Enjoy the world

Chapter 33 Clues to the Secret Realm

Hua Zhenxing put away his gun, relaxed his body and stood up straight slowly, turned around and finally saw the speaker. This man is very young, in his twenties, with a typical Dongguo Chinese appearance. He is wearing beige clothes and has a stand-up collared top with three pockets. Surprisingly, in this environment, even his hair was clean and not stained with dust.

It should be noted that this area is a wasteland at the end of the dry season. The slightest wind among the rocks on the mountainside will stir up dust. Looking at Hua Zhenxing, his face was smeared with oil paint and his body was covered with sand. He hadn't taken a shower in the past few days, let alone washed his clothes. This look was good for hiding.

The visitor was holding a long stick, one end of which was sharpened and showed signs of being hardened. This stick was thrown away by Hua Zhenxing not long ago, because it was inconvenient to sneak and ambush with it, but unexpectedly it was picked up by this person. It seems that this stranger has been following him.

Hua Zhenxing: "Who are you?"

The stranger smiled and replied: "My surname is Ding, my name is Ding Qi, and I come from Dongguo. Many people call me Teacher Ding, because I used to be a teacher in a university in Dongguo."

Hua Zhenxing had never gone to school at all, let alone a university, and there was not even a serious university in the entire Fisoport. Deep down in his heart, he is very envious of those children who can go to school with many peers since childhood. In that dream, in the world five hundred years later, he inexplicably became a college graduate, which somewhat reflected this mentality.

But on the other hand, Hua Zhenxing believed that he was no worse than those of his peers. He also learned what they should learn, and he learned a lot what they didn't learn. He should be stronger. In his opinion, those people are the flowers in the greenhouse, and for him, it is inappropriate to say that he is a winter plum that bullies the frost and proud of the snow. He should be more like a wanton Welwitschia in the desert.

This mentality is both contradictory and natural. However, after hearing that the other party was a university teacher from Dongguo, Hua Zhenxing subconsciously respected him. Judging from the other person's appearance and the previous experience, I'm afraid this Teacher Ding also has special skills, which Hua Zhenxing has to admire.

Hua Zhenxing nodded obediently and said, "Hello, Teacher Ding! What do Mr. Yang and Uncle Mo ask you to do?"

Old Man Yang has taught him since he was a child to know how to advance and retreat, and to be polite. Hua Zhenxing knew that he was no match for this teacher Ding Qi, and he also realized that the other party was not hostile, but could feel cordial kindness. Ding Qi's eyes seemed to carry a very strange power. This power was not a sense of oppression, but a sense of melting, which inexplicably made people feel emotionally relaxed.

Ding Qi: "I'm here to investigate a legendary secret place. They asked me to take you to see it."

Hua Zhenxing: "What secret realm, where is it?" The mission rewards released by the system include "There may be a secret realm." Hua Zhenxing was just wondering what was going on, but he didn't expect the clue to appear in this way!

Ding Qi replied: "This is the legendary Kingdom of Gods here. Its entrance is the so-called God's Hidden Gate, where you just ambush and kill people."

Hua Zhenxing: "That's not right! That place is just two rocks. How can there be any kingdom of God? It's not like I haven't been there before!"

Ding Qi smiled again: "Ordinary people may not be able to find the real door to the hidden gods even if they walk there for a lifetime. That's why you asked me to take you there. If you have any questions, don't worry, just come with me." After saying this, he asked me to take you there. Holding the long stick, he turned around and left.

Hua Zhenxing followed with a lot of questions. On the way, he couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "You are Mr. Feng's friend. When did Mr. Feng mention me?"

Ding Qi: "He came here to collect news last year, and met three very interesting old guys in Feso Port, both old and young... Of course, these are Mr. Feng's original words, I should call them Senior. He also said that he also met a more interesting little guy, and he was talking about you.

Mr. Feng heard the legend of the Kingdom of Gods and the Gate of Divine Hiddenness in Fesuo Port. After he returned, he told me that there might be a forgotten secret realm here, so this time I came here specifically to investigate... By the way, what happened between you and Mr. Feng? We know each other. What was the situation like at that time? "

How do you know Mr. Feng? Hua Zhenxing’s memory has always been very clear——

Hua Zhenxing only knew one Mr. Feng. That man came to Feso Port six months ago. He only had lunch and dinner at a grocery store, and then sat and chatted all afternoon. However, he left a very deep impression on Hua Zhenxing. . I don’t know what his name is, but Old Man Yang, Uncle Mo, and Master Ke all call him Mr. Feng.

