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Chapter 354 Conditions are beginning to take shape

Before the task force settled in Wage Mining, there were two places in Kilili State that were considered peaceful: Wage Mining and the agricultural reclamation area in the northern suburbs of Fiso Port. After the task force settled in Wage Mining, the only places in the country that were basically unaffected by the recent changes in the situation were the agricultural reclamation areas.

The agricultural reclamation area is the Beiluo River Basin. It was the first land purchased by Huazhenxing in the name of Feng Zibin. It covers a total of more than 300 square kilometers, including the reservoir area in the upper reaches and three wetlands created along the Beiluo River in the middle and lower reaches. And the three towns of Tianhe, Xintian and Gaoqiao.

On the southern boundary of the agricultural reclamation area, a gill mesh fence with a length of more than 40 kilometers was built, extending from the eastern end of the Beiluo River at the mouth of the sea to the foot of the steep cliffs outside the reservoir area. Not to mention people, even elephants can't get through. Huazhenxing spent a lot of money to build this.

The reason why this razor wire fence was originally built was because the agricultural reclamation areas are all private property, in order to prevent damage by criminals and wild animals. As the name suggests, the agricultural reclamation zone is first engaged in agricultural reclamation development. If a herd of bison and zebras are allowed to run around for a day, then a year's hard work will probably be in vain.

In addition to the gill grid in the south, the original northern boundary of the agricultural reclamation area and the farms within it are all protected by ordinary grids. Nowadays, more than 100,000 square kilometers of land north of the agricultural reclamation area have been purchased by Huazhenxing, and new areas available for development are being re-planned.

The former agricultural reclamation area was the guarantee for Huanxiang Industrial and New Alliance to get started. Now that the New Alliance has liberated the entire country, the status of the agricultural reclamation area as a logistics support base has been greatly reduced, because the New Alliance has been able to integrate and exploit the resources of the entire country.

But for Hua Zhenhang, the importance of the Bei Suo River Basin has only grown. What he wants to build is the Kingdom of Huanxiang, not the current Kingdom of Jili. The first step is to build a Zhenxing Kingdom to the north of the agricultural reclamation area.

The Kingdom of Gilly belongs to the Shire and the Shires, and Hua Zhenxing’s ideal or dream has never changed, which is to build the Kingdom of Huanxiang, but liberating the entire Kingdom of Gilly is one of his pre-plans to realize his ideal. one.

His pre-plan also includes many other contents, such as developing Chunrong Dan and establishing a large-scale production system, promoting Yangyuan techniques and creating Yangyuan Valley. Otherwise, there will not be enough funds and talents available.

At present, these prerequisites have been initially met, and Huazhenxing can finally start the plan to build Zhenxing State. Today's agricultural reclamation area is actually part of the future Zhenxing State, and it is also the most important base for promoting the construction of Zhenxing State.

After the liberation of Kilili Country, the current task of the Agricultural Reclamation Zone is still to focus on development and try not to cause too much attention and controversy. The new government of Kilili Country led by Charles is the best cover and necessity for Huazhen Bank to realize its plan. protection.

The emergence of agricultural reclamation areas is basically out of thin air, because the Beiluo River has ceased to exist in the past hundred years and is just a route for floods to gather and flow to the sea during heavy rainy seasons. Most of the land here was a barren beach two years ago. It was flooded by water during the rainy season and formed isolated islands.

Huazhenxing built the Lofogen Hydropower Station in the upper reaches, transformed and utilized the natural waterways in the lower reaches to form three large wetlands, and then established three towns at relatively high altitudes. In addition to artificially reclaiming nearly 100,000 acres of farms, , and sow a large number of carefully selected crop seeds, allowing them to grow naturally in the wild.

Today, the climate of local small watersheds in agricultural reclamation areas has significantly improved or changed, becoming more livable, and the industrial pattern has long been no longer limited to the agricultural reclamation field.

Among other things, once the Lofogen Hydropower Station with a total upstream installed capacity of 600,000 kilowatts is completed, it will play an incomparable driving role in the local economy and is also a prerequisite for the next construction plan.

Today's agricultural reclamation areas not only produce a variety of agricultural and sideline products, but also develop aquaculture industries mainly including chickens and fish. They have also built new cement factories, glass factories, various food and daily necessities processing factories, and are preparing to build fertilizer factories, textile factories, and bicycle factories. , agricultural machinery factory.

As the number of residents increases, the service industry here is also developing rapidly. As for the trade with Dongguo, considering the current size of the agricultural reclamation area, the scale is already quite good. In short, this area finally appears full of vitality where all industries are beginning to flourish.

Take cement plants as an example. Although many high-grade and special types of cement still need to be imported from Dongguo, part of the ordinary cement used in construction can already be produced in-house.

