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Chapter 353 Vagrian’s Promotion

The founding date of the Kilian People's Republic is March 11, 2022, which happens to be Hua Zhenxing's birthday. By June 11, which is Manman's birthday, the above-mentioned attempted coups and attempted riots all occurred and ended.

Hua Zhenxing left Wage Mining as early as January of this year. He has a heavy burden on his shoulders this year because Old Man Yang no longer cares about refining Chunrong Dan. Huazhen left, and of course the person in charge of Wage Mining was replaced by Sima Zhi, the general leader of the working group.

Wallich, the chairman and CEO of Wage Mining Group, still sticks to his job every day, but the person playing him is replaced by Sima Zhi.

Even Old Man Yang believes that Sima Zhi is the smartest and most research-minded among the three brothers in Sanhu Town. He might just be too smart, and sometimes he would do some smart things, so he would be punished the hardest later.

Sima Zhi was once banned from magical powers and went to the most difficult places to conduct geological research. Unfortunately, he graduated from Dongguo Pingkyo University with a master's degree in economics. His major in this area was completely inappropriate.

While working with Hua Zhen in Wage Mining, Sima Zhui also learned the art of transformation. Mastering the magic of transformation with the cultivation of the Five Realms may not sound difficult, but it is actually not that simple. After all, it is the use of magic from another system.

Hua Zhenxing is actually an extremely special cultivator who has no sect and no sect. His cultivation foundation is difficult to copy. Moreover, the person who taught him the magic of transformation was Yue Gao Le, who directly left a spiritual mind seal. There were special explanations for different systems of practice. Some mysteries can only be understood but cannot be explained in words.

Sima Zhi learned the magic of transformation from Hua Zhenxing. Hua Zhenxing often explained it while also needing live demonstrations to give Sima Zhi a general understanding.

Under such circumstances, within a short period of time, Sima Zui basically mastered the magic of transformation. It cannot be said that he is very proficient, but it is no problem to play the role of Wallis on weekdays. He is really a learning and research-oriented talent, even Hua Zhenxing admires him.

Transformation magic is not a transformation magic. Sima Zhi also combined his own cultivation foundation when practicing, which is subtly different from Hua Zhenxing's practice. The method on the transformation clone may not be good, but when pretending to be another When it comes to human beings, the details can be more realistic or realistic.

For example, even if some aspects of his characteristics are different from the "original" Varish, others will think that he is "real" like this, and the original old impression is wrong.

When he was a child, Hua Zhenxing always thought that he was very capable. Except for the three old people who beat him very well, he basically didn't think much of other people around him. Even Charles, in his eyes, was just a bunch of idiots. The one who is relatively least stupid.

At that time, Huazhenxing was really not that difficult to endure. But since escorting Rozchild out of Port Fiso, Hua Zhenxing has become more and more able to discover the advantages of many people around him, and he also knows how to admire and appreciate many people. Maybe this is a sign of maturity.

Hua Zhenxing left, and Sima Zhi temporarily took over his "work", so what is the real Wallis doing? Maybe even he himself couldn't believe it. After taking on the identity of Vaglian, he was promoted five times in a row in just eight months!

At first, he was just an ordinary miner in the second mining area. The first promotion was to an ordinary manager in the logistics department, and the second promotion was to become the deputy director of the human resources department.

When he was promoted for the third time, he was transferred out of the second mining area and entered the power station as the deputy general manager, in charge of the general management office. If you use Dongguan, this should be the translation. The General Management Office is responsible for coordinating coal mine production and power station power generation, so it needs to have a comprehensive understanding of the operation of coal mines and power stations.

Before his third promotion, he had completed a total of nine "treatment courses" and was considered completely recovered.

In fact, before he received the seventh treatment, his original disease was cured. By the time he received the eighth treatment, he had already started to cultivate the essence. The so-called ninth treatment mainly had the effect of consolidating his cultivation.

Hua Zhenxing is right. Since the Yangyuan Shu Center opened Yangyuan Shu training courses in various places, no student has ever had such luxurious learning conditions.

This is the founder of the Yangyuan Technique and the chief instructor of Yangyuan Valley. He uses the precious Five Qi Dan as a spell-casting medium and does not hesitate to expend his own spiritual energy and magic power to regulate the five internal organs and dredge the meridians.

