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Chapter 355 Ribbon Cutting

After the task force stationed in Wage Mining, the investigation concluded that the group's illegal operations were very serious, and a penalty plan is currently being discussed.

Originally, it owned the mining rights for all minerals within the state's jurisdiction, including mined and unmined, discovered and undiscovered, for the next 37 years, which also formed an important part of the group's net asset valuation.

Such a mineral mining rights agreement certainly seems outrageous from a normal business perspective, but the original Wage Municipal Government signed it like this, almost giving it away for free.

It is said that the Guilin government not only wants to take back the mineral mining rights, but also plans to impose a heavy fine of more than one billion Roman dollars on this enterprise group.

According to the publicly disclosed financial statements of Wage Mining Group, the current total net assets are only one billion yuan, most of which comes from the valuation of mineral mining rights. In this way, even if the company is smashed to pieces and sold to its bones, it still won't be able to pay the fine.

In view of this, the Guilin government also intends to hold its actual controller, the Imari Group, jointly and severally liable. If Wage Mining goes bankrupt and liquidates and cannot pay the fine, then Yimailei Group will be punished.

The Yimailei Group is far away in Luoba Continent, and the government of the Kingdom of Miles has no control over it at the moment. Even if a fine is issued, the Yimailei Group can ignore it. However, from a legal perspective, if the group wants to carry out any business activities in the Kingdom of Kilian in the future, the prerequisite is to pay the fine, unless it never comes again, or the current government of Kilili is overthrown.

The punishment plan has not yet been officially announced, but internal information has been spread through various channels.

The senior managers of Wage Mining Group, mainly the senior managers headed by Warish and directly dispatched by the Yimairei Group, have not been arrested and imprisoned, but they have been monitored and are not allowed to leave the mining area where they work. Please cooperate with the investigation team at any time.

The Gilguan government quickly came under diplomatic pressure after taking such action. The country sent a note to lodge a solemn protest, believing that this was a gross interference in the operational autonomy of overseas investment enterprises, trampled on the principle of free trade, harmed the interests of investors, and seriously violated the human rights of senior managers.

Yimailei is a multinational industrial group. When it was first established, it was headquartered in the country of Lanxi. Its business and investments spread all over the world. Later, due to various reasons, it moved its headquarters to the country of Beli. Therefore, this diplomatic protest was also made by the country of Beli.

The protest was not just verbal. The Yimairei Group also provided a defense or refutation of the accusations made by the Guilin government, avoiding the issue of underreporting production and focusing on explaining the source and purpose of the mineral mining rights. So look at things correctly.

According to the Yimailei Group, the initial acquisition of the mineral mining rights in Wagebang District and the subsequent renewal of the contract had a special background and historical origin. They did not take the initiative to invest, but received strong support from the Wage City authorities. invite.

Because Wage City, including the entire Kingdom of Kilili, does not have the ability to open up its mineral resources, it has no funds, technology, talents... nothing. Yimailei only invested locally for the purpose of assistance. In other words, it was the country of Jili that cried and begged them to mine, and they agreed to this request, which was simply a act of kindness.

Although it did not cost much to obtain mineral mining rights, Wage Mining pays mineral resource taxes based on output every year, which brings valuable income to this extremely poor and backward country and also solves the employment problem of a large number of local people.

This plea material is tantamount to telling the government of the Kingdom of Kiribati clearly that if it leaves the Yimaire Group and Wage Mining, the most important mining industry in the Kingdom of Kiribati will be abolished, and the Kingdom of Kiribati alone cannot survive. Turned.

If Wage Mining fails to operate, the local government will lose its most important source of financial revenue, and tens of thousands of people will be unemployed, which will almost immediately lead to social unrest and riots.

This material is more of a threat than a plea. At the end, it is mentioned that the Chilean government and the Roba Alliance will protect the legal rights and personal safety of their companies and citizens in overseas investment. If the Chilean government does not correct the situation, If you do something wrong, you have to consider the possibility of military intervention.

Military intervention? Is this going to launch an invasion war? The subtle thing is that the military threat was not directly issued by the foreign affairs department of the other country, but came from a company like Yimailei, which was somewhat meant to scare people by pulling on the skin of a tiger.

Some of the Yimailei Group's excuses sound reasonable and very confusing. For example, they did not want to invest in Wage Mining at the beginning, but were invited by the local authorities of Kilili Country. Kilili Country itself did not have mineral mining capabilities, and Wage Mining brought financial revenue and employment opportunities to the local area.

But anyone familiar with the history of this country will find that this statement cannot withstand scrutiny. The colonists of Lanxi, Bieli, and Yin were not invited by local tribes. They came in on their own with guns and cannons, occupying the land and exploiting resources.

