Enjoy the world

Chapter 356 Construction Festival

In Huazhenxing's plan, today's Feso Port can be renamed Shire City in the future, and a new Feso Port City will be built in the wilderness to the north. The airport currently under construction is the airport of New Fiso Port City, but it is very close to the agricultural reclamation area and the future Shire City.

This airport has a total of three phases of planning. When completed, it will become a large modern international airport. The so-called completion and tailoring at the moment refers to the completion of the first phase of the project, which meets the requirements for taking off and landing large-scale international flights.

The airport currently has only one runway, and the signal and command system is the most advanced, but the size of the terminal building is still relatively small, which is mainly affected by the construction period and investment scale. The name of this new airport is Rothchild Airport, and the first phase of the project was all funded by Rothchild.

Thinking back to the time when Huazhen Bank took care of O'Heim and indirectly helped Rothchild control O'Heim Group, Rothchild was so happy that he offered to donate money to build a second runway. But Hua Zhenxing can't just pluck out the hair of a sheep. The second and third phases of the future expansion project will mainly depend on him.

The benefits of obtaining central power are now apparent. Many things can be legitimately negotiated, such as coordinating formal international routes.

In the future, a large number of construction aid workers and their families will not have to detour through the Miri Airport in Tema when traveling between Fiso Port and East China. They can fly directly to the new Fiso Port Airport, which is much more convenient than before.

After the completion of the new airport in Fiso Port, apart from technical test flights, the first official flight to land was Rozchild's private plane.

Mayor Locke and other leaders personally came to greet him and organized a grand welcome and celebration ceremony. Taking advantage of the rest day, more than 3,000 people came, including many primary and secondary school students.

It was such a lively event that many local people spontaneously came to watch the fun. It is only 20 kilometers from Gaoqiao Town to the new airport, and you can just ride a bicycle. The airport construction unit also organized a celebration for all workers involved in the construction.

On this day, the parking lot outside the terminal building and the tarmac inside the airport were crowded with people, loud gongs and drums, and colorful flags fluttering. Mayor Locke specially turned it into a grand festival.

A stage has also been set up outside the terminal, where stage plays "Put Down Your Knife" and "Aden and the Green Flowers" that many locals are familiar with are performed.

There are more than a dozen of these key propaganda plays, which were first written and rehearsed by the New Alliance Cultural Propaganda Department. Now they have been performed in turn at mass gatherings in communities across the country.

In Port Feso, the earliest base of the new alliance, everyone is already familiar with many plays. They can memorize almost every line and even imitate every action. But every time there is a performance, the crowd's enthusiasm never fades and they even enjoy it.

Just like appreciating and singing a song that you are familiar with, you are not satisfied just because you can sing it. You will also further enjoy and understand the rhythm and connotation of it... This metaphor may not be appropriate, but it can somewhat reflect the scene in front of you.

The performance on stage was very engaging, and the audience in the audience commented one after another. For example, which line the actor said was really powerful, and when matched with the expressions and movements, it felt completely on point!

There are also some details that may have been performed too hard, the voice and intonation were too exaggerated, and some parts were not released. The actors may not have fully understood the role... When and where was the last time I saw the performance of the same play? In comparison, this is even more exciting.

When the performance reaches its climax, the people in the audience will perform movements together and shout out the most classic lines. The scene is spectacular and shocking.

It needs to be emphasized that all the lines in today’s performance are in Dongguan, and many of the audience in the audience are local indigenous people. Not only can they understand every line, but they also memorize almost every line. down.

This was originally planned and assigned by Ke Mengchao. When performing at community gatherings, the same play is usually performed twice, once in the local dialect and the other in Dongguo. It not only plays a role in publicity and education, but also Promote and popularize Dongguan conversation in a subtle way.

This is similar to the effect played by Charles's twelve speeches, and in some aspects the effect is even better.

There were not too many people gathered in front of the stage. In the open space reserved in front of the airport, each community team also organized a unique square dance performance. Many of the moves were beyond the ability of ordinary people to perform. It was a show of wonder and beauty.

Since there are no other commercial flights today, most areas of the terminal are open to the public. Anyone who is tired can go in and find a place to rest. The airport's shops and restaurants are also open.

Old Man Yang actually got into the mood today. Instead of joining the leadership team, he asked for a few helpers, drove a small truck to pull goods from the grocery store, set up a stall next to the open space, and built a grocery store. temporary branch.