Mr. Feng appears to be much younger than the three old men, but he has silver hair and a pair of photochromic glasses. He always smiles when talking to Hua Zhenxing.

He was an old acquaintance with Old Man Yang and others. He claimed that he was passing by Feso Port and stopped by to have a look. He only planned to have lunch. Maybe it was because Hua Zhenxing’s food was so good, or maybe Old Man Yang’s wine collection was good. After lunch, he stayed around and chatted all afternoon until dinner started. He ate and drank to his heart's content and repeatedly praised Hua Zhenxing's craftsmanship.

That afternoon, there was another episode. At that time, several old men were chatting with Mr. Feng in the back yard, while Hua Zhenxing was looking after the store in front. Sir Mace came and offered to buy the best wine in the shop. Metz is the follower of Princess Ketia, whose status is equivalent to that of a housekeeper, and Princess Ketia is the dream lover of countless teenagers.

Ketiya is the youngest daughter of the king of Beli. Bili Country is located in Xiluo Continent. It has a small land area and a population of more than 10 million. It was officially established less than two hundred years ago. However, it has a developed economy and a prosperous society. It was also the suzerain of Kilili Country in history.

The modern Kilili Kingdom only became independent sixty years ago. Going back more than a hundred years, it was a colony of the Lanxi Kingdom, the Bili Kingdom, and the Yin Kingdom. These sovereign states have competing interests among themselves, and they often divide the ownership of a certain overseas colony back and forth, just like dividing pork on a chopping board.

Although Kilili Country is no longer a colony of Beli Country, it is still deeply influenced by Beli Country. The country is one of its most important trading partners. It imports a lot of supplies and raw materials from here every year. It also sells a large number of industrial products and provides various forms of assistance to the country.

Although Fisoport is one city, it seems to be divided into different worlds. The most beautiful and peaceful place is of course the seaside area south of the Feso River, where the manor that Rozchild gave to Hua Zhenxing is located. It is unimaginable that such a backward and chaotic Fiso Port is actually a tourist resort for many old nobles of Western Luozhou, and it has also attracted many new era dignitaries and rich people who yearn for aristocratic style.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand. Those people would not go to the neighborhood where Shire lives anyway. In their world, they can enjoy an elegant and luxurious life with sufficient security. When many people come for vacation, they do so in the name of trade aid, charitable donations, animal or humanistic and environmental protection.

Especially the royal families of the old Western countries no longer have much real power, but they still have great influence and are sought after by many powerful and wealthy people. They usually have money and leisure, and they often come here every year at the right time of year. , the main things to do are sightseeing and hunting.

Visiting the wild animals in the grasslands and jungles at close range seems to be a very fashionable and stylish thing. It is said that it can cleanse the soul and inspire a love for nature and human civilization. There will be a deeper reflection on the value of life...at least that's what many people write on their online tweets.

So what about hunting? Remote indigenous tribes hunt for food. In fact, their food comes mostly from gathering. In short, it is definitely not for entertainment. Kilili State has a large national park, which is mainly located in the jungle and grassland interlacing area in the southern region. The abundant water and grass are actually the most suitable place for agricultural development. According to regulations, hunting is prohibited there.

National parks are mainly visited by overseas tourists and have special transportation and security teams. The situation in areas outside national parks is more complicated. In theory, hunting is only possible under two circumstances. The first is that indigenous villages in "remote" areas protected by cultural heritage projects can still retain the custom of hunting, but they can no longer hunt certain rare animals.

In fact, this kind of regulation has a lot of loopholes. I am afraid that the law enforcement force of Kilili Country cannot control it too much. Therefore, poachers are banned repeatedly. Many people even go to national parks to poach. All kinds of prey are available in the market. For sale to the public.

Besides, there are no serious primitive aboriginal villages nowadays. Most villages like this are local "cultural projects" that allow some local indigenous residents to dress in imaginary costumes and perform songs and dances for tourists to enjoy.

The second situation is for overseas tourists, mainly for various nobles and rich people, in the form of issuing hunting licenses. Hunting licenses are very expensive and cannot be afforded by ordinary people. They are also a means of generating income for local governments. With the license, you can hunt wild animals in jungles or grasslands outside the scope of national parks.

