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Chapter 32 There’s Someone Behind Them

The backpack was hidden at the retreat location, and he only took with him the weapons he needed. Hua Zhenxing's clothes can be worn on both front and back. They have a vague digital color. It is said to have a certain effect of bulletproof and infrared detection. The front is light green and light brown, and the back is light brown and khaki. At the moment, he is wearing reverse side.

Hua Zhenxing slowly ate all the remaining springbok meat, replenished a little water, and moved his body briefly, then he sat upright against the depression in the rock, pulled up his hood, and touched some oil paint on his face. It's hard to spot even at close range. He was quietly waiting for Jin Datou to arrive. He was on the back of one of the huge rocks that formed the Shenyin Gate.

This position was in mid-air. He was hiding in a rock crevice and could not be seen from the outside. It was also difficult for ordinary people to climb up. The road in the middle of Shenyin Gate cannot be seen from here. It is impossible to go around it, let alone launch an ambush. But as long as Hua Zhenxing lightly jumps down from here, he can quickly evacuate with the help of the cover of rocks.

Why did Hua Zhen conduct an ambush in a seemingly impossible position to launch an ambush? Because although others cannot discover him, he can discover others. He sat there quietly, his perception seemed to extend beyond the stone gap, bypassing this huge rock, and he could detect the movement in the passage of the Divine Hidden Gate.

Human senses are almost always passive. Light must shine into the eyes to see, and sound waves must reach the ears before hearing. But at this moment, Hua Zhenxing felt that the senses had become active and could be extended to perceive things. This kind of perception is different from ordinary hearing and seeing. It is similar to an imagination in the mind. However, it is not an imagination, but a real sense of the surrounding things.

It's as if an invisible hand can reach out and touch and feel everything invisibly. What's going on? Is it the connection between all the senses that Old Man Yang said?

When did he break through this realm, he couldn't remember. At least he couldn't do it when he was teaching Rozchild the art of cultivating energy. It was probably on the way back to Fiso Port from Meili Airport. The first time I clearly realized that I had reached this state was after I educated the two bully men.

At that time, it seemed that he was walking with his hands behind his back without looking back, but his attention was always on the two people behind him, and he could clearly detect their movements and reactions, including details such as holding the handle of the knife but not pulling it out. I can’t say I heard it or saw it, I just sensed it!

How could there be such an active and invisible induction? Hua Zhenxing wondered if he had released some unknown wave or aura, and then received reflection and feedback? He just thought about it this way, and did not explain it this way, nor did he want to force it to explain.

Old Man Yang had told him very early on, "Beyond Liuhe, don't worry if you have doubts." For example, when he was watching lightning in the wilderness, Old Man Yang said that the ancients did not know the principles of lightning, so he imagined that the gods were angry. Any idea is possible, but you can't explain it just like this, because you didn't see the Thunder God and the Lightning Girl busy.

Therefore, when faced with an unknown phenomenon, the first thing to do is to study this phenomenon and grasp the laws of this phenomenon. There is no need to think that you can definitely explain it or understand it. It is possible that you will never understand it, but it does not mean that you can definitely explain it or understand it. It prevents you from applying these laws. For example, the ancients did not know the principle of combustion, but they still learned to use fire.

Hua Zhenxing was using this kind of perception at the moment. He found that the further he stretched and the more details he attempted to perceive, the more difficult it became, not physically, but mentally draining. After discovering this, he stopped trying because he still had to maintain a good condition to deal with Jin Datou, so he restrained his consciousness and waited quietly.

Yes, Old Man Yang once mentioned the word "spiritual consciousness" but did not explain what it was about. Now Hua Zhenxing has named this sensory phenomenon spiritual consciousness, which seems very appropriate.

By this time, Hua Zhenxing already understood that he had completed the second level of Yangyuan Technique. If he followed the standards in that dream, he could apply for a second-level Yangyuan Technique certificate.

