Enjoy the world

Chapter 34 Ruins and Tombs

It was a strange suggestion, but Hua Zhenxing thought of something, so he followed it. The small courtyard where the grocery store is located not only has a cellar, but also has three tunnels leading in different directions. The cellar contains a collection of various things, including a lot of wine.

Hua Zhenxing did not move all three boxes up at once, but carried bottles one by one to Metz with both hands, looking very cautious, as if these wines were from different positions in several rows of large wine racks. It's like I just found it and pulled it out.

Messh was bored with waiting, so he looked at the bottle of wine on the counter that he had not bought, and started chatting in a humorous tone: "The real Romankti is produced in the Pogen region of Lanxi, with an annual output of only a few thousand bottles. Every year Each bottle has a unique number, and the highest auction price for wine from the best vintage has exceeded 500,000 meters of gold.

It is brewed from 100% Noir grapes, which is the most difficult grape variety in the world to grow and is known as the princess of grapes. The high price doesn't mean anything. The most important thing is its unique noble taste, with the mysterious oriental spice smell, which seems to bring peace to people's souls.

Its aroma has many layers, such as agarwood, cinnamon and charming baking vanilla, accompanied by the fragrance of roses; the taste is even more so, with the taste of cherry, plum, plum and truffle, and the entrance is delicate and silky. The wonderful fusion of these rich flavors seems to be a taste given by God to the world.

A true nobleman, when tasting it, can only speak softly with respect to God..."

Hua Zhenxing, who was going back and forth to get the wine, listened and couldn't help but muttered: "Agarwood, cinnamon, and baking herbs. Can these spices also be used for red braised pork sausage?"

Old Man Yang: "Bring your red wine and make braised pork sausage for dinner!"

Mr. Feng pointed to the lonely bottle of wine on the counter and said, "Lao Yang, where did you get it?"

Old Man Yang: "I went to the winery to get it myself."

Mr. Feng: "Drinking wine? Do you think it's a homemade braised pork from a certain village?"

Old Man Yang smiled: "Isn't it just the braised braised pork in the village? I have lived in the same place for many years. Within a radius of a hundred miles, I can taste the difference in the taste of any braised braised braised barbeque in every village, including You can tell the difference in years by just smelling it... If you follow today's routine, you can write all kinds of tweets."

They spoke Dongguo Chinese, and Mace couldn't understand them, so he thought they were exclamations. When Metz finished speaking, Mr. Feng shook the teapot and said with a smile: "It seems that this gentleman is very particular. He drinks beyond the realm! I am from Dongguo. I don't drink much red wine, and I don't know much about it. I do like drinking tea, do you know the particularity of this cup of tea..."

He still spoke Dongguo Chinese, but Old Man Yang cooperated consciously and translated these words into fluent Lanxi. Hua Zhenxing was slowly moving the wine back and forth, and at that time he only listened to some snippets intermittently. For example, when I came in one time, I heard Mr. Feng talking about the teacup, something like "the empty cup with secret glaze is like dew, and the seventy-seven points filled with tea split the blue abyss."

Several times when he came in, he heard Mr. Feng talking about the tea tray, talking about the inkstone tray and the wooden tray respectively. When talking about the inkstone tray, he mentioned something like "moisten the tea and scatter the ink, and the boiling water will drip down." Listen carefully to the wooden tray. Different tea types are matched with different tea trays. Black, purple, yellow, green, and white are all precious woods that are very particular.

Isn't it just a tray to hold teapots and cups to prevent water from spilling? Mr. Feng also talked about the watering pot, using boiling water to pour red cloud sand, and the water overflows on the wooden tray. The special material actually has different aromas. According to such fragrance, different patterns need to be carved on the tea tray to set off the good tea. Elegant...

One time, he heard Mr. Feng talking about a certain tea species, saying that "there is only this flat land in the world, and the sacred tree is in the ancient environment." When the snow sets in winter, the color of the snow is light green, and the original ancient tree It can be traced back to the ancient Maru era. It is rare to find it hidden in the mountains. Over the years, it can only be picked on a fixed day in the solar term, and it must coincide with specific weather.

What’s more magical is that if you can find the original strain of ancient tea, the weather will happen to be like this on this day every year! Its young shoots only produce six taels. When brewing, the tea leaves are like flying snow, whirling in the cup and pot for a long time... A sip of it can penetrate your soul, caress your chest, and make your whole body soothing, as if it were covered with flying feathers. Yu Qingfeng.

