Enjoy the world

Chapter 44 My name is Feng Zibin

Hua Zhenxing's first thought was not a lot of money, but system tasks. The content of "Task Four" is "Eradicate Jin Datou, control and transform the Datou Gang." The reward is "You will make your situation safer, maybe your future ideas will be easier to realize, or there will be another 100 million meters of gold."

Although he had killed Jin Datou, mission four was not completely completed. But if you think about it carefully, the fate of the Datou Gang was actually decided, but he didn't expect that the 100 million gold reward would appear in this way.

However, he has gradually adapted to the urinary nature of the "system". It is always unexpected but reasonable. The so-called rewards are never conjured out of thin air, but are things that exist in reality.

He took out his mobile phone and started to check the information. While reading, he said: "One hundred million meters of gold, according to the current international grain price, can buy 50,000 tons of wheat. This is the ex-warehouse price excluding freight and tariffs... Huh? Actually check Data from less than a few miles away.”

Mo Shangtong took over the conversation and said: "Taking into account inflation factors, the overall trend of international food prices has been falling in the past seven or eight years, which has had a great impact on the food production of many countries... Food is also a strategic weapon."

Why has the long-term decline in international food prices impacted the agriculture of many countries? Take the major grain exporting countries and their agricultural capital groups on the Mizhou Continent as an example. They have the most suitable wilderness, the most advanced technology, and the most abundant capital in the world for large-scale grain cultivation. Their output is large and the cost can be very low. At the same time, you can also enjoy huge subsidies.

Countries like Kiri State originally lacked technology and capital. Under the background of free trade, the monetized production costs of backward agriculture far exceeded the price of food in the international market, and they were not competitive at all. If it is market-oriented, let alone the development of modern large-scale agriculture, the grain industry will only continue to shrink or even be destroyed.

When it comes to subsidies, in fact, many countries have policy subsidies for food production. The more developed industrial countries, the greater the subsidies. However, the country of Kyri obviously does not have this ability.

The theoretical advantageous division of labor of free trade has become a winner-take-all situation in reality. In the context of economic globalization, countries like Gila cannot even decide what they can produce, and can often only sell resources, Or produce products that international big capital needs them to provide cheaply.

If food production is affected and self-produced is inferior to purchasing, then we must rely on imports. Imports require foreign exchange, and foreign exchange comes from exports, which can be maintained under normal circumstances. However, once an economic recession occurs, it will trigger a series of crises, even if the recession does not originate from itself.

For example, the current background is the global economic recession. Overseas demand for the country's livestock-based export products is dwindling, and the prices of its products have also been suppressed very low. The country does not have enough foreign exchange to import food.

The deterioration of the international balance of payments will also lead to a substantial depreciation of the national currency. Even if there is no shortage of food in the international market and the price of food calculated in foreign exchange does not rise, residents of Kilinland who use their own currency will still face food shortages. , the situation of soaring food prices, not to mention the situation where port transportation is blocked due to riots and other reasons, making it impossible to buy food at all.

This kind of shortage is often structural, but food is different from other things. Without it, people will really die, and it cannot be produced by oneself in a short time.

Hua Zhenxing, who has been "well-read" since childhood, has already learned this knowledge, and there is no need for Uncle Mo to explain it further. They were just concepts in books and screens before, but now they became problems he was about to face in reality. In a place like Fiso Port, even the change of regime in the Kingdom of Kilili will have little impact, but once the social order collapses, it will be a disaster for everyone.

Ke Mengchao also asked: "Even if we can buy 50,000 tons of wheat, what will happen next?"

Hua Zhenxing explained: "That's not what I meant. I haven't finished what I just said. If we can spend 100 million US dollars to complete this plan, it will be much more cost-effective than buying food directly!"

Yang Tehong: "Actually, looking at it from another perspective, if there is a problem with the food supply here, it is an opportunity to launch this plan."

Hua Zhenxing raised his head and said, "Can you really have so much money?"