In this process, Hua Zhenxing did not hesitate to use or experiment with various methods, including but not limited to magical healing, nourishing and rejuvenating, several spells of Dingfengtan, and even pure magic that he had not yet completely mastered. A school of spring light.

After the treatment, "Feng Zibin" told "Wagliang" another story.

Although the New Alliance has liberated the entire country of Miles, the activities of the remaining evil forces in various places are still rampant. Just two days ago, the apartment building where Wallis originally lived was razed to the ground by an explosion.

As the deputy director of the human resources department of the second mining area, Wag Liang had actually heard about this incident. Various rumors were even spreading. Now that Feng Zibin said it himself, he was still broken into a cold sweat. If He is still the same Valishy as before, maybe he will die this time!

But Feng Zibin was very reasonable, saying that this happened during his "expropriation of identity" and that he would be responsible for renovating the apartment building and compensating Wallich for the famous wines he collected.

How could Wagarian let him pay? The other party had saved his life, but Feng Zibin kept insisting. Another result of this conversation was that Wallich continued to work in Wago Mining as Vaglian, and was promoted to the power station as vice president.

This is not only because Wallisi's current situation may be very dangerous, even the apartment building has been bombed, but he himself is willing to do so.

In the beginning, to be precise, the two weeks when he first became a miner, Vagliang was eager to end the treatment as soon as possible, cooperate with Lord Feng Zibin to complete what the other party wanted to do, and then quickly return to his original identity.

But by this time, Vaglian's mind had changed, and his current status gradually changed from tolerating it to enjoying it.

He did an excellent job and made many new friends. His physical and mental condition were better than ever before. He also participated in the Yangyuan Shu training class and the workers' night school. He had already started Yangyuan Shu and started learning Dongguan in the workers' night school.

Vaglian enjoys such an atmosphere. He truly feels that he is a part of it. He no longer needs to take anti-anxiety drugs, eats well and sleeps soundly. He has new gains every day, but he does not expect to regain his identity immediately.

Since Wagliang enjoys it, let it take its course and continue to promote him to more important positions. His tenure at the power station was relatively long, almost three months. During this period, someone finally discovered that he looked very similar to the big boss Wallis.

Vaglian did not wear disguise and make-up, nor did he know the magic of transfiguration. He always appeared in his true colors. At the beginning, his colleagues didn't even think that he was Wallich, and they didn't know Wallich.

Wallisi serves as the chairman of Wage Mining and has been officially in office for only half a year. At first, he was withdrawn, taciturn, and reclusive, giving people a mysterious and aloof feeling. He had no experience at the grassroots level. Basically, the middle and lower-level employees of the group had never seen this big boss.

However, as Vaglian's position became higher and higher, he came into contact with higher-level leaders, and those people usually had contact with Wali Xi, so they felt that he and Wali Xi looked very similar, but It's just a resemblance.

Wallis has changed a lot during this period. If he stood next to himself a few months ago, he would look like a completely different person.

His facial features and body shape are no longer so thin, and have become stronger and more uplifted, so he seems to be a little taller, his hairstyle has become a more manageable short cut, his skin color is darker and no longer so pale, Looks very healthy.

What's more important is that the whole person's energy and spirit are completely different. He is no longer so gloomy. He appears cheerful, optimistic, and full of sunshine. People who are familiar with him can feel that there is a vigorous vitality in this person, who is both confident and easy-going.

Wagliang, who was "much like" the big boss, was promoted for the fourth time and became the director or president of a processing plant. This is the first time that he has served as the head of a first-level subsidiary of the group in this capacity, but he has not been in the position for a long time.

Because the original person in charge of the processing plant, due to the recent turmoil in the country, did not know what news he heard or what path he took, he applied to be transferred back to the Yimailei Group and returned to work in Luobazhou. The group temporarily transferred him to Wage Liang took over the leadership position of the processing plant.

He is like a brick in the revolution, moved wherever needed, and the more he moves, the higher his position becomes.

Not long after Wageliang took charge of the processing plant, he was promoted again. Wage Mining has appointed a new processing plant director, who was not hired by Yimailei Group from Luoba Prefecture. The successor is Zhou Xingyuan, a disciple of Ding Fengtan.