So how is the second-level Yangyuan Technique assessed? You can cover a person's head and let another person write on the wall behind him. If he can tell what the word is, he will pass the test. If you use a non-stick brush to write on paper... you can also determine what words he writes by sensing the person's movements.

Huh? In the dream, it seems that this is how the second-level Yangyuan Technique is tested! Hua Zhenxing's dream was very strange. It was essentially a prospect, but it felt like a memory. Gradually, he was able to "recall" more and more details, and he continued to fill them in through his own mind.

Although he had withdrawn his consciousness, his senses were still extremely sharp, and soon after the time passed, he noticed movement in the distance. He stood up quietly and looked over between the rocks. Two off-road vehicles came down from the foot of the mountain. They are almost the same model as Rothchild's car. They should all be second-hand cars shipped from overseas. There is someone in Fiso Port who specializes in this kind of business.

The car could not go up when it reached the foot of the mountain. A total of nine people got out of the car and walked. Hua Zhenxing saw Charles who was leading the way, and three of his accomplices were walking with him. Jin Datou fell behind, followed by four of his subordinates, all of whom were on the list given by Charles.

Ciel wanted to kill Jin Datou and his five hardcore confidants, but only four came today, so that's okay. If Jin Datou and these four iron rods are all dead, and Charles still can't figure out the remaining one, let alone control the Datou Gang.

Ciel was walking at the front of the team. He seemed very calm but was actually extremely nervous. He didn't know who would launch an ambush from where. Hua Zhenxing told him that he must take Jin Datou through the Shenyin Gate, and when passing through the Shenyin Gate, he must stay far away from Jin Datou and keep a sufficient distance.

Charles guessed that Hua Zhenxing had asked Old Man Yang or someone from the Straw Shoes Gang to help, so he lurked at the Shenyin Gate. When Jin Datou appeared, he would be killed with a burst of gunfire. It was possible that the machine guns were set up. . He was also afraid of being accidentally injured, and even more worried that the other party would identify the wrong person, so he didn't even dare to take out his gun while walking on the road.

Jin Datou was very cautious, letting Charles lead his people to explore the way ahead, while he and his confidants kept a distance and stood guard with guns, looking at the surroundings with vigilant eyes at all times. If there was anything wrong, he would lie down and take cover. and shoot. This arrangement is exactly in line with Hua Zhenxing's plan.

Going up the mountain from here, no matter how you walk, you have to pass through the Shenyin Gate. The gap between the two huge rocks is more than four meters wide and ten meters long. Jin Datou slowed down and several of his men surrounded him. . Charles led the people over first, and turned left on the next road. Looking forward, there was no movement at all, and it didn't look like there was an ambush at all.

Charles was a little disappointed, and his palms were sweaty at the same time. He shouted loudly: "Boss, it's safe here!"

Why is there no movement at all? Has Hua Zhenxing given up? If Hua Zhenxing didn't take action today, Charles wouldn't be able to end it, because he didn't know where Rothchild was hiding... At this moment, there was a loud bang, which made his eardrums hurt. Charles immediately He fell to the ground and rolled to the side, and the men around him immediately fell down.

After a loud noise, there was a faint echo from the mountains in the distance, and then there was no more movement. After a full two minutes, one of his subordinates raised his head and said, "Boss, what's going on?"

Charles climbed up and took a deep breath: "Go back and take a look. The explosion came from behind."

They poked their heads around the rocks and saw five corpses lying in the narrow passage of Shenyin Gate. The one in the middle was Jin Datou, but at this moment Jin Datou had turned into Jin Motou, and he could no longer die. From beginning to end, Charles didn't see Hua Zhenxing at all. He didn't even know who had done it and how.

Charles tiptoed over to check the situation, and his men shouted: "Boss, be careful!"

Charles waved his hand and said: "Jin Datou is dead. He offended Straw Shoes Gang and was killed."

The men asked: "What should we do?"