Mo Shangtong: "Of course I can't give it all to you at once. The first phase budget is 10 million meters of gold, mainly used to buy land."

Hua Zhenxing: “You won’t need so much to buy land, right?”

Mo Shangtong: "It shouldn't be used. The extra money can be spent elsewhere. But how to buy such a large piece of land? In what form and in whose name we should think carefully about it."

Is Hua Zhen’s behavior correct: “I don’t quite understand this.”

Ke Mengchao: "You don't know how to learn! You can't do everything by yourself. You need to set up a group and divide it into various project teams to complete...Lawyer Dong will come later, and I will leave the procedures to him."

Yang Tehong interjected: "There is another problem. Xiaohua's age and identity need to be repackaged."

Ke Mengchao: "So the manor must be kept, and it will be placed in the name of Xiaohua. Xiaohua is a very successful investor overseas. The folk custom here is to kneel down and lick such people."

Mo Shangtong said with some dissatisfaction: "A manor like that is too extravagant!"

Ke Mengchao: "This is a status symbol. Although I am also disgusted with this, people here just accept this. Think about our purpose and do things in the most suitable way. The small shop in the grocery store Man, who do you think would trust him? I'm afraid it's just going to get him into trouble!"

Yang Tehong said decisively: "Of course the manor must be kept. It is not only Xiaohua's residence, but also the project headquarters. It can also register many companies, including some associations and foundations. Xiaohua can appear there when needed. You can still work as a boy in the grocery store.

I have already figured out my identity. I am a Chinese of Eastern descent who was born in Port Africa. I am twenty-five years old this year and hold a passport from China. He made a fortune doing business with Dongguo, and made a fortune by investing in America and Xiluozhou. Now he has returned and is in trouble. He doesn't live here often, but he often vacations in Fiso Port, where he invests in properties. "

Mo Shangtong: "What name is written on the passport?"

Yang Tehong: "Ask Xiaohua yourself."

The three old men wanted to apply for a pseudonym passport for Huazhen Bank. It was either a fake passport or a real passport. Kilili Country does not have the household registration management and census system of the East Country. Many people do not even have official identity documents, not to mention passports. As long as they are willing to spend some money and know the ropes, it is very simple to get one.

Mo Shangtong looked at Xiaohua and said, "Does he look like he is twenty-five years old now?"

Yang Tehong: "They are about the same height. As for the facial features, Xiao Meng, you have to teach him the art of disguise."

Ke Mengchao: "The appearance can be fine-tuned, but the temperament is still too young."

Yang Tehong: "You can't judge by your standards. Don't forget what kind of place this is. There are so many people here who will never grow up. This is nothing!"

Mo Shangtong: "Xiaohua, have you thought of a name?"

Hua Zhenxing didn't know what to think, but he blurted out: "Just call it Feng Zibin."

The three old men looked at each other and nodded slightly. Ke Mengchao waved and said, "Come upstairs with me and I will teach you how to shape your face."

In the dream, Feng Zibin was the founder of Huanxiang Country. Huanxiang Country did not exist in reality. Hua Zhenxing actually understood that it was impossible to lie at home and imagine that a beautiful world would appear on its own. He simply gave himself a pseudonym called Feng Zibin. The more he thought about it, the more interesting it became, and none of the three old men expressed any objection.

Arriving at Hua Zhenxing's usual workroom upstairs, Ke Mengchao pointed to the chair and said, "Sit tight! Lao Yang just said that the art of disguise was a joke. What I want to teach you is not the disguise in the novel, let alone the one in the hospital." Plastic surgery, it’s called plastic surgery.”

From the tone of his voice, Hua Zhenxing knew that Master Ke wanted to talk about business. At such times, this Master was always serious in speech. Although he was full of curiosity, he still sat upright, raised his head and asked, "What is plastic surgery?"

Ke Fuzi didn't answer. He picked up the mouse pad on the table next to him and shook it in the air. The soft pad became as hard and flat as a board. He turned the board over and faced Hua Zhenxing. This side becomes as smooth as a mirror inexplicably... No, this is a mirror!