Wagliang’s fifth promotion, in mid-June 2022, he was appointed as the general manager of the second mining area of ​​Wag Mining. Although he is still the leader of a first-level subsidiary of the group, his position is one level higher than that of the director of the processing plant.

Wage Mining Group has a total of 20 mining areas, ten processing plants, and a thermal power station with its own supporting coal mine. Among them, the first, second and third mining areas account for more than half of the ore mining volume. The first mining area mines aluminum ore, while the second mining area is the copper mine with the largest output in the country.

I think that at the beginning, Vagliang's identity started as an ordinary miner in the second mining area. Unexpectedly, more than half a year later, he returned to the second mining area and became the general person in charge. It was really a fantasy drift of fate.

During this period, more than one Wagliang was promoted rapidly in Wage Mining Group. Since he controlled the most important position of chairman and CEO, Wage Mining also recruited and promoted many local employees, such as Zhou Xingyuan.

Mo Qi, Zheng Tongjun, and Zhou Xingyuan, who were originally disciples of Fengtan and are now mentors of Yuangu, originally had degrees in engineering technology, or they were born in engineering technology in Dongguo.

After they came to Jili Country, they not only joined Yangyuan Valley, but also started engineering construction. But these people did not feel disappointed. On the contrary, they found it very interesting. They found a strong organizational background in both the spiritual world and the secular world, and they felt a sense of accomplishment.

Although many new people were promoted to various leadership positions, only Vaglian started out as an ordinary miner and later held the highest position. He is definitely the most dazzling star of this enterprise group in the past year.

Wagarian's rapid promotion is of course a plan arranged by Huazhenxing. As long as he is qualified for the job and passes the secretly arranged assessment, he will be promoted through rotation in various important departments.

If it were someone else who assumed Varish's identity, he would definitely want to hide Vargrian as much as possible. But Hua Zhenxing did not do this at all, and instead made Wagliang so dazzling.

But Vagliang knew in his heart that the more this happened, the less anyone would doubt his identity, because the other "Walishi" still showed up every day to preside over the group's work.

At the same time, he also knew that being promoted to the position of general manager of the second mining area had already touched the career ceiling of this status.

Wage Mining Group's highest authority in terms of personnel appointments is to appoint the general person in charge of each mining area. The leaders with higher positions are all appointed by the headquarters Yimailei Group.

Although in theory, the people independently employed by Wage Mining Group can hold the position of general manager of the mining area, in fact, before "Wagelian", no local employee had ever served as the person in charge of an important large mining area.

Recently, due to various reasons, many well-connected former middle and high-level leaders have resigned and returned to Luobazhou. This has given the new alliance working group many opportunities to arrange local "own people" to serve as leaders of various key departments.

This policy of Yimailei Group is firstly because there is indeed a shortage of qualified managers and engineering and technical backbones to be hired locally. Secondly, key positions in key departments must be appointed by the headquarters, which can also effectively control this overseas enterprise.

After taking charge of the entire second mining area, although no one specifically told him, Wallis himself also felt that the Yimaire Group's control over this overseas company was probably coming to an end because the government of Gila had established a project The group entered Wage Mining.

This task force was jointly established by relevant departments directly organized by the central government of the Kingdom of Guilin. Even the local government and departments of Wage City have no right to interfere and can only cooperate with its work.

Based on reports from the masses and a large amount of conclusive evidence, the task force came to investigate the illegal operations of Wage Mining Group over the years, such as concealing output to evade resource taxes, smuggling exported ore products, and obtaining mineral mining through bribery. Rights and other issues...

Vaglian himself has read all the important internal reports of this mining group, including various archive records left by his predecessor. He knows very well how serious the problems in this company are!

If in the past, the Wage Municipal Government would not care at all, let alone the willingness to audit the accounts, it would not even have the ability to audit the accounts, and the Central Government of Kilili Country would not be able to do so even if it wanted to.

The former local armed force, the Lion Organization, was able to control the city of Wage with the support of Wage Mining. The major gangs that "co-ruminate" the city with the Lion Organization usually provide services to Wago Mining, as long as they can benefit from it. Let them find trouble with their big benefactor? That is impossible!

But now, things have finally changed.

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