Taking the bicycle factory as an example, we encountered a very special background. The bicycle industry in Dongguo has experienced a strange development curve in the past few years. Due to the emergence of the shared bicycle industry, production increased greatly, but many companies suffered a devastating impact.

Huanxiang Industrial relocated an entire factory from Dongguo, including several modern production lines, and also attracted a group of production and R\u0026D personnel. First invite people here in the name of helping the factory be completed and put into production, and then create various conditions and find ways to keep them here for a long time.

Considering the current level of economic development in Kilili Country, especially the road traffic conditions shown in the agricultural reclamation areas, bicycles are a very suitable means of transportation, and the products can be sold throughout the Black Wasteland Continent.

Although the steel materials and various supporting components for bicycle production still need to be imported from Dongguo, it can drive a lot of potential demand. Wage Mining does not have the potential to produce ordinary steel. Many places in Zhenxing State also have rich mineral resources, which can be developed step by step in the future.

There were many electromechanical maintenance talents in the original Cao Xie Bang. With them as the backbone and appropriate foreign aid, if there is demand, at least supporting parts processing and maintenance factories can be established... This is the same idea for developing agricultural machinery factories.

These small industries may seem low-end in the overall modern industrial chain, but they cannot be said to be backward. The agricultural reclamation area has the advantage of being a latecomer and has tried its best to adopt relatively advanced and mature production and management technologies. The most important thing is actually the training of practitioners.

The schools in the agricultural reclamation area started in early September last year. There is one in each town. These three schools have courses for all grades. They are divided into primary school and middle school. The primary school has a five-year system, and the middle school also has a five-year system and is different. Divided into junior high school and high school.

When Huazhenxing proposed this plan, it met with opposition from many people, including the leaders of the partner Dongguo Huiying Middle School. They all believed that it was best to refer to the current international mainstream model, which is six years of primary school, three years of junior high school, and three years of high school. .

Hua Zhenxing insisted on his opinion and asked everyone, if we follow this plan, can we formulate an effective and reasonable teaching plan and complete the designated syllabus content? The answers from the participants were all yes, so let’s set the work tasks like this.

As for the main urban area of ​​Fiso Port, twelve schools have been newly renovated and established. Although corresponding classrooms for each grade have been set aside, the situation is completely different from that in the agricultural reclamation area. Almost all schools start teaching from the first grade of elementary school, and the reserved classrooms of other grades are temporarily occupied by first-grade classes.

There is no way around it. The basic education here was so bad that it was almost non-existent. Children or teenagers from six to fifteen years old could only receive new education from the first grade of primary school.

Quasi-adults and adults over the age of 15 are not suitable to return to the first grade of primary school. They can voluntarily participate in night school cram schools organized by the community.

Why did the three schools in the agricultural reclamation area implement education for all grades from the beginning? Because their main teaching targets are the children of Dongguo aid workers and the latest immigrants.

According to the policy of Huanxiang Industrial, if the Dongguk aid workers bring their family members over, the spouse can arrange work and the children can arrange for schooling. Children of any age can be assigned to the most appropriate grade based on their existing education level. .

The three schools in the agricultural reclamation area have reserved four classes for each grade, but the actual enrollment scale does not exceed two classes because there are still relatively few students of the right age.

The middle school departments of these three schools have arranged a very special compulsory education course, which is Yangyuan Shu. Even though the frontline cadres were very nervous last year, the agricultural reclamation area still retained a group of key students from Yangyuan Valley. For example, Hong Wanjun, the mayor of Xintian Town, is already a fourth-level instructor of Yangyuan Shu. He also serves as the instructor of Yangyuan Shu in the middle school department of Xintian School.

Since Hua Zhenxing returned to Feso Port from Wage Mining, his main energy has been spent on the construction of the agricultural reclamation area in the new era, while taking into account the next stage of the overall development plan of Feso Port.

Fortunately, the current total population of Fiso Port and the agricultural reclamation area is less than 600,000, and all aspects of affairs can still be complicated but not chaotic. The municipal department led by Locke is also very powerful, and Huazhenxing can generally take care of it.

Huazhenxing often wonders, this is just a small city with a population of less than 600,000. If it were replaced by a big country with a population of over 100 million or over a billion, how difficult would such transformation and construction be?

During the first half of 2022, Huazhenxing sat behind the scenes and was mainly in charge of the affairs of Feso Port. As for the rest of the country, let the central and local governments of the country worry about it.

Everything Huazhenxing does in Fiso Port is actually accumulating experience and creating a practical success template. He cannot be expected to do everything by himself.

As the situation in the south stabilized and order was restored, Hua Zhenxing also transferred back a group of Yangyuan Technique instructors sent out earlier. These people have been on the front line for at least half a year.