At that time, the indigenous tribes living here were forced to work in the mining areas, and their conditions were even worse than those of the slave laborers rescued from the plantations by the New Alliance. Later, Wage Mining actually continued to take over and control the mining industry left over from the colonial era after the country became independent.

In response to this matter, the Guilin government responded with an official letter stating its position, and at the same time submitted an evidence material clearly pointing out the major illegal activities of the Wage Mining Group in recent years.

Data that is too old cannot be verified locally, but in the past six years, the average annual sales of Wage Mining is 500 million Romanian dollars. In fact, the sales reported to the Wage Municipal Government are only 200 million Romanian dollars, and it is based on this sales. The mineral resources tax concealed 60% of the output.

Just the fine for tax evasion is enough to bankrupt Wage Mining!

The details of the mineral mining rights agreement that Wage Mining first signed with the municipality cannot be investigated. However, the contract was later renewed after the Lions took control of Wage State District, and many of the parties involved are still there.

Even if the leader of the Lions organization is extremely heinous, he is still in custody and has not been shot because there is another unsolved case. The so-called other case is the case of Wage Mining. They truthfully explained how much benefits they received from Wage Mining, under what name, what they did, etc.

Comparing the relevant internal financial information of Wage Mining, it can fully prove that this company used illegal bribery and other means to obtain the renewal of mineral mining rights... There is also a large amount of evidence of collusion with local criminal organizations. Only this material has been compiled. There are thousands of pages.

Of course, a copy of the evidence material attached to this reply letter also fell into the hands of the Yimailei Group. The senior team responsible for this matter was confused. Because the evidence held by the government of Kilili Country is so comprehensive, it would be impossible without the cooperation of a group of insiders!

According to their usual understanding, the Kingdom of Kilili cannot find out the accounts of Wage Mining at all, and it is difficult to find local people who are proficient in Lanxi, let alone understand such complicated financial information, but this is exactly the case.

Belize continued to protest through diplomatic channels, but it avoided the operational issues of Wage Mining and only emphasized that Kilili State restricted the personal freedom of expatriates of its companies. The thunderous thunder is still fading.

This group of senior executives of Wage Mining has not been arrested but has not been lifted from surveillance measures by the Kingdom of Kilili. The Yimailei Group continued to quibble and threaten... things seemed to have come to a standstill.

Although Yimailei Group was tough on the surface, after hitting a wall, it also privately sought other means to stop losses.

The government of Gila has a very tough attitude. Will it really develop into a military intervention if it continues to be tough? Not to mention how likely this is, at least it is unprofitable for the Yimailei Group because the price is too high.

In order to preserve the Wage Mining Industry, directly invade the country of Kilili and overthrow its government? If Wage Mining's revenue scale is dozens of times what it is now, there is a slight possibility. As for the secret coup attempt, there seems to be little hope, because someone has already tried it.

There is a saying in Dongguo called "walking through the back door", which does not mean driving indiscriminately. It generally refers to making things easier by treating guests and giving gifts to build relationships.

When it comes to backdoors, the major Western capital groups are really high-end. They can directly use political cash, legal lobbying, etc., or even push the government to formulate bills or amend legislation to achieve their own goals.

But if you want to do this, you must have a suitable intermediary to connect with the current government officials of Kilili Country. At this time, some think tanks thought that the country of Beili also had its own people in the country of Jili!

Huanxiang Industrial provided important support in the new alliance's seizure of power in Kilili Country. This is not difficult to investigate. The owner of Huanxiang Industry is Feng Zibin, a lord personally conferred by Princess Ketia on behalf of King Belly's royal family.

So the Yimailei Group immediately began to contact Feng Zibin, with the purpose of finding the right way through him and figuring out who could lobby and bribe to solve the problem, how much would it cost, and what were the private exchange conditions for benefits?

However, Lord Feng Zibin could not be contacted as usual. The staff of the foundation under his name gave a reply, saying that Mr. Lord had an explanation. If it was a matter of business investment, he could contact Lord Rothchild to tell him.

Rozchild can be contacted. He is in the country of Beili, and it is okay to ask him to come forward! It is said that Rozchild is an old friend of the people of Gila, and has established a deep friendship with the new head of state, Charles. If he is willing to match up, there is no need to find Feng Zibin anymore.

It was such a coincidence that when the Yimailei Group contacted Rochild, he was preparing to visit the Kingdom of Kyri. The reason was that he was invited by the local authorities of Fiso Port to designate a new airport named after him. Cutting the ribbon.

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