Enjoy the world

Chapter 46 Come and show your skills

There is a compulsory education system in the country, and there are public schools in Fiso Port, but the classrooms are almost never full. If a class classroom can only seat 50 people, it can register 500 students. On the surface, it has completed the official compulsory education, but in fact, most children do not come to school at all.

The legal system of Port Africa is based on that of France, but the education system is almost copied from that of the United States. Public education is basically like herding sheep. Many children do not learn their lessons well even when they come to school. They have formed cliques since they were young and bullying is rife.

Many people's new bad habits are actually not learned in the neighborhood, but experienced in school. The collective is an information exchange center, and it depends on what is exchanged.

In short, public education is terrible and the environment is messy. Boys are proud of being "cool" and girls are proud of being "hot". These are the values ​​they are taught in school. Those who are truly excellent in both character and academics are often laughed at and despised, and no one thinks there is anything abnormal about this, because Everyone does this.

Even if many people graduate from middle school, they still cannot master addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of more than two digits without a calculator. Although the school teaches in English, most of the students have only mastered some daily conversations, but it is difficult to understand various documents, let alone write their own articles.

In fact, Charles also went to school, and he studied very seriously. His background as a gangster protected him from a lot of bullying. On the surface, he was more mischievous than those children who liked to play around. He often skipped class and got into fights to show off his coolness. Many of his current henchmen were fooling around with him in school.

Porto Fiso, a city of half a million people, has only ten public schools, and the primary and secondary schools are together. There is only one private school, which is also a combination of primary and secondary schools, called Fesoport Ranch School, or Graos School according to the pronunciation.

The ranch school is small and has very strict management. Not only does it cost a lot of money to send your children to study here, parents also have to get recommendations and pass an audit, and the audit standards are opaque.

Old Man Yang would definitely not send Hua Zhenxing to the local public school, and he also did not like the ranch school. So Hua Zhenxing has been taught by three old men at home since he was a child, but he became a nominal out-of-school child.

Dong Zegang is different. He is a second-generation Dongguo Chinese born locally. The 1980s was the end of the golden age for the development of many countries in the Black Continent, including the Kingdom of Kilili. His parents immigrated here from the Eastern Kingdom, started a small business, accumulated wealth and gradually became a successful businessman, and then sent him to Ranch School.

Dong Zegang originally wanted to study abroad, and his first choice was the United States, but in the end he went to a comprehensive university in Mowang, the capital of the Kingdom of Gila, where he majored in law and became a lawyer after graduation. Five years ago, he was implicated by a client and almost lost his life. Fortunately, Mo Shangtong saved him.

It was said that a big shot in the country of Jili secretly did a lot of illegal things through this client. Later, when the matter was exposed, he was pushed out to take the blame. Dong Zegang became his attorney without knowing the inside story. Before going to court, the client was killed. It must be that he had a lot of dirty information in his hands.

It was not enough for the people behind the scenes to kill the scapegoat. They suspected that his attorney also had the evidence, and sent someone to kill Dong Zegang, but they were caught by Mo Shangtong who happened to be passing by. Mo Shangtong didn't have a very good temper, so he easily killed the group of assassins and the big boss behind them. But Dong Zegang couldn't survive in Mowang City, so he followed Mo Shangtong back to Fesuo Port.

Dong Zegang continued to work as a lawyer in Fesoport, and Mo Shangtong deliberately did not let him join the Straw Shoes Gang. Although Lawyer Dong is not a formal member of the Straw Shoe Gang in name, he is equivalent to the exclusive legal advisor of the Straw Shoe Gang. He will be entrusted with any legal business, and he was called here again today.

Mo Shangtong was showing the sand table to Lawyer Dong. He did not reveal the "big plan" he had just discussed with Huazhenxing, nor did he show the dynamic scene after the watershed transformation. He just used the sand table as a map to tell him which land he wanted to buy. , it will be more intuitive to see on the sand table. Then he asked Hua Zhenxing to move the sand table upstairs, and then took out a roll of map and opened it, which had been marked.