He has already done this, so of course others will support him. For example, the supply and marketing cooperative also organized staff to set up temporary stalls around the parking lot to sell various local products and snacks.

As for the catering company run by Locke, its original main business was to open noodle restaurants in various neighborhoods. Today, it also organized employees to set up food stalls here... Except that fireworks and firecrackers are not allowed to be set off before the flight lands, all other programs are Got it together.

Rothchild's plane was scheduled to arrive in the afternoon, but since the morning, the atmosphere here has become more and more exciting, and it is simply a sea of ​​joy.

Who would have thought when seeing this scene that just two years ago, many people here would not even dare to walk out of their own neighborhood.

Add a remark. Precisely because today’s joy impressed so many people, this day later became a festival in Fisoport every year, and then became a legal holiday in Kilili Country.

The official legal name of the Kingdom of Kili is that this day is designated as Construction Day every year, but many people in Aiso Port are still accustomed to commonly calling it Airport Day.

Many countries have their own special festivals, such as Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival in Eastern China, which are related to cultural traditions. The Construction Festival later became a special festival of Kilili Country. What happened today means that this country is forming its own cultural tradition.

Rothchild's private plane landed at around 1 p.m., and stopped on the tarmac with the cheers of the crowd. Locke and Lina personally stood in front of the gangway to greet him, flanked by teams of children holding flowers.

The celebration art was held on a stage set up in front of the airport. The head of state of Kilili Kingdom, Charles, regretted that he could not be present in person. He sent a special congratulatory letter and entrusted special envoy Xia Changqing to read it at the scene.

Locke delivered a welcome and thank-you speech on behalf of the Fiso Port Municipal Government, Chief Engineer Lei Yunjin spoke on behalf of the construction unit, Cui Wanhe delivered a speech on behalf of the owner Fang Huanxiang Industrial, then representatives of outstanding workers who built the airport spoke, and finally Mr. Rozchild delivered a speech.

After Rozchild finished speaking, a long piece of red silk with several big red flowers was pulled out on the stage, and a staff member brought five pairs of scissors with a plate. Five representatives simultaneously cut the ribbon for the inauguration of the new airport, then blasted gongs, drums, firecrackers, and set off fireworks to celebrate.

Rozchild was only visiting in a private capacity this time, but the welcome and reception at Feisho Port was of such high standards, and Charles even sent a special congratulatory letter, which was actually a signal of the easing of diplomatic relations.

Since Rozchild confirmed his itinerary, the back-and-forth war between the country of Gilly and the other countries and the Yimailei Group has been silent for the time being. The relevant people are waiting for the results of this trip.

The formal ceremony ended at about 2:30 p.m., and the spontaneous celebrations continued by the masses inside and outside the airport.

Hua Zhenxing, who did not stand in front of the stage at the celebration, finally met in private with Rozchild. He gave him a warm hug first, said thank you for your hard work and asked him if he was tired and if he needed to rest and have a meal first.

Rozchild smiled and said he was not tired at all. He had just had lunch on the plane and had slept in the morning.

Rothchild's private business jet is equipped with a very comfortable double bed, where he can do private high-altitude sports. This is the real life of a rich man, which is completely different from the homeless people on the streets in those days.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, relevant people held a discussion meeting in a VIP waiting room on the second floor of the airport that was not open. Everyone came with a mission, and almost no time was wasted.

Perhaps because the topic was relatively sensitive, none of the assistants who arrived on the same plane as Rozchild attended. Rozchild was the only one on his side, which also showed his full trust in Hua Zhenxing and others.

There were only five people in the VIP room in total. In addition to Rochard, there were also Locke, Lian Na, Hua Zhenxing, and Manman.

Hua Zhenxing made tea with his own hands. After sitting down, he asked: "Dr. Luo, we are old friends. If you have anything to say, I will tell you directly. I want to acquire Wage Mining. No matter whose name it is, it represents a few miles." As for the country, do you have any chance to make a fortune in it?"

Isn't this too direct? Many cutscenes have been omitted!

But Rozchild was used to Hua Zhenxing's style, and he laughed and said: "Hua, I have to ask clearly first, do you want to split up this company, close it down, or keep it intact?" , including personnel, assets and equipment, and then continue operating?”