If we want to find a name, appropriately reducing the population size and preventing the flooding of a certain population from causing damage to the environment is also a kind of protection.

Princess Ketia is 23 years old. She has a sweet and charming appearance and an elegant and noble temperament. She is the United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for Women's Rights, Children's Welfare and Care Ambassador, and the spokesperson for many international charity organizations. The country of Beli provides trade aid loans to the country of Gilly, and there are many international charity aid projects in the Fiso Port area, so Kedia often comes here for vacation and lives in a small manor on the southern coast.

Since she is on vacation, of course she cannot always be busy with official duties. Her Royal Highness the Princess will occasionally go hunting. It is said that this is to cultivate the noble qualities of traditional nobles and symbolize the courage and perseverance to face challenges. Hua Zhenxing was once a bit puzzled. Riding in a jeep, carrying a gun, and going hunting with a large number of bodyguards, what kind of challenging spirit can be cultivated?

After consulting Old Man Yang, Hua Zhenxing learned an Eastern idiom: "Don't speak nonsense, don't listen to it".

After the light rainy season in late autumn last year, Princess Ketia went on vacation again. On the afternoon when Mr. Feng came as a guest, her butler Sir Mace actually ran to the grocery store to buy red wine. It was said that it was for a small dinner held by Her Royal Highness the Princess in the manor tomorrow.

I heard that the wine used for the dinner held by Her Royal Highness the Princess was brought from overseas by the attendants. It is of high quality and style. Why would she go out to buy it? Perhaps because I didn't bring enough and stayed here for a long time, all the wine prepared in the manor was used up.

Of course, Her Royal Highness the Princess cannot entertain guests with those popular products in supermarkets outside. In Port Feso, I heard that only Old Man Yang’s grocery store can buy real good wine. The price is fair and reasonable, so Sir Mace When he found this place, he held his head high and explained his intention in a graceful manner.

Before Hua Zhenxing could talk, Old Man Yang in the back yard had already heard it. He took a bottle of wine and came out, put it on the counter and said, "The 2006 Romankti tastes great now. Since she is a princess, Your Highness wants to entertain guests, so I’m embarrassed to sell it too cheap, let’s just say it’s 50,000 meters for a gold bottle.”

Mace was a little shocked, but this gentleman could not lose his dignity and frowned, picked up the wine and said, "Where did you get this wine from?"

Old Man Yang: "You just buy wine when you buy it. Do you still care about my purchasing channels?"

Metz put down the wine and said: "I'm afraid you people from the East don't know much about the traditional famous wines that are respected by the real nobles. I don't dare to let the princess drink such a product of unknown origin. Is there any other wine?"

Hua Zhenxing heard that Metz not only doubted the authenticity of the wine, but also because he couldn't afford it. Metz just opened his mouth and said he wanted three boxes of the best red wine, which would be eighteen bottles. According to the price offered by Old Man Yang, the total would be 900,000 meters in gold. Even if Princess Ketia wanted to hold a dinner party here, it would be impossible to give him such a large budget.

But he couldn't say that he couldn't afford it, so he made such an excuse. Old man Yang didn't care, he took out another opened bottle of red wine from the shelf with a smile and said: "You can take a look at this. It was made in Dongguo in 2008. The origin is absolutely clear. I bought a batch specially." Goods, you taste it first before talking."

Hua Zhenxing took out a large goblet, took the bottle and poured a small amount. Mace took it and waved it for a long time, then frowned and slowly took a few sips. He didn't say whether it was good or bad. He raised his head and asked directly: "How much?"

Old Man Yang: "Two hundred and fifty meters for a gold bottle. No counter-offer. If it doesn't work, you can look elsewhere."

Mace seemed to ponder for a few seconds, then nodded and said: "Then get me eighteen."

Old Man Yang waved his hand: "Xiaohua, go bring the wine!"

Hua Zhenxing got up and went to the back to move the wine. He happened to meet Mr. Feng walking in from the back carrying a vat of tea. There was a portrait of a great man on the white enamel vat, and there were eight Dongguo characters "The world is vast and there is much to be done." Mr. Feng whispered in Hua Zhenxing's ear: "Don't be anxious, move slowly, walk more often, and get bottles for him."

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