collar of his light-colored shirt was open. Lawyer Dong's name is Dong Zegang. He has known Hua Zhenxing for a long time and knows that this child is highly regarded by several elderly people and they have a good attitude towards him.

Hua Zhenxing had a good impression of Lawyer Dong, but he had no good impression of the lawyers in Fesoport. This attitude was both contradictory and natural.

The chaotic Feso Port seems to be a place outside the law. Disputes and conflicts among local residents are rarely resolved by legal means. But on the other hand, the country of Kilili actually has a very complete modern legal system, including the judicial system, which is almost copied from the former suzerain country of Lanxi. This phenomenon is both contradictory and natural.

Although many people do not use legal means to solve problems, the law is not useless, but very useful, especially in those situations where it is on the table. This situation is both contradictory and natural.

There are three dialects in Kili State, namely Guru, Vatu and Sita. They only differ in some pronunciation characteristics. In fact, the users can understand each other, which is somewhat similar to the three dialects of Dongguo. , but none of these languages ​​have written characters. The absence of writing means that no documents can be left behind, no knowledge system can be passed down, and no contract documents can be drawn up.

There are three legal official languages ​​in the country of Kili, namely Lansi, Hansen and English. All legal documents must be written in one of these three languages, and inquiries and deliberations in court must also use the official language. In the early years, most people used Spanish as the official language. In recent years, everyone has begun to use English. Now, English has almost become the preferred official language by convention.

When the locals ask for money, they almost always speak a few words of English, which sounds pretty smooth. They can barely understand some daily conversations, but they can't say they master the language at all. They only use local dialect for daily communication. Most ordinary people can neither read nor write. If you give them a document to sign, they will have no idea what is written on it.

If you can't even read the confession record or understand the words, how can you go to court? Therefore, these matters must be represented by a lawyer. To be a local lawyer, you must first be proficient in Chinese. Some barristers who do not understand the local dialect themselves will hire local people who understand both native and Chinese as assistants.

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