Hua Zhenxing: "Doctor Luo, you should know the answer. Lian Na has conveyed my thoughts to me a long time ago. Wage Mining is very important to the current Jili Country, which is equivalent to the foundation for the start of industry.

If something unexpected happens to this company, let alone the continuation of operations, even if normal production is adversely affected, the consequences are not what I want to see. On the other hand, the Kingdom of Gilly does not want to completely fall out with other countries and lead to an uncontrollable escalation of the conflict. "

Rothchild: "In other words, you don't want to destroy this company, but you want to develop it... I know this in my heart."

If Hua Zhenxing spoke like this in another situation, he would have revealed his bottom line and would be at a very disadvantageous position in the negotiation.

But at this moment, it is obvious that the two parties are not negotiating, but the same group of people are discussing plans behind closed doors. Hua Zhenxing must first make it clear what he wants to achieve, and then everyone can work out a solution together.

Regardless of whether the Yimailei Group loses or makes a profit, Huazhenxing never wants to mess up Wage Mining, or even affect its normal production and operation.

His purpose is just to acquire Wage Mining in the most advantageous way so that it can truly benefit the industrial development of Kilili Country and help his own future plans.

But his attitude cannot be revealed to the Yimailei Group, otherwise it will be manipulated by the other party in various ways. Therefore, the official position of the Kingdom of Kilili is very tough, and it appears to be reasonable, beneficial, and measured. Otherwise, it would not be enough for the Yimailei Group to reluctantly part ways.

However, if both parties break up, Wage Mining will undoubtedly go bankrupt and liquidate. Its management team, especially the technical team, will be disbanded and returned to China. The remaining assets, including various plants and equipment, will have to be auctioned to offset fines and penalties according to normal legal procedures. debt……

There is currently no other company in the country that can take over immediately in this way, not even Huanxiang Industrial, which has no experience in large-scale heavy industry.

What's more, Wage Mining's technical support, equipment guarantee, and product sales currently rely on overseas channels. Even if the Kingdom of Kilili takes over all mining areas and production equipment in the form of forcible confiscation, these tangible or intangible channels and resources will be lost. .

Just to mention one detail, currently the main facilities in each mining area, as well as their technical support and maintenance services, are provided by companies in the Roba Alliance, and these companies have cooperative relationships with the Yimailei Group. If this problem cannot be solved, the construction site will not be able to operate even if there are machines and workers.

The government of Gila is indeed reasonable, but the threats from Belize and the Ismaili Group are also very realistic. What's more terrible is that the government of Gila has almost no credibility and voice in the international community.

The outside world will not care whether the government of Kilili country is reasonable. Many people will only see that the new government of Kilili country has scrapped the ground and forcibly destroyed an overseas-invested company. It is also the largest and almost the only company in the country. of large industrial groups.

This kind of impact is too bad and cannot be controlled by the government of Chile. It will be very detrimental to the country's future foreign cooperation, investment attraction, and negotiation of aid projects.

Even if these factors are not considered, try to introduce new partners, such as letting Dongguo Mining Company take over. Not to mention whether it can be successfully found and whether the other party is willing to rebuild the technical support, equipment guarantee, and product sales system from scratch, not only will it take time to restore normal production and operations, but the comprehensive cost will also far exceed the current net asset valuation of Wage Mining in the billions Luo Yuan.

Many things in the future can only be arranged step by step on the basis of the smooth acquisition of Wage Mining... Hua Zhenxing knew it in his heart, and Luo Child also knew this very well.

Hua Zhenxing asked: "Now that you have the bottom line, do you have any specific plans?"

Rozchild: "Before I came here, someone from Yimailei came to me, hoping that I could get in touch. As long as the new government recognizes that the existing mineral mining rights of Wago Mining are legal and valid, they are willing to establish good cooperation with the relevant responsible persons. You can mention any relationship or personal conditions.

As for public affairs, they can promise to at least double the mineral resources tax they pay every year in the future. The officials of the Kingdom of Kilili can punish a group of people who engage in corruption for personal gain to calm the matter down..."

Hua Zhenxing: "That's not what I want to ask."

Rozchild smiled again: "That's not what I want to say, I just want to inform you about the situation there. As for the opportunities to make a fortune, of course there are, there are simply too many. What is needed is wisdom!"

Manman: "Doctor Luo, please stop laughing and tell me what wisdom you have first?"

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