What happened today? Several old men in the family started to show off their skills, showing off various special skills that they usually hide. Old man Yang just came to take noodles from the air. At this moment, Mr. Ke shook the mouse pad into pieces again. Mirror.

Hua Zhenxing is very calm, at least on the surface. Who is he? He is a person who has traveled back and forth in the legendary Kingdom of God, and he is a person who carries the system with him! Speaking of magic, wouldn't it be more beautiful if Teacher Ding does magic? Hua Zhenxing told himself this in his heart, and then tried to be steady.

Ke Fuzi inserted the mouse pad mirror casually, as if there was an invisible shelf in the sky, and the mirror was fixed in mid-air facing Hua Zhenxing's face. Then he glanced at Hua Zhenxing with a serious expression.

Hua Zhenxing was inexplicably shuddered and realized that his reaction was wrong. It was rare for Master Ke to show off this magical skill. How could he be so calm? It would be too disrespectful. He immediately showed a shocked expression and looked at Ke Fuzi with great admiration.

Ke Mengchao's expression finally softened, and he snorted: "Don't look at me, look in the mirror."

Hua Zhenxing then looked back at the mirror and said in surprise: "Who is this? It looks a bit like me." The face in the mirror was not Hua Zhenxing's, although the appearance was very similar.

Ke Fuzi flicked his fingers, and the face gradually turned into an illusory outline, and Hua Zhenxing's face appeared in the mirror, and the two faces appeared misplaced and overlapping. Master Ke added: "Your cultivation of energy has reached the third level."

Hua Zhenxing: "I don't have level 3 yet."

This is not modesty. In Hua Zhenxing's dream, only by completing the third level of practice and passing the assessment to obtain the third level Yuan Yuan Technique certificate can one truly possess the third level of Yuan Yuan Master.

Ke Fuzi shook his head and said: "The way you understand it is not quite right. For example, if you have entered college but have not graduated yet, it is correct to say that you are a college student. Can you understand me?"

Hua Zhenxing nodded and said: "You understand, I have already started and am practicing on the third level. Master, am I considered a master?"

Ke Fuzi didn't answer, but glanced at the mouse pad mirror that was suspended in the air. Hua Zhenxing immediately understood what the old man meant - say you are a master in front of me, do you know this skill?

Of course Hua Zhenxing would not do it. He lowered his attitude and said, "I understand, you are the real master. I am still far away."

Ke Fuzi raised his head slightly and said, "I never care about being called a master or not."

Hua Zhenxing quickly changed his words: "You are an expert, a peerless expert!"

Ke Fuzi: "Stop talking about this and get down to business. With the current foundation, I can teach you a technique that follows the flow of qi and blood, senses and fine-tunes the face, and locks the result of the adjustment with spiritual consciousness. It is like a Spells, you can understand it as casting spells, but you can only use it on yourself... Now close your eyes and look in the mirror."

How do you look in the mirror with your eyes closed? But Hua Zhenxing still obeyed obediently. The other scenes disappeared, but the mirror still appeared in front of his eyes. Ke Fuzi didn't say anything, but Hua Zhenxing understood that this was the mental image that Yuanshen saw. Old Man Yang had told him before that it would be natural to know the state of mind.

This is the first time he has experienced the soul image. What kind of ability is this? It is neither real nor illusory, both virtual and real. I can't express it in words, I can barely describe it, it's like the ability of imagination and memory to manifest.

You are thinking about something, close your eyes and then you really see it. It is no longer a vague imagination, but a real and concrete sensory presentation.

His face was still in the mirror, overlapping with another phantom silhouette. At this time, Master Ke put his hands on his face and began to pinch him like a facial massage. While pinching, he taught him a skill.

This book is an imaginary background, and the time and place are fictitious! This book is an imaginary background, and the time and place are fictitious! This book is an imaginary background, and the time and place are fictitious! Say important things three times.

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