Hua Zhenxing was so entranced that he hid behind the door and stood for a long time, muttering to himself: "What kind of tea is this? I feel like I will become an immortal after drinking it!"

Hua Zhenxing was like this, and Mei Si was even more confused. The knight stood in front of the counter without moving his feet, and he didn't even notice that the eighteen bottles of wine had already been piled up. Until Hua Zhenxing reminded him: "Sir, your wine is ready. Please order it first and then I will help you pack it."

Only then did Mace come back to his senses. Mr. Xiang Feng nodded and said, "Your Excellency, you must also be from a noble family. I don't mean the Eastern Kingdom today, but your family's history..."

Mr. Feng flicked his sleeves coolly: "In the Eastern Kingdom, anyone with a surname today has a noble title for their ancestors, which can be traced back to the Qin and Han Dynasties or even three generations, not to mention the Yan and Huang Dynasties."

Hua Zhenxing admired Old Man Yang for translating these words into Lanxi as accurately as possible. Mesi was a little stunned when he heard this, and nodded again: "I kind of understand why people in the Eastern Kingdom worship their ancestors."

What does he understand, or does he think he understands? Hua Zhenxing was also a little confused and asked quietly: "Mr. Feng, what's the significance of the surname Hua?"

Mr. Feng smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "Hua Xu is the ancestor of Feng Xi. We all share the same origin."

At this time, another big black man suddenly appeared. It turned out that it was Charles who happened to come to Huazhenxing. He saw Metz counting the wine on the counter, asked about the situation and added: "Do you need a label? Pa Tusi The bottle label of the winery. It can tell guests that this is a version exclusively for the Belly King’s family. It is simply not available on the market and cannot be seen anywhere else.”

It was rare that he spoke these few sentences in English quite well, and Mace understood them. Charles actually took out a pile of wine bottle tickets, totaling about twenty. Hua Zhenxing wasn't sure what it was, but he knew that Charles ran a liquor store and it was normal to carry something like this with him, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Metz was obviously hesitant, but he finally took the bottle tags and after looking at them for a long time, he said, "Tick them up for me!"

Hua Zhenxing and Charles helped stick all the eighteen bottle labels, tore off the remaining bottle labels, and moved the wine to Metz's car. Meister specially gave Charles a tip of twenty meters gold and told him not to talk about it again. This is actually too much worry. Even if Ciel said it, others would not believe it.

After Metz left, Mr. Feng put the enamel vat on the counter, turned to Yang Tehong and said, "You don't have any good tea here, just make these old tea roots for me?"

Yang Tehong: "Drink and eat meat at noon, and eat meat and drink at night. Make some old tea roots to eliminate the alcohol smell... You were quite talkative when you were holding this vat of tea just now!"

Mr. Feng chuckled twice and said: "Noble Fan, who are you pretending to be? We played with the leftovers more than two thousand years ago. Mr. Ke at that time was considered an ancestor by doing this, but Mr. Ke today is too embarrassed to mention it again. Come on!" Ke Mengchao and Mo Shangtong should have been able to hear what Metz said just now in the backyard. Ke Mengchao curled up his lips and smiled without saying a word, while Mo Shangtong had a straight face and seemed to turn a deaf ear.

Yang Tehong: "They were talking about wine, but you were talking about tea."

Mr. Feng: "Aren't I just holding tea? Just talk about whatever you have. If you talk about drinking, it would be too bullying. Although I have never drank wine from the three generations of pre-Qin Dynasty, I have seen the drinking utensils. They are very sophisticated. !Xiaohua, do you know how many types of pre-Qin wine vessels there are, which ones are ordinary vessels, which ones are ritual vessels, and what regulations each has...

I do not know? If you are not in this profession, this is completely normal. If someone can figure it all out, they can get a degree in a related major. I don’t talk about drinking, and I don’t want to embarrass Lao Yang. Zun, Zun, Pan, Jian, Dendrobium, Gong, Weng, Pou, Yi, Zou, Gu, 卣, Lei, Zhi, Zun, Jiao, Jue, Zhou. What do you call him? Translate? "

At this time, Master Ke also walked in from behind and said, "These wine vessels you mentioned are now in ruins and tombs."

Mr. Feng put away his smile and picked up the teapot and said: "Yes, it has been in the tomb for a long time, but there are still people holding it today. 'Princes, generals, would rather have their own kind', more than two thousand years ago Some people have said it and done it, but there are still people who can’t hear or see it.”