Charles: "Don't be afraid, there's me too! I know the people from the Straw Shoes Gang and I can make peace with them." At this time, his mood was very complicated. He was surprised that the overall situation had been decided, and at the same time he was also worried about Hua Zhenxing's methods. Surprised. He took out his mobile phone and wanted to contact Hua Zhenxing, only to realize that there was no signal here at all. After waiting for a long time, Hua Zhenxing didn't show up.

Hua Zhenxing left a long time ago, and he has no intention of showing up. He may have learned this skill from Old Man Yang, and it is not a pretense. In short, he must retain a sense of mystery so that Charles can't figure out the details. If Ciel wants to use and scheme against him in the future, thinking back to today's scene, I'm afraid he won't dare to make random decisions.

Although he had waited and prepared for a long time, it only took a moment to actually take action. Uncle Mo prepared two tactical grenades for him, one of which was given to the group of hyenas on the grassland, and the other was left for Jin Datou.

When Jin Datou led four of his men into the Shenyin Gate, Hua Zhenxing also walked out of his hiding place, climbed up two steps and threw a grenade. Although invisible, Hua Zhenxing could clearly sense everyone's position. Charles and the other four had already walked out of the Divine Hidden Gate and turned a corner. They were blocked by rocks and were not affected by the explosion.

The grenade drew an arc in the air, went around the top of the rock and fell into the channel. Due to the limited delay of the fuse, it exploded before it landed more than three meters above the ground, just above Jin Datou. Even if Jin Datou was wearing a helmet and body armor, it would be difficult to survive an air explosion at this distance, not to mention that they had no protection at all.

Although this group of people all look majestic with guns, in fact, their combat literacy is probably about zero. They are just messing around. It is possible that some of them have better marksmanship. Hua Zhenxing was confident that he would find a position and shoot at them to knock them all down, but it would be easier to blast them with a grenade.

Although it is not difficult to kill Jin Datou, the lion and the rabbit also tried their best, and Hua Zhenxing was still fully prepared. The moment the explosion sounded, he had already jumped off the rock and left quickly with the help of the cover of the rocks. Charles could not see him at all from where he was. After retrieving his backpack in a hidden place, and watching Charles and others drive away again from a distance, Hua Zhenxing let out a long sigh.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something, as if there was some kind of prompt sound coming from his mind, and the concentration summoning "system" indeed had a new prompt. Task 3 "Return on foot within two days and practice the art of cultivating energy along the way." is shown as completed.

Among the two special columns at the top of the system tasks, "Chun Rong Dan Development Task" and "Yuan Yuan Technique Teaching and Research Task", the completion progress displayed after "Yang Yuan Technique Teaching and Research Task" has changed to (2/9). This shows one thing, that is, Hua Zhenxing has completely mastered the content, methods and final assessment standards of the second level Yangyuan Technique.

Referring to the dream he had, he himself could apply for a second-level Yangyuan Technique certificate and start learning the third-level Yangyuan Technique. For example, if level one corresponds to primary school and level two corresponds to middle school, then his current level is equivalent to graduating from middle school and he can apply for college.

Hua Zhenxing was not surprised by this. Of course he knew how far he had practiced. However, the reward for "Mission Three" also includes "There may be another secret realm." Now the system prompts that the mission has been completed, so where is the secret realm?

"You kid, why are you in such a daze?"

Suddenly there was a strange voice from behind, which scared Hua Zhenxing to the point where his hair stood on end. He fell forward like a frightened rabbit, rolled on the spot and hid behind a rock, and took advantage of the situation to pull out his pistol.

"The reaction is quite fast, and the skills are good!"

The same voice came from behind. Hua Zhenxing turned around sharply and turned the gun, but he saw nothing. Is this a ghost? He took a breath and said, "Who is it?"

"Put the gun away first, it's scary. You haven't seen me, but I heard Mr. Feng mention you and I have always been a little curious, so I came to see today. Two seniors, Yang Tehong and Mo Shangtong, are still here. Please ask me to do something by the way."

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