Except for Sima Zhi, Zheng Tongjun, Zhou Xingyuan, Mo Qi and others who had to stay in Wage Mining, everyone else who could come back was called back.

The Beiluo River Basin is Huazhenxing's next construction focus. He has arranged a new plan to build a magic circle, or a blessed place, in the reservoir area upstream and the three wetlands downstream. The specific method can be referred to Sanhu Town. .

Xiao Guang and other three brothers once used the fixed wind disk as the center of the formation to build Sanhu Town and the surrounding area into a geomantic treasure land. Due to their limited cultivation, they were far from able to exert the true magical power of the Wind-fixing Pan.

Later, Old Man Yang persuaded Hua Zhenxing to take the Dingfeng Pan away, and the artifact was renamed Fufeng Pan after he recognized its owner. But it would be a pity if the magic circle in Sanhu Town was abandoned. Uncle Mo took out a plate he made and used the Fufeng Plate as the hub of the array.

Although that plate is far inferior to the Fufeng plate, it is not something that can be taken out immediately, which shows that several elderly people should have been prepared for this matter, and Hua Zhenxing was also inspired.

Later, Taoist Priest Guangren sent the artifacts left over from Dingfengtan, and Pan Cai and other former disciples of Dingfengtan also joined Yangyuan Valley. Only then did Hua Zhenxing realize that the plate refined by Uncle Mo was not his original idea. There have been similar attempts in Dingfengtan for thousands of years.

The ancestors of Dingfengtan have tried to refine two similar magic weapons, named Jingchen Luo and Bi Kongxi.

The Jingchen Luo is also the iconic magical weapon of Dingfengtan, second only to Chunyuzhi in number. It was imitated by the founders of Dingfengtan in the past, although its magical power is far inferior to that of the Fufeng Pan.

As for the Blue Sky Wash, it can be understood as an advanced or higher-end version of the Pure Dust Luo, with more refined uses and more difficult sacrifices.

Yangyuan Valley currently has nine Jingchen Luos and three Blue Sky Washes in stock. Hua Zhenxing doesn't want such precious magic weapons to just sit idle in the warehouse.

Using Blue Sky Wash as the center of the formation, create a magic formation that can basically cover the reservoir area, turning the upstream reservoir area into a blessed land.

Although this blessed land cannot be compared with the enchanted caves like Yangyuan Valley, it has greatly transformed and evolved the environment, making it more vibrant, with a more pleasant climate, and more reasonable protection and utilization of land and water resources.

The small island where the Array Hub is located is a mountain peak above the water in the center of the reservoir area. Although the magic circle can operate on its own after it is set up, it still requires monks to preside over the center of the array to cast spells and fine-tune it in a timely manner, so people need to be stationed there.

This may seem like a boring chore, but for the monks it means a much-coveted opportunity to have a blessed land to help them practice.

On the three wetlands in the middle and lower reaches of the Beisuo River, three blessed lands were built with Jingchen Luo as the center of the array. Their scale was smaller than that of the Lofogen Reservoir blessed lands. Each of these four blessed places is assigned a sixth-level instructor to take charge, and the instructors in Yangyuan Valley can take turns to arrange their shifts.

In addition to the person in charge, each blessed place can also arrange for three fourth-level students to serve as assistants. This is not only a good opportunity to learn from the instructor, but also an opportunity to practice in the blessed place. These three assistants will also take turns to schedule, because there may be other things on weekdays.

For example, after the construction of Xintian Blessed Land was completed, Guo Xiling, the original disciple of Dingfengtan, was temporarily in charge in the first month. Hong Wanjun, the mayor of Xintian Town and the Yangyuan Technique instructor of Xintian School, also became one of the three assistants. .

It is not easy to build this blessed place with three large and four small ones. The material resources are secondly, and more importantly, it requires the joint efforts of all experts. In addition to Sima Zhi and others who are really inconvenient to be transferred back, Xiao Guang and Lang Xiao have already experienced this. The people were also transferred here.

The creation of the Yangyuan Valley Cave was the result of the efforts of three elderly people, especially Uncle Mo. Hua Zhenxing couldn't help even if he wanted to, because his cultivation was too shallow. Now when building these four blessed places, Hua Zhenxing did not disturb or disturb the three old people anymore. He led his own people to do it.

This is also a "large-scale project" belonging to the spiritual practice world that he personally planned and organized and implemented as the "Valley Owner" and "General Director" of Yangyuan Valley. In order to build an ideal agricultural reclamation area and create conditions for building Zhenxing State and even Huanxiang State, Hua Zhenxingzhen spared no expense.

The project to build a blessed land here has just begun, but an old friend suddenly came to Port Feso, the now-famous Lord Rozchild.

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