Hua Zhenxing went upstairs to find a place to put the square plate. This thing will be his from now on. How to operate it will have to be studied slowly. Uncle Mo did not explain it in detail. This thing consumes quite a lot of electricity, with a rated power of 500 watts. It has an interface that can be connected to a computer, and there is actually an APP that can query relevant data on the mobile phone. Uncle Mo really put a lot of thought into it.

This holographic dynamic sand table was definitely not created in the past two days. It should have been collected over many years of data, designed models and simulated using super computers. Feisuo Port did not have super computers.

In his dream, Hua Zhenxing transformed the desert into a future country of fantasy, and was more or less subtly influenced by Mo Shangtong. When Uncle Mo took him walking in the wilderness, he often talked about this aspect, such as which places can be transformed, how they should be transformed, and what the results of the transformation will be...

Today they discussed the plan for the future, and Mo Shangtong simply gave him the sandbox to deduce the future. Huazhenxing plans to go back and find wood to make a square table to house this high-tech item.

When Huazhenxing went downstairs again, he heard Lawyer Dong talking about the acquisition plan. He suggested registering at least four companies in overseas offshore financial centers such as the Kaimai Islands and Metropark Islands, and then going to Africa in the name of investment. Hong Kong registered subsidiary.

You can also register a charity and a research center sponsored by the charity, and the project will be in the name of environmental protection, ecological research, etc. At least three companies were registered in Fiso Port and the land was divided into at least seven acquisitions. If only one company or individual purchased it, it would be too conspicuous and easy to attract people to target.

Mo Shangtong did not comment, but just listened. When Hua Zhenxing came downstairs again, he asked: "Xiaohua, what do you think?"

Hua Zhenxing said: "In my opinion, no matter how they are registered, there can only be one ultimate controller of these companies. If the equity is not dispersed, the only holder is Feng Zibin."

On such an important project, Mo Shangtong actually asked a child for his opinion, and the child spoke openly. Lawyer Dong wondered: "You mean, this project is 100% sole proprietorship? What about the future, if the development is successful, there will be no equity financing and no other shareholders?"

Hua Zhenxing pointed to the map and said: "Yes! As long as all investments within the drawn line, no matter how the equity relationship is set up, it will 100% belong to Feng Zibin. No matter how it develops in the future, no equity will be dispersed. If Outside this scope, for example, investment in other places in the African port can consider cooperation without being subject to this restriction."

Lawyer Dong: “This is completely unnecessary and does not conform to modern business principles and market laws.”

Mo Shangtong waved his hand and said: "No need to say this, just follow this request."

Lawyer Dong: “Why?”

Mo Shangtong said vaguely: "Think in the long run and avoid some troubles in the future. I just ask you, can this be done?"

Lawyer Dong seemed to want to say something more, but in the end he had no choice but to say: "Yes, in theory it is possible. You can set up a sole proprietorship in places like the Kaimai Islands and Metropark Islands, and then go to Fiso Port to register it. A wholly owned subsidiary will do.

You can also register an individual company in the Kingdom of Jili. I also recommend not to use this kind of company to do business directly. You can also register a next-level wholly-owned subsidiary. You can also register a third-level subsidiary with appropriate cross-shareholding. "

Mo Shangtong nodded and said: "Okay, let's do it! We are now drafting the names of these companies... Xiaohua, what is the name of the most important core company?"

Hua Zhenxing replied without thinking: "Huan Xiang Industrial!"

The principle was settled in this way, and several adults discussed the details. Hua Zhenxing stood aside and listened carefully. Based on what he heard, he was still thinking silently in his mind about what information should be checked next and what information should be discussed with them. Try to understand everything as much as possible.