The main dish that night was braised pork sausage. I opened the bottle of red wine that had not been bought and drank it. Huazhenxing also got a glass. It felt good, but a bit unsatisfactory. After finishing this bottle, Maotai was replaced on the table.

As for the eighteen bottles of wine sold, Princess Ketia used them for the dinner party the next day, and introduced them according to Charles's suggestion, and all the guests were full of praise. After the dinner, Mr. Mace destroyed all the bottles without leaving any evidence... Hua Zhenxing heard these things from Old Man Yang, and they didn't know how Old Man Yang could be so well-informed.

This is how Hua Zhenxing met Mr. Feng half a year ago. He told the story while walking, which made Ding Qi laugh out loud. After the story was told, the two returned to the Divine Hidden Gate.

The traces of blood and explosions were still there, but at least Charles didn't let the Big Head Gang's companions expose their bodies to the wilderness, and took away the bodies and everything they could pack away. The wind blows the dust, and it is estimated that the traces of the scene will disappear completely in a short time, and people passing by will not realize what happened here.

Ding Qi said: "No one has been here since they left. There are usually very few people here, right?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Almost no one comes. In this season, even the herders will not come here." At this point, he suddenly remembered something and asked hesitantly, "Teacher Ding, what is that... Did you get the barbecue in my backpack?"

Ding Qi was stunned, turned to look at him and said: "What barbecue? I saw you hiding in the cracks of the rocks eating, but why should I take your barbecue?" At this point, he suddenly laughed, "Oh, I I understand. I didn’t do this, it’s probably your elders who were joking.”

Hua Zhenxing quickly explained: "Of course I didn't think that Mr. Ding would do such a thing, I was just startled by you. I thought you were the only one who followed me all the way. It seems that there is someone else. Have you noticed it? ?”

Ding Qi: "I didn't notice it. It seems that those seniors are smarter than me. I have been observing you all the way. You are very alert and not easy to get close to. It was only after the assassination was successful that you relaxed a little. In fact, there are people following you. It’s not surprising, otherwise why would Senior Yang notify me to come here to find you? You happen to be on your way to the Shenyin Gate, so I’m on your way.”

Hua Zhenxing confirmed two things. One is that after killing Jin Datou, he was still careless, so that he relaxed his vigilance when he was looking at the "system". Secondly, the person who stole his barbecue was indeed Old Man Yang, and others would not be so naughty. At this time, I heard Ding Qi say again: "Stand beside me!"

The two of them had reached the end of the passage between huge rocks. Ding Qi stopped and seemed to be holding something in his left hand. He inserted the long stick into the ground with his right hand, stretched out his hand and pointed in front of him, and made a circular motion while laughing. He explained: "Actually, you don't need to gesture like this, but I'm used to it, and it's also influenced by Mr. Feng."

As his fingertips slid through the air, it was like a huge door opened in front of him, with the doorframes being the huge rocks on both sides. If you don't know the original scenery here, and someone has "opened" this door in advance, you will hardly find any flaws when standing here, and you may even think that this is the scenery on the other side.

The topography inside the "door" is actually similar to that outside the door, but there are many artificial traces. Looking into the distance is a hillside with many buildings scattered in layers, but it feels like a dilapidated ruins.

The golden light is dazzling from a close distance, and there are large golden murals on the rock walls on both sides that look like arms are spread out. If you look closely, you can see that they are patterns inlaid with gold.

Walking in from the door is a high platform like an altar, built against the depression of a mountain wall. There was a skeleton lying on the high platform facing the door, only a few steps away from the two of them.

The skeleton remained in a kneeling posture, the skull had rolled aside, and there was a gold crown inlaid with various gemstones on the ground. The clothes on his body have also decayed, leaving only some fragments of fiber fabric. The material of the fabric looks very ordinary. It should be woven from processed plant fibers, but the vaguely discernible craftsmanship is very fine, and it is woven with gold threads. Lots of ornamentation.

The remains were also adorned with many ornaments. His right hand should have originally held a short staff as long as possible. It was extremely beautifully carved and seemed to be made of the horn of some kind of animal.

Ding Qi actually opened the legendary God's Hidden Door. Is the so-called Kingdom of God inside the door? There was such a scene inside. No one could be seen, but a body was kneeling in front of it.

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