Finally, Yang Tehong took out 40,000 meters of gold and handed it to Dong Zegang and said: "These are for management, save some money, everything is based on the premise that things can be done. If anyone deliberately creates difficulties and does not act in accordance with the current laws of Jili Country , if you go too far, just say something."

Dong Ze just took the money and said: "This much is enough here. Please rest assured that in addition to public accounts, I will also provide detailed information on other expenditures."

There are formal procedures for handling various procedures, which will of course involve various fees such as deeds and taxes, as well as remuneration to Lawyer Dong. These are well documented and included in the budget of 10 million meters. However, if you want to successfully complete it in the shortest time, you may need to manage some relationships. Old Yang made the decision for Huazhenxing and planned to spend the 40,000 meters of gold cash in this place.

Forty thousand meters of gold is already a huge sum of money in Fiso Port. In theory, it is enough. Isn't it just buying a piece of land according to legal procedures? Moreover, as far as Yang Tehong knew, the local government of Fiso Port is very short of money now. If someone is willing to buy that piece of wasteland that is flooded every year, they actually can't ask for it, and they can't even imagine who would spend that wasted money.

When Lawyer Dong left, he also took away the document bag containing the manor transfer procedures. He was still muttering in his heart that these old men doted on the child too much and acted like child's play.

It was already getting late, so of course Hua Zhenxing cooked dinner. After everything was finished and everything was packed up, the three old men had no idea where they had gone. He also hurried upstairs to study the new toy he had just received. When he opened the door of the workshop, he found Mo Shangtong sitting there waiting for him, with a pile of scattered natural gold nuggets on the table.

Hua Zhenxing was a little surprised: "Uncle, are you waiting for me?"

Mo Shangtong nodded: "Yes, do you still remember what I said today?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I remember everything. Which sentence are you referring to?"

Mo Shangtong: "The way of perceiving things is different, and the way of contacting and processing things will also be different!"

Hua Zhenxing: "Did you come here specifically to remind me of this? Why did you bring so much nugget gold?"

He originally planned to seal the five-meter-long tunnel that Ding Qi forcibly dug out, but was stopped by Mo Shangtong. Mo Shangtong also drilled in and tinkered for a long time. He continued to dig deeper and extracted a lot of nugget gold. He confirmed that there was indeed a rare natural gold rich mine there. They just hit the tip of the vein.

Mo Shangtong cleaned up the traces of the excavation, and together with Ding Qi, he moved a few huge rocks to seal the entrance of the cave. He also said that he would deal with it more safely later. These gold nuggets should have been dug out last night. It looked like Uncle Mo has gained a lot.

Mo Shangtong: "Master Ke taught you the art of shaping your face today, and also showed you the image of your soul, right?"

"Yes!" Hua Zhenxing suddenly guessed something when he answered. Old Yang showed off his flying noodle skills today, and Mr. Ke also showed off his unique skills. Could it be that Uncle Mo couldn't suppress his loneliness and didn't want to be compared with those two old men? , so you also have to show off your unique skills? He quickly asked, "Do you want to teach me anything?"

Mo Shangtong didn't say anything. He reached out and grabbed a handful of broken gold particles, held it in his hand and closed his eyes. Hua Zhenxing said nothing and concentrated on sensing what he was doing, but found that his consciousness could not penetrate Uncle Mo's hand. One old and one young, one sitting and one standing, just kept silent. After about ten minutes, Mo Shangtong finally opened his eyes and opened his palms.

Hua Zhenxing found that the handful of broken gold grains had been crushed into a whole piece the size of a lychee by Uncle Mo. What a strong hand! Could it be that Master Ke taught him how to pinch his face today, and did Uncle Mo want to teach him how to pinch gold?

A second look revealed that something was wrong. The color of the gold nuggets had changed, becoming noticeably whiter and closer to a crispy rock texture. At this time, he was able to detect with his spiritual consciousness, and Hua Zhenxing suddenly discovered that it was actually a shell of impurities on the outside, but the inside was already pure gold.

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